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Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2)

Page 16

by Julie Trettel

  We said goodbye to Liam after that, as I explained I was kidnapping Kelsey for the rest of the afternoon. We first hit the Dress Code in town. It was a small, chic boutique that I loved, but they didn't quite have what I was looking for. Of course I really didn't know what I was looking for, but knew I'd know it when I found it. Kelsey suggested we head down the mountain to the city. Okay, so we called it a city, even though it was really just a big town. They had a mall, a Walmart, and several fast food joints. Compared to San Marco, it was a big city.

  I checked the time and agreed. We'd have to be quick and efficient in our shopping and I said a little prayer I'd find what I wanted right away if we were to make it back before six.

  I had a lot of fun shopping with Kelsey. I had been looking for a new little black dress that would wow Patrick, but when I slipped on the short red number that made Kels describe me as a “bombshell,” there was no doubt it was the one. I wasn’t sure where he was taking me or what we were doing, so I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans too, and planned to pick up my new blue cashmere sweater I'd gotten for Christmas that made my eyes pop, to change in to if I needed.

  I couldn't resist the black, leather, knee high boots I had seen in the window of a new shoe store on our way out. The best part was they looked fabulous with both the dress and the jeans. Kelsey nodded her approval and we made our way back up the mountain with little time to spare.

  Once home I took time to shower and blow out my hair, brushing it till it shined. Lily helped me fix my hair, opting to leave it down. She carefully straightened it and offered suggestions as I meticulously applied my makeup. Dressing, I examined myself in the mirror, feeling particularly sexy and satisfied with the look, though a little nervous, too.

  “Are you trying to kill the man?” Lily asked as I stepped out in my new red dress and boots. My black leather jacket completed the look to perfection. “Girl, he is going to have a heart attack when he sees you in that. You look gorgeous!”

  I hugged my sister. “Thanks Lil, and thanks for doing my hair on such short notice, too.”

  I packed my new outfit, along with the clothes I had borrowed from Patrick that morning, two additional casual outfits, two work outfits, a pair of pajamas, and underwear to leave over at his place. Maybe it was too soon, but I was not going to let what happened this morning ever happen again. In the bathroom I grabbed a spare deodorant and toothbrush to toss in. I could always leave it in the trunk of my car if I chickened out trying to claim my space in his home.

  A low whistle sounded as I left my room and I smiled at my dad and did a little twirl, showing off my new dress.

  “Since when do we go all out like this for family dinner night? You look beautiful, sweetie, but I'm afraid I'm a little underdressed.” He gave me a quick hug and my heart sunk.

  “It's Tuesday? It can't be Tuesday.”

  He frowned. “So we're not dressing up for family dinner night, I take it?”

  Mom joined us and eyeballed me suspiciously. “What's going on?”

  I slumped down onto the couch, quite unladylike, and pouted. “I didn't even realize it was Tuesday family dinner night. I need to call Patrick and change our plans.”

  “Wait, wait, wait. What's this about Patrick and plans? Tell me.”

  I took a deep breath. “Patrick asked me out, like on a date . . . tonight.”

  My mother sniffed the air around me and I snorted and pushed her away. “No, we haven't mated. He knows I'm not ready and thought we should just take some time to get to know each other instead of stressing about it.”

  She smiled back at me. “That is a smart man you have there, Elise. A good man. I like that Patrick O'Connell very much and clearly he knows what you need and is patient enough to wait for you. That's not easy on a mating male.” She glared at me like she was trying to make it more impactful or something, like I didn't already know that much about him. “Go. Enjoy your date, but I expect you both at family dinner next week. No excuses. Are we clear?”

  I squealed a little in excitement and jumped up and hugged her. “Yes, we'll be there. Thank you, Mom!”


  Chapter 22

  A date? I had never been on a date in my entire life. What had I been thinking? Shifters didn't date, that was a human thing. What was the point? She was my mate. We had a lifetime together to get to know each other. Doing it now wouldn't change anything. I wasn't even sure what people did on a date. Da had never let us watch much TV. It was a waste of time that could be spent training.

  I found myself wandering over to the Crate by mid-afternoon. Lunch hadn't been much, so I ordered a burger and chips, careful to remember to call them fries this time. Last time I had gotten a plate full of crisps with my burger. At least Jesse was working and didn't ask me to translate when I ordered a pint of Gat to go with it. I was slowly breaking them in.

  “Jesse?” I finally found the courage to ask. “What the feck do people do on a date around here?”

  He laughed heartily. “Elise making you take her on a date?” Clearly word of our mating had spread throughout the little town, as he said it as if it were common knowledge.

  “Don't know what I was thinking. Jesus Christ, I've never even been on a date before, what the hell am I doing?”

  Cole Anderson sat down beside me and patted me on the back. “We got you.”

  “Is this a casual date or a formal one?” A bloke I didn't know, but had seen at the bar before, asked.

  “I dunno. It's just a date.”

  They all stared at me in disbelief.

  “Okay, Elise Westin, right?” the guy asked.

  I nodded my confirmation.

  “She'll want to dress up fancy,” Cole informed me.


  “She's going to look nice. Probably wear a pretty dress for you. Means you gotta take her somewhere nice.” He looked around. “Definitely nicer than this place.”

  “Hey,” Jesse chimed in. “Plenty of people find this place great for a date.”

  “Not for a first date with your one true mate,” Cole pointed out, to which Jesse conceded.

  “I know a place. Down the mountain, ҆bout forty minutes. Italian. Nice place. Expensive.”

  “I don't care what it costs. If that's what you think she'd like.”

  “You talking about Roberto's?” Cole asked.

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Yeah, that's a really nice place. You'll need a suit and tie.”

  “Bloody hell, you've got to be kidding me.”

  They all laughed.

  “If you're going to do it, do it right,” Cole encouraged.

  “Yeah, okay. Do I need a reservation?”

  “Can't hurt. I'll call 'em right now.”

  Cole grabbed the phone from his hand as it started ringing through. “Bernie, why don't you let me take care of that.”

  The man named Bernie just waved him off, but didn't make a move to take his phone back. “Pint of Gat for me and me lad,” Bernie told Jesse, smacking the bar.

  I left the bar to run home and change in plenty of time to pick up Elise. I was actually nervous. I worried I was overdressed and cursed myself for listening to the guys at the bar. It was too late to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door to the Westin house.

  Jason Westin answered the door. Former alpha of the Westin Pack, but even more intimidating, Elise's father.

  "Good evening sir," I said, offering my hand, which he took and shook firmly.

  "Patrick," he said, looking me over. "You clean up nice. Come on in."

  "Thanks," I said, breathing a sigh of relief that he didn't seem to think I was too overdressed. "Elise will be down in a minute."

  I stood awkwardly in the foyer with no idea what to do or say. I was so far out of my comfort zone. It wasn't that I wasn't trained to deal in social settings, just that those situations were directed towards business. Dressing up and taking my mate to a pack dinner or holiday party, sure, that made sense. It had a
purpose. Just because? It didn't make sense to me and I didn't like feeling out of place.

  I rocked back on my heels with my hands clasped behind my back, waiting and wondering where the hell Elise was and how long she was going to leave me down here to suffer.

  "Dude," Chase said, coming from the living room and shaking my hand formally. "Sweet threads. Hey, Liam, get your ass in here and check this out."

  Jason glared at him as Mary Westin entered with a scowl. "Language, Chase."

  "Sorry, Mom."

  "Whoa. Look at you!" Liam grabbed my hand and with his other arm gave me a bro hug. “Where you headed tonight?"

  "Roberto's?" I didn't mean it to sound like a question, I just felt so damn unsure of myself, something else I wasn't used to and didn't like. "Some of the guys down at the Crate recommended it."

  "Roberto’s is lovely, Patrick. I'm sure you'll both have a wonderful evening."

  Her words weren't really meant to be encouraging, but they sure felt like it anyway.

  A loud cat call whistle drew my eyes to the stairs. "Look at you!" I couldn't help but smile at the similarities between Lily and her twin. Hadn't Liam just said the same thing? She gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "Misery almost over. She's grabbing her purse," Lily whispered and I gave her a look of gratitude.

  As Elise descended the stairs, her mother clapped in joy. "Oh baby, you look beautiful." I noted that Jason Westin, although quiet, was a little misty-eyed. I followed his eyes to the staircase.

  I knew my chin had dropped in surprise. Elise Westin was descending the stairs in a short red dress accentuated by knee high black boots and a black leather jacket. Her hair was left down, running straight down her back, and brushed to a shine. Her blue eyes sparkled.

  "Wow!" It was the only word I could seem to formulate. Lust filled me, a sort of raw need for my gorgeous mate. From the way Lily's head whipped around, and the acknowledgment I saw in my mate's eyes, I knew the scent of my arousal was everywhere and I was too captivated to even try to hide it.

  Elise was a beautiful woman, there was no denying it, but standing in front of me was a goddess. The sexiest, most stunning woman I'd ever laid eyes on, and she was my mate. I felt like the luckiest man alive.

  “Okay, okay, break it up. You guys are acting like this is prom or something. It's just a date with my mate. So disperse.”

  Chase snickered, “That's the first time you openly admitted he's your mate. The rest of us had to find out from Kyle.”

  “Chase, leave your sister alone,” their mother scolded. “She would have told us in her own time.”

  When Elise finally reached my side, her smell overwhelmed me. I wasn't the only one not hiding their arousal. She gave me an apologetic smile.

  “You ready?”

  “Ready as I'll ever be.” I took her arm and escorted her to the car as we said a quick goodbye to her family. Her parents stayed on the front porch waving, and I thought I heard her mother cry as we drove off. I only hoped it was happy tears. I had never stopped to consider how her family felt about me mating Elise. It wasn't like we chose our mates, so I had never thought much of it, but their acceptance would mean everything to me.

  “You really look beautiful,” I told her.

  “Beautiful, huh?” she sighed. “Too bad, I was going for smoking hot.”

  Her unexpected answer had me choking on a laugh. It definitely cut the nervous tension I was feeling. “I was being polite. You definitely didn't miss the mark on that.”

  Her smile was radiant and I was having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road and off her. It didn't help that when she crossed her legs the hem of the short red dress rode up, showing off firm, muscled thighs that I wanted to explore with my hands. Thankful for an automatic car for once, I slid my hand over to her thigh and grinned when I heard her breath hitch.

  “I've never been on a date,” I confessed. “I'll admit, I didn't know what to expect. The guys at the Crate gave me some pointers. I thought they were crazy when they told me to wear a suit. Seeing you in that dress”—I let my eyes wander appreciatively across my mate—“I'm glad I listened.”

  “So, what's the plan?”

  I was beginning to relax some, though I didn't think the sexual tension between us would wane anytime soon. Certainly not as long as she was in that outfit. The thought of getting her out of the dress flashed through my mind and I was instantly hard. It was going to be a long night.

  “Roberto's for dinner down in the valley, if that's okay? We have reservations at seven.”

  “I'm impressed, and I love Roberto's.”

  I had noticed as we left, she had grabbed an overnight bag off the porch. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much, but I really wanted to take her home with me tonight. “What's with the bag?” I asked, trying to sound casual about it.

  From my peripheral vision I could see her blushing, but I didn't let the knowing grin spread across my face.

  “This morning was awkward. Not happening again.”

  I frowned. Waking up with me was awkward? She still didn't want me? I'm sure she heard my heartbeat rise as panic set in. A small hand was placed on my leg that instantly calmed me. It was almost surreal, the affect her touch had on me.

  “I didn't mean you and me awkward. I meant being stuck without any clothes and having to borrow yours, awkward.” She giggled like she knew the discomfort she had just caused me. “It's just some extra clothes and a toothbrush. I'm not asking for you to clear a drawer or anything, just figured I'd keep it in my car, just in case.”

  I took her hand and pulled it up to kiss the back of it. “You can have the whole fecking dresser.” Nothing made me happier than the thought of her moving in—even if it was just a couple of outfits and a toothbrush, it was a step in the right direction, as far as I was concerned.

  The forty-five minute drive down the mountain turned out to be great. After the initial awkwardness subsided, we just talked. Nothing seemed off-limits. Little things, like finding out her favorite color was blue and Chase's constant use of the word “'dude” annoyed her. We didn't touch on anything too serious, but it was these little, everyday things that added up to truly knowing a person. By the time we reached the restaurant I felt like we were friends and I was suddenly excited for the night ahead of us.

  “Trust me, just use valet. This place is always packed and parking is terrible.”

  Taking her advice, I pulled to the front and tossed the guy my keys. I was pleasantly pleased she waited in the car for me to open the door for her. Offering her my hand, I pulled her to stand and gave her a quick kiss before escorting her into the restaurant.

  Roberto's wasn't quite as fancy as Bernie and Cole had made it seem. Looking around, we were probably a little overdressed for the place. There seemed to be a great mix of semi-formal to casual. I definitely could have worn jeans, but I definitely looked the part next to my mate in a suit, so I was glad I had listened to the guys.

  We were led to a table in the back corner. It was more secluded with a window and beautiful view of the mountains. I could see immediately why the others had recommended it. I wasn't worried about the prices. My da was a paranoid man. He had taught us to save and secure our own futures at an early age. I rarely spent extra money on anything, so I had a sizable nest egg tucked away that would last me for several years if need be. I hated living off it, but I no longer had clan funds coming in. Da had pulled them the moment he learned I'd reneged on the challenge against Kyle.

  “Order whatever you like,” I assured her. She went cheap with a Mediterranean salad. I ordered lasagna. “Are you sure that's all you want?”

  She sighed. “I know our kind tends to eat big, but it's just never been me. I don't know why. Mom harps on me all the time for it. Most are borderline carnivores, but I prefer vegetables. I eat a lot of salads. You'll get used to it.”

  I smiled reassuringly. “I don't care what you eat, love. I just wanted to make sure you didn't just order the cheapest thing on
the menu for my benefit. Da may have cut me off, but I am far from destitute. I have plenty of money to support us for several years. Eventually I'll have to find work, if we do not return to the Clan right away, but for now, we're more than fine.”

  She looked a little shocked and confused, then her face turned down into a frown. I didn't like the sadness that washed over her.

  “I-I guess I never really thought about it. I mean I know traditionally a girl moves to her mate's pack. I've just never even considered leaving San Marco, my family, my job, my friends. It's, uh, going to take me a little time to adjust to that idea.”

  My heart was sad for her. Truth be told, I didn't want to leave either, but what choice did we have? “I love San Marco, your family, all of it, love, but my Clan is in Ireland. I had always imagined I would move and take over another pack. That was my Da's plan for all of us—that or die trying in the challenges.”

  “Don't say that,” Elise said with fire in her eyes. “I don't want to hear that from you again.”

  “I know. I know it scares you,” I said taking her hand, “and I'm not going to let that happen. I told you, I was trained to defeat the strongest alphas on Earth. They won't be challenging me. Anyone else will be a breeze to defeat. I'm not trying to sound cocky,” I assured her as she started to protest, “I'm being honest with you. You brother is strong, probably the strongest Alpha alive today, but I would have been equally matched against him in that challenge. It could have gone either way. I've prepared my entire life for that. You don't need to worry about me in the challenges.”

  “But I will, anyway.” She smiled, a little wary still, but a little ornery, too.

  “I really don't know what the future is going to bring for us, Elise. I'm not going to lie to you, right now I'm cut off from my Clan. I don't think that will hold forever. My da is ruthless, but he's not heartless. I have to believe he'll accept us back into the Clan when the time comes. He'll need a little time though. With Kyle's permission, I'd like to look for work around here in the meantime. Liam's working now, and Chase will be heading back to school soon. I need to do something and feel like I'm providing in some way while I'm here. Would that be okay with you?”


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