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When It Falls

Page 10

by Jan Stryvant

  With that Jace picked up the heavy black hood and put it back over Stewart's head.

  "Think I should tell him about how his dad raped my sister?" the voice from behind him asked.

  "I think he's had enough for now," Jace chuckled. "Besides which, I doubt he really cares."

  "Well, he did say he was 'sorry,'" the voice chuckled.

  "Yeah, it's easy to say you're sorry, it's a lot harder to mean it."

  Stewart felt the loop of the shotgun loosened and then pulled up off of him.

  And that was it. He couldn't tell if they were still behind him, if they were still in the room, or if anyone else was there. He realized then that he couldn't even hear any of the background noise he'd heard while Jace had been talking to him!

  Obviously they'd been trained on how to deal with a magic user; they'd taken away his sight, his hearing, and his ability to talk, as well as his ability to use his hands to gesture.

  He might be able to try something, maybe. However with the way he was tied, he wouldn't doubt that there were other things on him that would block his abilities, and no doubt they were just waiting for the excuse to shoot him. The only reason he figured he was really still alive is because they'd been trained not to kill mages without orders.

  So as long as he behaved himself, he should be okay.

  It wasn't a very comforting thought, sitting there, but there wasn't much he could do beyond that, except maybe sleep.

  But he'd get out of this, he was sure that he would. They were only lycans, they just weren't as smart as people were, especially not as smart as a mage like him. And once he did, they'd pay; oh he was sure about that, too.

  Jace closed the door behind him, leaving Red in the room to keep an eye on Stewart.

  "So, now what? We've got a nice little bargaining chip. The only problem is that we have no idea where the people we can bargain him to are."

  "Maybe when Rufus and the others get back from downtown we'll know something?" Beck replied. "It's not like we can go driving around in the truck. All we need is for Stan or Matt to see that truck and one of us driving it. It'd be all over then."

  Jace nodded, "Yeah, I guess it was a good idea to get rid of it. Too bad we need the guy, or we could just run around town until we picked up somebody's scent and then get set up with who's who around here running things."

  "Well, the rumors always said that there are a lot of free wolves in this town. Hopefully we'll find one of them, eventually."

  "Yeah, but we don't have eventually," Jace sighed. "Sooner or later, someone from Sacramento is going to come here looking for Stewart and the rest of us. All they need to do is be close enough when they cast the spell, and we're all dead."

  "Then why are we waiting around here?"

  "Because I don't like the idea of having that silver pellet stuck inside me, if there is the slightest chance of it getting removed. Also, who knows what kinds of things they may have to track us with? At least if we're immune to silver, we'll have a fighting chance if they ever catch up with us."

  "Hopefully they'll just tell everyone else that we're dead and forget about us," Beck said.

  "Yeah, there is that," Jace said, but then grinned, "but just how much sweeter would it be to go back there and have a few words with them our self?"

  "I don't see that ending well, for anybody, Jace," Beck warned.

  "As long as I kill a lot more of them then they do me, I can die a happy wolf," Jace growled, "and maybe rape a few of their daughters while killing a few of their sons."

  Sean wandered through the house with Roxy in tow; they'd sent the wolves back in the van to start ferrying people from Claudia's place up here.

  The house was really incredibly nice. It was a huge single story ranch with a lot of very large bedrooms, a huge living room, den, and even an office. Stopping in the master bedroom, Sean closed the door and smiled at Roxy.

  "What, couldn't wait until tonight?" Roxy laughed as she walked up to him and leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her nice and long.

  Sean let his fingers start to explore her body, then pulling her shirt out he tugged it up until she stepped back a little and raised her hands over her head.

  "It's not just that," Sean smiled as he pulled her shirt off and she undid her sports bra.

  "Oh?" Roxy looked at him in curiosity. "What else is it?"

  "We're home Rox. Home. This is it, this is the place. I'm done with hiding. We're digging in here, and we're going to hold it against all comers. This is our home, and I'll be dammed if I ever move again."

  Pulling his own shirt off, he pulled her close and kissed her.

  "Oh," Roxy purred, "I like the sound of that!"

  Sean smirked slowly, looking into her eyes.

  "Sean, Hon, what are you thinking?" Roxy asked a little warily. She'd never seen him giving her the kind of look he was giving her now.

  "We have a home," he growled.

  Roxy nodded slowly, "Yes, you said that."

  "I seem to remember you saying something about 'not until we have a home,' Riiiiight?" Sean growled lustily and pulling her close he kissed her again.

  Roxy purred at that growl and the possessive way Sean had grabbed her. It was obvious that her Sean wanted something, and the way his hands were grabbing at her ass, and he was grinding his pants clad erection against her. She tried to recall when she'd ever told him he'd have to wait on some....

  Roxy's eyes got wide and reaching down to his waistband she literally ripped his pants off!

  "Somebody want something?" Sean growled and would have laughed as she desperately got out of her own pants if he didn't want this so badly as well.

  "Now dammit! I want it Now!" Roxy growled right back at him. "Bad enough I'm not gonna have your first, but I sure as hell am gonna have your second!"

  Pulling her down to the carpeted floor, Sean was almost overwhelmed by the scent of her need. But Roxy hadn't been shy about letting him know that she wanted his child, and after Roberta he had realized that he very much wanted a child with her as well. Yes, there was a war on, but it didn't matter.

  Right now, only one thing mattered, and he was going to spend the rest of the afternoon and the evening taking care of it.

  "I love you Rox, I want this, I want you, I want us to have children."

  Roxy grabbed his head and kissed him, then reached down and smacked him on the butt, "Get to work stud! You got some breedin' to do!" she growled.

  Grinning down at her, Sean moved between her spread legs. He could tell that she meant business. Apparently she really wanted his child.

  'As senior, she gets to chose,' his lion suddenly spoke up, shocking the hell out of him.

  'Choose what?'

  'She can have a cheetah, or she can have a lion,' came the matter of fact reply.

  'You can do that?'

  'We can do that,' came the humorous reply.

  "What's he want now?" Roxy growled.

  Sean looked down at her. "Do you want a cheetah, or a lion?"

  "I want your son! Now!"

  'Lion,' Sean and his lion both agreed.

  Sean didn't hold back, he just plunged in to the hilt, Roxy wrapping her arms and legs around him as soon as he did and they made love rather frantically there on the floor. They didn't last terribly long, and when they both hit their peak together, Sean felt something magical happening to the two of them. He didn't have to ask his lion, he knew what had happened. Roxy hadn't been in heat, but she sure as hell was now, and the scent of it filled the room and his head.

  "Damn," Roxy panted, "lions really can breed you out of season!"

  "Was there ever any doubt?" Sean chuckled, between pants.

  "Now, how about we do that again, only this time, not so fast?" Roxy giggled.

  Sean snickered and kissed her, "Are cheetah's always so pushy?"

  "Only when they want something," Roxy purred and Sean started to kiss his way down her neck to that lovely chest of hers, his fingers
stroking her smooth skin.

  "Well," he murmured between nibbles and kisses as he reached her breasts, "I want something too."

  "I'm gonna be a mom," Roxy sighed, and then gasped as he bit a nipple.

  "Yup," Sean looked up at her and smiled, what had happened with Roberta had been a spur of the moment thing, an unexpected moment that had taken him by surprise. Not that he regretted it in the slightest of course. Roberta was definitely meant to be his, as far as he was concerned.

  But Roxy, Roxy had been first, and he'd wanted her for so long because she was sexy, she was hot, and she had always been nice and friendly to the geeky quite guy in the room next door. When he'd finally gotten her, made her his, he knew in the back of his head one day that this would be coming, and now that it was, nothing else in the world mattered.

  Just Roxy.

  Rolling over onto his back and pulling her with him, he sat up then, her legs bending and sliding to either side of his as she sat in his lap and he continued to nuzzle, lick, and nibble at her breasts with the occasional nip or tug on a nipple as she panted, her head above his. All the time he was doing that, she was slowly grinding back against him, her elbows braced on his shoulders as her hands ran through his hair.

  When Sean finally felt himself recovered enough for the next round, he kissed his way back up to those delectable lips while his hands slid down to grab her hips. Lifting her up he slotted himself back inside, then just let go, smiling as Roxy gasped in surprise, then grinned at her as she smiled back and wrapped her arms and legs around him, as they started to slowly rock back and forth.

  Roxy purred, she was in seventh heaven, she was being bred. Her big sexy lion was having his way with her, putting his son in her, and right now they were just rocking back and forth, making slow and passionate love as he kissed his way down her neck and she relaxed, leaning back from him, letting his strong hands hold her.

  Damn, if Sampson were still alive, she'd have to send him a thank you card for biting Sean! She always had a feeling that there was more depth to him than he let on, that there was something buried under that quiet unassuming exterior, and sure enough, once his beast had blown all of that away, he'd turned into quite the dominant, strong, and demanding lover, just the kind of male that Roxy had always wanted. That first time he'd taken her, and he really had taken, it had been wonderful, there hadn't been any question or doubts, he'd made her his.

  Her body clenched down on him and she shivered in his lap as she thought about that, drenching him again with her fluids. She liked big dominant guys, but the few she'd met thought they were owed sex and you should be thankful they'd graced your bed.

  But not Sean, oh hells no! When Sean made love to you, he was worshipping your body and thanking you for the opportunity! You could tell that you were the center of his world and that the only thing he was focused on was making you happy.

  When he told you he loved you, you knew he wasn't saying it just to get in your pants, you knew that he meant it. A wonderful sweet guy with a huge tough beast who knew how to be nice and loving, and also knew how to kill his enemies; Roxy shivered again, God must really love her and Sean was the proof.

  "I love you, Sean," she moaned, "I love you and I want your son, give him to me, Baby."

  He raised up onto his knees, grabbing her ass tightly with one hand as he pushed in all the way, and then leaning forward he spilled her onto the bed, on her back, his other hand stopping his body from slamming down onto hers as he braced it on the bed besides her head. Roxy smiled up at him as her Sean began to take her hard once more, driving himself on to his own peak, she could only reach up and stroke the side of his face. They were making a family; she was going to be a mother.

  Sean drove himself on panting in absolute ecstasy until he finally emptied himself into his love, his Roxy, once more.

  And all he wanted to do was to do it again. This was so much better than the last time; even his lion wanted this with Roxy. Sean doubted that there was anything in life more fulfilling than making a child with the woman you loved.

  "Damn," Sean heard Daelyn's voice as the door opened many hours later, "no wonder they sent us off! Do we always smell that strong?"

  "Yeah, it does reek," Jolene agreed, tossing the bags with the blankets and other things they'd bought on the floor. "I kinda like it."

  "Um, Jo, Dae," Peg said, depositing her bags as well. "Maybe we should give them a little space?"

  Daelyn snorted, "Nothing here we haven't joined them in before!"

  Sean opened his eyes and pulled Roxy against him cupping her breasts with his hands while she started to purr loudly and squirm back against him.

  "They're not having sex," Peg giggled.

  "Sure looks like it to me!"

  "Wait a moment," Jolene gasped, "You mean they're?"

  "Yup, breeding," Peg said, nodding.

  "Congrats! Both of you!" Daelyn said happily.

  "Yes, congratulations," Jolene agreed, "I know how much you wanted this, Rox."

  "So, um?" Peg asked and motioned towards the door.

  "Oh, hells no! I'm watching!" Daelyn laughed and plopped down on her butt.

  "You can't be serious?" Peg asked.

  "Close the damn door," Roxy growled and rolled over to face Sean, "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant, so if you want to get naked and join us, feel free, Sisters."

  "You don't want to be alone?" Peg said, surprised.

  "Course not, we're a family, and family shares," Roxy growled lustily as Sean started to nuzzle her. He'd lost count of just how many times they'd had sex in the last four or five hours.

  "This isn't a ploy to get me pregnant too, is it?" Jolene asked, a little worried.

  "That comes later," Sean growled, "After I get you to beg me for it."

  "Honestly?" Peg confessed and started to undress, "The way this room smells I almost feel like begging for it. My vixen just wants to roll around in the wet spot!"

  "Ewww!" Daelyn said.

  "TMI," Jolene laughed.

  "Un-huh," Peg snickered, "yet your both still thinking about it, aren't you?"

  "The breeding or the rolling?"


  "Maybe just a little," Jolene blushed.


  Sean opened his eyes, he was in lion form and he was lying on the side of a mountain and not curled up with Roxy and the girls. Sitting up he looked around, it wasn't quite the same as the mountain from his last dream, the one where his lion had finished explaining to him just who and what he was.

  Looking to his left, there was a throne, of sorts. It was more of an arrangement of rocks, but it was notable by being the only thing like it on the mountainside. And sitting on it, looking out across the assemblage of lions, was his lion, or to put it a little more distinctly, the lion entity that had taken up residence in his mind when Sampson had bit him.

  As Sean watched, one of the lions would pad up to the 'throne' and sit down and converse with his lion, then with a duck of its head, it would get up and pad off. Several lionesses also came and went, one of them going so far as to look him over and give him a wink.

  "What's the purpose of this memory?" Sean asked after that, unclear on just what the message was supposed to be.

  "Ah! You're awake! I must say, this is an interesting surprise."

  Sean turned and looked at his lion, who had a bemused expression on his face. Part of Sean found it interesting that he could interpret leonine expressions so readily now, but the other part asked, "What do you mean awake? This is a dream."

  Sean's lion held up a paw, to stop the lioness that was talking to him, the one that had winked actually.

  "Yes you are asleep, your body that is. This however isn't a dream; it's a place that only we lions can come to, where we exist when we're dead while we await the chance to live again. Sometimes I come here while you're asleep, to talk to the others while they wait, or sleep themselves."

  "The others?"

  "The other lions. This is my youngest s
ister, she currently lives in Beijing."

  "There are werelions in China?" Sean said, looking at her in surprise.

  "We're everywhere, Sean. We may not be the masters of the world that we once were, but we still like to keep an eye on things."

  "Okay," Sean gave a leonine shrug, "by why are you sitting on what looks like a throne?"

  "Because he's the first," his lion's younger sister spoke up. "He's the oldest of all of us, he achieved sentience first, and he discovered the problems we faced before the rest of us."

  "So if you're the youngest, where does that put you?"

  "Fourteenth," she smiled at him, and Sean had to smile back, she was kind of cute actually. Too bad she was in China.

  "Fourteenth?" He asked.

  "We had a large and successful pride," his lion chuckled. "My younger siblings and some of our eldest children make up a council of sorts, so that we might better focus our efforts."

  Sean nodded absently, "So, why are you surprised?"

  "Because it's very rare for one in your position to join me here."

  "My position?"

  "The owner of the body I've joined with, most just aren't strong enough mentally, they don't have the will."

  "Isn't that because you crushed them, and took them over?" Sean asked and then immediately felt embarrassed for saying it.

  His lion however just nodded, "Yes, that was true of those that I destroyed. Don't feel too embarrassed about it," he said noticing Sean's discomfort. "I realize now that it was wrong of me, as I told you before. However I don't feel bad about it."

  "We tend not to feel bad about anything we've done," the lioness chuckled, "being gods and all that."

  "I thought you said you realized you weren't gods?" Sean said looking at the two of them.

  "Well, not gods in the sense of what some would say a god is perhaps, but we did hold the power of life, death, and creation, for many thousands of years," she told him.

  "Sean," his lion said, "less than a handful of those I've joined with have ever come here with me. Once again, it tells me that I was right not to take you over, but instead to take a back seat and guide you as you grow."


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