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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

Page 5

by Christy Poff

  "Meaning we've got a lab around here. I want you to send two of ours up there and see if they can find anything."

  "Camping on the department?"

  "Exactly, and it's between the four of us. They are not to tell anyone what they're doing. If we can keep a lid on what we're doing, maybe..."

  "Got it."

  They talked with others on scene, then left to go back to the office. On his way in, Sean called Rhiannon to bring her up to date.

  "I want you to be careful. You fit the profile of what these guys are looking for."

  "I always am."

  "Be extra careful. We just..."

  "I know. I promise you, I will."

  "Come over to my place later. I'll meet you there and we can eat steaks on the deck."

  "Sounds interesting, considering last night."

  "Bring some clothes, too."

  "What kind?"

  "Whatever you need. We're living between two places now, aren't we?"

  "Yes, Sean, I think we are."

  "The front door's open."

  "And you—a cop?"

  "It's off-season."

  "I know."

  "Seriously, Rhi, be careful. Lock up if you feel the need to."

  "I'll be fine."

  "Babe, we need to talk."

  "I know. I'll see you later."

  Sean hung up. It amazed him how much his life had changed in just over twenty-four hours. He actually felt good about himself and his future with Rhiannon. Somehow, she had understood him and hadn't fled.

  He pulled off into a parking lot for one of the smaller parks in Aspen, shut the engine off, turned up Confederate Railroad, and thought. He'd had several girlfriends who stayed with him until it came to the bedroom. It seemed they all had the same complaint about their sex life—how rough he performed. One had even accused him of being an animal and uncivilized.

  Last night with Rhi had been magic. No matter what he did, she enjoyed it. She kept pace with him when he'd entered her and craved more. He claimed her for some reason and she accepted.

  Rhiannon Drake rode him and gave him what he needed as if she'd been created solely for him. While others hated feeling his teeth on their skin, she relished it, and even nipped him back. Rhiannon saved him in one evening and gave him everything he'd searched for in a lifetime.

  He remembered his words when he claimed her as his mate. Where the hell had they come from? He didn't know and for the moment, it didn't matter. He had Rhiannon and that mattered to him exclusively.

  "I'd die for you, Rhi,” he stated.

  His cell ringing brought Sean back to the present.


  * * * *

  "How's the product coming along?"

  "We are having a problem with the balancing."

  "What kind of a problem?"

  "We aren't sure if it's pH or something else. I've gone over the last set of test results and cannot find the reason the test case died as soon as she did."

  "How soon before you know something?"

  "A day or two..."

  "When do you need another?"

  "Three days."

  "You got it."

  Adolph Gliickman held his impatience as he called for his assistant, Dustin Chyn. The man joined him and they discussed the latest news about the product their private lab had been trying to perfect for the last several months.

  "We'll need another test case,” he informed his hired gun.

  Test case had been the code name used to describe the kidnapped girls on whom they'd been testing their designer drug. The basic make-up of the drug matched the various date-rape drugs on the street, only Gliickman's labs had yet to get the chemistry straight. One minute detail and it had not been found.

  Their last try caused death days before any of the others. There had been less time to enjoy the effects of the drug before death occurred.

  "I want a stronger specimen to test this time. Maybe older."

  "But it would take us out of the targeted group."

  "I don't care. We need more than a day and a half. The next one has to be usable for at least several days."

  "Yes, sir."

  "What about the one who lives alone in the cabin?"

  "She worked with the last one. Wouldn't taking her now—this soon—attract too much attention? We've never hit close like what you're suggesting."

  "I've got buyers who are getting edgy. If we don't give them something soon, I lose a huge investment and a major product."

  "But the danger?"

  "We have to chance it."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Start getting together another location."


  "Minnesota or thereabouts."

  "Yes, sir."

  Dustin left him to his thoughts. He didn't like cutting things this close, but it came with the territory. He figured they had at least a week, maybe longer before they would have to pull stakes and leave this profitable country.

  Gliickman wrote the last girl off because she hadn't been a guide very long, therefore, no stamina. The next one had lived in the mountains all her life, from what his research told him. She lived alone and from surveillance footage, he saw what he wanted.

  Pleased with this new turn, he called for his driver and went to enjoy a hot meal and the woman who he'd found months before. She did everything he commanded and never said a word. She knew when to keep her mouth shut, exactly what he wanted.

  * * * *

  Julian Hawthorne paced. His wife Elizabeth begged him to stop.

  "My husband, you are doing yourself nothing but harm. You can't think straight when you're in this kind of state."

  "We haven't heard anything."

  "Trust her. She'll get him here."

  "But the threat is too great. We've two injured due to their guards. Sean McMurray is the only one who can put a stop to these intruders."

  "I heard from Eli Douglas. He said McMurray is officially on the case, though not because of our problems. One of Rhiannon's fellow guides was murdered by these people."

  "I didn't know. She..."

  "Julian, this is why you must calm down."

  "I know but I want justice for our own. William's hip may never be the same, Gerard's injured, others ... and why? For going near that place."

  "But in order to do anything, you have to calm down, or you'll be joining them. I don't want to see you like that."

  "You're right and I don't know what I would do without you."

  "We won't discuss it."

  Julian and Elizabeth went to the east wing of the huge mansion they had named Sanctuary. It had been added onto years before with state-of-the-art medical facilities and patient rooms. Known to the local people, who resided year-round, as a private clinic, it specialized in rare diseases, but only certain ones. The Hawthornes visited their patients each day, one of the many qualities that endeared them to those they met.

  Elizabeth knew how worried her husband was over the situation and she did her best to keep him on an even keel. Julian called her his rock and did not hesitate to tell anyone who'd listen. To everyone who knew them, they were one of the most perfect couples. If only they knew what they had endured over the years...

  * * * *

  Rhiannon waited until Sean left before she went for an early morning walk, one habit she tried to keep. She loved the peace and serenity of the mountains where she chose to live. The remote site afforded her a great deal of privacy, one thing she treasured.

  She ran to her secluded glen in need of the extra safety and freedom it afforded her. The small stream babbled along its way while an eagle kept watch over her. Rhiannon felt privileged for his protection because he and his mate would warn her if any trespassed.

  A warm breeze blew over her, the mountain air fresh. She took several deep breaths, then stripped from her wind suit to wade into the water for a swim. She went out a short way before she went under for a few seconds. When she broke the surface, she saw her companion f
rom the previous afternoon. She came out of the water, shook a little, and then passed over to her favorite grassy area. Sean should be here.

  Gabriel waited for her, ready for their usual frolic. He went to her but she stopped him. He sniffed the air and smelled a new scent. The hurt in his eyes stung her heart.

  "You've found him, haven't you?"

  "Yes, I have."

  "He's definitely the one?"

  "We claimed each other last night."

  "You're absolutely positive?"

  "Yes, Gabriel, I am. Please, be happy for me."

  "I am, but I always held out a small hope..."

  "I know and I'm sorry you're hurt but you know how it works."

  "I do,” he lamented.

  "You know I value your friendship."

  "And I do, too. Rhi, I adore you and I want what's best for you."

  "Then be happy."

  "I'm jealous, you know?"

  The two childhood friends embraced before Gabriel disappeared into the woods he had come from. Rhiannon rued the situation, but it had been preordained. Their law dictated it and they all abided by this doctrine. Gabriel would soon understand this was all for the best.

  Rhi stretched out in the soft grass and dozed. The previous night with Sean had exhausted her, but she smiled. She had no complaints. The man gave her everything she could ever want, an excellent lover. The men she'd been with before could not satisfy her needs but Sean McMurray did and he fed her natural cravings. He had power in his muscular body and used it naturally, while filling her with the satisfaction she'd only dreamed of. Does he know his true calling, and how good he is?

  She awoke a short time later and dressed, confident of her life's new direction. She felt the difference in every aspect and reveled in it. While making her own way in life, she'd secretly dreamed this would happen, though loudly denying it to her wolf a few days before. An alpha male ... She'd laughed at this idea, but where she would have put the idea off a day before, now, she embraced the knowledge of having a mate to love and protect her.

  Rhiannon returned to the cabin, straightened up a bit, then went upstairs to her room to pack some clothes to stay at Sean's. When she finished, she shed her running clothes and showered, enjoying the heat of the water as it sluiced over her sore body.

  She walked from the bathroom to the closet pulling out a white silk blouse and black jeans. Feeling extremely sensual, she slipped on a skimpy lace thong, then dressed. She wore nothing else, as she wanted as little between them as possible. She slipped her feet into a pair of Justin boots and grabbed her jacket, one long enough to fall just below her knees.

  She left the house, threw her bag into the Land Rover and drove to Sean's. She realized she'd probably be early, but it didn't matter. As Rhi couldn't be with him physically, she hoped being in his home would help ease the emptiness her body experienced right now.

  Sean, what have you done to me?

  Loved you...

  Chapter 6

  Sean pulled into his drive and grinned at the sight of Rhi's black Land Rover parked off to the side.

  I wonder if she remembered what I asked her to do.

  I did.

  Sean stopped and took a quick look around to find himself alone, Rhiannon nowhere in sight. He shook his head.

  I must be nuts.

  You're not, my love. It all came with our bonding last night.

  How did you get into my head?

  Comes with our great sex.

  Somehow, he could tell she was smiling.

  Now I know I'm imagining this.

  Why don't you come find me?

  I'm up for a challenge.

  We'll see...

  The idea of her laughing at him sent warmth though him. He would find her as she had dared; he only wondered how.

  * * * *

  Once Rhiannon arrived at Sean's, she dropped her bag in the living room, then explored the house to get some idea of where things were. For some reason, she felt very comfortable here, as if she'd always lived in his home.

  While she looked around, she learned more about the man who'd staked his claim on her. Rhi saw how simple he kept his life. All the rooms struck her as comfortable but not overwhelming. In his study, she noticed sports trophies, certificates from various schools he'd attended over the course of his career, and his military commendations.

  She discovered an extensive gun collection, mostly antique mixed with some newer models.

  "Interesting man,” she mused aloud.

  The remainder of the house showed her pure masculinity with dark woods, heavy oak furniture and no collectibles. She found she liked the idea of there being no feminine touches. The hint of jealousy subsided as she smiled. She felt her territorial nature strive to show itself, but held it back.

  Upstairs, she found the master bedroom and several guestrooms. Cautiously, she entered the inner sanctum of Sean McMurray, a room defining his personality from the dark pine mansion bed to the dressers and comfortable chair placed to look at the view of the valley and the mountains rising behind it.

  She walked around the bed, running her fingers along the edge of it, the antique quilt stretched across it soft to her touch. She picked up his pillow and every muscle in her body tensed. She reveled in his scent, hungry for him. She could feel her reactions and savored them. If the pillow did this...

  "Miss Drake?"

  "Yes?” she answered as the male voice behind her brought her back to reality.

  "I'm Chris Lee, Sean's foreman. He said you'd be coming out."

  "Ah...” she answered as she put his pillow back, a slight blush to her cheeks.

  "He wanted me to make sure you settled in. Your bag..."

  "Downstairs in the living room."

  "I'll have it brought up."

  "Thank you."

  "If there's anything you need, call."

  "I will and thanks."



  "You'll be good for him."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I've been close to Sean for a while. We talk a lot and in the last day or two, I've heard something in his voice we thought long gone. You made him happy. He's even sleeping a little more."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He's had bad nightmares. He's given me the gist of them, but not the particulars. All I know is he's been a walking zombie until he met you. I don't know what it is, but don't hurt him. Please, it would destroy him."

  "Believe me, I don't want to. He's been good for me, too."

  Chris nodded, turned, and left her without another word. Rhi crossed her arms in front of her and thought about what Chris had told her. Could this be the beginning of his need for my help? She wished she had been given more to go on but she'd wait until Sean told her, or it happened when they were together.

  "Ma'am, where should I put this?"

  "Over there,” she said as she pointed toward the foot of the bed. She smiled as she thanked him. Once he'd gone, she went into Sean's bathroom and found a washcloth. After wringing it out, she wiped her face off, the chill of the compress easing her.

  What the hell is happening?

  It hit her. The time of the month, the marathon sex with Sean ... No, it had to be too soon. There was no way ... or was it possible?

  * * * *

  Sean and Hunt poured over more information. Since Hunt put out the request, the office had been deluged.

  "What did the Drake woman tell you?"

  "Her name is Rhiannon,” Sean stated flatly as if Hunt had levered a personal insult.

  "Excuse me?” Hunt noticed the change in Sean's tone and it puzzled him.

  "Rhiannon hasn't seen anything strange up in the mountains. She's very conscientious about things out of sorts because she worries about the wolves and the wildlife."

  "Ok,” Hunt started slowly, “so if we have one in the area, the lab isn't in her neck of the woods, so to speak."

  "Exactly. I'd say it's east of here. Most of the girls have been
taken from the western side of town, where they live or work. If the perps took them east, who'd look there first? Initial search always starts in the area of the home, work or disappearance."

  "Good point. I'll see what I can find out."

  "Hunt, I owe you any apology."


  "The snap a minute ago."

  "I did notice something..."

  "Rhiannon Drake..."

  "You two? Together?"

  "Yeah. It just happened. We spent the night together and it just happened."

  "Congratulations, pal, it's about damned time."

  "For now, I want to keep it between us."


  They went over some other things and closed out another case. Sean got up to leave, then picked up the phone. Hunt saw him dial the farm.

  "Hey, it's me. I'm on my way."

  * * * *

  "We need another test case."

  "It's too soon, sir."

  "How much longer?"

  "A day or two. The pH is coming into balance but it's a slow process."

  "Good job. What about the girl?"

  "Guide like the other. Lives alone up on the mountain. No known close associates. She has an odd schedule because she takes one week a month off to study the full moon for a thesis she's working on, but I can't find what course or what university she goes to. Take her in the next day or two and it will be at least four to five more before anyone suspects."


  "Mid-twenties to early thirties."


  Adolph Gliickman—tall, muscular and mean—smiled. The next one would tell them the effects of their drug on older specimens. She would have to be the last. Too much money had been sunk into this venture with no profits. Regardless of flaws or not, sales would begin after this test, then they'd move to another area and start over.

  Blonde and blue-eyed, the Swede would get what he wanted. As soon as money came in, he'd pay out to those who financed him and then go it alone. He walked from the barn where the lab was operated, got into a limo, and returned to the rented estate he'd taken on the southern edge of Aspen.

  As soon as he arrived, the front door to the mansion opened. He entered and went to the table in the center of the huge entry. He leafed through the mail and went into his library. He poured a drink and turned as Anika, his current squeeze, joined him.


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