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Third Date

Page 13

by Leah Holt

  “Layne? I thought his name was mattress man?” Tossing me a very serious look, her small hands fell to her hips.

  I tried not to chuckle, but the old saying, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,' really sank in at that very moment.

  “My real name is Layne, but you can call me whatever you want.”

  “Good. I don't like that name, can I make up a name for you instead?”

  “Sure, what do ya got?”

  Tapping her chin, Fay circled me, eyeing me up and down. “Hmm,” she mumbled. “I got it, I'm going to call you Dilby.”

  “Dilby, huh?” Fay nodded excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. “Alright, Dilby it is. Does this mean I can give you a name too?” Shaking her head yes, she teetered in place, hands cupped together.”Okay, your new name is... Bo.”

  “Bo? Why Bo?” she asked, scrunching her nose, and wiggling her face.

  “Because you have a button nose, and you bounce around a lot.”

  “Bo... I like it. Thanks for coming, Dilby!” Fay threw her arms up, and let herself fall back onto her bed. “But now I'm exhausted, tea parties are a lot of work.”

  Kinsley stepped to her daughter, and ruffled her head. “Alright, nap if you'd like. I don't mind because tonight you're sleeping at Memeré's.”

  Following Kinsley out of Fay's room, I watched her hips sway, the smooth kick hardening my cock. She looked so damn sexy, the yoga pants hugged her curves, the tank-top clung to her skin and etched out every dip and contour.

  My fingers tensed by my side, eagerly scratching at my thigh for freedom to stroke her bare shoulder, caress the tender area at the base of her neck. And now that my family had finally made contact, I didn't feel this need to keep her at arms length.

  There was still a resistance settling in my chest, but it felt more like trying to break an old habit. So much of my time had gone into keeping people away, that willingly letting someone in just felt odd.

  But a new found freedom stained my veins, turning me from a stone wall into a penetrable object. I didn't have to travel around the world to find my family, they were already here, and I was going to have the chance to meet them.

  There was no need to hold back anymore.

  If I could convince her to go on one last date, I was planning on telling Kinsley how I felt. She needed to know my reasons, she needed to hear what I had been through and why not getting involved had been so important.

  “You, uh, you want to stay for a glass of real tea?” She asked, fumbling with her bottom lip. Her arms were hugging her sides, eyes scanning my face.

  “I have a few spare minutes, the polo game isn't for another hour.” Smirking, I plopped down onto the solid blue sofa.

  Kinsley's lip turned up, tugging out a half smile. “Alright,” she said as she stepped into the kitchen. The sounds of rummaging through the cupboard, and opening the fridge made their way out into the living room.

  Running my hands over the fabric, it didn't feel as soft as I expected. There was a layer of crust over the arm, sticky stains speckled the cushion, and deep tracks of what looked like purple marker streaked across the top.

  Hmm, didn't notice that before.

  Stepping back in, Kinsley shook her head. “Don't mind the couch. I need a new one, but I promised myself I would wait until Fay was well past the creative child age.” Sitting down next to me, she passed me a glass of tea.

  We were so close I could feel her warmth, and smell the light scent of garden flowers on her clothes. Her skin held a dewy glaze that called on me to taste her flavor, see if she was more sweet or salty.

  I bet she's just pure delicious.

  Pointing a finger at the dark spots, I asked, “So what's this?”

  “Juice, and probably some ketchup, or syrup in there too.”

  “And this?” Resting a finger on the edge of the arm where the color was an obvious shade of navy, unlike the soft blue it should be.

  “That's most likely... Tiny grimy hands, and definitely snot.” Covering her mouth with her hand, Kinsley laughed as I made a gross face, sticking out my tongue, and grunting. “I'm kidding—mostly. To be honest, I don't really know what the hell that is. But I swear, Fay just gravitates to dirt and disgusting germs.”

  Her face was glowing today, the normal delicate ivory was tinted in a pastel pink. Kinsley looked liked the sun had kissed her cheeks, and left its mark. Her foot tapped the floor in a hurried beat. A new tick I hadn't picked up on before.

  Flashing a tight smile, her nail made tinking noises across the glass. “Oh, I wanted to tell you that Fay's bed has smelled as fresh as a hot towel straight from the dryer. You really need to teach me your trick, if you haven't noticed the state of my sofa.”

  “I learned it a long time ago, from a woman named Ella. Ella Springfield, one of my foster mothers.” Waiting for her to cringe, or brows to shift, she surprised me by staying steady.

  “Well, she must have needed a remedy like that if she had foster kids. You didn't stay there with her?”

  Shaking my head, I stared at the glass in my hand. “No, I never stayed anywhere for very long.” Swallowing hard, I waited for the nervous lump to clear my throat.

  It felt strange to bare a piece of myself to someone else, it had been taboo for me to even let memories cross my mind about how I grew up. Just letting that small snippet hang between us, it was surreal.

  My past had always been my secret, the life I lived had been one I wasn't proud of. Family after family took their turn with me, never taking the final leap of adoption. I was never really too sure why, but my mind always went back to the fact that something must have been wrong with me.

  A baby given up at birth, and never adopted... That was hardly heard of.

  Most of the time the kids that went full string in the homes and kicked out at eighteen, were the ones who came in later in life. They were troubled youth, who after years of abuse and neglect, didn't give two shits about rules or following orders.

  But the babies, they always got grabbed up by a couple, a family, and spared the anguish of never feeling worthless.

  After years of bouncing around, I found myself being the one abused, even though all I ever wanted was a family. A family to love me, and show me the way.

  It was hard to understand why no one cared about me enough to give me that chance. When I hit twelve, that's when I gave up, that's when I let the outside troubles of the world guide me.

  And even that wasn't good to me.

  I was happy to know I might finally get some answers, that at least one of my many questions would no longer weigh on my life, or my heart.

  It was hard never opening up to anyone, never letting anyone in because you weren't sure of who you were yourself.

  “Why are you telling me this? I thought you don't talk about your personal life?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I asked, “I know you got my messages, have you thought about trying one more date?” I wanted to change the subject. A little bit of my past was enough for now, the rest would come in time.

  Tapping the glass, her lips perched high. “I have, and I was actually going to call you about it.”

  “And?” I asked, leaning a smidgen closer.

  “I'll do it.” Kinsley's shoulders rolled forward, a light smile teasing her lips.

  “So what was all that at the door? All the, I told you no more dates?” Arching a brow, wrinkles hit my hairline.

  “You took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting you to show up here. And well, after what you did for Fay today, I sorta owe you now... Don't I?”

  “No, I didn't do this to try and weasel another date out of you. I did it because I told Fay I would.”

  I watched her fingers grip the glass tightly, our eyes freezing on each other. Her big brown stare was burrowing into my core, holding me in place.

  Bringing a hand to her face, I brushed the back of my fingers along her jaw. I couldn't stop myself, it happened so naturally. The need to touch her had been so strong, all I
wanted was a small sip, a tiny taste to quench my thirst.

  “Layne.” Kinsley whispered, her eyes hooking my soul with each blink. “We need to talk.”

  “Isn't that what we're doing?” Tracing her collarbone, Kinsley's head fell onto my hand.

  “I'm serious,” she spoke low and soft, eyes rolling into the back of the sockets.

  Squeezing her shoulder, I let my hand scoop around her back, pressing between her shoulder blades. Her body leaned forward, prickles rising across her skin like small mountains. “Kinsley, I know this whole dating thing hasn't been easy, but I promise it's about to get better.”

  My lips hovered above her neck, breathing out slowly, I watched her shiver. “No, that's no—” Brushing my mouth against her ear, I breathed harder, hotter air. A tremble passed between us, her muscles loosening.

  Everything about this woman was euphoric. Her perfume, the feel of her skin under mine, the light sweat that breaks across her flesh when I get close to her. “How about right now, we just enjoy this.” Gently I scraped my teeth down her neck, and nipped the tender bone of her shoulder.

  A quick gasp escapes her lips, eyes locked closed, head angled back. I took in her eyes fluttering under the lids, lashes expanding out past the bridge of her nose. There were so many small details about her that I hadn't fully noticed or had time to appreciate.

  Her lashes were erotically long, fanning her lids in a deep, natural black. A beauty mark rested on her outer cheek, just below the crest. Each fine detail made her more and more incredible, more and more alluring.

  More and more, mine.

  I wanted her, all of her. Over and over I wanted to take her body and make her beg for me to send her over the edge.

  My free hand came up and captured her breast, squeezing it with passion. Another moan, louder and more audible to my ears filled the room.

  Yeah, let me show you what true pleasure is.

  “Tonight will be the last of the dates, you won't need anymore.” Whispering into her ear, I licked the lobe, and suckled it gently. “You'll finally have everything you've ever wanted.”

  “I don't think you understand.” Twisting the hardened bead that emerged beneath her shirt, Kinsley ran her tongue across her bottom lip. Drowning out her thoughts, I wanted her to forget about her past, forget about the date, and only live in that moment.

  “I understand what makes you wet, I understand what makes you scream.” Shoving my hand down the neck of her shirt, I cupped her tit.

  White knuckles gleamed around her glass that she was still clutching tightly. Her body was pressing forward, searching for mine. Her curvy hips had started to roll, rocking against the couch, thighs parting with every gyration.

  “Layne, we can't do this now.” The words didn't match her body. Her mouth was saying one thing, and her movements were saying another.

  “Why can't we? Fay is napping, no one else is here but us.” Following her spine down, I teased the trim of her pants, grabbing her ass.

  Tugging her in close, Kinsley's breasts rested against my shirt, nipples brushing the muscle of my chest. I was ready to tear the shirt clean off her body, let the fabric break away in my fingers, exposing her supple hidden buds.

  My cock was pounding, throbbing to be touched. The thick rigid shaft burned against my boxers, aching for a single finger to stroke it. “I can't stop myself from thinking about you, I can't stop your beautiful face from flashing in my mind.”

  Her hands tightened, squeezing the clear crystal to the point I expected it to shatter. Her chest was rising and falling with quick snaps, eyes glazed, lips soft and deliriously tasty looking.

  Nibbling the corner of her cheek, she whispered. “I can't stop thinking about you either, but you said you can't mix busi—”

  Holding a finger to her lips, I silenced her sweet voice. “I'm not working right now, I didn't come here because of work.” Slipping my finger over her lips, I danced over the edge. “I know what I said, but I also know what I want.”

  Kinsley's lips curled over my finger, sucking it hard. The wetness of her tongue wrapped my digit, circling, and pulling me in. I wanted those lips around my cock, I wanted to feel her tongue ride my length, and taste my juice.

  Slurping my finger, she let it loose with a loud pop, swiping a finger over her jaw. “What do you want? I want to hear you tell me.”

  Leaning in closer, my lips brushed hers as I spoke. “I want it all, I wan—”

  “Mommy?” The light voice shot in from behind my shoulder. Kinsley jerked hard and fast, throwing her mostly filled glass of tea all over my chest.

  “Oh!” Kinsley yelped. Her hands brushed the liquid down my shirt, face folded in shock and surprise. “Oh, good, good, yeah. I think the spider is gone now.”

  “Spider!” Fay screamed, leaping from the spot she was standing in, and onto the arm of the couch.

  Kinsley's eyes were huge, not blinking, but frantically scanning my chest as if she was looking for something. “Yup, it's gone, Layne. Good thing spiders don't like tea.”

  “Thanks, I don't like spiders at all. You saved me, whew.” Drawing a hand across my forehead, I played along.

  “Wow, Mommy, you saved Daddy a bunch before, and now you saved Dilby. You're not afraid of anything.”

  Arching a brow, I peered at Kinsley. “Are you a superhero in disguise?”

  “Hardly,” she said, nervously laughing. Clapping her hands against her thighs, Kinsley stood up. “I'll go get you a towel.”

  “Nah, don't worry it about. I should be going anyway, I'll see you Saturday. Seven, at Charlio's, go straight in, don't wait for me this time.”

  “Wait, what? No I don't think I can do this without you. You're my coach, I need you there.”

  “This is the third date, you can do this one on your own. I'll come by after you guys have a little time together. You'll do fine, don't worry. The hostess will be waiting for you, and take you in.”

  Giving me an insanely uncomfortable smile, she nodded. “Alright, seven, I'll be there.”

  I wanted her to see how strong she truly was. Kinsley didn't need me there, and I couldn't stomach watching another man drool over her.

  The idea of seeing that made my nails dig into my palm, and my heart break into a sprint.

  This time, she had to go alone.

  There was no other way, not if I was still going to do what I was being paid for.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Dropping off Fay to my mom, I hurried home to get ready for tonight. It was the last date according to Layne, the final crack at helping me meet someone.

  It's a waste.

  He was wasting his time, I wasn't going to scurry out of the restaurant, fingers curled into the hand of some guy I didn't care to ever know.

  But I had to go, I needed to go.

  I was going to tell him tonight about my pregnancy. I had tried to tell him, but he used his magic touch to erase my mind. His lips were barely on my skin, but I could feel them, his fingers teased my breast and I became unhinged.

  Pulling my hair into a tight bun, I finally felt happy about how it looked. A pleased smile arched across my face, the natural blush highlighting my cheeks.

  The whole pregnancy glow was starting to fill in, and this time around it definitely seemed to show up much earlier. When I was pregnant with Fay, I didn't notice anything but the morning sickness for the first two months.

  So far, this pregnancy had felt completely different, but it was still early.

  There was no sign of the churning stomach yet, but I felt like my belly was beginning to pop already. To be fair, it was probably just bloating, but I had heard that the second pregnancy typically shows a whole lot sooner.

  The dress I chose was filled with bright Hawaiian flowers, the top fit snugly against my chest, my swelling breasts already pillowing over the top. The bottom flared out and flowed to my knees, several loose layers of the material swayed and moved, not even needing a breeze.

/>   Flattening the dress against my small pot belly, I imagined what I was going to look like once I hit six, seven... Nine months along, and how miserable I would probably be if it was anything like when I was pregnant with Fay.

  By the end of my pregnancy with her, I was ready to climb into my vagina and tear her out myself. The girl came a week overdue, and had spent the last few weeks sitting on my sciatic nerve.

  Not only was I incredibly huge, with no ankles left to see, but I had to deal with the sensation of being stabbed in the ass by a serrated knife.

  Alright, time to do this.

  The drive to the restaurant felt like I was driving to my own funeral. My hands dug into the steering wheel at ten and two, knuckles a hot shade of sun-bleached white. A hollow feeling was echoing in my gut, as a wretched cringe of hunger mixed with the storming turn of nerves made me want to throw up.

  Which was strange... I was still hungry, even though I expected my stomach to explode any moment.

  Pregnancy, it's a crazy thing.

  Throwing my car into park, I let a heavy breath blow hot air across my tongue. My lips made a raspberry sound, vibrating against each other. Grabbing my purse, I clutched it tightly in my lap, and took the longest stride of my life out of the car.

  My nerves were on edge, bouncing around and turning my veins into a boiling mess. All my muscles tensed, then twinged, buzzed, then cooled. Shaking my hand fast, I tried to send the feelings out of my fingertips, and onto the ground.

  I've never been so nervous.

  How is he going to react?

  Forcing my feet forward, heels clicking against the pavement, I kept wondering how the hell I was going to make it through this date.

  Not only did I have an elephant sitting on my lungs, and my brain torturing itself with worry of how I would ever find the strength to tell Layne I was pregnant, but I had to sit through another date with some guy I had no desire to be next to.

  And that man wasn't even getting a fair chance. I tried with the first one, I tried with the second one... But the third, he was just going to get professional Kinsley.

  That was it.


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