Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2)

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Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2) Page 20

by Julie Trettel

  I was getting a little nervous about where this conversation was going.

  "Look." He was interrupted by a knock on the door, seconds before Cole Anderson peeked his head in. "Hey man, good timing. Come on in. Won't have to repeat myself this way."

  Now I was thoroughly confused, but I acknowledged Cole and sat back down, curious about what he had to say.

  "Okay, so you guys know I'm really young to be an alpha and this pack is at war with the Bulgarians. To them that makes me weak and this pack vulnerable. They'd be wrong, but with the attack on Elise it's really had me thinking. We need to beef up security on our borders. We need to make sure this pack is protected."

  I didn't miss the look Cole shot me.

  "I don't mean to be out of line here, Kyle, but shouldn't this be a discussion with the Council?"

  "Yes, and no.”

  "Patrick, no offense, I like you just fine, but Kyle, this is a pack issue."

  "Pat's family now, Cole. It's okay, and what I'm about to ask is for the both of you, so please just hear me out?"

  "Family? I don't remember a petition for pack," Cole questioned

  "It's coming, or at least I'm hoping it is. Part of what we're going to talk about, but I meant my family," Kyle informed him.

  "Elise and I are mates."

  "I hadn't heard. Congratulations. Guessing the date went well?"

  I couldn't help grinning, thinking about that night, the night we mated. "Yeah, it did."

  "Good for you, and welcome to Westin. I know not everyone will think the same, but I'm with Kyle, that definitely makes you family."

  "Thanks, appreciate it."

  "So, here're my thoughts. I know I'm blessed to have Dad here for guidance, but he's still not one hundred percent. Plus, we have a strong Pack Council. My dad put that into effect, mirroring the Grand Council. It's worked well and fair for Westin. I have no plans to change that, but with the work load at The Foundation still in transition, plus the baby on the way, I feel like I'm drowning here in responsibilities. After discussions with Dad and a look through pack history, I want to reinstate positions we haven't used in quite some time here to disburse some of the everyday duties. Starting with the two of you. I'd like to ask you both to consider taking on the role of my Betas."

  Beta? I looked at him questioningly, wondering if I had heard that right. Kyle Westin was offering me a leadership position in Westin?

  "Of course, Patrick, your allegiance would have to formally change to Westin, including going through the trials. I know you'll breeze through them. I wasn't sure how you were going to feel about that, but after last night, well, let's just say it made me hopeful."

  "What happened last night?" Cole asked.

  "My da's an arse, sending my brother to fight me in the challenges."

  His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "You're serious?"

  Kyle nodded. "And truth is, that while no one would have come out and said so, or pressured you if circumstances were different, truth is, none of us want Elise to go. I know she's your mate and that's tradition, but she's really important to the Foundation, the pack, and this family. I can’t imagine not seeing my sister every day, so yeah, maybe it's a bit selfish of me, but I'm really hoping you consider staying here, permanently."

  I was floored by his confession. I had been fairly sure he would agree to keep us, and let me stay in the pack, but he actually was hoping we'd stay and offering me a leadership position in the pack. That would definitely provide for us and secure a good life for my family someday.

  "Elise and I have talked a bit with everything that happened. I hadn't realized how important it was to her to stay. I was planning to discuss the possibility with you today and ask if I could start looking for work in the territory."

  "Done," Kyle said, excitedly. "You already have a place to stay. I bought it off the ole guy that owned it when Kelsey moved in. He wasn't pack and we hadn't pushed it sooner only because he so rarely came up to it that it wasn't an issue. You can stay there for as long as you want or until you decided to build. Job, done. Beta will have similar perks to Alpha, but we'll hash out those details later. Thanks to the success of the Foundation, all pack members get a cut of profits.

  “We don't discuss such things outside pack, but it's more than you'll ever spend in a lifetime. It's the reason I can afford to run a tattoo parlor out here in the middle of nowhere. It's really just for show in the town and something I happen to love," Cole proudly said.

  I sucked in a deep breath. No wonder Elise hadn't been worried about money or me being able to support us. She really didn't need me to support her. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It would certainly take some getting used to.

  "I'll need to discuss with Elise before I give you a final answer."

  "Understood. She's going to be thrilled with the idea, but I understand."

  "Out of respect, we should run it by the council too, Kyle," Cole suggested

  Kyle cringed. "I already did. They voted unanimously ‘yes.’ You weren't invited because of a conflict of interest."

  Cole frowned. "Will I be asked to step down from the council?"

  "No. We all agreed there's benefit to having one of my betas in a more administrative role and part of the council."

  He smiled, like he was relieved to hear it.

  "Okay, well, any questions or concerns?" Kyle asked.

  "No," I said, "and thanks for the offer, Kyle. I really appreciate it. I'll give you my answer after I discuss it with Elise."

  "The pack meeting is Sunday, but the pack run is tomorrow. Do you think you could have an answer by then?” Cole asked me before addressing Kyle. “I think it may be best to introduce him fully and make both announcements then before the run."

  "That's a good idea, Cole. What do you think, Patrick?"

  "Yeah, look it. I think we could have a decision by then. I'll let you know as soon as I talk to her."

  "Those females have you all whipped. Just glad it's not me. I'll be happy if I never find my one true mate," Cole joked.

  "Yeah sure, we'll be there to remind you of that when the time comes."

  "Never going to happen."

  Kyle adjourned the meeting and I headed for the kitchen to tell Mary I'd have to take a rain check, I had a lot I needed to discuss with my mate.

  "Perfect timing. They'll need about five minutes to cool, but come on, here," she said, shoving a pair of pot holders at me. I quickly removed the cookies from the oven. "Wonderful." She linked her arm through mine and led me to the table. I felt trapped. I wanted to go see my mate and figure things out, but the woman was bloody hard to say no to.

  "Tell me, dear, how are things going with Elise?"

  I smiled. Couldn't help it. "We're good." It was the truth, and we were finding our groove together as the days passed.

  “Do you love her?”

  Wow, this woman didn't hold anything back. “Very much,” I assured her.

  She scrutinized me closely, then smiled like she was satisfied with my answer. “Let me tell you a bit about my Elise.”

  She leaned in and placed her hand on my arm as she talked. It was an odd sensation to me. I had never much been around a mother before. My own had died in childbirth to my youngest brother. I had often wondered if the pain of it had been too much for my da and that was why he was so adamantly against his sons taking true mates. He and Ma had not been true mates, only compatible mates, but I was old enough to remember the change in him after her death. He never seemed to realize that had they been true mates and properly bonded, he never would have felt that pain, as he would have followed her into death peacefully.

  “My little girl must love you too,” she continued. “Most shifters are so thrilled to find a true mate that the pull of the mating call is enough, but not our girl. She needs love, and lots of it. She could never have mated you if she didn't truly love you. Never forget that, Patrick.”

  “She hasn't said it yet,” I confessed.

  “Have yo
u told her how you really feel?”

  “Yes,” and it hurt that she wouldn't or couldn't say it back, though I didn't admit as much.

  Mary seemed to ponder it thoughtfully. “She'll come around to saying it. The more important thing is, does she show it?”

  I thought about that for a minute. When we were together we were completely together. I felt like she gave herself to me. There were little things too, like how she snuggled into me on the couch watching TV, or the sly smiles she gave me when others were around and I knew she wanted to be alone. Mostly I just felt loved in her presence, so I supposed she did show love even if she hadn't actually used the words.

  “Yeah, I think she does, at least.”

  “You just keep loving my girl. That's all she truly needs. There're a few other things you might want to know about her.” I settled in, suddenly curious as to what other gems of knowledge she would bestow on me. “Elise likes things organized. She loves to read, and sometimes just needs her alone time. When she first started shutting herself away, no one thought anything of it. A lot had been going on and she just needed time to decompress. That's how she reacts to high stress situations. You'll do well to remember that.”

  “Thanks, I will.”

  “Now tell me. What are your plans long-term? I won't lie and say I'm ready to lose my baby, but I'm not going to try and guilt you into sticking around here either. I was blessed to find my mate within my pack, and I always knew my boys would likely never leave, but it's heartbreaking for a mother to watch her daughters grow. My hope is Lily doesn't find her mate for a very long time.”

  I laughed.

  “Oh, she's young, and has plenty of time, so spill it. What're the plans? Are you taking her back to your Clan?”

  I cringed. I didn't want to confess that I'd been banished, that I had no pack to take my mate back to. My head hung in despair.

  She reached over and lifted my face in both her hands. “It can't be all that bad.”

  “It is actually. Had I known with certainty, I would not have condemned Elise to a life with me.” I swallowed hard before spitting the words out. “I've been banished, Mary. I-I don't have a pack to take Elise home to. I honestly thought he'd move past it, that everything would be fine, but it's not fine. Kyle wants me to take the trials to switch to Westin, but I don't think he fully gets it. My dad isn't just angry, he banished me. I'm a lone wolf that no pack should want, and now I've condemned Elise to that too.”

  “Why did he banish you?” a strong voice said from behind me, and my wolf and I both cringed. Jason Westin.

  I turned and started to stand, but he motioned for me to stay seated and made his way to a chair next to his mate.

  I struggled to meet the man's eyes, lasting only a brief moment before dropping my gaze to the table. “Da was angry that I had reneged on the challenge against Kyle. I had already gotten a whiff of Elise, and I knew I couldn't settle for Kelsey after that, not to mention the distraction would have likely gotten me killed. I explained it to him, but he was pissed. Kyle said I could stay in your territory until I found my mate. I honestly thought he would have calmed down and things would have blown over by now.” The pain of admitting my failure to these people was awful and humiliating. “It hasn't blown over. I've been banished, sir. I'm not welcome in the Clan again, and honestly, I'm not sure he's going to change his mind.” I took a deep breath; the next words were somehow even harder. “He's hoping I die in the challenges for my insubordination. He's sending my brother, Niall, to challenge me for punishment, because banishment isn't enough.” I was struggling to stay seated and needed to move. I was so hurt and pissed. “He believes true mates are the ultimate weakness for a male.”

  I dared a look at Jason Westin. His jaw was set and twitching. He looked angry.

  “I'm sorry, sir. I would not have mated her if I had known.” It was true, too. I would have suffered great agony and depression walking away from my mate, but I would have done that before tying her to a banished lone wolf.

  His eyes flashed in disgust. “Patrick, I do not believe as your father does. I've heard the rumors of how he's raised you boys. It is disgusting. I am proud of you for following your heart, son. You will never be a lone wolf with your mate by your side.” He paused and I felt him sizing me up. “Kyle talked to you today?”

  I nodded.

  “Then you know that we do not care about your banishment. I can appreciate the pain and concern it must have on you, but you have a pack here, if you want it. You're family now.”

  I was overwhelmed hearing his words. “I appreciate that, sir.”

  “Did you give Kyle an answer yet?”

  I looked at him, partially surprised. “He told you about that?”

  “About what, dear?” Mary asked her mate. Jason looked at me and waited.

  I sighed. “Kyle asked me to consider taking the trials to join Westin Pack and be his Beta, or one of them, at least.”

  “Kyle's reestablishing the Beta program?”

  “He is and he's asked Patrick and Cole to be his Betas.”

  She seemed to consider what he was saying and nodded. “Very good choices, but I don't understand—you didn't give him an answer?” She sounded concerned.

  “No mum, I told him I needed time to discuss with Elise.”

  Her parents gave each other a knowing look and smiled.

  “Well then, what are you yapping with me for? You have more important things to do. Please do let us know what you decide. No pressure, but . . .”


  She glared at her mate, but continued anyway. “But we want you both here. You belong here. I know I don't have a say or a right to even open my mouth, but I am a mother and I'm going to do it anyway. We love you.” She took Jason's hand in unity and he nodded in agreement. “We are so proud of you and Elise taking this big step and you're doing a great job with it. I know, I have eyes and I’ve watched you closer than you think. So, go talk to your mate, and then the both of you come by for dinner tonight and we'll celebrate.”

  She hugged me goodbye, as did Jason Westin, and I was shaking my head laughing as they shooed me out of the house.


  Chapter 27

  Patrick was supposed to come by for lunch after talking to Kyle. I didn't know what my brother was up to, but something told me I should worry. It was already past two and I hadn't heard anything from either of them. I had taken to pacing my office, which I didn't like. It was stupid. They were probably just down the hall.

  I decided to walk down to Kyle's office. I just couldn't take it anymore.

  “Hey, Kels. Are they still in their meeting?”

  She shrugged. “I don't know. Haven't heard from them. Kyle's working from the pack office today.”

  “Oh,” I said, sounding disappointed. “Do you know what he wanted to discuss with Patrick?”

  I could tell on her face that she did. “Please don't ask me. Kyle asked me not to talk about it and I really don't like to go against his wishes on things like that.”

  “It's okay. I understand,” I said pathetically. “Was it good news?” I couldn’t help but pry at her.

  She sighed. “You're not going to let this go, are you?”

  “I just want to know what's going on. Patrick was supposed to come by for lunch, but I haven't heard anything from him. He's not answering his phone, and their meeting was five hours ago. Should it really take that long?”

  “No, it shouldn't have taken five hours unless they're just hanging out afterwards.”

  “Do you think maybe he's upset?”

  She shrugged again. “Kyle wasn't real sure how he'd take it, but we hoped it would be good news.” She suddenly didn't seem quite so confident. “I'm sorry, but it's really something you need to discuss with him, not me.”

  “I know.” I plopped down quite unladylike in one of the waiting chairs. “I wish we could communicate through our bond like you and Kyle do.”

  “It'll come, it just takes time
. Remember, I'm an abomination,” she half joked, causing me to glare at her.

  Kelsey was sentenced to death as a small child because of having extra-special powers. She's also a female alpha and the Grand Council doesn't like people like her to exist. They are too powerful and that scares them. Kelsey is very powerful with some amazing skills. My dad would have died last year if it hadn't been for her extra gifts. So, maybe I'm a little sensitive where she's concerned. The whole pack is very protective of our new Pack Mother.

  “Oh come on,” she begged. “That was funny!”

  “Not.” I knew I had been scowling at her. I didn't like when she made comments like that.

  She frowned. “Fine, but still, it will come with time and then you'll be in here telling me, 'Kelsey, I wish he'd just shut up already. He's driving me crazy always inside my head.'”

  I laughed, knowing that was a very probable scenario in our future.

  “Hey, Kelsey, you seen E . . .”

  “Where have you been?” I asked as my mate entered her office looking for me. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him, letting his touch calm me.

  “Next time, just pick up the phone.” Kelsey advised.

  “Shit, it's in the car charging still. I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it.”

  “What took so long?” I asked, taking his hand and waving goodbye to Kelsey as we headed back to my office.

  He stopped and gave me a quick kiss and a grin. “Your mother. Need I say more?”

  I rolled my eyes. That really didn't surprise me. “Oh, no. I know she's been dying to get you alone. I hope it wasn't too bad.”

  He smiled and shook his head as I chanced a look up at him. “No, it was really nice, actually. I don't have a mother of my own and barely remember her, but freshly baked cookies and a little fussing over seemed quite motherly to me and felt nice. I just didn't know how to get away from her.”

  I laughed. “You'll learn, and I'm sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I never really thought about your mom. I didn't know she wasn't around.”


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