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Parker: A Reed Security Romance

Page 13

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  We all looked to Parker, who just shrugged. “I’m with Medusa. I can be professional.”

  “Fine,” Knight nodded. “Let’s get you ready to go.”

  I fidgeted in the seat beside Parker. I was so fucking uncomfortable. One of the ladies had dropped off clothing for us, and it was not at all what I was expecting. I was wearing a white summer wrap dress with freaking lemons on it. It was supposed to make me look innocent and all that bullshit. And Parker, ha! He was sitting next to me in khakis, a white button down, and a blue sweater vest. I wasn’t going to lie, he looked hot. His arm muscles were bulging through the material of the button down. Nothing could hide those muscles, or the rather large bulge that the khakis couldn’t conceal. It was nearly impossible to remove my eyes from his crotch.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Parker grumbled.

  “I can’t. I’m uncomfortable. I never wear dresses, and I would never wear something like this.”

  He sighed. “You look beautiful.”

  I glanced at him warily, wondering why he was complimenting me.

  “Just keep a smile on your face or they’ll all see Medusa.”

  And there it was. The asshole was still there, just disguised as a suburban husband with good looks and a personality. If only people knew that under all that hotness was a douchebag hiding, just waiting to be set free.

  “Careful, your douchebaggery is starting to show,” I said, trying my best not to show how much the fucker irritated me.

  We pulled into the parking lot and he shifted into park. His eyes twinkled with something as he glanced over at me. I shoved a strand of shoulder length hair behind my ear. It pissed me off to wear my hair down, but Vanessa had said that I needed to look the part. She had put these big waves in my hair to make me look the part, but it just irritated the fuck out of me. Parker watched the movement with curiosity and then he was across the seat, pushing up against me as his lips hovered just inches from mine. I held my breath, fighting the urge to press my lips to his.

  Tingles ran up my leg as his fingers skimmed my thigh, inching slowly up my leg. Heat mixed with desire flooded my system and sent my brain into overload. I couldn’t think while he was touching me. I didn’t want to want him, but he was so hot, and his manly scent was intoxicating. I felt like I was drugged as I stared into his eyes and tried my best to gain control of my body. My breathing was out of control, and I knew he knew how he was affecting me. His eyes flicked down to the curve of my breasts as his fingers inched higher up my thigh, shifted the fabric higher until my panties were almost bared to him. I swallowed hard as he pressed against my inner thigh. Holy shit. I was going to pass out from desire.

  “Only one gun strapped to your thigh?” he murmured. He shifted away from me quickly, leaving me feeling cold and shaky. “I thought you would have come better prepared. Don’t get me killed in there.”

  He threw his door open and hopped out without looking back at me. I shook off the lust that was pouring off me in waves. He was a jackass. I jumped out of the truck and slammed my door. “Don’t worry. If anyone’s going to kill you, it’s going to be me.”

  “Aw,” he said, holding out his hand for me to take. “You have such sweet pillow talk.”

  “Yeah? Tonight my pillow is going to be smothering your face,” I shot back, slipping my hand in his as we headed for the door. He squeezed my hand so tight that I cringed from the pain, but I wouldn’t let it show. He was waiting to find my weaknesses so he could use them against me. Too bad he didn’t realize that I had mastered not showing weakness a long time ago. He could throw whatever he wanted at me, but I wouldn’t give in.

  “Is that an invitation?” he grinned.

  “By all means, please come to my room tonight. I would love to fuck you and then throw you through another window.”

  “You know, you have some serious anger management issues.”

  “You have no idea,” I muttered as we walked through the doors of the facility.

  There was absolutely no warmth in this building. It was very clinical, but I wouldn’t expect much else from a bioengineering company. However, I had thought that the reception area for incoming patients would have been more welcoming. We headed for the directory and I slipped my phone out, taking a picture of it as I pretended to be scrolling through it.

  “Fourth floor,” Parker muttered beside me. “Are you ready to go for our fertility interview, Virginia?” he asked, emphasizing the Virgin part of the name.

  “Of course, Dick. Let’s go find out why despite having a monster cock, you can’t impregnate your little wife.”

  “Who said I was the issue?”

  I cocked my head to the side and smiled. “As you’ve pointed out, I’m virginal. It has to be you.”

  I walked past him, not bothering to wait for him to catch up. I tried to look sexy doing it, but I wasn’t used to the damn stiletto heels. My ankle rolled to the side and I slipped and fell to my hip, bruising it when I hit the ground.

  “Shit, Virginia,” he said with fake concern. “Are you okay? I saw you going down, but darnit, I just couldn’t make it in time to catch you.”

  I plastered on a smile to keep up appearances, but inside I was seething. “You let me fall on purpose,” I gritted out between my teeth.

  “Now, darling, whatever would make you think I would do something like that?”

  He gripped me by the elbow and pulled me to my feet, making sure to drag me up against his body on the way. I felt his bulge pressed against me and shuddered at the memory of him stretching me. If I lived through this job, I was going out and finding the biggest dildo I could and I was naming it Dick.

  Parker’s hand skimmed my ass and I glared at him, letting him know that was not appropriate. “Get your hand off my ass.”


  “No. We may have to pretend to be married, but you do not get to touch me like that in public,” I ground out.

  He released me, holding his hands up in surrender. “Alright, hands off. I gotcha.”

  I turned and walked away, this time waiting for him to catch up. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I really needed his arm so I didn’t fall on my ass. We got in the elevator and stepped out on the fourth floor, for fertility testing. I stepped up to the window to speak, but before I could, Parker beat me to it.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Gregson, here for fertility testing.”

  The receptionist started typing and an evil plan formed in my mind. “Could you tell me, is it better to just go with IVF if your husband has problems getting it up in the bedroom?”

  The woman slowly raised her head with a shocked face and turned bright red as she tried not to look at Parker. “Um…I’m not a doctor. You should really talk to her about that.”

  “I know, but you work here. You see how many cases come through here. I just want someone to give it to me straight, since my husband can’t.”

  I felt Parker pinch my ass, but I didn’t give in. He could be an ass all he wanted, but that didn’t mean I had to take it.

  “Ma’am, I just answer the phones and make appointments.”

  “Hmm,” I nodded. “I just hope she doesn’t suggest any more creative ways for us to have sex,” I said in a knowing way. “The last time I almost got my eye poked out.” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder at my ‘husband’. “Not a Casanova, if you know what I mean.”

  “Just…take a seat please,” she said, her face almost purple at this point. I almost felt bad, but one look at Parker and all that guilt was swept away. The prick deserved it.

  “Keep doing shit like that and I might be tempted to throw you out a window,” he growled.

  “I was just playing my part.”

  His arm slipped around my shoulders and his fingers threaded through my hair. “I can do my part just as well. Don’t fucking push me.”

  A doctor stepped out and smiled at us a little too cheerily. “Mr. and Mrs. Gregson?”

  We followed her back to the room and went through a very invasive
questioning session that made me glad that I wasn’t trying to have kids or ever planned to look into it. I cringed just thinking about the poor people that had to go through this, and I even felt slightly bad about my comments concerning Parker’s performance capabilities. By the time we were done, I felt like I had just had a fertility version of a colonoscopy.

  “That was brutal,” Parker murmured as we stepped out of the doctor’s office.

  “Um…Mrs. Gregson,” the doctor said, flushing bright red. She motioned me back to her, and I raised my eyebrow at Parker before going back. She waved for me to move closer, so I leaned in.

  “Your dress is caught in your underwear,” she murmured before spinning on her heel and walking back into her room. I flushed bright red and slowly moved my hand over my ass, my eyes slipping closed as I recalled Parker’s hands on my ass right after I fell. And I had snapped at him when he was trying to fix it.

  I spun around after pulling the fabric loose. Parker’s hand was covering his mouth as he tried to hold back his laughter. I held my head high and walked past him, refusing to let him know how fucking embarrassed I was to have walked through the facility with my ass hanging out.

  “Cheer up,” Parker said as he caught up to me. “It’s a nice ass.”

  “One that I didn’t want everyone to see,” I hissed.

  “Well, if you weren’t such a bitch and you’d just let me help you, this wouldn’t have happened. Now, let’s go do the rest of our job. We still have a lot of cameras to install.”

  We wandered through the hallways as I scrolled quickly to a picture of the directory on my phone. We needed to head to the first floor and then to the other side of the building.

  “We need to get to the other side. I think we should wander over there on this floor and then down.”

  “Let’s go,” he said, linking his hand with mine. He pulled me through the hallways a little faster than I was comfortable with in these skyscraper shoes. Cameras were everywhere, which made leaving one behind a little tricky, but with our little theatrics, we were able to place them where we needed without it looking suspicious. We made it all the way to the other side of the building, which was obviously meant for employees. People stared curiously at us as we passed, and I had a feeling that our time in here was coming to an end.

  “Excuse me,” a security guard said, approaching us from a door that was closed and had a hand scanner next to it. We must be in the lab area of the facility. “You can’t be over here. This is the research part of the facility and no patients are allowed.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Parker said quickly, running his hand over his head. “My wife is having a serious case of diarrhea and we can’t find a bathroom.”

  The guard looked panicked and I was about to blow a gasket. He motioned for us to go down the hall and muttered something about the right.

  “I’m going to push you through another window,” I muttered as he propelled me down the hallway.

  “Relax, I got us out of there without him being suspicious. Now we just have to place a few more cameras and we can head down to the IT department.”

  I slipped into the bathroom, irritated when he followed me inside. I spun around, but he was faster, his lips crashing down against mine as he pressed me up against a bathroom stall. His hand cupped my cheeks, holding me where he wanted me as his tongue slipped inside my mouth. I felt his hand drop, slipping under my dress and inside my panties. I gasped as he slipped one finger inside, pumping it slowly in and out. I groaned with need, jerking my hips to get closer to what I wanted.

  “God, I fucking hate you so much,” he muttered. “But I can’t stop wanting you. I had to think of my mother so I didn’t jump you and start fucking you while you walked around with your ass hanging out.”

  “It wouldn’t have been hanging out if you had just fixed my dress,” I said between kisses. I grasped his pants, pulling the zipper down quickly to get to the monster I really wanted. As soon as he was out, he was hitching my leg up around his waist and pushing inside me. I gasped at the fullness as he pressed me up against the bathroom stall again.

  His hips jerked hard as he fucked me, the cool metal doing nothing to stop the heat building inside me. My pussy clenched with every thrust, pulsing as I started coming around his thick cock.

  “Oh God,” I gasped, biting down on his shoulder as my orgasm shredded me. He didn’t stop pumping though. He gripped my ass as he pulled me tighter against him and started thrusting harder and faster. My head swam as a dizzying need pulsed through me. I wasn’t going to last, not with him pounding inside me. My heel slipped out from under me, but he caught me, holding me against him as he thrust in twice more and then stilled as his cock jerked inside me.

  I leaned my head back against the stall as my breaths slowed from gasps to slightly harsh breathing. Parker pulled his massive cock out of me and I felt a gush down my legs.

  “Shit, grab me some paper towels,” I said as he pulled up his pants. He snatched a few for me and I pulled up my dress, swiping at the mess running down my legs. “Oh my God, how much freaking cum do you have in that thing? I look like I just got gang banged by ten guys.”

  He smirked at me, fixing his sweater vest. “I had to prove my manhood. After all, you made me sound like a no blow Joe.”

  “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he smirked. “Let’s just get you cleaned up so that we can get out of here.”

  I finished cleaning up, but there was nothing I could do for the smell of sex that was wafting off me. “I smell like a sex den.”

  “Good,” he murmured, slipping his hands around my waist and pulling me against him. “I’ll happily fill you with my cum any time you want. I like making you dirty.”

  “I thought you hated me,” I reminded him.

  “Yeah? This makes me hate you a little less. Come on, let’s go find a computer and finish the job.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was hard again. We hadn’t even left the research facility fifteen minutes ago, and I already wanted her again. And I had already placed my life in her hands several times today. After I fucked her in the bathroom, I braced for the knee to the family jewels or a slap to the face, but that hadn’t happened. Maybe my cock had a taming effect on her. She didn’t seem as pissy on the drive home, but that could all change in the blink of an eye. The woman had a temper like a hair trigger. Anything could set her off, and if I was close enough, my balls would pay. Either that or I’d get thrown through another window. I was pretty sure I hadn’t seen the last of glass. It was coming my way. I just had to keep an eye out for it. I shifted in my seat to get more comfortable, but it didn’t help. Just being next to her made me painfully hard.

  “What the hell is your problem?” she snapped, obviously irritated with me for reasons I didn’t yet know.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re shifting around like every five seconds. Can’t you sit still for the rest of the drive?”

  And just like that, my problem started to shrink and the discomfort passed. Medusa was rearing her ugly head and placing me firmly back in the frame of mind where I had to watch my balls.

  “I’m so glad the nice side of you passed. It was really torture to have to deal with all that kindness.”

  She rolled her eyes at me, irritating the fuck out of me. I had just been sitting here, minding my own goddamn business and she was acting like I was putting her out.

  “If you weren’t such an asshole, I wouldn’t be such a bitch.”

  “You know, I think we should just shut the fuck up for the rest of the drive and pretend like each other don’t exist.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard for you. You seem to forget that anyone around you exists as soon as you get what you want from them.”

  “Is that what this is about?” I asked, glancing across the truck at her. “This is about me asking you to leave last night?”

u didn’t ask. You just kicked me out with that stupid remark, thanks for the orgasm. Who says shit like that?” she screeched.

  I winced and rubbed at my ear. “Look, I didn’t want there to be any confusion. We had sex and it was good, but there’s no need to hang out and do all that other shit.”

  “Other shit? You mean, behave like a human being? Would it really kill you to talk to me for five fucking minutes?”

  “If it was going to be anything like this, then yes, it would,” I muttered.

  “I can’t believe I slept with you. I should have seen the neon flashing light above your head, signaling that I was about to sleep with an asshole. God, whoever it was that screwed you over really did a disservice to the rest of womankind. I mean, you’re hot and you definitely know what you’re doing, but you are so fucked up if you think that’s the way you’re supposed to treat a woman afterwards.”

  I gripped the steering wheel tighter as anger seeped into my veins. She didn’t know what happened. She didn’t know that the woman that fucked me over had done it in more ways than one. She didn’t know that I would never allow another woman close to me again, and I would never put myself in the position where a woman could do that much damage to me in a single encounter. I had been a little more reckless with Blake than I usually was. I hadn’t taken the same precautions that I normally would. I hadn’t even used a fucking condom. If she wanted to accuse me of rape, she would have the fucking evidence right between her legs. It was stupid as hell, but the only excuse I had was that I was drunk on lust. Still, I was setting myself up for disaster. I needed to back the hell off and put as much distance between this woman and I before I got into deeper shit. And with my record, a jury wouldn’t look twice at me before pulling the trigger on throwing my ass in jail.

  “Trust me, it won’t happen again,” I said.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence, and when I pulled into Reed Security, I headed straight for the conference room to see what Knight had found out. I just wanted this job over right now. Hunter, Cap, and Knight were gathered in the conference room, and from the looks of it, they were already digging through information.


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