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Under the Mistletoe

Page 9

by Aria Cole

  “Good girl.” One hand slid up my body, dominant and smooth, as though he was ready to take, consume, fuck.

  With his hand holding my head, he leaned over my body, lips attaching to mine in fierce, confident strokes. He kissed me as he’d never kissed me before, like a tiger unleashed and ready to devour. With an elegant stroke and slide, his cock hovered at my entrance. Every nerve of my body fired off with pleasure as his tongue fucked my mouth. With one hand at my hip, he lined the tip of his dick with my entrance and pushed in slow, gentle thrusts until he was sliding in.

  I sucked in a quiet breath and held it as my body inched open with his intrusion. My muscles were tense, and I was glad he’d tied my wrists because otherwise my nails would have been digging into his shoulder blades at that very moment.

  “Mason…” I called.

  “It’s okay, baby. Almost there.” He paused, drove in another inch, then paused again, allowing my body to adjust. “You’re doing perfect. Everything about you is perfect.”

  His hand pushed up and down my body, and his lips moved to tease my nipples then return to my lips. His tongue thrust past the seam of my mouth as his dick pushed a little farther. I sighed, the pain receding to pleasure as my muscles loosened. He must've sensed it because his hands held my hips as his mouth continued to nip and suck at mine. His hips took on slow, measured strokes.

  “I want to touch you,” I protested, twisting at the binds above my head.

  “Not this time, baby. This is all about you feeling. And watching.” He sat up and pulled on my hips, which tightened against him so he hit some new and deliciously different angle.

  I groaned, arching as his thrusts sped up.

  “Watch me bury myself inside you.”

  My eyes focused on his, my heart thundering so quickly I thought it might explode from my chest. “Mason… it’s too much.” The emotions pulsing between us coupled with the beautiful invasion of his thick cock were overwhelming my senses.

  “No, baby, not between us. We’re one. Our souls were torn apart at inception, but we’ve found each other again. Nothing comes between us.” He pulled me up to meet his lips and my legs locked around his waist, settling his cock deeper inside me. So deep I thought it might hit the very end of me. “I’m fucking you this way every night until you know I love you so hard and deep, I’ll own the heart of you. You won’t know what life was like before me.”

  “I already don’t,” I replied, my arms looped around his neck, my wrists still wrapped tightly in his tie. On instinct, my lips fell against his. My teeth pulled on that lush lower lip that drove me nearly insane whenever I looked at him. “I want everything with you.”

  “Good, because I’m going to cum so deep into your beautiful pussy, I’m going to plant my seed and really claim you for mine. I want you beautiful and round with my babies, Everly. I want a ring on your finger and you in my bed every night, starting now.”

  My thoughts raced as his hands and his tongue and his words blazed through me. I focused on him, focused on the feeling, bit my tongue, and didn’t say the one thing burning in my mind right now. Would he still want me if I said it? I wasn’t sure, and I was too scared to find out.

  His hand snaked between us, and his fingers circled my clit in agonizing strokes.

  “Oh God…” I groaned, my hips speeding up as his thrusts grew more ragged, his muscles more tense. “Oh god, oh god…”

  “Cum, kitten. Cover my dick in your cum.”

  He pinched my tight bud, and all unhappy thoughts melted from my head as a thousand sets of fireworks exploded through my body. My head spun as all I felt was him, his hands, his lips, his cock nestled in the deepest part of me. This was love. This was what we were meant for. This was wild, primal, raw, and blissful.

  Mason’s thighs bunched and tightened beneath me as his head pushed back, his hips thrusting in slow motion as his eyes shut tightly and his mouth popped open in rapt pleasure. Trailing my teeth up the line of his neck, I milked his cock and licked around the shell of his ear. I nipped at his earlobe and moaned with my own pleasure from watching him cum.

  “Jesus, kitten,” he finally said, eyes nailing mine. “Jesus, I’ve never cum so hard. I think you almost killed me.”

  A soft smile pulled at my lips. At least we were on the same page. “You almost kill me every day, English.”

  His throaty laugh filled me with so much love. “English?”

  “I like it. Elegant and filthy all at the same time.”

  He laughed even harder after that.

  “You look far away. What are you thinking, kitten?” Mason asked a while later, our bodies tangled together in the pile of blankets he’d created just for our lovemaking.

  I couldn’t shake the sadness that’d penetrated the bubble. Maybe I should have opened up to him before letting him have me, but the thought of losing him was too scary.

  He ran one finger across my cheekbone, pulling me from my useless musings.

  “I’m thinking that you take my breath away,” I finally answered.

  He grinned, locking our hands together and curling me into his body. “Good, I like you breathless and desperate for me.”

  “Don’t get a big head or anything.” I nibbled at his lips, feeling deliciously happy and incredibly sated.

  “I've got a feeling you'll keep me grounded just fine.” He ran a hand down my throat, his gaze crawling over my skin as though he couldn’t bear to tear his eyes away.

  I loved his attention, the unexpected power I felt from bringing this man to his knees in ways I didn’t know possible.

  “The sun is coming up,” he whispered against my neck, lips tickling the sensitive flesh.

  “We've been out here that long?” I yawned, stretching and then curling back into him.

  “Sunrise is early here. That’s probably not something you're used to.” He licked my shoulder blade, tasting me.

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to living here.”

  “Then we’ll move. If you want to go back to America, we’ll move.” He nestled my head into his shoulder and adjusted our line of sight to the horizon. Shades of pink and orange were creeping into view.

  “No, I don’t mean that. I love it here. I didn’t realize how much I’d love it.”

  He grunted. “England has a lot to love. Outside of the rain.” He grunted.

  “England does have a lot to love.” I grew silent as the sunrise continued to paint the sky. “This has been the best night of my life, Mason.”

  “Then I’ll have to outdo myself next time.”

  I laughed. “You always do.”

  He groaned, hitching one of my thighs over his hip and running his hands across my entire form pretzeled around him. “I could lay here all day with you.”

  “Mrs. Potts would probably worry.”

  “Mm, let her worry. I just found you. I’m never letting go.” His teeth grazed my earlobe.

  “You don’t have to,” I whispered, crawling on top of his body and straddling his hips. With careful precision, I slid onto his beautiful cock, my back arching as the warmth of his body overtook me.

  “God, you’re beautiful riding my dick. You drive me crazy, kitten.” His palms fisted my tits, his thumbs working my nipples into stiff, sensitive peaks. “Do you even know what you do to me?”

  Catching his palms in mine, I said, “Exactly what you do to me.”

  He smiled and kissed my forehead gently. “Kitten you own me. You stripe me raw, with you I am simply me. For a man who has never had that before it’s like fresh air and water. I catch myself smiling for no reason and then a second later I realize it’s because of you. Thank you for giving yourself to me, I promise that I will never take it for granted and to always cherish you. “ I placed my head on Mason’s shoulder and smiled. In that moment I realized the best thing about Mason was that I was in love with all the little things. All the small parts that no one notices where the parts that made him even more wonderful to me. I closed my eye
s and I knew I was safe, I was loved and I was happy. As I drifted off into sleep I hear Mason’s deep voice whisper.

  “A boy spends his time looking for a girl to wake up with, a man spends it looking for the one to wake up to. I can’t wait to see you in my arms in the morning, beautiful.”

  Chapter Nine


  The next few days flew by as I soaked up all my new duties at the manor. Savannah and I had taken to each other like long lost sisters, and Mrs. Potts was the stern yet caring grandmother I’d never had. I fell into life at Kingsley with ease, pinching myself each morning because I was so thankful to be here and have this opportunity.

  Taking care of a sweet, joyful English girl and being around her wonderful family was just the distraction I’d needed. And the fact that an incredible man had taken my virginity...I felt more alive, more womanly. I felt utterly different and more myself than ever before. Mason did that to me. Somehow, when I’d found Mason, I’d found myself.

  I ran a brush through my hair, preparing to head downstairs for dinner. I’d also been helping Mrs. Potts in the kitchen every day. Savannah loved to hang out with us and color at the kitchen island while Mrs. Potts chatted away, telling me about the history of the estate and about her own childhood growing up in the village.

  I took in my reflection in the antique vanity that sat in my opulent room decorated with rich curtains and thick rugs running along the wooden floors. This home was out of a dream and the family that lived in it charming. I dabbed on pink lip gloss before leaving my bedroom and winding down the stairway, following the delicious smell of home-cooked food.

  As soon as I entered the kitchen, as if something connected us that neither one of us could see, Mason’s eyes swung to me. They landed on my lips instantly, then traveled over the soft waves of my hair that fell down my chest. As though I was drawn to him by magnetic force, I padded slowly across the kitchen to where he and Savannah stood at the kitchen island.

  “You smell pretty, Everly.” Savannah peered up at me, an innocent smile on her face.

  Mason's heavy hand fell on his daughter’s head and ruffled her curls. “Everly looks pretty.”

  “Sit, sit. We don't want it getting cold.” Mrs. Potts sped past us, a basket of freshly baked bread in hand.

  Once we were settled at the table, Savannah tucked her napkin in her lap and looked at me. “Daddy says I have to go to bed early tonight because I have a riding lesson in the morning. Can you come to the stable and watch me ride tomorrow? Cookie is my favorite horse. I always bring him carrots!”

  “That sounds like so much fun, Savannah. I can’t wait.” I beamed at her, her rosy cheeks nothing short of angelic.

  I did my best to eat the amazing food I’d helped Mrs. Potts prepare earlier, but Mason’s eyes lingering on me left me feeling a little short of breath. Mrs. Potts and I talked about what we would have for dinner tomorrow, but Mason suggested we order takeaway—fish and chips from the best place in the village. I agreed eagerly, before I lost my voice again from Mason’s gaze hovering on me from across the table.

  “I was thinking I could take Everly to the pub for a drink tonight. Introduce her to a few of the locals, show her some of the local flavor.”

  “Flavor? Is that what they’re callin’ it these days?” Mrs. Potts’ accent thickened as she teased Mason. “She doesn’t need the acquaintance of any of those loons.”

  The three of us erupted into laughter before Savannah, eyes darting around to all of us, followed suit without even realizing what we were laughing about.

  “I think it sounds like fun,” I said.

  “Perfect. Now you, little miss”—he smiled at Savannah—“need get ready for bed.” His eyes returned to mine. “We can leave after?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Sounds lovely,” Mrs. Potts chimed in, her eyes sparkling as she looked from Mason to me.

  Mason’s eyes cut to the old lady before his face broke into a sheepish grin. His face turned back to me as his eyes rolled adorably. Charm came off him in masculine, intoxicating waves.

  I couldn’t help but wonder more about Mason’s sister...Savannah’s mom. They’d suffered a tragedy I couldn’t even begin to fathom. But despite the heartache, or maybe because of it, they were close, loving, connected. Watching Mason smile down at his daughter, pride and devotion pooling in his eyes, was something that warmed me down to the tips of my toes.

  Mason and Savannah needed me. For the first time in my life, I was needed, and that meant more to me than almost anything else.

  “Open your mouth and swallow,” Mason purred an hour later, passing a pint of hard cider into my hands. “Best cider in all of Great Britain.”

  “How often have you used that line?” I teased, accepting the glass and taking a long sip.

  His eyebrows arched as he watched me drain almost half of the glass. “I was not expecting that.”

  I grinned, feeling ridiculously proud. I licked my lips, setting the glass on the old wooden bar. “Glad I can keep you on your toes.”

  “You do way more than that.” He tucked a lip between his teeth, mouth crooked to one side in a cocky grin. “Wanna try an Irish car bomb?”

  “That thing with the shot inside a pint of Guinness? Uh, no thank you.” I scrunched my face. “I’ll stick with the cider. It’s just girly enough for me.”

  “It is pretty girly, isn’t it?” He tipped his hand to the bartender, signaling him over. “Hey, Toby.”

  My mind wandered as Mason chatted with the bartender. He’d told me when we’d walked in that he and Toby had gone to grade school together. I got the sense that much of this small village was the same way—everyone knew each other, had a history—which was oddly comforting.

  My gaze traveled across the bar, taking in the sea of bodies, mostly middle-aged men milling about with a pint in hand. Unlike American bars, music was absent, the wood amplifying the low chatter of voices catching up on the day’s events. The pub was heavy with the scent of rich, fried food only a pub could serve.

  A friendly-looking guy, probably a few years older than Mason, thrust a hand at me. “Hi, I’m Michael.”

  “Hi.” I smiled kindly. “I’m Everly.”

  “Pretty name. That an American accent I hear?”

  “It is.”

  “What brought you here of all places? Pretty girl like you should be drinking cosmos in London.” He leaned in closer and took a sip of his beer, eyes trained on my lips.

  I felt Mason shift closer to me. His low voice was still deep in conversation with Toby, but his body clearly sensed something was up.

  “I’m here for a job actually. Only for a few months.” I turned back to my pint and took a sip, wishing Mason would cut in and save me from any more probing questions.

  “Well, there isn’t much to see, but if you ever need a friend, let me give you my number—”

  “Everly, can I have a word?” Mason butted in, looping his hand at my elbow and pulling him against his chest.

  My heart dropped instantly and my knees went weak as I felt every hard inch of his solid body behind me. Jesus, what was he doing and why did I like this?

  “Sure,” I whispered, smiling at the stranger before Mason shuttled me away from the bar and down a short corridor.

  “Bloody tosser.” He growled, shoving through a door and pulling me in behind him. Flicking on the light, he spun me, hands caging me against the wooden panels.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, chest heaving. My every single breath was consumed with him. His scent, the primal, beast-like energy radiating from him. Everything about him turned me on.

  “I don't like his eyes on you.” His hands were at my waist, sliding over the curve of my ass. His fingers found the hem of my dress, inching it up my thighs to land at the curve of my ass. “I don’t like him looking at what’s mine.”

  “Mason, I don't think he was—”

  “Don’t tell me what he was thinking. I know men, and I’ve known that on
e longer than I’ve known just about anyone. He wants you.” His teeth edged the shell of my ear.

  “So what if he does?” I offered lamely.

  “You made me cum in my trousers, Everly. I’ve never done that before. I love you shuddering beneath me. My lips on every inch of your skin...feeling you so deeply it shatters your soul. That makes you mine. Do you need me to remind you why, kitten?”

  Mason’s fingers hooked in my panties and pulled them just down my thighs.

  “Please…” I whispered, my hands wrapping around his neck.

  “My sweet little pussy cat is soaked.” His fingers ran through my slit and sent me arching up onto my tiptoes.

  “I’m always wet around you,” I confessed, unable to stop the words.

  “I know, I love it.” He pushed his thumb into his mouth, sucking off my arousal before his grin tipped up. “Show me how you touch yourself.”

  I waited breathlessly, hardly comprehending his words.

  “Do it, Everly. Touch that pretty pussy.” He guided my hand between my thighs, groaning when my fingertips made contact with the slick skin. “That’s it, sweetheart.”

  I heard the swift sound of his zipper, then I watched, riveted, as he pulled his thick erection from his pants. Fisting it at the root, he ran his hand in slow strokes up to the tip and back down again.

  “Oh my god.”

  “That's it, kitten. Let him hear you now.” Mason’s words burned in my ears. “Pinch your clit.”

  I did as I was told, pinching then swirling, gaze bouncing from the cock in his hand to his eyes, then back again.

  “Now slip one finger inside and swirl the bud with your thumb. Don’t hesitate.”

  I sank a finger inside myself, my arousal heightened tenfold by the way he groaned, low and deep from somewhere in his belly, when his eyes landed on my hand fucking myself.

  “Beautiful, baby. So bloody perfect.” He fisted his cock faster, squeezing and pumping as my thighs began to shake, my knees weak. Mason hummed, his lip tucked between his teeth before he pushed a hand into my hair and pulled my lips to his in a fierce kiss. His tongue plunged past my lips as our hips rocked together, our hands shaking violently before he growled low and deep. “You’re mine, Everly.”


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