Book Read Free

Virgin Wolf II

Page 7

by Lynde Lakes

  “Of course not.” Didn’t he have enough problems? A new investigation would mean more trouble. He couldn’t protect his family in jail

  “Where were you last night?”

  “You know where I was—out trying to find the person who kidnapped my daughter.”

  “If Dudley took your daughter, that would give you even more motive. Right?”

  “Are you telling me Dudley kidnapped my daughter?”

  “It’s looking possible. We found a large amount of cash on him.”

  “So why are you here?”

  “Angela reported that someone mysteriously returned your daughter. How did she get safely home? Did you perhaps go after Dudley, find him with your child, and kill him?”

  “Are you accusing me? Do I need an attorney?”

  “Not yet. But don’t plan any trips in the near future.”

  * * * *

  Angela stared into the foyer at the wide, straight back of her beloved husband, the loving father of her girls, the all-consuming man who’d taken root in her heart and possession of her body. Damon needed her support and faith more now than ever. She remembered her marriage vows—for better or worse. There were strong reasons to go and compelling reasons to stay. Am I merely rationalizing the importance of staying, or is it necessary for our survival? She forced herself to focus on the real issue—finding a way to protect their daughters from the evil stalking them. She looked down at her innocent little girls who didn’t ask for any of this. They couldn’t fend for themselves—Damon could.

  Or could he? What would happen to their family if the police charged Damon and locked him away in jail? It might make things worse to abandon her husband now that this new trouble has cropped up against him. It was all so overwhelming. Fate seemed to hurl them from one disaster to another. What if leaving was like jumping from the edge of a steaming pot into boiling water? There was no place to escape the fact that the girls had inherited their former curses. And when the curses struck, she’d need Damon’s strength and experience to help their girls through it.

  But if she stayed to give Damon her support, she’d have to contend with not only the evil brewing in the ground, but also with Damon’s blind trust of his employees and colleagues who roamed their property at will. She didn’t know who was behind the kidnapping of Valerie, but she felt in her bones it had something to do with the search for a cure for her daughters—and greed.

  She closed her eyes a moment and prayed for help to make the right decision. Then she remembered Madam Nola’s warning—only by combining their strength could they fight the evil brewing against them. I have to give Damon a chance to protect us here.

  After Damon escorted the police to the door, he came to her and took the girls from her arms. “Let’s go in the den to finish our discussion.”

  “I’ve decided to stay, if you comply with three simple requests.”

  He grinned. “Great, just name them.”

  “First, you must hire an architectural engineering company to inspect our property thoroughly and block off any tunnels or hidden entrances to the property.

  “Second, you must engage a detective to search the backgrounds of everyone working on our property.

  “Third, I want to hire a gun-toting nanny with a police background to stay with our girls at all times.”

  He laughed. “Simple, you say? But yes. It’s all doable. I intended to suggest just such a plan to persuade you to stay anyway. And until we have the gun-toting nanny on staff, we’ll keep the girls with us and not let them out of our sight even for a second.” His eyes glistened and he kissed her forehead. “It’ll get a little crowded in bed, but I can work around that.”

  “I have no doubt. With your staunch determination and creativity, I’m sure bedtime will remain interesting.”

  A week later, Damon started interviewing construction companies. Muscular men in starched work clothes and slicked back hair lumbered in and out. One actually strutted, like he felt the job was in the bag. Another one had a wide stride that screamed alpha male. Angela wished her friend Kat could be there to enjoy the hunk parade. Finally, Damon told her he found a dependable crew boss to do the job at a fair price.

  When the work started, Angela noticed that the tall and imposing construction boss with the animal elegance was always looking at her as if he knew her. Or was he flirting? He didn’t look exactly like anyone she’d ever known, and yet there was something familiar about him.

  “Damon, did you thoroughly check out Hugh and his company?”

  “There wasn’t much on him, but he’s never been arrested, knows construction like the back of his hand, and best of all, he gave the lowest bid. And most important, I like the guy.”

  “You like everyone.”

  “Sure, until they prove me wrong. Where’s the problem in that?”

  “Because by then, it’s too late. I don’t want anyone here who might endanger our girls.”

  Damon shook his head. “I don’t either. You know that. But I want you to feel comfortable about him. So, I’ll send him in. You talk to him. If he doesn’t pass your scrutiny, I’ll fire him. But then he’ll probably sue my ass.”

  The minute the dark-haired construction boss entered the room, she felt something familiar pass between them. He smiled. “You need something, Mrs. Lamont?” His engaging smile reached inside her and she fought the feeling that they were already friends. His shirt was open and his chest glistened with sweat.

  She gestured for him to sit down. He pointed to his soiled clothing and remained standing. She noticed he’d removed his shoes. Even in stocking feet, he was well over six foot tall and loomed over her. “Would you like something cold to drink?” He shook his head. “All right then. May we just talk a moment? I like get to know the people working on our property. Do you have a valid contractor’s license, Hugh?

  “Yes, ma’am. I just updated it recently. Mr. Lamont made a copy of it.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “I’m a Californian. Been working in underground tunnels for the last few years. I specialize in electrical, wall structure, and construction safety.”

  “Great, we want to keep everyone safe.” She detected a feral scent about him. “Do you have any animals, Hugh?”

  He looked amused at her question, but not surprised. “I have a dog, part wolf, part hound and a great companion.”

  Being an animal lover was a plus in his favor.

  “I can handle the job, Mrs. Lamont. I’ve studied the plans on your place and feel I know them as well as the architect who built this unique structure. And I’ve put together a crew from qualified men who, like me, were out of work and eager to prove themselves. They all have families to feed and are willing to do whatever it takes to feed them.”

  The words whatever it takes leapt out at her. “Even if it’s dishonest?”

  “No, ma’am.” His soft gray eyes looked hurt. “I’m a Godly man who cannot disappoint my guardian angel.”

  She held back a laugh. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, ma’am. I know talking about God and guardian angels sounds strange coming from a construction boss, but I was raised by a mother who set standards for me that I’d rather die than break. Is Mr. Lamont unhappy with my credentials or my work?”

  “No. He thinks you’re fine. I just want to be sure my girls will be safe.”

  He looked relieved. “They will be, ma’am. I’ll personally see to it.”

  The passion in his voice made her believe him.

  “If there’s nothing else, I should get back to my men. I like to keep a tight rein on the job so things get done right.”

  Angela nodded and gestured for him to go. She couldn’t help smiling. He was another odd duck, but in spite of herself, she liked him.

  By the end of the week, they found an acceptable nanny, a gravelly voiced ex-prison matron who resembled a heavy-weight wrestler. Her silver, manly haircut gave her a severe appearance, but the girls weren’t intimidated. They loved h
er Irish brogue, her sunshine and quirky personality, knowledge of books, and her stories about her family home in Ireland.

  Angela and Damon loved her impeccable references and that she looked capable of handling anyone who threatened their little girls.

  As the weeks passed, the police couldn’t find any evidence to pin Dudley’s murder on Damon. After Angela gave her statement, swearing that Damon wasn’t the person who arranged Dudley’s beating, they filed the case in the unsolved category and stopped coming around. Angela had only wanted them to quit trying to convict Damon, not to put the case on the back burner. The result was, the man who’d killed Dudley went free. This was unacceptable as he was obviously the instigator behind Valerie’s kidnapping and could strike again.

  Angela still felt uneasy about the mysterious tests going on in the lab. She tried to stay positive about them, knowing they were somehow connected to Damon’s desire to find a cure for their daughters.

  In spite of all the unsolved mysteries surrounding their family, life settled into a routine, and she was glad she’d given Damon a chance. He’d always been a devoted father, but now he was almost obsessively so. There was never any doubt that she and the girls were his main focus. He ran his business from home, only traveling to his distant main office site on Mondays to handle the operations that required hands on attention. Unfortunately, the time he spent in the lab caused a problem between them. He always acted agitated after going down there. Every time she mentioned moving the lab away from their home, he insisted they were too close to a break-through, and that moving the operation would bring their tests to a halt.

  By the time the construction was completed, Damon and Hugh had bonded into close friends. Angela and the girls liked Hugh as well so she didn’t object that he spent a lot of time around the mansion, playing games and sometimes making repairs without being asked. He was a family man type who fit right in. He loved the girls and watched over them like a mother hen. What he needed, she decided, was his own family, so she introduced him to Kat. They seemed to hit it off. Kat turned up the heat, touching him seductively at every opportunity. But she failed to entice him to ask her out on a real date. This was a frustrating challenge to Kat. It intrigued and drove her nuts for him to treat her so special without wanting more. She’d seldom, if ever, had a man say no to her. After months of inaction on Hugh’s part, she accepted a ring from Deeto. Angela thought the gesture was to prompt Hugh into action. It didn’t work.

  * * * *

  Her own love affair with her husband was stronger than ever. On their fifth wedding anniversary, he told her to get dressed up and meet him at the renovated and very classy Mission Hotel, one of his latest acquisitions. The moment she entered the lobby, she spied him coming toward her. Although he looked every bit the successful business owner, he had a far more seductive roll to play tonight—her dashing lothario.

  And he was definitely up to the role, decked out like a macho movie idol at The Oscars. The black fedora angled low over his forehead gave him a mysterious quality. And he was as devastating as ever in his Italian-silk black suit, white shirt and red tie. Without taking her eyes off him, she sensed that every female within viewing distance was ogling him. It made her proud rather than jealous. After all, she was the one he’d fallen for and had even been willing to give up his life for. In a carpet-eating wide, feral stride, he joined her. He lifted her hand high, twirled her around, and gave a low whistle. She’d worn her backless little black cocktail dress with an onyx beaded bodice and a modest slit up the side of the skirt. On her feet, she wore strappy high-heeled sandals sprinkled with glossy beads that matched the bodice of her dress. He beamed. She knew he’d be pleased; the outfit was one of his favorites.

  He escorted her up to the penthouse terrace where he’d pre-ordered a special dinner. Snappy waiters in white jackets served them with a flourish. After dessert of chocolate mousse cake, he handed her a black velvet box with Tiffany’s emblazoned in gold letters. With goose bumps of excitement rising on her arms, she opened the box. It was a white gold bracelet encircled with delicate diamonds. “Oh, Damon, it’s beautiful.”

  After she ooed and ahhed over it for a few minutes, she shoved the gift she’d chosen, with much thought and love, shyly toward him. The little white box with a red velvet ribbon contained merely a three-by-five photo. “You’ll have to wait until we get home to see the real thing, but the set is a replica of the chess set used by the world’s top chess player, Antonio Lomita. The knights and bishops are made of marble and the board is hand-carved insets of the finest polished woods.”

  “I’m blown away,” he said huskily. “The perfect gift from my perfect wife.”

  He came to her, drew her to her feet and into his arms. Their bodies blended as he wrapped his male warmth around her. He brought his mouth down on hers. His kiss tasted like rich coffee and chocolate. After a kiss that made her knees weak, they toasted with a Napa Valley prime sparkling champagne and danced to the music floating up from the terrace of the Garden Room, a cocktail lounge just below the penthouse.

  Swaying with his body pressed close to hers ignited fires, and he danced her into the huge suite’s massive bedroom. She inhaled the scent of dozens of fragrant pink roses. The king-sized bed, with turned down burgundy silken sheets, was scattered with pink petals.

  Damon danced her to the edge of bed. Cool silk brushed the back of her knees. He stroked her arms, lowering the straps of her dress, his hands warm and seductive. With a savagery that took her off guard, he pulled her closer. Searing heat shot between them. There was a whisper of the zipper, and then he lowered her dress to expose the strapless black bra, lacy garter belt and dark nylons. She stepped back slightly to allow him a better view of her body delicately encased in the sheer lingerie—and to have enough space between them for her to slowly withdraw his red silk tie.

  His eyes blazed with expectation. “I won’t disappoint you,” she murmured in her sexiest purr.

  She unbuttoned his shirt and roughly stripped it from him. His heart was pounding almost as hard as hers. She smoothed his moist, steel-like abs to calm him…and herself while trying to concentrate on his words. “Nor will I, you,” he said, his low rumble driving her wild. “Happy anniversary, my love. May we share all our days into eternity.” He caught her face between his hands and gazed down into her eyes. “I know I’m still a bit controlling, but I do try to curb it. Sometimes it’s a losing battle because that’s what men do when they love a woman and the beautiful children she bore them.”

  She smiled through the tears sliding down her face. “So you’ve tried to convince me. Many times.”

  His gaze deepened, and then his mouth covered hers, stealing her breath, her sanity. Love and lust exploded inside her as he increased the delicious pressure. His tongue probed and played sensual havoc with her nerve endings. Beneath her lacy bra, her erect nipples begged for attention as his bare chest pressed tighter against her breasts. His erection pressed against her thigh, reminding her of the first time he’d stood naked before her when they’d morphed from wolves into their human nudity after a weird and provocative night in the dungeon together. Damon and the events of that night had awakened new desires and feral lust. Now, for her girls’ sake, she wanted to be with him without the fear and weirdness associated with that night.

  His mouth closed over hers once again, hot and demanding. She clung to the dizzying euphoria as his lips trailed down to the swell of her breast.

  “It’s all going to work out,” he said in a ragged voice. “For us, for our girls.” He lifted his head and hovered close, his warm breath mingling with hers.

  She pressed against him, inviting his passion, his power. “I’m counting on it.”

  They climbed onto the bed and faced each other, knees and thighs branding one another’s flesh. Her core heated to a shivery liquid as their kisses grew more frantic. He lay her back prone on silken sheets. Wild with fever, she arched her back and thrust her hips forward, inviting him to love
her. She moaned in ecstasy as he explored the smooth contour of her belly and the moist triangle of curly hair with his hands, his lips.

  He lowered her to the pillow, kissing her, caressing her as his hand slid between her thighs. She arched her hips to meet his seeking fingers.

  He slid on top of her. Eager for the hot hardness that throbbed against her apex, she arched again. He thrust her hands above her head and French kissed her for mind-numbing seconds. Her limbs went weak, her core, receptive, quivery. She clung to him as he gently entered her and began the slow, rhythmic dance of passion. When she thought she couldn’t stand a second more of her rising and agonizing desire, he released her hands. She quckly slid them down his muscled chest and around his waist…then lower…and dug her fingers into his hard, unyielding buttocks, crying out as he brought her to an unrivaled pinnacle. She exploded again and again, shattering into so many pieces that she knew she’d never be the same. When she thought she couldn’t take any more crazed pleasure, Damon convulsed inside her and together they plunged over the edge into a grateful release that left them weak, but still clinging to one another with their last ounce of strength.

  Damon rolled off her and they lay side by side, breathing hard and trying to catch their breath. After a few moments, he drew her into his arms. When the afterglow faded, she looked up at him. He winked at her with his thickly-lashed eyes then kissed her nose.

  “Mother of my precious girls and wife of my life, you take my breath away.”

  * * * *

  The years flew by and life settled into a smooth pattern and, even though things appeared to proceed on an even keel, Angela felt trapped by the shrinking deadline when the curse would attack her girls. It also worried her that combining the curses may have changed the way the affliction would manifest itself. What if the impact was stronger, deadlier?

  On the evening of Victoria and Valerie’s sixteenth birthday when the sun slipped lower between the mountains and the sky burst into a deep satin palate, blood-red against the peak of Mt. Baldy, she decided it was too risky to wait any longer. She took the journals to the girls’ room and eased into the subject of the family curses. “For years, the community suspected your dad and his family of doing all sorts of evil around here. In reality, they never harmed anyone. And your dad actually became a hero.”


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