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Under the Mistletoe

Page 7

by Aria Cole

  “Better than me. I’ve got this to deal with.” I thrust my hips, making sure she could feel my hard-on sandwiched between us.

  Her hand slipped between us then, and she rubbed my cock for the first time.

  The very first time, and I nearly came in my fucking trousers.

  I grunted, clutching at her back as her hand worked over the fabric of my trousers, dialing up every sensation until a slow burning built at the base of my spine.

  “God, yes, kitten. I can’t wait to be buried inside you.” I grunted before long hot streams of cum stained my trousers, dampening her palm.

  “Did I do good?” Her grin was wide and triumphant.

  “Mind-blowing,” I growled, fisting a hand in her hair and pulling her back to my lips. “So mind-blowing I think I could get hard again and bury myself in you right here on this bench for everyone and God to see.”

  “That sounds like fun too.”

  “Everly…” I paused, reality finally settling in on me. “You’re a virgin, and I won’t take advantage of that. Even if it takes me all fall to get you, I can wait. I’m a patient man.”

  “Yeah.” She grinned, her hand still sliding against my cock and making it twitch and pulse. “But you won’t have to.”

  My heart thudded what felt like a thousand times too fast before I pulled her to my lips again, allowing my free hand to crawl across her body, committing every dip and curve to memory.

  “Everly, you don’t get how this works.” I held her face. “If I have you once, I won’t be able to stop. You’ll be mine. Are you ready for that?”

  Her gaze landed on mine, her bottom lip snagged between her teeth, then she nodded. “I’m ready.”

  Chapter 4


  I woke the next morning with a yawn and a smile. I’d never been so relaxed, so at home, so content. I’d flown to another country, met a gorgeous little girl and the devilishly good-looking man she called daddy, then had my first ever orgasm under a man’s hands.

  I rolled over in bed, cuddling with the pillow as a smile creeped up my face. Mason had walked me back to my room last night, a protective hand at my lower back, and given me an even softer kiss before we parted ways at my door. He was a dream. I felt as if I was a princess and my dashing prince had swept me off my feet.

  I crawled out of bed, anxious to get downstairs and start my day with Savannah, and maybe see her dad while I was at it. As I combed my hair and dressed in the en suite bathroom, I thought about what the next few months might look like. I knew that my first priority was to take care of Savannah—I couldn't lose sight of that. I didn't know if Mason or I were controlled enough to keep this—whatever it was—hidden, but I felt it was probably the best thing that we did, at least for now.

  Not only was I worried about what Mrs. Potts might think, but Savannah deserved all of my attention. Perhaps that was something I should remind Mason of. Perhaps we should cool this thing off. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. But to be truthful, I didn't want to cool it off. What had happened with Mason had shocked me, excited me, made me feel needed and wanted, and so many more feelings I’d never quite felt before.

  He was older, over thirty at least, and I was just twenty-two, inexperienced and new to all the feelings rolling in my belly whenever he was around. But that didn't scare me. My mother would have told me it should have—men like him have women falling all over them, she’d say—but I didn’t believe it. Not with Mason. Sure, they were falling over him, but with the way he guarded himself, with that dark stare and moody exterior, I sensed he’d pushed more women away than welcomed. Mason was the kind of man that was selective and extremely cautious in his affections.

  I stopped, taking in my reflection in the vanity. My eyes looked too large, my cheeks a little too round, billowing dark hair covered my shoulders. My hips were too curvy, my breasts way too big, and my ass too pronounced. I’d never drawn the attention of a man like him. A man that ate up all the air in any room when he entered. A man whose eyes flicked up and down my body and made me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth.

  I applied a small amount of lip gloss and a swipe of mascara before I left the room and headed down the sweeping staircase, eager to find Savannah and Mason. It was odd, but Kingsley manor felt like home to me already.

  “Morning, dear!” Mrs. Potts called when I entered the kitchen.

  Savannah was sitting at a barstool at the island, legs swinging as she devoured syrupy pancakes.

  “Good morning!” I patted Savannah on the head before turning to Mrs. Potts. “How can I help you?”

  “Oh nothing, dear, just cleaning up before I get started on dinner tonight. Beef Wellington,it’s Mr. Kingsley's favorite and he requested it special for tonight. Usually we only have it over the holidays, so there must be some reason he wants to celebrate.” The old woman winked, and my cheeks flamed with heat.

  “That sounds delicious.”

  Surely Mrs. Potts hadn’t seen anything last night, but then again, maybe she knew everything. She could have seen us at any moment—we hadn’t exactly been careful to hide ourselves. Shame shrank my insides as I wanted to run right back up the stairs and burrow under the warm covers.

  “Morning, ladies.” Mason chose just that moment to walk into the kitchen. His eyes flicked to me with a wink before he placed a loving kiss at the crown of Savannah's head. “I’ve got some free time over lunch. I was thinking we could go into town, show Everly around. What do you say?” He looked from her to me, his blue eyes dancing when he caught my gaze.

  “That sounds great,” I said.

  “Yeah! I love going into town. Daddy always gets me treats from the sweet shop!” Savannah squealed and clapped. The joy radiating from her was contagious.

  “Well, it’s settled then.” He grinned, planting another kiss on his daughter's cheek before turning to meet my eyes. “I look forward to it. Meet back here around eleven?”

  “That works for me. You don’t have any lunch meetings I don’t know about do you, Savannah?” I asked, my smile brightening.

  “No! I’m a kid! I don’t have meetings.” She laughed before turning back to her pancakes.

  “Looks like it’s a date then.” Mason’s lips curved up in a half grin before he turned and left the kitchen, taking the air from my lungs along with him.

  “Well, he sure is in a good mood today,” Mrs. Potts said as she pulled ingredients from the fridge.

  “Daddy’s always in a good mood. He’s the best daddy ever!”

  “He sure is, baby girl.” Mrs. Potts smiled at Savannah, eyes misting with warmth and love before she turned back to the counter.

  “I was thinking you could take me on a tour of the house after you’re finished eating, Savannah. Can you be my tour guide?” I asked, maneuvering the conversation away from all things Mason.

  “Oh yes! I’m the bestest!”

  Mrs. Potts and I broke into laughter at her childish enthusiasm.

  “You know, you’re good for the soul.” I patted Savannah’s head, content to soak up her shining light.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  I grinned, taking a seat next to her on a bar stool. “It means just being around you makes me happy.” I grinned, taking a seat next to her on a bar stool.

  “Here, get some food in your belly. We can’t have you starving.” Mrs. Potts pushed a plate of pancakes toward me. “They should still be warm, fresh out of the pan as you came in.”

  “Thank you.” I slathered the plate with syrup and cut into them.

  How could anyone not feel at home here? There was still so much I didn’t know about the estate, but what was clear was that there was more than enough happiness to go around. I couldn’t wait for what the next few months might hold.

  A while later, Savannah pointed into a room, her other hand locked in mine as we wandered the long hallways of the beautiful home. “And this is the playroom. I don't play in there much though. I like to play in Daddy’s office while he’
s working.”

  “Does your daddy work from home every day?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

  Savannah nodded so fiercely her ringlets twisted in waves around her shoulders. “Yeah. He used to go on big airplanes all the time, but when I came, he said he never wanted to leave again.”

  “Well, that sounds like a great daddy.”

  “Yeah, he is. But sometimes he looks sad. I try to make him laugh. He likes to be tickled.” Savannah burst into a fit of giggles as if recalling one such memory. “But sometimes the sadness doesn't leave.”

  We wandered down the hall as I worked over her words in my mind. Seeing Mason from her five-year-old perspective was fascinating and so sweet. I was trying to piece together all the things that made Mason click, and there was no doubt that Savannah’s happiness was the biggest one.

  “Everyone gets sad sometimes, Savannah. It’s okay. You just have to remember to be happy more than you’re sad.”

  “That’s what Mrs. Potts says, but I think he wants a mummy for me. My mummy died…” her words were like a cleaver to my heart. “This is Daddy’s room.” Savannah switched gears and pushed open Mason’s door.

  Before I could stop her, she barreled in and jumped onto the fluffy bed that dominated the middle of the room.

  “Maybe we shouldn't be in here.” I lingered at the doorway, wondering what the rule was in the situation.

  “It’s okay. Daddy lets me play in here too. Sometimes I even crawl into bed with him when I have a bad dream.”

  I walked in and held her hands as she climbed to her feet on the bed, then she hopped around on it. “You do have the best daddy, huh?”

  “I happen to agree.” Mason’s warm voice heated my insides.

  I turned to find him standing in the doorway, arms crossed as he leaned against the doorjamb, watching us.

  “Daddy! Can we go to town now?”

  Savannah launched herself off the bed, running full force at him before attaching herself to his leg and holding on for dear life. He laughed, taking a few steps into the room and carrying her along with him. She giggled fitfully before he lifted her in his arms and tossed her on the bed, attacking her with busy fingers.

  “Tickle monster!” he called as she wrenched around the duvet and squealed for dear life.

  The scene warmed every piece of my heart. He paused, giving her a chance to catch her breath before she twisted off the bed and barreled out the door and down the hallway.

  “Get your coat and shoes on! We’ve got a date to get to!” he called after her.

  His eyes nailed mine, and the energy in the room suddenly shifted. Gone was the innocent sweetness, replaced with charged energy, as though our bodies were attached by a rubber band stretched past its limit.

  “Having a good day, Ms. Grayson?” Mason crossed the room slowly, eyes holding mine as he approached.

  I felt caught in his crosshairs, unable to move if I even wanted to. But I didn't want to. “It’s been great.” I couldn’t look away from his eyes. I thought I could fall into them, drown myself in all the things he made me feel and never come up for air.

  He dusted a kiss across the hollow of my neck. “Good, because it’s about to get better.”

  His words shook me to my bones, the promise so sweet and seductive.

  Chapter 5


  “Can we get ice cream now?!” Savannah shoved her fingers through my hair as she sat perched on my shoulders, the three of us walking the main street through our small village.

  “You just had half a bag of sweets!” I laughed, rolling my eyes at Everly. “I think your eyes are bigger than your stomach, little girl.”

  “And Mrs. Potts is making dinner for us tonight, remember?” Everly cooed.

  A whoosh of air ruffled my hair, and I could imagine the pout on Savannah's face. Just like her mom. Everything about her reminded me of her mom, from her blond curls to her large green eyes and radiant smile.

  Savannah was a gift. A gift I hadn’t seen coming, but I cherished her completely, even more so now that I was all she had.

  “Look at the puppy! Let me down, Daddy, I want to pet the puppy!” Savannah hit my head with three solid taps before I laughed and heaved her off my shoulders. Her tiny legs carried her down the sidewalk.

  I watched as she talked to the elderly woman walking the small dog. “Afternoon, Mrs. Chadwick!” I always had a warm wave and a smile for the woman I’d known nearly all of my life.

  She waved back before reaching into her pocket and sneaking Savannah a lolly, something she did every time she saw us. This village was small, the community even smaller. I loved the familiarity and safety of it. I couldn’t see myself ever leaving my neighbors, who had become like extended family to Savannah and me.

  “She has to be the most adorable kid I’ve ever met.” Everly smiled as we hovered a few steps away.

  “She is pretty incredible. I wish her mum was here to see her.” Everly didn’t reply, but when I turned, I found her eyes on me. “My sister was killed in a car accident in London when Savannah was only seven months old.” My eyes cut to Savannah on instinct, my possessive need to protect her something I would never shake. “I took her in instantly. Her dad was a deadbeat, so Anna, my sister, wouldn’t even tell me who he was. It still bothers me sometimes. I wonder if he’s from here, if he’s ever seen her without realizing his blood runs through her veins. Don't get me wrong, I’ve never tried to find him. As far as I’m concerned, he gave up his rights the minute he wronged my sister. She was never the same after she met him.” I shook my head. “I had a feeling she was in London with him that night. I couldn’t prove it though. She kept her life so private, I never even knew his name.”

  “Oh…” she whispered. “Savannah is…”

  My eyes cut to Everly’s, and I saw understanding dawn. “Savannah is technically my niece, but I’m the only father she’s ever known. She doesn’t even remember her mum. That little girl has been through so much in her short years, if I can provide her a safe, loving, stable home, then I’ve done all I need to do on this earth. I wasn’t kidding when I said she means everything to me. She’s all I have left of my sister, and I’m her dad in all the ways that matter.”

  “God, I had no idea.” Everly’s eyes misted before she hooked her hand in mine. The comfort of her touch soothed my ragged nerves.

  “The more she grows, the more he looks like Anna and the more I miss her. The more I wish my parents were still here to see their only granddaughter. We have a good life, but it’s been just us for so long now.”

  “Your love is enough. I can see it in the way you talk about her. You have enough love to carry her through the rest of her life. She’s lucky to have you.”

  “Maybe.” I nodded, watching as Savannah stroked the dog’s head. He wagged his tail fiercely and licked her hand, making her erupt into giggles before the entire show repeated again.

  “I was thinking… I don’t want to come between anything. I’m here for her, so maybe whatever happened between us—”

  My heart froze before I looked at Everly, her eyes focused on Savannah. “Not a chance, you’re not getting away that easily.” I pulled Everly closer to me. “I told you, once I have you, that’s it.”

  Her eyes darted back to mine, that succulent bottom lip caught between her teeth again.

  “You make me want to suck on that bottom lip.” A whoosh of air escaped her lungs before I gently pulled the soft flesh from her teeth.

  “Mason, are you sure this is smart—”

  “I’m more sure of you than I’ve ever been of anything in my life. Maybe there’s a reason yours was the application I picked out of the dozens I received. I didn’t fill this post for months. Mrs. Potts kept pushing me to choose someone, but no one ever felt right. Nothing ever felt right until your application. Reading your bio, your experience with kids, your essay about taking care of your neighbor’s children… I just knew. So no, there isn’t any turning back now.” I br
ushed a thumb across the delicate angle of her cheekbone.

  Everly’s chest rocked with her soft breaths, my words clearly having a reaction on her. “I just want to make sure—”

  “That we don’t hurt Savannah? Leave that up to me, and trust me, there’s not a thing on this earth I would do to hurt that little girl. Or you.” I pressed a hand behind her neck.

  “I just don’t want—”

  “I know, but trust me. Trust me with us.” I placed a hand over her heart. “With this.”

  “That’s not something that comes easily to me.” Everly’s eyes pleaded with me for understanding.

  “So stop overthinking. All you've got to do is feel,” I whispered before catching the lobe of her ear with my teeth.“How does this feel?”

  Everly sucked in a sharp breath, her fingers clutching at my inner elbow as I held her steady. Her bottom almost swayed with the force of my words.

  “It feels… perfect,” she finally said.

  “Exactly. So why bother denying it? I’ve denied myself for a long damn time, because no one ever made me feel the way you do, but I won’t do it anymore. You’re the woman I want, and you as may have noticed I'm a very determined man when I set my mind to something.” A cocky grin split my face.

  “Oh, I noticed.” She simpered.

  “You're so bloody beautiful it makes my heart ache.” I traced her hairline with the tip of my nose, not at all caring that anyone passing by could catch a glimpse of us. I couldn’t bring myself to care.

  My bachelor status in this town was legendary. Older women constantly tried to set me up on blind dates with their eligible granddaughters, but no one had ever interested me. No one had ever gotten inside my head like this woman. If my neighbors saw us together now, I didn’t mind them knowing she was off-limits.

  Everly was rare, exquisite, nurturing, smart and sassy when it served.

  “You’re everything I’ve been waiting for, Everly, and Savannah loves you already.”


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