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Dark Horses: (Blood Brothers #5)

Page 18

by Manda Mellett

  When she turns to face front again, I answer her question, “I’m giving you something special. Something you can look back on and remember for the rest of your life.” When I’m no longer around.

  “It’s going to be tonight.” Her voice sounds breathy as she catches on fast.

  “Yes, unless you’ve changed your mind. I’m not going to force you if you’ve had second thoughts.” She’ll be able to tell my mind’s set, with my cock nudging against her that I’m making no effort to hide. But I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t give her a way out. Not that I’m feeling very gentlemanly at the moment. I suppress the growl that comes to my throat at the thought of her turning me down now.

  A violent shake of her head affects her whole body, again making the horse dance, “I haven’t changed my mind.”

  I breathe a sigh of heartfelt relief, “Then relax, habiti. Tonight, I lead and you follow. Relax and enjoy, and leave everything to me.” A slight stiffening of her body suggests that she’s understandably nervous. “I’ll take care of you. Good care of you.”

  The horse settles and plods on, now going over rock, audible hoof beats echoing into the night.

  “Where are we going?” she asks again after a few more strides.

  “Not far,” I tell her, seeing the lights appear up ahead in the distance. I pull the horse to a halt. “Look up.” I lift her chin so she’s looking at the sky, peppered with stars.

  A little gasp as if for the first time she sees the beauty of the firmament, away from the city it can be seen at its best. “It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  “Beautiful. Like you.” My lips find her neck and graze across her skin, and she trembles in my arms. Squeezing my legs, I encourage the horse forward again.

  “Is that where we’re going?”

  She’s spotted the lights. “Uh huh.” I confirm, still kissing her neck, sneaking a taste of the salty tang of her skin. Then I raise my head, “I promise to give you a night you’ll never forget.”


  “Shush, relax and enjoy.”

  The lights draw closer, and soon we’re upon them. I pause so she can take in the sight, smiling to myself at her gasp. It’s an elaborate tent, ornate with velvet trimmings, even on the outside. Another thing money can buy. Together with the men to set it up at short notice and the guarantee of their discretion.

  A man approaches us, and takes hold of the bridle. Putting my arms around her, I help her dismount, and then swing my leg over the saddle and drop to the ground. “Shukraan,” I thank the man who leads the horse away.

  “Come.” Taking hold of her hand, I lead her inside the ostentatious tent, decorated like something out of the Arabian Nights. Concealing the plain black canvas, the sides are adorned with tapestries, a low wide divan is set up at the back, with silk hangings around it. Low lighting is provided by lanterns hanging from the apex, and there’s a low table surrounded by cushions, and sitting on that, gold plates and a jug. And, looking very out of place, an ice bucket containing champagne and two flutes.

  As she stands open mouthed, I go to the bottle, expertly opening it so it only makes a slight pop. I pour some into each glass, and once the bubbles settle, hand one to her. Raising my own, I give her a toast, “To us. To tonight.”

  She takes the champagne almost absent-mindedly, holding it but not drinking. She’s gazing around. “This? All this? Why…? How is it here?”

  I grin, “I had it brought here.”

  It takes her a moment, “For me?” she squeaks.

  “For you.” I agree.

  “You needn’t have done that.”

  Seeing she’s not going to sip her drink, I take it from her, loving the bemusement in her eyes. “I wanted to make this special.”

  Now she raises her face, looking into my eyes, “Anywhere would be special with you, Jasim.”

  Fuck, I hope I can live up to her expectations.

  I take a moment to study her, Lamis appears to have followed my instructions to the letter, every one of them, which is greatly appreciated by my cock. I’m a man, I’m a Dominant. The ride through the desert has awoken my marauder’s blood. I can’t wait. I take a step back and give one instruction. “Take off the dress.”

  The deepening of my tone surprises her. Her eyes flick to mine and I try not to blink. Pleased when, without my having to repeat myself, her hands go to her back. She fiddles for a moment, her lips pressed tightly together. Then she turns around with a little apologetic smile, “Can you unzip me?”

  With pleasure. Slowly I slide down the zipper, the soft material floating to the ground as it parts. Covered only by the barely-there thong, from the rear, her backside looks naked. I close my eyes for a moment, as my balls start to pound with aching fullness.

  “Turn around.” I instruct.

  Now I’m able to see the corset I’d chosen, and the way her breasts are pushed up over the top. My hands itch to touch them, but force myself to remember this is no well-trained sub, I’ll need to go slowly. I reach out my hands, touching her biceps, and pull her toward me. As she raises her face, I lower my head, and take her lips with mine.

  Last time I ravished her, now I try to be gentle, applying slightly more pressure until she opens and lets me in. I plunder her carefully, mating my tongue with hers. She sighs and then moans, the same sounds as last time and having the same effect. Letting go with one hand, I reach down and surreptitiously grasp the root of my cock, squeezing it hard for a few seconds, until I bring myself back under control. This isn’t for me, though I know I’ll enjoy it. Tonight has to be all about her. I can only give her this one time and an experience that will stay with her forever.

  It’s going to be difficult to make myself last. I’m tempted beyond reason with this virgin, looking so pure and innocent before me. I’d chosen her clothes with care, now I wished I’d dressed her as a slut. Every item she’s wearing screams she’s untouched, and that I’ll be the first man to pleasure her. The first to touch her, the first to taste her. The number of firsts cause a growl of possessiveness to escape from my throat, breaking the kiss.

  I roll my head back, trying to restrain my base desire to throw her down and ravish her without finesse. She tilts her head, I don’t try to explain, unable to understand how much her innocence is turning me on.

  After a few deep breaths, I use my unsteady fingers to start undoing the laces which hold the corset tight. As it loosens she sighs with relief. “It wasn’t conducive to running,” she says with a smile.

  “I didn’t choose it so you could run in it,” I reply gruffly, showing no remorse.

  “You chose it?”

  “I dressed you for me.”

  She laughs quietly at my admission, her amusement animating her face. As I expose her breasts, her mirth fades, her breathing deepens, and she flutters her hands as if not knowing what to do with them.

  “Just let me look.” The corset’s undone, and I slide it off her shoulders. Her tits are small, but large enough for me, topped with the most delectable nipples I’ve ever seen. Rosy pink and large in comparison, making me itch to touch. To pinch. To bite. As I stare at them intently, a tremor runs through her.

  “Jasim,” she gasps out. Just the caress of my eyes is heating her blood.

  My fingers touch the sides of her breasts, and she jumps as I trace them. Then, unable to resist any longer, my hands move and I’m touching her nipples, circling their outline, watching them harden in front of my eyes.

  Her breathing becomes erratic, and a small unsummoned smile appears on my lips as I home in on my target, pinching those already hard peaks between my forefinger and thumb.

  “Jasim.” Again, she cries out my name, this time with more urgency.

  I apply more pressure, and she staggers but doesn’t pull back. “Do you caress yourself, here? Pinch your own nipples?”

  “No,” she replies, shaking her head. “I’ve never done that.”

  Immediately I release her
, “Do it now.”

  With a look of surprise, her fingers take the place of mine, and she copies my actions.


  She complies, her mouth gapes open, and I’m driven to the edge of insanity watching her pleasure herself.

  Breathing in deep, I smell her arousal, almost able to taste it in the air, I’ve no doubt if I touch her she’ll be wet. It’s not difficult to imagine my hard cock sliding into her tight untried depths. Plundering where no man has ever gone before. Stealing her virtue like the warriors of my past.

  Eager now, I want no more delay. I step toward her again, and remove her hands, then turn her around so she’s facing the divan. With my palm gently resting against her back, I encourage her over to it. When she’s there, I swing her up into my arms, then kneel, and gently place her in the middle of the low surface. Releasing her, I stand and take a moment to study her. She looks so right, so beautiful, lying on the bed that’s been provided for us. Placed here for the sole reason of divesting her of her innocence. My body trembles as I watch her lying there, my desire and need almost too strong to keep myself in check.

  Shrugging off my headdress and tunic, I stand in front of her in my loose cotton trousers, my cock visibly straining, tenting the material as it bobs against my stomach, desperate for release. But for her it’s all new, and I must be sure she’s ready. Slowly, for the second time, I sink to my knees. Reaching for the scrap of silk that barely hides her from me, I pull it down slowly, sliding it off her feet, slipping off her shoes she’d worn in the desert along with it. A red flush spreads across her body as she’s completely naked before me. Completely naked, for the first time before any man.

  I need to be sure, to test how innocent I believe she is. I touch her mound, cupping my hand over it. “Has a man had his fingers here before?”

  She huffs a laugh, “The guys would have killed him.”

  I’m glad she had men looking out for her, I owe them a debt for saving her for me.

  “They won’t be pleased with you,” she adds, smiling.

  “I’m more than a match for them.” I could take any of them with one hand tied behind my back.

  Her eyes take in my muscular frame, “Yes, you are,” she agrees, and her tongue flicks out, moistening her lips.

  Her guileless action makes me groan. Fuck taking this slow. With more urgency, I take hold of her legs and pull them apart. She makes a token resistance, and blushes. She’s not consciously fighting me; her reaction is automatic as this is so new and strange. She wants this, she just doesn’t know what I’m going to do.

  I slide my hands up her thighs, unwittingly tickling her. She tenses and draws up her legs, but relaxes as I firm my touch. Continuing my journey, my hands touch her bare shaven labia, yes, Lamis has made sure she did everything I asked, and I slide one finger into her very wet slit. She’s completely dripping for me. She’s ready. But still I need to go slow. I add another finger to the first. Fuck, she’s so tight, she’s going to strangle my cock. Pulling out my fingers, I put them in my mouth. Yes, she tastes every bit as good as I thought she would, and that perfume? My balls churn as I inhale, my breathing unsteady.

  I pause, undecided, desperate to put my mouth on her, but knowing if I do, more of her exquisite flavour would cause me to risk losing it before I’m inside her. My restraint being so sorely tried.

  Circling my fingers around her clit, I flick it, then strum gently, watching her every reaction, trying to learn her body, what pressure and stroke she likes. I’m a quick study and it doesn’t take long before her muscles start to go taut. Once more she tries to close her legs, I shuffle until I’m between her thighs to prevent her. Her eyes are rolling up, her teeth closing on her bottom lip, her back starts to bow and then she starts trembling. As I’d done to her nipple, I pinch her clit and that does it, shooting her over the top as she comes with a scream. And I feel a slice of heaven, knowing I’m the first man to have given her that.

  She’s so fucking beautiful as she comes down from her peak, her eyes open in wonder, the flush on her cheeks. I can’t wait any longer. Standing, I divest myself of my trousers by untying the belt and letting them drop to the floor. Underneath I’m commando.

  She’s eyeing me up, and that tongue’s licking her lips again. Oh, fuck, woman, you don’t know what invitation you’re sending there. But I’ll teach you. I can teach her anything I want.

  As her eyes blaze in appreciation, I ask, “Have you seen a man naked before?”

  A soft laugh. “Plenty of times. I travel with five men, remember, and they’re not exactly shy. But not normally in quite that state.” As she points at my erection I understand what she’s saying. I don’t particularly like knowing she’s seen even a man’s flaccid dick, though for a moment I’m surprised she didn’t turn any of them on. Until I remember, they treated her like a sister. And thank Allah for that. Otherwise she wouldn’t be mine to deflower.

  Reaching around to the drawer I know will have been stocked, I pull out a condom, smoothing it down my cock quickly, just the touch of my own hands requiring me to give the base another squeeze. I’m going to come before I get inside her if I don’t take care. The thought is astounding, surely I’ve trained myself to have more control than that?

  Her eyes widen, and she swallows, “We’re really going to do this?” It’s an unnecessary question, and I don’t bother answering. Just stare at her intently, alert for any sign that she might have changed her mind. But apart from the not unexpected nervousness, I can only read fervour on her face.

  In one smooth move, I fall to the bed, and pull up her knees for easier access, and then position myself. I’d told her it would hurt, and she recalls my words, her body tensing even before I’ve begun pressing in.

  I fondle her clit, she gasps. I circle around it with my fingers, and her head falls back. Still aroused from her previous release, she’s already close. I strum harder and faster, then try pinching again, and that takes her over. While she’s still convulsing, I push into the tissues made soft by her orgasm. For a second she doesn’t notice, then her eyes catch mine. Her hands come out to my arms, clutching and holding me, fingernails jabbing into my skin.

  I don’t mean to intentionally hurt her, but I’m a big man. I gain a little more ground, and she makes a small sound of protest.

  “Try and relax, let me in.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she rasps out, as her brow furrows and her eyes close.

  Sometimes it’s better just to rip that band-aid right off. I thrust in hard, and then stop.

  She’s breathing in pants, moisture glistening in her eyes. “Is that it?”

  “No.” I tell her honestly, and pull back a little. Then in one strong push I’m there, my balls up against her arse.

  She screams and bends forward, her hands clench at me in pain and now the tears are running down her face. Tears which make my cock swell inside her and my balls draw up. Her fear and uncertainty like an elixir on my dark, black soul. I throw my head back, feeling my eyes roll back in their sockets. I’m hanging on by a thread.

  Again, I touch her clit, she tries to push me away, but I take hold of her hands in one of mine so she can’t stop me. Leaning over her, her arms held tight over her head I toy with her clit, ramping up her arousal despite her discomfort. It doesn’t take long before she’s starting to tense, but this time it’s not with pain.

  Knowing I’ve very little control left, I start to move, pulling out and then pushing back in, enough to stimulate me while trying not to hurt her. Her muscles massage me, as they clench and release. As soon as I know she’s reached the peak, as her mouth opens in a scream I hammer in sharply, and then buck once, twice, and that’s all it takes for me to start to empty inside.

  And oh, fuck, the sensation. The blood drains from my brain, the stars we saw outside nothing to the display in my head, I can feel little spurts of cum continuing to escape from the end of my dick as her movements completely drain me.

  At last I s
top coming, and open my eyes. She’s lying still, the corners of her mouth turned up with a very satisfied smile.

  “You good?” I question, when I’m at last able to speak coherently, even if not quite ready to string any thoughts together.

  “Good?” her smile broadens. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  Chapter 18


  My chest is heaving as I attempt to top up my oxygen levels, unable to believe how incredible he’d made me feel, or exactly how good making love with Jasim had been. Sensations that I’d never have thought possible had I not experienced them. I’d given myself orgasms before, or I thought I had. But they were little quakes compared to the earthshattering ones Jasim had summoned.

  He’d told me when I gave my virginity away, it should be something special, not just something rushed to get over and done with. Special? He’d managed to make it beyond my wildest dreams. Starting with the chase through the desert, I could never have envisaged Jasim would quite literally sweep me off my feet, nor have arranged to have this tent set up in the middle of nowhere. What kind of man would even think of that?

  My eyes start leaking as it dawns on me how completely amazing he had made my first time. Nothing, nothing would ever have been able to top it.

  He’s lying propped up on his elbow beside me, I feel his fingers wipe at the moisture in my eyes, and turn my head to face him.

  “I said I wanted your tears, but not like this. What’s the matter, Janna?” His mouth drops as he frowns, “Did I really hurt you? Are you already regretting what we did?”

  Placing my fingers against his cheek, I deny both questions, “Only a little, and definitely not. I’m just feeling emotional, Jasim. I’m overwhelmed by everything you’ve done for me.” I pause, and indicate the richly decorated tent, “Setting up all this. You’ve made it into the most incredible experience for me, and one I’ll never forget for as long as I live.”

  Now a small smile, “That was my aim. I’m glad that it worked.”

  I continue to stroke his skin, “Just you being the one would have been enough.”


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