Jax Mitchell

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Jax Mitchell Page 9

by Jennifer Foor

  Since I knew he was waiting for me I hurried back. Jax already had his hands filled with the scrub. He worked his magic on my second leg while I studied his features close up. His light brown eyes were so attractive, and I thought his slightly crooked nose was distinguished. His white teeth brightened the room, and when he grinned with his cocky-trademark half-smile, and that voice, let’s just say I imagined it whispering sweet nothings to me until I lost control.

  That’s how pathetically horny he was making me. It had been so long since I’d been touched. Having him massage my lower legs was a huge step for me. It meant I was trusting him, which to me said I was letting down my guard.

  After rinsing my second leg Jax rubbed smooth lotion on both legs and feet. He slid his fingers between each toe making sure that every crevice was attended to. Then when he was all finished he leaned down and kissed the top of each foot. “Your feet are done, madam.”

  “Thanks.” I crossed my legs and appreciated how amazing they felt. “Your turn.”

  Jax brought one leg over the other and folded his hands on top. He spoke like a female. “As much as I love getting mani’s and pedi’s, I think I’ll pass. I wouldn’t want my regular girl getting all pissy the next time I come in. She doesn’t like to share her business if you catch my drift. I mean, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, right?” He swung his head back like he had long hair. Then he sighed when he noticed I was in hysterics. “Are my loser duties finished, or was that only the beginning?”

  I tapped on my mouth to ponder on his question. “What if we watch movies and order a pizza? You can paint my toes when we’re done eating.”

  “Like together? On this couch? You in that outfit, and me in this one?”

  I nodded.

  “Are you sure you’re not tired of me?”

  I liked that he asked. “If you overstay your welcome I’ll make sure to kick you right out.”

  “Promise?” He asked.

  “Of course. It’s not everyday I have friends stay over.”

  “I just want to clear something up real fast. First, I’m not letting you paint my toenails. If you think for one second you’re putting that bright pink on my toes you’re mistaken. I draw the line at masculinity.”

  “I like the company. You’re funny to be around.”

  He patted my leg, and I didn’t pull away. “The company is nice, Amber. It beats hanging out with my brother.”

  I knew he couldn’t stay forever, and that this friendship was extremely dangerous, but I needed it. Aside from Christian, I didn’t have people in my life that I could trust. “What do you like on your pizza?”

  “Hot blondes that let me rub their feet.”

  “Jax.” I gave him a witty look.

  “Whatever. I’m a man. I eat anything.”

  I picked up the phone to order and it rang in my hand. I rolled my eyes when I saw the number.

  Jax peeked over. “Is it someone from my family?”

  “No, mine.” I rolled my eyes and turned to address the call. “Hi, mom.”

  “Hi, honey. Just wondering if you’ve picked a weekend? We were hoping you could come next Friday. I know it’s short notice, but your dad took off. He wants to take the boat out Saturday, and then we can go through the things in the house Sunday.”

  While she spoke I kept looking over at Jax. If things were different he’d be a great guy to take home with me. They’d hate him, which in turn would prevent them from inviting me to visit. “Mom, can you hang on second?” I covered the receiver and looked over at him. “What are you doing next weekend?”

  “Why? Is it a stripper convention? If so, I’m totally in.”

  I kicked him lightly. “This is my mother. They don’t know what I do.”

  He looked upset and mouthed that he was sorry.

  “Seriously, can you do me a huge favor?”

  “Does it require me to wear something like this?”

  I laughed and moved my head from side to side. “Not unless you want to.”


  “Mom, I’ll call you when I’m on the way Friday night.”

  “We’ll see you soon.”

  When I hung up I took a couple seconds to prepare for the conversation I was about to have. Since she’d called out of nowhere I hadn’t had time to think about what I was saying. “I’m taking you home with me next weekend, but before you read too much into it, I need you to only pretend we’re a couple.” I covered my face. “I can’t believe I’m asking you to do this. If you don’t want to it’s okay. You must think I’m a terrible friend. First I make you rub my feet and now I’m asking you to lie. I just hate visiting my parents, and you walking in with me would make it easier.”

  “I’ll go. It’s fine.” His interest was reassuring.

  “Jax, promise me that you won’t expect anything from me.”

  He crossed his heart. “Amber, I like you. Here’s the thing though. I don’t have anyone else here. If I can stay away from the ranch for a couple of days it’s worth it.”

  “You haven’t met my parents.”

  “Isn’t your dad a doctor?”

  “There’s something I should tell you.” I looked down. Just imagining the words made me feel sick. “I haven’t been close to them since my sister died. They blame me for her death.”

  Jax was focused on my face. He was trying to read me and I hated it. I looked away quickly to avoid accidental eye contact.

  “Why would they blame you?”

  I stood up and started walking into the next room. “I’m sorry. I can’t talk about this.”

  With my back turned to him I didn’t expect that he’d chase after me. When I felt his hands on my shoulders I spun around startled. He rubbed a tear from my cheek. “Do you want me to order that pizza?”

  I nodded.

  For a moment he stood there with his hands on my shoulders. I half expected him to pull me in for a hug, but he didn’t budge. With a smile, he simply turned around and looked for my phone. After finding it, he walked it over for me to pull up the number.

  I stood there in awe as he called and ordered us pizza, wings, and beverages. He even gave them his credit card information to pay for it all. When he was finished he handed me back the phone and winked again. Our eyes were fixed. “When you do want to talk about it, I’ll listen. As far as next weekend goes, well I’ll pretend to be whatever you want, so long as I get to spend time with you. I can’t tell you how great it’s been to hang out with you this morning. I mean, I could pass on the foot scrub, but it was nice being able to touch you without you freaking out. You better be careful. I might get the impression that you actually like being around me. We both know that’s dangerous.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I replied with a smile.

  Jax motioned to the living room. “Come on. Let’s find something to watch.”

  When I sat down beside him I felt content. He wasn’t pushing me to let him touch my skin. He wasn’t even staring at me like men did at the club. Jax was treating me like a real person. I wondered if this was normal for him, or that maybe our friendship was something new for us both. No matter what the case, I was comfortable. My shrink would say it was progress, but I was afraid that it could end up being more than I could handle. If that happened I didn’t know what I’d do.

  Chapter 13


  When the pizza arrived I watched a physically fit woman scarf down three whole pieces. I downed my cola and belched loudly, worrying she’d be offended. Nope. Not this chick. She followed my burp with one that made me seem like I was two years old. While covering her mouth, we both burst into laughter. Little did she know that I felt as if I’d found the ying to my yang. It wasn’t just our blooming friendship that made me drawn to her. It certainly wasn’t just for the looks like I’d originally thought. She was the whole package. She was beautiful, educated, independent, and above all witty. I loved her sense of humor, and how she accepted mine. This was no longer just a mission to get
into her pants. After spending the night, and now half the day, I was in awe of this chick. The problem was that the faster I was falling for her, the more she was making it clear that we were just friends. A part of me could live with that, because I enjoyed the company, but the other part, the one that made all the decisions, wanted so much more than she was willing to give.

  We decided to watch a show about cops, well criminals really. Amber sat beside me with enough room to pull her feet up. I took her by surprise and grabbed one of them, sitting it into my lap. “Hand me the polish.”

  “Are you sure? I was sort of kidding.”

  “No you weren’t. I’ll do it. A bet is a bet.” I was only doing it to be able to touch her. That’s how desperate I’d become. Holding onto her foot for five minutes was as close to being with Amber as I would get.

  The bright fluorescent color filled the little wand as I pulled it out and stroked it over her big toe. At first she was watching my every move. Since I’d never done it before, I had no idea what I was doing. Every brush touched a part of her skin, making that pink too. “You suck at this, Jax.”

  “Shut up. I’m an artist.” While I tried to do a good job her phone started ringing again.

  She reached over on the table and picked it up. “Hey, Chris. What’s up?”

  I watched her eyes get huge. “Whoa! Slow down.” She put the call on speakerphone.

  “We’ve been calling him and leavin’ messages since last night. Now his parents are freakin’ out. They thought he’d gotten mad and gone home to avoid bein’ around Jake, but he’s not there. Will you go out ridin’ around with me while Jake and Ethan start hittin’ all the bars in the area?”

  I began to laugh. Amber shoved me with her foot.

  I was motioning to her to not tell them where I was.

  “Chris, Jax is fine. Trust me.”

  “Did you see him at the club last night? He didn’t come home.”

  “He’s safe.” She stared into my eyes as she said it.

  My cousin’s voice changed. “Is he there with you right now?”

  “Hi, cuz,” I announced with laughter.

  “What the hell? You had us worried sick. Why haven’t you answered your phone?” She asked.

  “I’m a grown man. I didn’t think it was a big deal that my phone died last night. Amber and I went out for a late bite to eat, and I crashed on her couch. Calm your puss.” I tickled her feet as I spoke out loud, not wanting to take a single second away from our time together. “Can we hang up now? We’re kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Jax, no we aren’t,” Amber corrected.

  “Yes we are!” I reiterated louder, feeling a foot shoving into my abdomen when I did it.

  “Chris, we’re watching television. I swear.”

  “Naked. We’re totally naked. I showed her my penis and she loves it. She thinks it’s cute.” I kept going, while she continued trying to get me to stop, still holding the phone.

  “I’m hangin’ up. I’ll let everyone know you’re an asshole and you’re fine. Use a phone next time, Jax. Some people care what happens to you.”

  Amber clicked the end button and sat the phone down. “I should have known you’d say something smart. Now she thinks we’re screwing each other.”

  “Who cares? Is there a boyfriend that’s going to show up and kick my ass, or try to?”

  She shook her head fast. “No! I promised her I’d steer clear of you.”

  “What?” I was shocked. “Is that why I haven’t seen you around until recently? You’ve been avoiding me?”

  Amber smiled and looked down. “Sort of.”

  I took the polish and painted her whole pinky toe. “That’s what you get.”

  “You suck.”

  “No, you do,” I replied. “We could have been friends for weeks. I can’t believe my cousin would cock-block me. She knows what I’ve been through.”

  “That’s why she did it. Look, Jax, you may not understand this, but I’ve been through a lot in recent years. After what happened to you she thought it would be a mess if we hooked up.”

  “So is that why you won’t admit that you’re attracted to me?”

  She pulled both knees up and held them. “No.” I watched her sigh. “It won’t work. Trust me, please. It’s not you.”

  “Don’t give me that. Of course it’s me.”

  “No, it’s not. I swear. I wish I could tell you the reason, but I can’t talk about it. I promise that it isn’t you, not at all. The attraction is there, Jax. I just choose to keep you as a friend than risk losing you altogether. I don’t have many people I can count on. You make me feel safe, and that’s something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Please don’t push.”

  I looked down and traced my fingers on the top of her foot. “I’ll prove you’re making a mistake. Mark my word, you’re going to want me. It’s only a matter of time.”

  She bit down on her lip and smirked. “You seem so sure of yourself, sitting over there in your little shorts, with smashed balls. I’m beginning to think you like wearing them.”

  I traced the shape of my squished appendages. “Oh I do. Tell me this ain’t sexy. I mean, look at this. This package is up for grabs. Just say the word and it’s all yours.”

  She kicked me again and backed away. Instead of going after her, I took ahold of her foot and pulled it close to me. Then I picked up the polish and began painting. For a couple minutes she sat there quietly watching me. The second foot turned out much better, and Amber seemed pleased when I finished. “Thanks. I’ve never had them look quite like this before.”

  “Next time make an appointment,” I teased.

  “You should have called them, Jax. I know you’re pissed at your brother, but they still care about you.”

  “To be honest, I haven’t even considered that they’d look for me.

  I just thought Jake would get the hint and go home.” My hopes were that when I got back to the ranch he’d be gone, along with his stupid idea to make amends. “Look, I get that you think I’m making a mistake, but it’s my decision.”

  She put up her hands. “I’m not saying anything. If you didn’t stay over I’d be in bed by now, crying over some sad chick-flick. My bed would be full of used tissues. It’s pathetic.”

  “Glad I could prevent you from that train wreck.”

  She clapped her hands together. “I have an idea.”

  “What?” I mocked her excited voice.

  “If I let you stay the night again, can I do whatever I want to you?”

  I tapped on my lips like I was in deep thought. “Whatever you want? Does it require touching?”

  She nodded.

  “Close up touching, like face to face?”


  This woman was finally going to let me kiss her. I was more than willing. “It sounds like a win-win.”

  “You’re still sleeping on my couch, Jax. That’s not going to change.”

  I acted like I was heartbroken, sticking out my bottom lip for a more dramatic effect.

  She snickered. “Then it’s settled. Now close your eyes and wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  I could hardly contain my excitement. I felt the cushions moving and knew she’d come back to sit across from me.

  “Okay, lean forward.”

  This was it. I was going to taste her sweet tongue. My mouth was watering while I narrowed in, preparing for the most highly anticipated moment of my life.

  Then I felt something rubbing on my lips. I jerked back and opened my eyes as wide as they could go. Amber was sitting there laughing, with one hand covering her mouth, while the other held a tube of fucking lipstick. “Are you kidding me?”

  She pointed at me. “Oh my god. You should see your face.”

  I tried to wipe it off, but only got it all over the back of my hand. “That was messed up, even for you.”

  While still hysterical, she reached for my arm to prevent me from getting up. “Jax wait.”

/>   I couldn’t walk away from that pouty voice. “That wasn’t cool.”

  Amber took the tube and put some on her own lips. She rubbed them together and leaned forward, kissing me on the cheek. When she backed away our eyes met. “Don’t be mad. You’ve got great skin. Let me do your makeup. Please?” She put her hands together like she was praying. “Pretty please. I’ve always wanted to do it to someone.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Come on. Nobody will know.”

  “Yeah right. You think I don’t know women talk?”

  “You’re no fun. To think I was going to let you…”

  “Let me what?” I asked.

  “Allow me to do your makeup and you’ll find out,” she taunted.

  She was making me crazy. Who knew what she had up her sleeve? Since I could wipe off everything as soon as she was done I figured it wouldn’t hurt anything except my pride, and I didn’t have much of that left anyway. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  “Shut up and close your eyes.”

  I did as she said, but still continued to speak. “I swear if you take one picture I will stalk your ass from sun up to sun down.”

  It was excruciating knowing what she was doing to my handsome face. She poked and rubbed, and made my eyes feel like they were on fire. Mascara was the devil, and it made my eyelashes stick together when I blinked. While applying it, she kept laughing at herself, so I knew I looked hideous. “Don’t make me look slutty, Amber.”

  “Be quiet, Skippy. I’m almost done.”

  After a few more minutes I opened my eyes. “My name isn’t Skippy.”

  “I like it. It’s different, like a little brother type of name.”

  “Let me guess. You’d torture your brother like you’re doing to me? Is this some kind of reverse psychology shit? Is this supposed to make me prefer being around Jake more?”

  I knew from looking at her that she was being honest when she shook her head. “No. I’m just having fun.” She stood up and clapped her hands together again. “Stay right there.”


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