Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance

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Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance Page 13

by Trina Solet

  He introduced himself as Derrick Mitchum and told them about Keith.

  "Keith was always homophobic, but it kicked into high gear when he found out I was gay. I'm sorry he took it out on you. I'd rather he went after his real target."

  "If you knew he was violent..." Dan started to say.

  "He never did anything like this. He was all talk until now," Derrick said with distaste.

  Dan couldn't really blame him. Dan didn't know Keith was capable of this either, or he would have never allowed Owen out of his sight.

  As they were waiting for Owen's test results at the hospital, Dan watched bruises appear on Owen's face.

  "Thank you for coming to save me," Owen told him instead of telling him not to worry for the hundredth time.

  "Thank Brad," Dan told him. "He mistook Keith for your boyfriend and told me all about him."

  "In that case, I'll have to kick Brad's ass for thinking I have such terrible taste in men," Owen said with a disgusted look.

  "We should thank your client for making you shoot that video," Dan said. Without it, who knows what the police might have believed.

  "This is turning into an Oscar acceptance speech," Owen said. "We can't leave out Connie and Maggie. I got that sturdy case for my phone because of the girls. They are always knocking my phone down. I don't know how many times I've heard 'Crash! Woops! Sorry!'"

  "Is that everyone we need to thank?" Dan said, but thinking of the girls and what almost happened to Owen scared him so much. Looking at Owen's bruised face, he started to worry about how they would react.

  It was well into the afternoon by the time Dan took Owen home. Eve and Justin had gone to get the girls from the real estate office. Justin was on standby in case any charges were filed against Owen or Dan. Plus he had a tiny dog and a million pictures and videos of him. The girls were still squealing over them when Owen and Dan arrived home. Eve had tried to prepare the girls for seeing Owen's injuries, but they were still upset.

  "Should I get your doctor's coat, Dr. Connie?" Dan asked.

  Maggie demanded one too. Wearing two of Owen's white shirts with the sleeves rolled way up, the girls consulted over Owen as he stretched out on the couch. They scribbled in some notebooks and nodded at each other a lot.

  That gave Dan a chance to talk to Justin and Eve about what happened. Justin promised to keep an eye on the case against Keith. After making sure that Owen and Dan had everything they needed, Eve and Justin left.

  Dan watched the girls as they argued about whether Owen needed shots. Maggie was against it. Thinking it was right up their alley, Dan told the girls not to let Owen sleep. The doctor had warned them about the possibility of a concussion.

  "That doesn't mean you should constantly poke him with your pencils," Dan told them when he saw how they were keeping him awake.

  "Or at least use the eraser side," Owen grumbled.

  The girls also ran back and forth with new ice packs. While they were in the kitchen getting two fresh ones, Dan sat down next to Owen on the couch.

  "You'll be looking pretty in no time," Dan assured him. "Until then I'll think up some more ways to distract the girls from your scary face."

  "I know how to distract them," Owen said. When the girls came back, he had them sit down.

  "I have some news. Dan is my boyfriend," Owen said, surprising Dan and the girls too.

  The girls jumped up. Staring at Owen and Dan in confusion, they didn't know what to do. Maggie was the first to cheer excitedly. When Connie recovered, she came over to Dan. She stared hard at him then she frowned at Owen.

  "Are you mad?" Owen asked her while Maggie climbed on Dan's lap.

  "No. You need a boyfriend, and now Dan won't go on any more dates, right?" Connie said, looking from Owen to Dan.

  "He'll still go on dates with me," Owen told her.

  "Can we come?" Maggie asked.

  "It's not a date if you come," Owen told her.

  "What do we get out of it?" Maggie wanted to know. She hugged Dan possessively.

  "It's OK. Uncle Owen is not taking him away. Dan is still our manny," Connie reassured her.

  "That's right," Dan confirmed it.

  When the girls scampered away, Dan leaned down and very gingerly kissed Owen.

  "Using me as a distraction again?" Dan said.

  "It's the main reason I hired you. You are so distracting you could stop traffic."

  "Glad to be of help. Are you going to take some time off?"

  "I have to or I'll scare the clients."

  "Good. I want to take care of you," Dan told him.

  "Get in line," Owen said as the girls came back with teddy bears for him to borrow until he felt better. He tried to tell them that he didn't need the bears because he had Dan, but they wouldn't hear of it.

  That night, Dan stayed up with Owen. He hated to keep him awake when he was so tired. Owen was in his bed, and Dan was sitting next to him.

  "Sorry I can't let you sleep," Dan said.

  "I don't mind staying awake as long as I get to look at you," Owen told him.

  As for Dan, he wasn't sure he could ever again take his eyes off Owen. He was amazed at how strong Owen was. He had a cut lip, a black eye and other bruises, but he looked so peaceful as he gazed at Dan.

  "You aren't putting on a brave face for me, are you?" Dan had to ask.

  "No. The more you have, the more you have to lose. I have everything now. Everyone I care about is OK. That means I'm doing great."

  "Well, you look terrible so stop being so smug," Dan told him. He actually thought he might cry. He felt responsible for what happened and relieved that Owen was going to be OK. Dan was a mess.

  Owen could see it, and he pulled him down into bed with him. Dan made sure not to hurt him as he held onto him like he was his salvation. He realized how right Owen was. As long as Dan had Owen in his arms, everything was perfect.

  Chapter 17

  Dan had been sneaking down to Owen's bedroom for weeks. It started after he was hurt. Dan couldn't bear to be away from him all night. He told the girls that he would be studying in Owen's office at night in case they came looking for him. Every morning, Owen would wake him up early so he could sneak back upstairs. He even had to get up extra early on the weekends.

  It was still a pleasure to wake up in Owen's bed. First Dan would become aware of his soft kisses on his lips, on his eyelids, on his chin and down his neck. Owen's sleep warmed body would press against him, as would his hard cock. It wasn't easy, but Dan kept his eyes closed in a very bad imitation of being asleep. Owen would whisper his name in his ear. His warm, rich voice sent a tremor through Dan's whole body. His arms reached up, out of his control. He had to hold Owen and kiss him. It was too hard to pretend he didn't want him more than anything.


  Owen was catching up on some work Saturday while Dan was at a meeting with a study group. Dan and Owen had taken the girls out for breakfast and a little shopping before he left, but they were ready for more fun.

  "When is Dan coming back?" Connie asked. "He should take us somewhere. A boyfriend is supposed to take girls out to have fun."

  "Dan isn't everyone's boyfriend, just mine," Owen told her.

  "You can't just have Dan to yourself," Connie objected.

  Maggie seconded that. "Dan is our manny!"

  "We'll show you. We'll get our own boyfriend," Connie threatened.

  "You're not allowed to have boyfriends," Owen told them.

  "Why not?" Connie wanted to know.

  "You're not old enough. And when you're old enough, I will inform you in writing," Owen told her very sternly. It was decades, no, eons too early for him to have to worry about that issue.

  Dan came back just as Owen was finishing up his work. By the time the girls were through with Dan, Owen was ready for that fun the girls were demanding earlier. He was happy to hear Dan coming up behind him. Dan leaned down and nuzzled Owen at his desk.

  "I heard you don't want to share me," Dan sai

  "They don't want to let us have a minute alone," Owen grumbled then smiled suddenly. He was seeing a vision of a beautiful future. "I think we're a more complete family with you here. I'm looking forward to spending the holidays with you, and..."

  "That better be a marriage proposal," Dan said suddenly.

  Owen turned to stare at him. Dan looked very serious.

  "Umm. Really? You want to marry me?" Owen still didn't believe what he heard.

  Dan's eyes looked too earnest and solemn for him to be kidding around. Owen saw fear and hope in his expression, mirroring exactly how he felt.

  "I guess if I want it done right, I need to do it myself," Dan said as he got down on one knee.

  "Are you really going to propose?" Owen said, stunned. He couldn't believe this was happening.

  "I'm not playing around. But this is just to tell you how I feel and what I want. You are going to get a deadly serious proposal with champagne, the works."

  "I don't need deadly serious or champagne. Just say the words." Owen barely had enough breath to speak. He felt like he might pass out. With Dan on one knee in front of him, Owen was so happy and overwhelmed. "You're too beautiful," Owen had to tell him. Dan was a wonderful person who just happened to come in a body of a gorgeous man. Owen couldn't believe how lucky he was.

  "Wait till I lay this awesome proposal on you that I'm thinking up right this minute while my head is spinning." Dan took a big, lungful of air before he spoke. "Will you love me forever the way I love you and make me the happiest man on earth?" Dan said in one breath.

  "Yes," Owen said in a choked whisper. He sank to the floor and threw himself into Dan's arms, giddy, shaking, almost sobbing with pure joy. Held close and showered with kisses, Owen had never been happier.

  They kissed each other for a long time. Now and then Owen had to stop and look at Dan to make sure this was real. Did the most beautiful man he ever met just ask him to marry him? Dan's loving, teary eyes convinced him that he did. He was real and he was Owen's.

  "Let's do it again for the girls," Dan said.

  Owen was still too dazed to refuse anything Dan wanted. They called the girls into the living room and had them sit down. As Dan got on one knee in front of him, Owen sat in the armchair, not trusting his shaky legs to hold him up.

  Dan took his trembling hand. "Owen, you are my dream. Now I want you to be my future. Will you marry me and be the love of my life?" Dan said. His hands were shaking too.

  Owen was just as overwhelmed as the first time. Sitting down was definitely a good decision.

  "Say yes! Say yes!" the girls yelled before he could trust himself to speak.

  "Yes. The answer is yes," Owen said and the girls clapped then rushed over to hug him and Dan.

  "Do it again," Maggie said.

  "Why not," Dan said.

  Owen thought that was overkill, but then he saw it as an opportunity.

  "I get to propose this time," Owen said. He kneeled and looked up at Dan. How could he put into words how much he loved him and wanted to marry him? "You make me so happy. I want to bring the same happiness to your heart that you've brought to mine. I want to give myself to you and love you forever. Please marry me."

  "Say yes!" the girls yelled again.

  Dan did then he kissed him, and the girls ran over again for hugs.

  "Again, again!" Maggie demanded.

  "No. That was plenty. It's a done deal," Owen said.

  "I could propose to you all day," Dan said.

  Owen kissed him lightly. "Now we'll have a wedding and live happily ever after. The End," Owen told the girls before they got another proposal out of them.

  "Are you gonna go away to Greece?" Maggie asked, looking a little worried.

  "No, they're staying here," Connie told her. She didn't seem to have any worries or doubts.

  "That's right. How did you know?" Owen asked Connie.

  "You told me," Connie said. "You promised you would always be here and you would never leave."

  He had said it to her after Mike and Laura died. Connie was afraid that everyone was going to leave her. Owen made his promise then and meant every word. He was so touched that she remembered and that she took it to heart.

  "That goes for me too," Dan told her.

  "Good," Connie said like she expected nothing less.

  Owen liked how sure she was of both of them. She knew where to place her faith.

  Now that the girls had witnessed the big event first hand, it was time to let his mom know. Since their first date, Owen had told her about him and Dan. She approved completely. She had called Dan her future son-in-law even before Owen gave her the news about their engagement. Now she was overjoyed. Owen put her on speaker so they could all hear her tell him, "You couldn't have made me happier if you married George Clooney, Prince William and The Property Brothers in a big French wedding."

  "All of them?" Owen said. That list had more to do with his mom than it did with Owen.

  "Is that my competition?" Dan asked.

  "Only in Mom's mind," Owen said, but he could hear how happy she was to have Dan in the family.

  When she was speaking to Owen privately, his mom sounded more tearful. "I knew there was happiness out there waiting for you. I just knew it."

  "It wasn't out there. You brought it home to me. Was that your plan all along?" Owen asked her.

  "I was sure Dan was going to be good for all of you, but I know better than to try to arrange love."

  "I'm going to give you credit anyway," Owen said.

  "My sweet boy," she told him and he could almost feel her squeezing his cheeks.


  That night as they went to bed, Owen told the girls that Dan would be sleeping in his room from now on.

  "Why?" Maggie wanted to know.

  "I don't like the lonely room any more," Dan told her.

  Maggie understood that reason, but Owen still gave her his own explanation.

  "It's because I love Dan, and we're going to be husbands. And husbands sleep together."

  She nodded again but with an uncertain look.

  "It's a rule. They have to," Connie told her. "Married people have to sleep together."

  "She's sucking all the fun out of this," Owen grumbled after they tucked in the girls.

  "Not all the fun," Dan said and kissed him.

  They hung around in Dan's room for a while for old time's sake and to keep an eye on the girls until they were sound asleep.

  It was very late by the time they went to Owen's bedroom. For the first time Dan was going to be sleeping with Owen until morning. No sneaking away. As they stood by Owen's bed, he hoped that Owen would still kiss him awake. Dan looked at his dark eyes and he was lost in him. Though all these years he had wanted him, Dan didn't know he could love him so much.

  "Tonight you're all mine," he said as he took Owen in his arms.

  "What do you mean tonight?"

  "I'll show you what I mean," Dan said. He let his hands slide down Owen's sides then around to his ass.

  "I'm yours forever," Owen said, and Dan felt his heart beating so hard at those words and even more at the idea that Owen was really his forever.

  He kissed Owen quickly, not able to say anything. He was hardly able to breathe. Owen kissed him back, and his feathery, teasing kissed drove Dan insane. A few playful kisses were all Dan could take before he lunged at him and tackled him. They tumbled into bed together, kissing and pulling at each other's clothes.

  They drew apart so they could look at each other as they took one another's clothes off. Dan couldn't get enough of Owen's mouth and the feel of him under his hands. Dan was drunk on his kisses. How much Owen wanted him in return wasn't only in the hardness of his cock. It was written on his burning skin, the shiver of his muscles, the quickness of his breath, the way his lips traveled Dan's body hungrily.

  They melted together into one, sealing their promises to each other with their bodies. As they fucked, Dan was so high. He was touch
ing heaven. This was a place where only Owen could take him. The love and ecstasy in Owen's eyes pushed Dan over the edge. He plunged into the sweet depths of Owen's body and the passion burning in his eyes. Owen said, "I love you," and Dan felt it with his whole being. His words were a wave that Dan wanted to drown in. It was amazing that someone he wanted and loved so much returned every feeling, making Dan love him even more.


  Dan had fallen asleep, but Owen was still awake. His eyes refused to close as long as they could get their fill of Dan. He couldn't believe it. Dan was naked in his bed, his for the night and for the rest of their lives. Owen had never felt so blissful and fulfilled in his life. He didn't even know he could be this happy. And this was only their beginning. There was a wedding and holidays to look forward to, and Connie and Maggie to raise and fear. There were so many good things ahead. How happy could one man get? Owen couldn't wait to find out.

  The End

  Books by Trina Solet

  And Manny Makes Three

  Mark is a struggling college student who has been working as a nanny for a nice family, but they don’t need him any more. Zack has been raising his son, Al, by himself and needs help. Al is a funny kid, and Zack is a funny dad, but more serious issues lurk under the surface. Will Mark be able to deal with these two? And how will Zack and Mark deal with their mutual attraction?

  Unexpected Dad

  Tyler finds a big surprise waiting on his doorstep. Ready or not, Tyler is a dad. Tyler didn’t know he had a daughter until she suddenly dropped into his life. Whether he is ready for her or not, little Julie needs a father. Or maybe two. Tyler and Jake have been best friends, inseparable since college. Now they have to adjust to Tyler’s new role as a dad. As Jake helps him cope with being a new father to a little girl, Tyler might be looking at two big changes in his life.


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