Book Read Free

Black Burlesque

Page 50

by L. C. Castillo

  I arch my brow at him.

  “You two are going to have to get along at some point. That won’t happen if you avoid her.”

  “I’m not avoiding her. Your family needs to deal with the Benny issue first. I’m trying to help.”

  He sighs.

  “Maybe you’re right,” he admits.


  He let’s go of my hand and leans back in his chair. He looks more relaxed. He takes another small, tentative sip of his coffee.

  “How about we host Christmas Eve, Then it’s like, neutral territory or whatever.”

  The words are out of my mouth before I’ve had a chance to process what I’m even saying, but his eyes light up and my words bring color to his cheeks.

  Shit, no backing out of this now.

  I smile shyly back at him. He reaches across the table, grabs the lapels of his cardigan that I’m wearing, and pulls me to him. He crushes his mouth against mine.

  “That just made my day, Lenore. We’ll have a Christmas party. Just us, and our close family and friends.”

  I smile back at him. I can’t believe I just suggested hosting a Christmas party. But to my surprise, I’m already looking forward to it. Planning, hosting, cooking, having my friends here. I secretly wish he doesn’t invite his evil mother, but I keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to sour his good mood. I don’t relish the thought of her in this lovely home. I don’t feel she’s worthy to set foot through our door. I’m still not sure if I can believe the story Conni told me about her, but I know for certain that I do not trust her.

  It’s amazing how my day has managed to turn itself right side up. The semester doesn’t begin until after the holidays, so thankfully Vincent has no pressing matters to attend to for a few weeks. He’s able to kick his feet up for now.

  We finish our coffee and spread out on the new sectional in the den and watch Rosemary’s Baby with a bowl of popcorn between us. Vincent is still in his sweats, and I’m in my leggings and cardigan. It’s so strange to do something so normal, in his home that is now my home. I feel comfortable, content, and at ease.

  But in the back of my mind, I can’t help but feel something is coming. Something that will threaten and ruin all that I have. I squeeze my eyes shut, and shoo the thought away.

  The weather is behaving itself for once, and there is a thick layer of fog surrounding our House on the Hill. It’s cozy in our room. We have a fire lit. It crackles and roars on the opposite side of the bedroom, giving off a warm, ambient feeling.

  Vincent’s fingers trail softly up the back of my leg. We lie facing one another, underneath our fluffy comforter. The only sound in the room is the roar and crackle of the fire, and my quickening breath. His fingers continue to trail up the back of my thigh and up my slip to gently fondle my naked behind.

  He cups his hand against my backside and pushes his erection against me suggestively. His blue eyes burn brightly; his skin is extra pale in the gray morning light. I run my fingers across his face, his stubble tickles my fingers. It’s amazing how quickly his facial hair grows. I run my pinky nail against his jaw line, up towards the back of his ear.

  He lets out a low groan, it emanates from the back of his throat. Our hips sway in synchronization, grinding softly together. The friction is perfect, his soft flannel PJ’s press against my sex. I move my hand down from his face, over his neck and across his chest. He’s shirtless and the angle of his body causes his abdominal muscles to ripple each time he sways his hips into me.

  He is a beautiful sight this morning. Who am I kidding? He’s a beautiful sight every morning. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I slide my hand into his pants and grasp his erection. It’s about ten degrees warmer than the rest of his body. I free him from his pants and slide him between my legs, not inside of me, but so the lips of my sex press softly against his warm erection.

  I don’t want him inside of me just yet; I’m trying to delay the inevitable gratification his body brings as long as possible. I want to stay in bed with him, grinding just like this until I can’t possibly take it any more. He pushes against me and I close my eyes and moan. We lie nose to nose, breathing one another in, never breaking eye contact.

  It’s erotic. I’m incredibly slick between my legs; the moisture makes it easy for him to slide his length between my legs and against my growing bud of nerves tingling with pleasure.

  His fingers trail from my wrist up my arm and to my shoulder. He slowly slides the strap of my satin slip off my shoulder, freeing just one breast. He let’s out another groan, and I feel myself throb, down south.

  My pulse starts to quicken, my heart thuds against my chest. My nipple tightens and extends before he’s even touched me. My body always responds to Vincent. He rolls his thumb around and around the tip of my breast, gently cupping and palming me. I swell in his hands and I push my chest into him. Without taking his eyes off mine, he stoops down and takes my nipple into his mouth. Biting and sucking; I let out a gasp.

  So much for delayed gratification. I slide him into me and he hisses out a breath between clenched teeth.

  Without breaking our precious contact he rolls himself on top of me and really sinks into me. Pushing me up the bed as he goes, my head lightly hitting the headboard. He flexes his hips and I push against him. I know I am close and he’s only just entered me. I run my hand down his back and push his flannel PJ’s down under his backside. I rake my nails against his skin, and cup his behind and push him into me harder still.

  “Ahh...” he moans into my mouth. I suck his bottom lip and fondle his behind pushing him into me again and again.

  “I’m close, Lenore...”

  I am too. I slide the other strap of my slip down and free my other breast. The satin skimming against my erect nipple nearly sends me over the edge. I cup his head and bring his lips down to my breast. He sucks softly, biting and worshipping my sensitive skin.

  I push my breasts together and whisper into his ear, “I want you to come on me, right here... ”

  He groans and pulls out of me quickly. Scrambling out of his PJ bottom’s to straddle my chest. He’s slick with my arousal. With my breasts in my hands I cup his erection between them, he slides himself in and out, thrusting and building, climbing higher and higher.

  I watch with fascination as his muscles clench and tighten. He’s so very close; I can feel it. I grab his hands and place them on the sides of my breasts so he’s cupping them, leaving my hands free to roam.

  I slide my fingers up his thighs and to his behind. His thumb and forefinger pinch and twist my nipples tenderly. I gasp and writhe beneath him, and just when I know he about to let go, I slide my middle finger between his cheeks. He tenses, but only for a second. I gradually slide the tip my middle finger into his opening. I thrust it in, oh, so gently, and stroke. I massage him from the inside, and he growls a deep and guttural growl as he comes magnificently on my chest. He finishes and stills. I feel myself pulsing and aching to finish along with him.

  I withdraw my finger and surprise him by taking his erection in my mouth, rolling my tongue around his head gently. I plant a kiss on the tip, lapping up the remnants of his arousal. He smiles at me and rises carefully. He turns his back to me and walks to the bathroom, I watch him with intrigue. He’s so alluring. He has the perfect physique; even his back is toned and muscular. When does he find the time to stay in such great shape?

  He returns with a smoldering smile and a hand towel for me. I take it from him, grinning from ear to ear. He is sublime, wondrous in his naked glory. I wipe his orgasm off my chest and neck. I toss the towel onto the floor. I need to do laundry soon, I remind myself.

  He clambers back into bed beside me and nuzzles my throat. His hand explores my body as he takes my earlobe in his mouth. I place my hand over his and glide it down to cup my sex. I feel him smile against my neck.

  “Mmm, I owe you don’t I?” he whispers, and he sinks two fingers inside of me. He spreads his fingers and delicately
strokes me from the inside. I’m teetering on the edge. He thrusts his fingers in and out of me skillfully, his thumb pressing lightly against my clitoris. Moving in slow agonizing circles. He presses his beautiful mouth against my ear, and almost inaudibly whispers, “I love you, Lenore.”

  I ignite; his words cause my blood to flame. I incinerate. I shamelessly gasp and pant in a most licentious way. I grasp his arm and writhe against his hand; I spiral down after what feels like a long and torturous orgasm and then I lay my head onto his chest.

  We finally wake as the fire in the room dies down. A cold chill seeps into the room.

  “Time to get up, beautiful,” Vincent whispers against my lips. But I don’t want to open my eyes.

  He gets out of bed and I shiver. I sit up and stretch. My arms extend up and over my head. When I finally open my eyes, Vincent is looking at me with vivid appreciation. I place my hands on my head, my slip pools down low on my waist, my breasts cold and exposed. I wink at him provocatively.

  “As tempting as you look, we have to get up, I want to take you Christmas tree shopping.”

  I spring out of bed, my excitement palpable, Vincent laughs at my enthusiasm. I slide the slip the rest of the way down, stoop down to pick it up, and fling it at his face. I run to the bathroom with him hot on my heels, and we enjoy another hour in the shower together.

  Chapter 29

  I’m thoroughly sexed, and a little sore, as I rush about the kitchen. I’m rolling out the crust for my pumpkin pie, made from scratch.

  Vincent walks into the kitchen, finely dressed in a crisp white shirt, red tie, a charcoal vest and a pair of black and gray hound’s-tooth pants. He looks exquisite.

  “You look perfect, as usual,” I say with mock disgust.

  He smirks, “As do you.”

  I’m in a pale pink silk robe and slippers. My hair piled high in rollers, my makeup freshly done, and I’m covered in flour. I look down at myself and back up at him. I roll my eyes.

  “Really, Lenore. I mean it. You look so domestic; you’re making me hard. You look sexy covered in flour,” his voice is thick, deep, and dripping sensuality.

  He vulgarly grasps his arousal through his pants. My mouth waters in response. I subtly let the robe fall open, revealing my black strapless brassiere, matching panties and garter belt, I’m wearing the finest silk stockings I’ve ever worn. They feel luxurious, and sexy. Hitting right in the middle of my thigh.

  He let’s out a small moan. We hear the front door open and Lurch coughs discreetly as I hastily tie my silk robe back up.

  Vincent saunters over to me; his long legs look divine in his slim fit slacks. He leans over me, hands in his pockets, and kisses my cheek.

  “To be continued,” he whispers conspiratorially in my ear.

  He turns and walks away, turning back a second later to let out a long held breath of air. I soften and smile.

  “I’ll be back shortly. I’m running out for a few last minute things, you sure you don’t need anything else?”

  I shake my head, still in awe of him, and he and Lurch leave, closing the door behind them.

  I finish with the crust, pour in the filling and place the pie in the oven, cover my finished casserole and place it in the warming drawer and run upstairs to finish getting dressed.

  Vincent and I are nearly finished setting up the dining room for our Christmas Eve party. Thankfully Elizabeth declined. She stated that she and Edmond would be visiting a friends party that they RSVP’d to weeks ago, but we’re going over to their house Christmas Day for dinner. I scowl. I can’t get out of it. I let it go and continue helping Vincent string some lights across the window. This is the first time the dining room will be used! I’m thrilled.

  It looks wonderful and inviting. We strung little twinkling Christmas lights throughout the dining room; they cast a lovely glow about the room. The tablecloths are a crisp white, a perfect contrast to the blood red place mats. Stark white dishes, and sparkling crystal adorn the table. The dishes have a delicate silver trim, and the candleholders are silver as well. It looks simple, warm, and lovely.

  I’ve never been excited about Christmas Eve. Painful reminders usually ruin this time of year for me. But they’ve remained locked away in the back of my mind so far. Hidden in a dark corner.

  I’ve been slaving away in the kitchen all day. Now all we need is for our guests to arrive.

  Vincent and I take a moment and take it all in. He pours me a glass of red wine. It’s light and delicious, and has a slight hint of apples and cinnamon. It warms me instantly. He looks wonderful, like always. His thick lustrous locks worn in that James Dean half-tousled, half-groomed way of his. His tie matches the shade of my dress perfectly.

  I’m in a tight, red, velvet V-neck dress with cap sleeves. I paired it with a pair of leopard stilettos. My hair is tied back in a sleek ponytail, which hangs neatly over my left shoulder. Red lipstick and my standard black liner, worn in a dramatic cat-eye complete my look. We both look hot.

  I can’t wait until everyone arrives. The sooner they come, the sooner they’ll leave and I can undress Vincent. I love seeing him in a suit, but I love seeing him take it off, oh, so much more. I want to feel his silk tie wrapped around my eyes and his tonguepres

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  I shake my head.

  “Must be something good, you’re the same color as your dress,” he cocks his brow as he takes a long sip of his wine.

  My mouth drops open in surprise. I swat his shoulder and he widens his smile. I’m momentarily dazzled, but we’re both snapped back to the present as the doorbell is rung.

  Lurch, the enormous shadow in our lives, opens the door for our first guests. I frown, just how long will we have to have Lurch and Dwayne around? When will this mysterious matter finally be resolved? I knit my brows together thinking how much it must cost to have them with us all the time. Dwayne is away for the next two days, visiting his family. So it’s just us, and Lurch.

  “Stop scowling, it’s my grandmother. Let’s go say hello,” he quips, playfully.

  I smile crookedly at him and we make our way over to kiss Viola and Benny. They look spectacular! They’ve gone all out and dressed to the nines! Viola is wearing a bedazzled cobalt blue dress, her white hair curled around her head like small tufts of clouds. I am so pleased to see her! I embrace her and kiss her cheeks.

  She grips both my arms, she is so frail and small, but strong at the same time.

  “Hello, doll. You look lovely as ever. What I wouldn’t give to have a figure like yours. I must show you pictures of myself in my heyday, Lenore. You wouldn’t believe it, but I once had a killer figure, once upon a time.”

  “Oh, I find that easy to believe, Viola. I’m so happy to see you. Merry Christmas.” I beam at her.

  “Merry Christmas to you, too.” She smiles broadly and then turns to Vincent.

  Benny is dressed in a sharp black suit. His tie matches his grandmother’s dress perfectly.

  “Hello, handsome!” I kiss his cheek and he rolls his eyes playfully.

  “Merry Christmas, the house looks great! And so do you, damn,” he adds with a wink.

  I blush at his compliment and he wraps me in a tight hug.

  My hostess instincts kick in and I run to the kitchen to grab everyone a glass of wine. I have hor’derves set on the small table before us. We all sit down in the plush living room, decorated with snowflakes and poinsettias, and talk amiably until everyone arrives.

  Maggie is the last to walk through the door. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of Lurch, he gestures for her to come in. I give her a brief explanation, leaving out as much detail as possible, and clutch her hand to bring her into the room to introduce her to Viola. I introduce Maggie to Benny as well.

  “Well, nothing but handsome men in this family,” she says to Viola smiling widely.

  “I am the lucky one, aren’t I? I’m surrounded by them,” she smiles proudly at her grandsons.

“Can I give you ladies a tour of the house?” Vincent proposes.

  “Yes!” Maggie and Viola both exclaim in unison. I roll my eyes as they go up the staircase, one lady on each of his strong, capable arms. I continue talking with Jordan, Benny and Kazumi for a while before excusing myself to make some final touches to our dinner.

  I whisper to Lurch before joining everyone at the table. It’s heart warming to see everyone talking, everyone relaxed, and at ease. Jordan and Benny sit side by side, Kazumi looks beautiful, as always. She sits between Maggie and Viola, clearly entertained by something sassy Viola is saying. Maggie catches my eye and grins.

  “This is a gorgeous home, Lenore. I never even knew it existed up here. It’s tucked away from the rest of the world. It’s magical, you’re both very lucky.”

  I smile and blush the same shade as my dress. I’m suddenly shy, reverting back to my old self. I’ve made tremendous strides, but sometimes Maggie can make me feel like a little girl again, but this time I don’t mind.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she mouths, knowing full well I’ll be too embarrassed if she says that out loud in front of everyone. I grin at her and refill everyone’s glass and announce that everything is ready. Vincent and I take our seats last. He’s at one end of the table; I’m at the other.

  We beam at one another. This is my life now. This is my home. This is my family, and the man across from me is the one who made this all possible.

  Viola and Maggie depart first. They take their gifts with them, and leave the ones they brought for us behind. Maggie and Viola were inseparable this evening. And they were a very funny twosome. They were the sassiest in our group! I bring out some freshly popped popcorn and we start handing out gifts. I watch with fascination the events unfolding before me.

  This is everything I never knew I always wanted. Truly. I never imagined myself spending an evening like this, hosting a Christmas Eve dinner in a home shared with a beautiful man, with our friends and family.


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