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Dark Horses: (Blood Brothers #5)

Page 34

by Manda Mellett

  “I’m leaving Anarchy Rules. They know it already. Oh, there isn’t a date set yet, but I’ve been pulling away.”

  My eyes widen, I didn’t expect that.

  “It’s not just about you. I just feel I need something else, I’ve been dissatisfied for a long time now. Even before we went to Amahad. I’d felt something was missing. Something for me, which I’ve never had.” She moves her hands across her stomach, and I wonder whether she even knows she’s doing it. “Maybe write music, or even teach. I don’t know. I just want more in my life than to live it out on a stage.”

  “You play a good Domme.” I chuckle.

  She laughs, “I’m acting a part.” Her face grows serious again, “Only you, Jasim. It was only you who saw the real person I am. I don’t think even the other band members know how much of an act I was putting on. And certainly, none of the other men who tried to flirt with me ever did.”

  “You allowed me to see you, Janna. And I’m so fucking grateful for that.” I pause, thinking, “And I’ve shown you me. There are no secrets kept hidden.”

  “How’s this going to work? You’re a sheikh, a diplomat….”

  “We’re us, Janna. Two people who’ll work it out together.” I break off, as a previously unthinkable notion comes to me. If she has no ties here, there’s nothing holding me back. Just the excuses of years past that no longer seem valid. I take a deep breath, “If you leave the band, and, if you want to, we could go back to Amahad. Make it our home.” I can’t quite believe the words that have just come out of my mouth. But the thought of living near my brothers, going home with my wife and child seems to plug an empty space inside of me where I didn’t even know there was a hole.

  She’s quiet as she thinks. And then turns with a gorgeous smile that engages her eyes, “Jasim, I think I’d like that.”


  They say if you save a life you’re forever responsible for that person.

  I might not have literally saved her life, but she certainly saved mine.

  “So, the eternal bachelor has well and truly been caught.” Nijad barks a laugh, “You’ve got a son and wife now.”

  “And you’re home in Amahad.” Kadar can’t resist poking the sleeping bear.

  Yes. And yes. And doesn’t it feel right? Looking down at the sleeping bundle in my arms, I’m overwhelmed by the love I feel for my son, let alone how much I care for his mother. The woman I tried to evade, because from the beginning she’d tied me up in knots, pulling me to her as though she held the end of an invisible piece of string.

  Life’s turned full circle now. Once I couldn’t wait to get away, now I view my necessary visits to London and living in that gray dreary city with distaste. “I’m selling my share of Club Tiacapan,” I tell my brothers, to identical looks of disbelief. “Oh, I’ll retain membership, I’m not giving up playing. But the reasons I started it aren’t there anymore.”

  Kadar nods his head, “When you find the one, you don’t need anyone else.”

  “Add a child into the mix, you don’t have time for play.” Nijad gives a small frown, and I shake my head, his warning causing no consternation. I might have less freedom to play with my wife, but I’ll not mind spending time with my son.

  “Or the energy,” my older brother adds laughing, pointing to the baby sleeping peacefully in my arms.

  I smile ruefully, he might only be a week old, but already he’s got his mother and I wrapped around his little finger, bringing all my protective and caring instincts to the fore. Already I can’t imagine being without him. And if I lost her, I’d lose my soul. Staring down into his face, and not for the first time, cataloguing his precious features which seem to be a combination of both mine and hers, I say softly, “I get it now. What you were telling me. I thought I’d been avoiding a trap, but instead I was living in one of my own making.”

  Nijad appears at my side, his hand falls on my shoulder, “Janna’s going to make a great mother, a great wife, and a great sub.”

  “She already is,” I tell him. And I mean every word.

  “Well, that’s that then.”

  I glance at Kadar, “What’s what?”

  He points to Nijad, and then at me, and then back at himself. “No more machinations, no more searching. We’ve all been caught now. Three bachelor brothers, now with their wives.”

  “No more kidnappings or arranged marriages?” Nijad grins.

  “Hmm,” Kadar steeples his hands under his chin, “There’s still one sibling left.”


  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  Blood Brothers

  • Stolen Lives (#1 – Nijad & Cara)

  • Close Protection (#2 – Jon & Mia)

  • Second Chances (#3 – Kadar & Zoe)

  • Identity Crisis (#4 – Sean & Vanessa)

  • Dark Horses (#5 – Jasim & Janna)


  • Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1 – Wraith & Sophie)

  • Drummer’s Beat (#2 – Drummer & Sam)

  Coming in 2017:

  • Slick Running (#3 – Slick & Ella)

  • Targeting Dart (#4)

  Sign up for my newsletter to hear about new releases


  I’m devastated when disaster hits the Satan’s Devils MC. Shocked and angry, there couldn’t be a worse time to be contacted by the woman I’d briefly made my old lady, only for her to run the moment things got too tough. She’d left me with no explanation, and in my book that was enough to cut her out for good. But when she explains her situation, it’s difficult to refuse to offer my help. But it has to be on the condition she knows what was once between us will stay dead and buried. There had been no good reason for her to run, had there?


  I didn’t run from Slick, I ran from his club, only to find the world outside their protection can be just as dangerous. And now, to protect my little sister, I’ve no alternative other than to go to Slick for help. It’s not good timing, the Satan’s Devils have just lost one of their own.

  I understand why Slick wants to keep his distance, I’d hurt him when he’d put everything on the line, acting out of character and claiming me as his old lady. A gesture I’d thrown back in his face. But I’m not the same woman he first met. There are things he doesn’t know.

  Satan’s Devils #3: Slick Running

  SATAN’S DEVILS MC: Brothers protecting their own


  When I started writing the Blood Brothers series it was Jasim’s story that was foremost in my mind. But I needed to set the groundwork first, and that’s how it came about that his brothers got their books, along with some of the bodyguards from Grade A, before I could start work on the intriguing man who owns a BDSM club.

  I’ve had so much support and encouragement for this series, reviews and messages letting me know that my readers are as in love with the Kassis brothers and the men from Grade A as I am. I thank everyone who’s bought and read the Blood Brothers books, and especially those who’ve let me know how much they enjoy the series. You don’t know how much those comments spur me on to keep writing.

  Alex, you’re my number one fan, and you encourage me all the time. I can’t wait to hear what you think of Dark Horses.

  Once again, I must thank Lia Rees who brings the men alive with her brilliant cover design.

  This is my second time working with editor, Elizabeth Wright, who I seem to owe new pairs of panties too as she tells me editing the book set hers on fire. I very much enjoyed working with you, Elizabeth, and I appreciated your enthusiasm for Dark Horses.

  Finally, thanks to my husband who as always supports me in my writing, and doesn’t seem to mind when I zone out and live in a different world. And, of course, my son, who’s always there to support me.

  If you enjoy Dark Horses, or even if you don’t, I’d love to hear from you. Authors love to read reviews of their books.

  About the Author

  After commuting for too many years to London working in various senior management roles, Manda Mellett left the rat race and now fulfils her dream and writes full time. She draws on her background in psychology, the experience of working in different disciplines and personal life experiences in her books.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of North Essex with her husband and two slightly nutty Irish Setters. Walking her dogs gives her the thinking time to come up with plots for her novels, and she often dictates ideas onto her phone on the move, while looking over her shoulder hoping no one is around to listen to her. Manda’s other main hobby is reading, and she devours as many books as she can.

  Her biggest fan is her gay son (every mother should have one!). Her favourite pastime when he is home is the late night chatting sessions they enjoy, where no topic is taboo, and usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or two.



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  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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