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Virgin Wolf II

Page 15

by Lynde Lakes

  “Don’t start that again. You are safer here. You have me, Rick, Hugh and Deeto and his gang to provide you and the girls around-the-clock protection.”

  “Then how did the twins escape all of your heavily-muscled protection today?”

  He didn’t blame her for lack of trust in the protection he provided so far. “I didn’t have enough against Lazar then. But because he worried you, I took the steps and gathered information. Now I can act on what I learned.”


  “You and the girls will always be first in my life. That’s why I have to do whatever it takes to keep you all safe. You might not always approve of my methods, but no couple ever agrees on everything, especially a couple who has lived through such wild, turbulent times and who has yet to face the demanding challenges that seem to be unfolding, You must realize that my need for you and your cooperation has only grown stronger.”

  Angela’s eyes blazed. “You mustn’t let him back on our property! I want restraining orders, the whole shebang.”

  “You got it.” Damon paced the room, wondering if he dare tell her the worst part. For her safety and the safety of the girls, he had no choice. “Remember the frightening blobs reaching out from the mud in the crystal and Madam Nola’s story about the dead rising to eternal life?” He rushed on, wanting to get it said before Angela had too much time to think about it. “There’s something else…something terrifying. I think Reeves has morphed into Lazar.”

  Angela’s face paled. “As impossible as that seems, I find myself believing you. Although Reeves was dead and his ashes scattered behind the mansion, I had an eerie sense of his presence from the moment we returned from our honeymoon.”

  “Reeves died a werewolf and if he morphed into Lazar, Lazar acquired the werewolf tendencies.”

  “That could explain the wolf attack on Madam Nola and Kat.” Angela’s face paled, and she dropped down on the window seat, looking defeated. “If that’s all true, how do we get rid of the walking dead and destroy his gift of eternal life?”

  “I haven’t a clue, but I’ll talk to Hugh. He rose from the dead and may know the secrets and limitations.” Damon doubted an answer existed. Nevertheless, he forced himself to stay positive for Angela’s sake. But if what they suspected was true, they were dealing with an inhuman, indestructible monster.

  * * * *

  In the recreation room, Victoria tossed her black, hip-length jacket across the room with the power of vengeance and approached the pool table like it was the enemy. Clearly ready for battle, she cued up the balls. The wide Elvis-style collar of her shirt rode high on her slender neck. With each breath, her shirt lifted and fell across her youthful, rounded breasts. She’d left three buttons undone and, were it not for her undershirt, he could’ve seen cleavage clear to China. The skinny, tight black cargo pants revealed hints of sexy leg muscles. She tossed that long, full, wind-blown onyx hair provocatively and handled the pool cue like a pro. That wild, big hair reminded him of when she’d morphed into a wolf. Even then, she was a creature of amazing beauty. Rick watched, totally fascinated. Her full, almost heart-shaped lips begged to be kissed. She was smart, beautiful and wild—and forbidden, he reminded himself repeatedly. He tried, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Every movement was an exercise in grace and sent his heartbeat soaring.

  Victoria gave a throaty laugh. “Hey, wasn’t Dad awesome tonight?”

  “That’s an understatement,” Rick said, knowing better than to expect any praise for his part in the fight. “Of course we wouldn’t have been forced into a knock-down, drag-out if you girls would’ve stayed home where you belong.” The minute he finished saying those last three words, he knew he’d made a mistake.

  “Where we belong?” She looked over at Valerie who was sitting on the window seat, staring out into the darkness. “Did you hear what this temp bodyguard had the nerve to say to me?”

  “Forget him,” Valerie said. “What about Lazar? He’s going to drive up to the club in about an hour and we won’t be there.” She glanced at Victoria. “You have his cell number, don’t you? I think we should call and tell him our plans have changed. After all, it’s only polite. He did give us a ride.”

  Rick stiffened. “Didn’t you hear what your dad said? You’re to have no contact with that man. He’s dangerous. You’re lucky to be alive.”

  Valerie’s long blonde hair had golden highlights that someday would drive the right man wild, and her sad, smoky expression touched his heart in a sisterly way. She was beautiful, but she wasn’t captivating in the same walk-on-the-wild-side way as her dark-haired twin.

  Victoria broke the balls fiercely and explosively, as though one of the balls had his name on it. With her out for blood, he’d better keep his mind on the game. As long as Valerie stayed put, he had no worries—the girls were safe with him. Although he found them outstanding and fascinating, he had a strong willpower and intended to keep his lust firmly under control. Very quickly, the game got intense and he didn’t notice Valerie slip out of the room.

  * * * *

  Damon caught Hugh just as he was leaving his room. “I need to talk to you,” he said.

  Hugh stepped back inside. “Make it quick. I was just going to check on the girls. I have an uneasy feeling.”

  “They’re in the rec room with Rick, playing pool. We can check on them in a minute. The sands of trouble have shifted again on the property and I need help to fortify the place.”

  “Is it Lazar?”

  “You already suspected him?”

  “I feel a negative connection to him that makes my skin crawl.”

  “You and Angela caught onto him before I did.”

  “That shouldn’t surprise you. You’ve always been too trusting.”

  Damon couldn’t deny it. “Angela believes Lazar killed Kat and my inspection of his apartment turned up blood. But there’s more to it. I think Reeves morphed into Lazar. If he’s our morphed brother, he has a lot of anger in him and is undoubtedly intent on getting revenge on all of us.” Damon paced a few steps. “You came back from the dead. Are there secrets or limitations tied to those with eternal life that I can use against him?”

  “Not that I know of. But the angel who brought me from the muddy bowels of death told me you held the secret to ban the curse. She said if I wanted to escape it, I should ask you. Maybe you unconsciously know something to fight this.”

  “I only know that our family curse can be broken by love. When we love someone enough to sacrifice ourselves for them and then prove it, we are freed from the curse. But let’s discuss that more later. Right now, we have to stop Lazar from coming back onto the property. I need you to help me change the locks and fortify the security to protect my family. I called Deeto, but he didn’t answer, so you, Rick and I are on our own.”

  * * * *

  Valerie heard voices coming toward the stairway. It was her dad and Hugh. She hurried out the door. Their footsteps neared. Oh, my goodness, they were coming outside, too. She scurried behind the bushes and squatted out of sight. Her dad and Uncle Hugh wore tool belts and headed for the lab. When they stooped down and inspected the knob, she knew they were there to change the locks.

  The bright security light over the door illuminated them and provided sufficient light to do the job. Obviously, Dad was really down on Dr. Lazar to prohibit his access to the lab.

  What had Lazar done to make Dad angry enough to fire him without notice from his life’s work? Losing his job so suddenly was all the more reason for her to apologize for not calling and letting him know they were no longer at the club waiting to be picked up. Poor guy. She couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t apologize.

  * * * *

  “Oh, crap,” Rick said. “Valerie slipped out of the room.”

  “I should’ve given her Lazar’s cell phone number.” Victoria ran to the window, the soft wave of her onyx hair swishing across her back, begging to be stoked. “His car is coming up the lane toward the driveway,”
she said a little breathlessly.

  A second later, Rick heard it, too. Her superior hearing could come in handy in his line of work. He joined her and put his arm around her waist. She smelled like roses. “See anything?” he asked. He trusted her sharp eyesight over his own.

  “Dad and Uncle Hugh are at the lab door, changing the locks.” Victoria’s breath caught. “Oh, no. Valerie is down there, hiding in the bushes.”

  Rick saw only a shadow behind the foliage. Lazar’s car turned into the driveway.

  Victoria’s body stiffened. “If Lazar is as bad as you and Dad claim, we’d better get down there and head Val off before she does something stupid. She’s intent upon apologizing to him.”

  Rick hoped Victoria could handle what he was about to tell her. “We’re pretty sure he murdered your Aunt Kat—”

  Victoria gasped. Without waiting to hear more, she tore out the door and down the curving stairway. Rick followed close behind, praying they’d get to Valerie in time.

  Chapter Eleven

  Valerie rushed up to Lazar’s darkened car. “I’m sorry we weren’t at the club when you came to pick us up, but Dad—” Lazar’s eyes glinted. When he grabbed for her, she jumped back. An eerie feeling sent a prickle through the roots of her hair and she whirled around and ran. With the motor still running, he bolted after her. Within two large steps, his biting grip sank into her upper arm. She screamed. He snaked an arm around her neck, got her in a wrestling hold, and pressed a gun to her head, then half-dragged her backwards to the car. “Get in!” he growled.

  * * * *

  “He’s got her!” Rick squeezed Victoria’s fingers. Even in the dim light from the car beams, he saw her eyes spark. “Do something to distract him. I need to circle to the other side of the car unseen. But, whatever you do, stay out of his reach.”

  She nodded.

  Rick used the bushes for cover then scurried along the ground on his hands and knees. The distance seemed infinite. But he pushed on. He’d almost reached the rear of the car when he heard Victoria call out to Lazar.

  “You’ve got the wrong twin,” she taunted, lifting her shirt and T-shirt.

  What the hell? Rick gasped. Those rounded breasts and pert nipples were definitely sexier than anything he’d seen in Playboy Magazine. Even in the darkness with only the light from the head-beams, the diversion was enough to melt any man in his tracks.

  Her stunning method of distraction wasn’t what he had in mind, but it sidetracked Lazar long enough for him to circle to the passenger side of the car. Rick used his car-stealing master key to unlock the back door. Then he slipped inside and crouched on the floor. Any sound of movement was covered by Damon and Hugh shouting for Lazar to stop.

  * * * *

  When Lazar shoved Valerie into the driver’s side of the car, she tried to tromp on the gas pedal, hoping to throw him off balance. He kicked her ankle and shoved her onto the passenger seat. She dived for the door. Before she could open it, he pressed a button. All door locks clicked, barring escape.

  Breathing hard, Lazar yanked her upright by her hair. She screamed as her roots prickled in pain. “Let me go!” Her attempt to sound tough failed. She raked her nails across his face.

  “Bitch,” he muttered as he pressed the gun to her head. The muzzle dug painfully into her temple.

  * * * *

  Angela and Victoria stood outside the car screaming and pounding on the exterior. Then Rick heard Damon shout, “Angela, Victoria, take cover.”

  Lazar fired a shot. The pounding stopped. Rick wanted to rise up and make certain the women were safe, but it was too risky.

  Seconds ago, crawling to the car, he considered the driver-squeeze-out tactic. If he’d dared to try it—and if it had worked—this could have been over in a flash. All it would’ve taken was perfect timing as he slid into the front seat. And then a quick zip backward out of the driveway before Lazar could force Valerie into the car. Lazar’s gun at Valerie’s head and the hair-trigger timing needed to steal the car out from under the evil scientist discouraged Rick from trying it. The surprise car-jacking might’ve barred the bastard from escaping with Valerie, but it also might have gotten her killed. Rick frowned. Now he had to wait in the backseat for the right instant to strike. Once they reached the main road, Lazar couldn’t keep the gun at Valerie’s head every second and safely maneuver the snaking curves. A moment of wrong timing on his or Lazar’s part could send the three of them off the cliffs to their death.

  * * * *

  Damon ran toward the car, wishing he had a gun to shoot out the tires. Then it hit him. With a gun at Valerie’s head, that wasn’t a viable option anyway. If Reeves had morphed into Lazar as Damon strongly suspected, the evil bastard intended to wipe out the whole Lamont family. The terror in Valerie’s scream went straight to Damon’s gut. He imagined the cold, hard muzzle of the gun pressed to her head. Sweat trickled down his spine and the knot in his stomach tightened.

  Helpless, he watched Lazar swing off the driveway and onto the lawn. After a skidding, slippery turn around with flying mud, Lazar swung back onto the driveway and headed for the Mt. Baldy highway. Hugh, with amazing speed, ran after the car until one of Lazar’s bullets caught him in the knee cap.

  Damon rushed to his aid and helped him to the entry steps.

  “Just a flesh wound,” Hugh muttered. “Remember, I’m one of those living dead guys, too.”

  Damon patted him on the back, overwhelmed by the love he felt for his brother.

  Shaking off the wave of emotion, he straightened. He wanted to continue chasing the car, yank Lazar out of the vehicle by his throat, and beat the hell out of him. But without his wolf powers, he couldn’t run fast enough to catch a car. Besides, if he caught it, there was still the gun at Valerie’s head. To ward off his fear for his daughter, he had to think positive. But how could he go to battle and kill the living dead after the evil, mud-sucking ogre had been granted everlasting life?

  He approached Angela and put his arm around her. He expected her to rebuff him, but even though her eyes blazed with a fiery green glow and she was pale and shaking, she seemed to need him more than she hated him for letting this happen. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung tight. He stroked her back. He had to offer her hope where there was little to none to give. “I’ll get Valerie back!” The statement rang with optimism, but had no substance. He didn’t dare promise something that at this moment seemed impossible.

  Victoria rushed up and hugged her parents. “I don’t know if it’ll make y’all feel better or worse, but Rick’s in the car with them. He’s going to try to rescue Valerie.”

  Damon felt hope soar—with the kid’s PI and undercover background, he just might pull it off—then Damon’s hope crashed. Unfortunately, Rick didn’t know exactly what he was dealing with. Damon tightened his jaw. He might lose Valerie—and Rick, whom he already thought of as a son.

  “You saw him fight at the club,” Victoria said. “He moves like lightning, thinks on his feet, and is an Einstein with steel knuckles.”

  Damon groaned. The love behind his daughter’s words was blatantly evident and stirred more complications into the mix. But, right now, he had more pressing concerns.

  Lazar/Reeves. Dear Lord, what can I do against that combo of evilness?

  Angela whirled and left his arms. They’d never felt more empty, more cold. “I’m calling the police, and don’t even think of stopping me. I want road blocks and lots of cops with guns.”

  Damon nodded. Someone had to do something or he’d lose his daughter and surrogate son. But would a barricaded highway and a bank of armed cops be enough to stop the living dead?

  * * * *

  In the darkened backseat, Rick felt the car gaining speed as the wheels pounded the pavement. Time to make his move! Once they reached the highway, with its treacherous curves and deep gullies, the danger would skyrocket. He sprung up and clamped a chokehold on Lazar’s neck. The car swerved. The gun went off. Valerie screamed. Rick
prayed she was okay, but remained focused. He had to take out Lazar.

  With the element of surprise on his side, Rick used the leverage of the swerving vehicle and Lazar’s tumbling weight to yank him into the backseat. Lazar twisted and pointed the gun at Rick’s head. Sweating, Rick forced the muzzle, inch by inch, away and disarmed him. Lazar bit his arm with wolfish incisors. Breathing hard and increasing the pressure against Lazar’s juggler vein, Rick jammed a knee into the center of the scientist’s spine.

  Valerie, bless her, had slid behind the wheel and was trying to gain control of the car. Had she ever driven before? If she was half as quick-witted as Victoria, she could at least bring the car to a stop. But could he handle Lazar?

  Rick felt the thunderous impact as the car clipped an unmovable force, probably the pool wall. The doors flew open and Valerie disappeared into the darkness. Rick clung to two unbuckled backseat seatbelts as the car rolled over several times. The rolling action swept him off of Lazar, and Lazar was sucked out the door one instant before the vehicle tumbled over the hillside. The rolling and sliding vehicle bumped against boulders. Rick expected the gas tank to explode any second. Praying to the Indian gods…to the white man’s God, he leapt free of the careening coffin.

  * * * *

  When Lazar’s car hit the far pool wall, Victoria started running toward the accident, praying her sister and Rick were all right. Darkness was her enemy. Only taillights and the reflection of the high beams guided her. As the car careened off the plateau and tumbled down the hillside, the lights disappeared. Hugh, limping a little, and Dad and Mom ran beside her. “Call nine-one-one,” Dad shouted. Her terrified heart wouldn’t permit her to stop. They all reached the plateau edge at the same time. Tumbling metal rumbled and thundered though the night. Lazar’s car hit a giant boulder, exploded, and a circle of flames flared against the night sky and turned the lower hillside into an inferno. Victoria’s throat tightened. Had anyone made it out?


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