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Texas SEAL (SEALs of Coronado Book 3)

Page 8

by Paige Tyler

  But just when Lyla was sure she he was close, when the taste of him on her tongue convinced her he was about to orgasm, Trent reached down, hauled her away from his cock and tugged her to her feet.

  “Hey, I was working down there,” she complained.

  “Condoms,” he said urgently. “Please tell me you have some.”

  She was tempted to say she didn’t, just to get back at him for interrupting what she’d been doing. But she couldn’t. She was too crazy aroused to do something so childish. If he was eager to move on to any activity requiring a condom, she wasn’t going to stop him.

  “Yes,” she said, nudging him back until he had no choice but to sit that sexy butt of his down on the couch. “But I want you to stay right here while I get them. I mean it. Don’t even think about moving.”

  He stayed where he was, looking so damn sexy wearing nothing but a smile and a hard-on. “I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere. Unless you take too long, in which case I’m coming to look for you. And take you in whatever position and location I happen to find you.”

  Lyla suddenly had a vision of Trent taking her from behind as she dug around in her medicine cabinet for the box of condoms she kept there. That visual was more than a little thrilling.

  “I may just have to think about that,” she murmured before turning and heading for her bathroom.

  As she walked slowly away, she unzipped her skirt and slowly shimmied it over her hips, forcing her panties down at the same time. With a few kicks and wiggles, she had her skirt, and panties off and shoved across the floor before she reached the hallway leading away from the living room. Then she threw a glance over her shoulder, just to see if he was checking out her bottom. He was gazing at her derriere like it was the yummiest dish on an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  Oh, yeah. He definitely had a thing for her bottom.

  Lyla maintained her poise, walking away slowly and sexily—at least until she was out of sight. Then she took off running at top speed, almost busting her butt when her feet nearly slid out from under as she turned into the bathroom. She quickly rifled through her medicine cabinet until she found what she was looking for. She opened the box to pull one out then changed her mind. Something told her she might need more than one condom before this evening was done.

  She ran into the living room, sliding to a stop in front of him, dignity tossed aside as her excitement took over.

  Trent started to get up, but she stopped him with a look as she yanked a condom out of the box and dropped to her knees in front of him.

  “Remember what I said about not moving?” she murmured as she tore the foil package open and started getting Trent’s hard shaft all wrapped up for the ride. “Nothing has changed. I want you right where you are.”

  He didn’t say a word as she finished getting the condom rolled down then climbed onto his lap. Lyla got his cock positioned exactly where she wanted then slowly began to move up and down, taking him in a little bit at a time even though she was wetter than she could ever remember being. Not that she was in a rush. Now that she was on top of him, she decided she could happily spend the whole night there.

  Trent gazed into her eyes as he casually rested his hands on her hips. Not trying to speed her up, but simply guiding her a bit deeper with every trip down his shaft. When she finally sat all the way down, he was so deep inside her all she could do was sit there gasping and looking back into those blue eyes of his.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he whispered, his face so close to hers she could feel his warm breath bathing her skin.

  Lyla was so entranced with the way he was looking at her, not to mention how amazing he felt inside her, she’d almost completely missed what he’d said. Then it sank in, and she blushed, not only from the words, but the way he’d said it. No one had ever looked at her the way Trent was right now.

  “No, I can’t say that I do.” She looped her arms around his shoulders then leaned in to kiss him. “But I don’t think I could get tired of hearing you say it.”

  They sat there like that for a long time, exploring each other’s mouths while he was still nestled inside her. Then, almost of its own accord, her body began undulating up and down.

  Trent let her ride him like that for a while, but he must have grown impatient because his grip on her hips tightened and he urged her up and down on his cock more forcefully.

  Her sighs turned to moans as he pounded into her harder, making her clit tingle and her whole body spasm. She was going to come soon; she could feel it. Then Trent shifted his hands from her hip to cup her ass, pumping his hips in time with her movements.

  Lyla buried her face in Trent’s neck, holding on for dear life as he thrust into her so hard she thought she might explode. All at once, the tingles that had been steadily building inside her exploded, and she came so hard she was sure she would pass out.

  But she didn’t. Instead she continued to orgasm, the waves of pleasure building and cresting over and over as Trent continued to pound into her like he’d never stop. He squeezed her ass tighter, letting out a hoarse groan as he came with her.

  When Trent was finally done making her come—and she fully accepted it was his decision to allow her to stop—she clung to him.

  “You’ve ruined me,” she panted against the warm skin of his shoulder, fighting to catch her breath as her body continue to spasm around him. “I’ll never come that hard again in my life. That was the best it’s ever going to get.”

  Trent chuckled, not even out of breath. “Grab that box of condoms, and let’s go see if I can prove you wrong.”

  Lyla did as he ordered, her body running on auto pilot more than anything else. There was no way they could make love again so soon. It simply didn’t work like that.

  But as Trent wrapped her legs around his waist, then got a firm grip on her butt and effortlessly stood up, she wondered if she was wrong. If the hard cock inside her was any indication, Trent wasn’t done with her yet.

  Chapter Seven

  “SO, TRENT, ARE you staying with your parents while you’re home on leave?”

  The casual way Lyla’s mother asked the question was totally ruined by her knowing expression as she eyed Lyla and Trent sitting side by side on the couch. Her mom knew there was something going on between them, though how the hell she’d figured out they were sleeping together was beyond Lyla. She and Trent had only set foot in her parents’ house five minutes ago.

  “Actually, I’m staying in Lyla’s guest room,” Trent said. “She thought it would be a good way for me to save a little money and not as stressful as staying at my parents’ ranch.”

  Thankfully, Trent was smart enough not to lie outright to her mother, Lyla thought. Pilar Torres would have seen through the fib in a second.

  From where he sat in his favorite chair, Lyla’s father lifted his brow so high she thought he might pull a muscle. Her mother, on the other hand, didn’t bat an eye. More evidence that she knew Lyla was getting busy with her very own Texas SEAL.

  “That’s very nice of you, Lyla.” Her mom sipped her iced tea. “I’m sure you two are having fun catching up on old times.”

  Lyla stifled a groan. Yeah, her mom knew, without a doubt. She was probably already envisioning a house full of chubby-cheeked grandkids in the near future. In some ways, her mother was exactly like Trent’s. They both wanted their children to settle down and start a family. But there was one difference. Trent had plenty of other brothers and sisters who’d done their jobs and provided handfuls of squirming bundles of joy. Trent had been given a little grace time when it came to adding to the clan. Lyla’s parents had only her and Marco, and it was looking more and more like her brother never was going to hold up his end of the obligation. That put all the burden on Lyla. Right now, her mother was smiling like a woman who’d won first prize for her churros at the county fair for her churros. Lyla had to admit she might be partly responsible for that. After the night she and Trent had shared, she couldn’t keep the silly grin off her f

  She and Trent had intended to come over here to talk to her parents about Marco much earlier, but they hadn’t finished making love until almost sunrise and ended up sleeping until almost noon. Lyla wasn’t complaining about the lack of sleep. If she could have as much fun every night as she’d had last night, she’d give up sleeping completely.

  When they’d finally collapsed into each other’s arms as the sun was peeking over the horizon, she’d arrived at the conclusion that every time with him was going to be amazing. He was an orgasm whisperer.

  But as wonderful as last night had been, this morning had been even more perfect. They’d lain in bed naked, eating breakfast burritos and planning out their vacation to Disney World on her laptop. Of course, after last night, she wasn’t sure how often they’d leave their resort. As fun as all the rides in the parks were sure to be, she couldn’t help but think she’d found her favorite ride already.

  “Lyla, are you listening to me?” Her father’s deep voice jerked her out of her reverie.

  “Sorry,” she said. “What?”

  “I asked when you saw that rotten, no-good brother of yours last.”

  The proud owner of a landscaping company, her father had a few more lines on his tanned face than when he’d started the business and could have a brusque way about him sometimes, but he had a soft spot when it came to her and her mother. Her brother? Not so much.

  “Miguel,” her mother rebuked softly, almost reluctantly. “Don’t talk about Marco like that. He’s trying. He has a decent job now.”

  Lyla had to force herself not to plant her face in the palms of her hands to escape the embarrassment of what was coming. This was why she’d put off telling her parents what a mess her idiot brother had made of his life.

  “Trying?” Her father snorted. “Are you kidding me? That boy of ours is a dirtbag. He’s been a dirtbag since he was a teenager, and he’ll always be a dirtbag.” He pinned Lyla with a stern look. “And if you’re not careful, he’s going to take you down with him.”

  “That’s not true!” The glance Lyla’s mother gave her was almost desperate, like she needed someone other than herself to believe it. “Marco loves his sister, Miguel. He’d never do anything to hurt her.”

  Lyla winced. No, Marco would never be violent with her physically. But the way he was throwing his life away hurt all the same.

  “Oh, please! That kid has never done a single thing for anyone but himself,” her dad insisted. “And he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process.”

  Lyla sighed. Her mother looked angry and probably would have gotten into an argument with her husband if Trent hadn’t been there. She looked around at the living room reminiscent of an old-style Spanish hacienda, taking in the warm earth tones of the stucco walls and exposed dark wood beams on the high ceiling, mentally counting to ten. It was stupid coming here to tell them about Marco. It was only going to make things worse.

  It had been like this since Marco began using drugs in high school. Her mom and dad had been furious and disappointed in him, but had both tried to help him get clean. Unfortunately, nothing they tried worked for long. While her mother still prayed he’d get his life together, her father had washed his hands of the whole mess. The way he saw it, Lyla and her mother were enabling Marco. After what had happened the past few days, she couldn’t say he was wrong.

  Across the room, her father regarded her thoughtfully. “It looks like you have something on your mind, Lyla. If you have something to say about Marco, spit it out.”

  She hesitated, tempted to lie, but what good would that do? Her parents had a right to know Marco was involved with the same people who’d gotten him sent to jail before. Better they hear it from her than from the police.

  Beside her, Trent reached over and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. She offered him a small smile then took a deep breath and launched into the whole story. She left out the part about the fight Trent had gotten into with Cobb’s goons, and glossed over the fact Marco had a woman in his life now. Other than that, she gave it to them straight.

  They took it the way she’d thought they would. Her father cursed, and her mother cried. Seeing them both hurting made tears sting Lyla’s eyes, and she blinked them back angrily. She could smack Marco for what he was doing to their family.

  Lyla and Trent commiserated with them about Marco for a little while longer before she told her parents they should get going.

  “Aren’t you staying for dinner?” her mom asked. “We’re having chicken tostadas.”

  Lyla hadn’t really thought about it. Her mother was a fantastic cook, though, so she certainly wouldn’t mind. She gave Trent a questioning look.

  “Sounds good to me,” he said.

  Her mother beamed. “Good. It will give us a chance to catch up with Trent and talk about something other than your brother.”

  Lyla was all for that. “I’ll give you a hand.”

  Her mom had already mixed the shredded chicken with lime juice and the requisite spices, as well as prepared the homemade refried beans, so all they had to do was assemble the tostadas.

  “Okay,” her mother said as they spread the beans over the batch of crispy fried tortillas she had made. “What didn’t you tell us about Marco out in the living room? I know there has to be something more to it.”

  Lyla sighed. Her mom had always been good at knowing when she was hiding something.

  “Marco’s been seeing Dana, the woman who owns the gallery where he shows his sculptures,” she said.

  Her mother stopped what she was doing, the spoon in her hand hovering over the bowl of refried beans, her dark eyes lighting up. “He has? That’s wonderful!”

  Lyla scowled. “Yeah, well, I think he just sabotaged the relationship. Not that it matters because he’s probably going to end up in prison again.” Lyla dumped a spoonful of beans on another tortilla. “Dad’s right. Marco is too stupid to know when he has a good thing going.”

  “Maybe it’s not what you think.” Her mother scooped out more beans. “Maybe Marco isn’t involved in that life anymore.”

  “Mom, Trent and I were right there when Marco walked in with Cobb. They were down in Mexico together. What else would he be doing but something involving drugs?”

  Her mother closed her eyes for a moment then opened them. “What that boy needs is someone to talk some sense into him and get him to see he’s throwing his life away.”

  Lyla reached for a handful of shredded Monterey Jack cheese and sprinkled it on top of the beans. “Yeah, well, I don’t think he’ll listen to Dad.”

  Or Trent, for that matter. She hated to even ask him. He’d already done so much by coming out here with her to look for Marco.

  “I’m not talking about your father, dear. I mean you.”

  Lyla did a double take. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” Her mom smiled. “Why do you think you’re the one he always turns to when he’s in trouble?”

  Lyla snorted. “Because he knows I’m the only one dumb enough to keep answering the phone when he calls.”

  “That’s not it, and you know it. Even though he’s older than you are, Marco looks up to you,” Her mother transferred the tostadas to a baking sheet then put them in the oven to broil. “Don’t give up on him, dear. Not when he needs you the most. Please.”

  Lyla wasn’t as confident as her mother about her ability to influence Marco. If she had any pull with him, he wouldn’t be working for Cobb right now. But he was still her big brother, and she loved him.

  “Okay,” she told her mother with a sigh. “I’m not promising he’ll listen, but I’ll talk to him again.”

  Her mother sagged with relief. “Thank you.”

  They fell silent as they moved around the kitchen, Lyla setting the table while her mother got the salsa ready.

  “So,” her mom said, placing the bowl of homemade salsa on the table. “You and Trent.”

  Lyla concentrated on putting the cutlery beside each plate, refusing to rise to
the bait. “He’s just a friend I’m putting up in my guest bedroom while he’s in town.”

  “Uh-huh.” Her mother folded her arms and gave her a knowing look. “I know you’ve always liked him, Lyla.”

  “Mom, we’re just friends.”

  “Lyla, I’ve seen you with other men you’ve dated, and I never saw you look at any of them the way you look at Trent. You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

  Lyla was about to tell her mother that was crazy. Trent had been in town for a grand total of two days. They hadn’t gone on an official date, regardless of the fact they’d slept together. There was no way she could have feelings for him yet. But then she realized that was a lie. As insane as it seemed, she was starting to fall for him.

  “Would that be so bad?” she finally asked, turning to face her mother. “Yeah, it would be crazy trying to have a long distance relationship with a guy out in San Diego while I’m in Texas, but aren’t you the one always saying a woman should go where her heart tells her to go?”

  Lyla’s mother rested gentle hands on her shoulders, her expression soft. “Yes. And if you feel that way about Trent, I’m all for it. But, honey, he’s a SEAL. Are you seriously ready to get involved with a Navy guy?”

  Lyla laughed. “You make it sound like he’s an alien from another planet. I know he’s a SEAL. We’ve had that conversation.”

  Her mother’s brow furrowed. “Was it a real conversation, or was it like the ones your father and I have about Marco where we both say a lot stuff but don’t really communicate?”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “Lyla, honey, Navy SEALs do a lot of dangerous stuff. Emphasis on a lot,” her mother said. “His parents have told me he’s usually deployed eight months out of the year with no way to contact him. And when he isn’t, he’s off God knows where training. There’s not a second of his life when he’s not on duty. Even now, while he’s on leave, he could get a call and be on a plane to go someplace neither one of us has probably ever heard of in an hour. That’s what it means to be a SEAL. Is that something you’re ready to be part of?”


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