Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance

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Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance Page 12

by Trina Solet

  It was Owen's turn to get aggressive. He pushed Dan backwards until they were on the other side of the couch. Letting lube and condoms drop from his hand to Dan's, Owen got on his back. Dan was on him in an instant, kissing his neck, his shoulders, pinching his nipples before he licked them. Taking a detour to kiss his mouth, Dan worked his way down his chest and abs to his cock. Owen let out a guttural moan as Dan took the rock hard length of it in his mouth in one tight motion. He pulled back to give the head of his cock a few licks and swirls as his fist pumped the rest.

  "Get to the main event. I'm dying for it," Owen gasped.

  "Anything to please," Dan said. He leaned down to kiss Owen before he started lubing and fingering him.

  Owen couldn't take it for long. He said enough before Dan wanted to stop.

  "You're too tight," Dan said.

  "No such thing," Owen assured him.

  Dan’s eyes were fiery. He wanted to fuck as much as Owen did. Lifting Owen's legs high, he got into position. Owen did too. He pulled his legs to his chest and breathed hard waiting for Dan with eyes hooded, biting his lip. He was almost in a trance of anticipated pleasure. Then there it was – the wonderful pressure, the thickness of Dan's cock demanding entrance.

  Though Owen was desperate to have Dan's cock inside him, it wasn't that easy. Dan had to put some muscle behind it. Good thing Dan had muscle to spare. Owen moaned as Dan's cock opened him up. Dan was grunting with effort, starting to sweat. It paid off as Owen felt Dan's cock going deeper, stretching him to the limit. Impatient for all of it, he gritted his teeth. When Dan was all the way in, Owen whimpered with relief. He had him. He had all of him. What came after was slow and dizzying. Pleasure multiplied over and over as Dan kept to an agonizing rhythm that felt like it would never end, just drive Owen out of his mind for an eternity.

  "I can't take this." Owen's voice was only a raspy whisper.

  "I'm loving you," Dan said with a smile and shuddered as he thrust in again.

  "Love me harder," Owen demanded. He couldn't endure the slow, loving torture. And he wanted Dan's cock to make him come, not his own hand.

  "But I want it to last forever," Dan said breathlessly.

  "Forever is a long time to wait to come."

  "Why did I think you would be patient and sweet?" Dan asked, leaning over him and touching his forehead to Owen's.

  "I have no idea. Now pound me senseless."

  "OK, but you better hang on to something."

  Owen grabbed Dan's ass. Dan started pumping faster and faster, slamming in just the way Owen wanted. Shaking, struggling to breathe and not to come yet, Owen moaned louder all the time. Under that furious pounding, it was impossible not to come. He felt swept away by some irresistible force. The orgasm screamed through him, sharp and searing, making him cry out as his body went rigid in Dan's arms. He collapsed breathless and shuddering. Watching Dan come, Owen felt the surge of it inside him and heard his guttural yell. Dan was still moaning hoarsely as Owen pulled him down. Welcoming the full weight of his muscles on top of him, Owen kissed him.


  From their first fuck, Dan remembered that Owen was always eager for more. He was a bad influence and an irresistible temptation. As Dan first entered him, raw pleasure coursed through his whole being. Dan loved that Owen was so tight for him. The unbelievable pleasure drove him on recklessly, but Dan didn't let his desire for Owen rush him. He wanted control. He wanted Owen to feel his love. Dan wasn't just trying to be a gentleman, he wanted to prove himself, and fuck him on and on, endlessly. He loved watching Owen's face as he sank into him, his intense expression, the tight jaw and the passion in his eyes as Dan plunged deep inside.

  The feral bliss as Owen came sent Dan into an oblivion of pleasure. It was followed by lazy kisses and Owen caressing him. Owen's movements slowed and his breathing evened out. Dan could feel it as he rested with his head on his chest. He raised his head.

  "You don't have time to sleep," Dan told him when Owen's eyes stayed closed too long.

  "Leave the dead to rest in peace."

  "I can bring you back to life and exhaust you all over again," Dan promised him.

  "Don't you have any pity?"

  "No, I just have the libido of a much younger man."

  "Much younger?" Owen said, coming fully awake now.

  "Now that you're awake, you can prove to me that you've still got it." Dan straddled him and started to put a condom on Owen.

  "Like that? Really?" Owen said.

  "I have needs."

  While Dan lubed himself and Owen's cock, Owen grinned at him like a hungry wolf.

  "I see you have needs too," Dan said to him and leaned down to kiss him.

  "A need to fuck you. Yes. I just didn't want to rush it."

  Dan lowered himself carefully at first. As his cock penetrated, Owen's eyelids fluttered and he groaned. Dan wanted to see more of that. He pushed down harder and watched Owen's eyes snap open. Dan was squeezing him pretty good. Owen gripped his thighs, but Dan didn't let that slow him down. He felt the familiar ache and the deep satisfaction as he let himself drop all the way onto Owen's cock. The sensation punched the air right out of him. He gulped as Owen glared at him but also moaned as his cock was gripped.

  Dan picked up speed gradually while Owen stroked his cock. A jolt of pleasure shot up into him each time he let himself press down all the way so that Owen filled him completely. The feeling spiraled upward until it spiked and became unbearable. Dan felt himself unraveling. His riding got erratic. He only managed to keep to a good rhythm by letting Owen's hands guide him over his cock. He was losing it. His climax exploded like lightning and thunder shooting right up his spine, making him wild, nearly screaming out his orgasm like an animal. Pulsing come all over Owen's chest, he took pride in making Owen come just as hard. Leaning down, Dan licked Owen's chest clean as Owen breathed raggedly and moaned. When he was done, Dan made contented noises into Owen's hair as Owen held him in his arms and kissed his neck tenderly.

  On top of each other was the only way they could fit on the couch. Dan was resting his head on Owen's shoulder. As Owen's hands caressed him, Dan tried not to fall asleep.

  "If I love you, should I tell you or...?" Owen started to ask playfully.

  "No, keep it to yourself," Dan said. He raised his head to glare at Owen until he kissed him.

  "I can't keep it to myself. I love you too much," Owen said to redeem himself.

  "Just shorten that to I love you. There's no such thing as too much," Dan told him, not letting him off the hook until he got a pure I love you that reached him straight from Owen's heart.

  "Fine. I love you." As Owen said it, his eyes were gleaming and beautiful.

  "God, I love you too," Dan said to him. He grabbed him and kissed him deeply. "And thanks for telling me," he said once he came up for air.

  "Thanks?" Owen made a face, not understanding his gratitude.

  Dan explained himself. "I know you don't like to act crazy or rush into anything. I thought I would have to wait for that illusive third date or something."

  "Dating is hard. Let's just screw around," Owen said.

  "No. You owe me an Owen Wakefield experience," Dan told him.

  "You're living it."

  "And loving it," Dan said. "I didn't think this was ever going to happen."

  "You didn't think you stood a chance, but you still came after me? You're a brave man," Owen said as he looked into his eyes.

  "I had to take a shot. I was starting to see that I was never going to be happy without you. I've been wanting you so long," Dan said with both anguish and love.

  Owen kissed him hard, answering every longing and need Dan had inside him.

  "Text from Eve," Owen announced. "They're on their way back. ETA fifteen minutes."

  They were getting dressed and making sure the cabin was in order.

  "You want to tell me why we can't do this all the time," Dan wanted to know.

  "Because it's dangerous. Too m
uch sex leads to bad things." Owen's crazy words were garbled by Dan's kisses.

  "Let's try it and see," Dan said. He didn't want to be away from Owen even for an instant.

  "My life is chaotic and challenging enough," Owen said, not ready for any big steps yet.

  "I'm not a tornado," Dan said.

  "You kind of are." Owen ran his hands down his body. He looked like he was reliving what just happened between them.

  "You mean in the sack?" Dan said, fishing for a compliment.

  "Yes, and don't act like you don't know you're dynamite in bed."

  "Tell me more."

  "Not now. I have to turn back into a decent-thinking family man."

  "Then I better turn into the upstanding, clean-living manny," Dan said and pulled in Owen so they could indulge in one last kiss. The kiss was soft but not clean or decent. Every contact between them blazed with the fire burning in their hearts.

  Chapter 16

  Next Sunday, Owen was busy showing a house so Dan brought Connie and Maggie with him to visit his great-grandmother. When they got back, he took the girls to the real estate office so they could pick up Owen and all four of them could do something together.

  Going in, the girls peered around the office then at Dan, wondering where Owen was. They all went over to Simon. He was busy flirting with Brad. Dan wondered if Brad was angling for a job there, or if he maybe had a thing for Simon.

  "I thought Owen was supposed to be here. That's why we dropped by," Dan said to Simon.

  "I guess he's running late. Brad is waiting for him too," Simon said.

  Since Owen wasn't there, the girls made a beeline for the receptionist, Brenda. She had a baby a few months ago, and the girls wanted to see baby pictures.

  Just as Dan was about to text Owen, Brad came up to him and looked him up and down.

  "I can't believe Wakefield passed you up for that guy. That's a terrible lapse in judgment. He usually knows a hot property when he sees one."

  "What guy?" Dan asked, instantly ready to get jealous.

  "Didn't get a name," Brad said.

  "Whose name?" Dan wanted to know.

  "Owen's new boyfriend."

  "I'm his new boyfriend," Dan asserted.

  "You sure about that?" Brad said with a frozen smile. He was looking a little panicky about the turn the conversation was taking.

  "Positive," Dan told him. "Tell me about this guy."

  Thinking that he had already put his foot in it, Brad didn't want to say any more. He tried to make some kind of excuse and escape, but Dan didn't let him.

  "Owen wouldn't cheat on me. This is something else," Dan said. He didn't know what, but he knew without a doubt that Owen had no other boyfriend but him. He insisted that Brad tell him who the other guy was.

  Brad sighed then told him, "This guy said he was Owen's boyfriend. It was a few days ago. I had some clients take a look at the house on Lakeview Lane that Owen was showing. I was waiting for my clients in front when I spotted a guy parked on the street. He looked kind of suspicious so I went over and asked if he was waiting for someone. He said he was waiting for Owen, that he was his boyfriend. I was dying to ask Owen about him, but I never got the chance."

  "Describe this guy."

  "Young, very blond, wearing sunglasses, good body, close-cropped hair. Drove an old black Dodge."

  Without saying anything, Dan stepped away and tried to call Owen. He got no answer. Dan left several texts and messages so Owen would know to call him back right now. He went to ask Simon when he was last in touch with him.

  "I've been trying to reach him. I just figured he was busy," Simon said.

  "Where is Owen right now?" Dan asked.

  "I'm not sure. I know he was stopping at a house in Banyan Heights then coming here."

  "I need the address."

  Simon gave him a printout that had the address, directions and a map. It wasn't far. As he started to leave, Dan considered calling the police. And telling them what? That his boyfriend was a few minutes late. Dan looked over at the girls. Connie and Maggie were still busy looking at pictures of Brenda's baby. Dan told the girls to stay there and asked Brenda to watch them. Seeing him run out, the girls looked worried. Dan wished he had time to reassure them, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what was going on. Just because that guy sounded like Keith... Dan pushed everything out of his mind and concentrated on getting in the car and driving as fast as he could without crashing. Once he saw for himself that Owen was OK, he could breathe again. Until then all that mattered was getting there.


  The house in Banyan Heights was built lovingly and it showed in design, material and craftsmanship. It was modern, but it had warmth. The deck overlooked a small nature preserve. Light streamed in through the big windows and glass doors. Owen hoped his cell phone video would do it justice. An out of state client looking for a house in the area wanted to see the video right away so it would have to do.

  Owen had gone through most of the house, shooting video and talking about the features of the place. He made sure to mention how well it had been maintained by the previous owners. Having covered everything, he didn't have much left to say but continued recording and let the house speak for itself. He wanted another shot of the view through the high window from the top of the stairs. As he got downstairs, he was almost done. That's when he saw someone on the video. A man was moving on the deck outside. When Owen looked up from the screen, something smashed through the glass doors and his phone flew out of his hand.

  Next thing he knew, Owen was tackled. The back of his head hit the floor. For a second he saw only red, and he had to fight to stay conscious. A fist slammed into him hard then again. How many blows before he passed out? That couldn't happen. He had to fight back.

  The face above him was a blur obscured by fists. Owen realized it was Keith. The insults he spewed were only static between the blows. Owen focused on not passing out and gathering enough strength to throw him off and get to his feet. He saw his chance when Keith all of a sudden got lighter and stopped hitting him. Owen kicked him off. That's when he saw Dan punching Keith. That's what had made Keith lighter. The next punch from Dan knocked him out.

  Dazed, Owen watched as Dan dragged away the unconscious Keith like the sack of shit that he was. Dan took off his belt and tied Keith's wrists to the lowest picket of the stairway. As Owen struggled to get to his feet, Dan rushed over to him.

  The first thing Owen told him was, "I'm OK." The look on Dan's face was so anguished. Owen would have done anything to take away the pain he saw there. He reached up and touched Dan's cheek. "Don't worry about me."

  Dan smiled while looking like he was going to cry. "You must be OK if you're worrying about me worrying."

  Owen almost laughed, but he hurt too much for that. He did manage to stand up with Dan's help. Dan held him so gently. Owen could feel love from every fiber of his being. He had never loved Dan more.


  As he drove over, breaking the speed limit, Dan had tried to convince himself that he was overreacting. He drove recklessly and ploughed to a stop in front of the house where he saw Owen's Subaru. As Dan jumped out of the car, he caught a glimpse of an older, black car parked down the road. He still hoped he was wrong as he ran up the path to the house. The smashed glass door was all Dan needed to see to convince him he had been right to worry. He rushed in.

  He could have killed Keith for every drop of blood he saw on Owen's face. Keith owed his life to Owen. Dan loved Owen more than he could ever hate anyone. Instead of beating the shit out of Keith, he would take care of Owen and make sure nothing ever took him away.

  While Dan got on the phone to call the police, he couldn't take his eyes off Keith. He saw his eyes blink. He was coming to. Keith was conscious but subdued as Dan talked to the 911 operator.

  "You're going to jail. Your brother won't be able to get you out of this," Dan told him when he got off the phone.

  "I don't need him. I'll ju
st tell them you two lured me here and assaulted me," Keith said. His words were slurred by the damage Dan's fists had done to him. His teeth were bloody as he sneered.

  Owen could see that Dan was furious and placed his hand on Dan's arm lightly. Dan wanted to hurt Keith, but with Owen's calming touch, he held himself in check.

  Then Owen turned and looked around for something. He staggered over to his phone. It was on the floor, not too far from the action.

  Owen held up his cell phone. "I was shooting some video of the house for an out of state client. It's still recording," he said to Dan. He aimed the phone at Keith. "Have anything else to say?"

  "Maybe you want to talk about stealing Mr. Douglas's credit card or what you did to my tires," Dan said.

  "Your car is a piece of shit anyway," Keith said.

  Dan wasn't sure if that counted as a confession, but it sure sounded like Keith was responsible for the damage to his tires. Even if nothing else could be proved, this time he had gone too far. He was finished.

  Soon the paramedics were tending to Owen. He would have to get checked out at the hospital, especially his head. Dan still couldn't breathe easy. At least the police were done asking him questions for now. They were lifting the prints off the metal recliner Keith had thrown through the glass door. The cell phone video had caught him just as he swung it. The cops were looking at it as they listened to Keith's version of what happened. His story didn't exactly match the facts.

  Dan watched worriedly as Keith's brother arrived. Last time his interference helped them, but Dan didn't know what to expect from him this time. Out of uniform, Keith's brother stood off to the side, looking grim. Keith stared daggers at him. Dan saw real hate there. When Keith's brother approached them a little later, Dan and Owen found out why.


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