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Equilibrium of Terror: Part 1 (Splintered Galaxy Book 3)

Page 41

by Eddie R. Hicks

  And alerting everyone in the lab they have three intruders.

  “Pretty sure that was the only way in!” Heurol said.

  Jazz grimaced at the wreckage. “And the only way out,” he said, standing, then aiming his rifle down toward the alerted guards inside. “But fuck it, let’s deal with this first!”

  As quickly as the battle started was as quickly as it ended, Jazz, Vaishea and Heurol already had the high ground as they stood on top of the balcony. Bullets roared and psionic telekinetic and plasma unleashed, the armed guards down below didn’t stand a chance. The lab workers didn’t last long either as Jazz gunned them all down, none of them were armed and he didn’t care. They were experimenting on humans, humans that boarded the Abyssal Explorer to evacuate what seemed to have been a doomed Earth at the time. Those folks didn’t deserve this, and those that willfully participated needed to pay the price. If Heurol’s missing agent was in here, she better hide in the corner, Jazz intended to make sure everyone he saw wearing a lab coat would be swimming in a pool of their own blood. PSTD rage was no joke. And Jazz, as a result, had no chill.

  The last bullet ridden body slowly fell to the floor, splashing into a puddle of blood created by its comrades who were killed minutes earlier. They fanned out to ensure the lab was secure. No signs of any of the order members alive and no signs of the missing agent.

  Shoot first, ask questions later. Now that the shooting was finished, “I wanna ask some questions but...” Jazz said when he realized how intense the devastation he created was.

  “Interrogations only work when the subject is not breathing through extra holes in their heads,” Vaishea said patting him on the shoulder.

  They ventured further in and saw several transport ships lined up and a few cranes above, it looked as if they were getting ready to load some of the tubes onto the transports. Jazz’s hunter’s instinct allowed him to see slight movement from around the transports. Someone was still alive, and hiding. A lone ranger survived and made their presence known via three missed shots aimed at Jazz.

  They exchanged weapons fire from behind their cover. Jazz using a cargo container, the ranger using the transport. A stray bullet fired from the ranger damaged a crane holding a cryo tube, which was directly above Jazz. Who was Jazz kidding, that was no stray bullet. It was intentional.

  He was forced to run out of cover as the cryo tube fell out from the grip of the crane, crashing on the floor where he was hiding just seconds earlier. Jazz was exposed with no armor or shields and probably out of range of any protection Heurol could provide, if he’d provide it. It wouldn’t surprise Jazz at all if Heurol was waiting for the string of bullets that were fired at him to hit him. Jazz dove and rolled on the floor, it wasn’t much, but it did make him a slightly harder target. Midway through his roll, the sound of weapons fire came to an end, he came upright and saw Vaishea standing over the body of the ranger. Her rifle aimed downwards, and put two extra slugs through the back of his head, just to make sure he stayed down.

  They regrouped while Heurol smiled at Vaishea`s handiwork. “Still think you’re a counselor turned starship officer?” Heurol asked her then walked away.

  Both Jazz and Vaishea looked at each other, shaking their heads before heading toward a computer station which was still active and logged in. Once again, her computer skills came up to the surface and she started to review the information. “Looks like you’re right, these people are humans,” she said.

  “Let’s get ‘em out, they don’t deserve this,” Jazz said, looking up at the additional cryo tubes hanging off the walls.

  Vaishea interacted with the computer terminal. “Reviving all subjects... now.”

  All the cryo pods lowered to the floor and begin their revival process. All except a group of tubes still firmly held within the hands of overhead cranes. Those were the ones that were about to be loaded onto the transports. “What’s up with them?” Jazz pointed at the tubes not moving.

  “Working on it, it’s locked out for some reason,” she said. The contents of the computer screen switched. “Oh. This is interesting”


  “Half the tubes that were placed in here originally, were just transferred to several transports heading to the Abyssal Pelican.”

  “I’m guessing these transports were supposed to get the rest?”

  “No,” she said, then began to read more. “They were supposed to get the one that crashed over there and the ones in the cranes next to these transports. The ones I can’t seem to move down.”

  “Let me try,” Heurol said, stepping toward the unmoving tubes above them. “Everyone knows we’re here, there’s no point in me using my psionics to block out the cameras. Instead, let me see if I can find the release command.”

  Jazz moved back toward the cryo tube that crashed on the floor earlier while Heurol and Vaishea did what they could to release the last tubes. Despite the lower gravity, it was still a big fall that shattered the whole contraption, and it was questionable if the person inside was in perfect health.

  He returned to the damaged cryo tube and looked down toward it. Shattered glass was ejected everywhere, while white mist covered the rest of the pod in a veil of obscurity. He heard someone move and climb out of the tube, someone survived, good they’re gonna need help considering they weren’t revived via the computer systems. His hands brushed away some of the mist that was in his face, then leaned in closer to see the status of the survivor.

  It was a man, a naked man. A faint purple aura of psionic energy radiated from his body, his skin was tough like leather, and there were signs that his chest had been surgically sliced open. Most terrifying part of it all? A miniature version of the red gem was fused into his forehead, and started to glow as his, no, its eyes opened.

  “Holy fuck!” Jazz shouted.

  It leapt at Jazz at a speed so intense, it knocked him over. His rifle yanked out from his hands and flung away by the man or creature, psionic experiment, zombie. Yes, that was exactly what this was. A psionic zombie and it released a piercing shriek loud enough to force Heurol and Vaishea to cover their ears. Something Jazz would have done as well if his arms weren’t pinned by the beast.

  The zombie stopped moving, just seconds before its raised arms were about to unleash some sort of energy beam from the palms of its hands. Emelia materialized out of nowhere, and brushed her hands along the side of the zombie's face, taming and calming it in the process.

  “Calm, be at peace,” Emelia said. “Weapon of the gods, know that you exist because we allowed it. The Jazz is my vessel. No harm shall come to him until his task is complete.”

  “Umm right,” Jazz said as the zombie got off him and ran toward the dead bodies littering the floor, like a feral animal looking for a meal.

  It moved so fast, it vanished from his sight, quite possibly into the tram tunnels as it did climb up those stairs. Nothing we can do now, he thought upon seeing the first batch of humans step forward, released from their cryogenic prison. One after another, the tubes began to open and release their imprisoned humans from within. All of them looked confused and horrified at the carnage they woke up to, all of them needed Jazz and the others to guide them to safety.

  “Jazz!” Vaishea said, running to aid him.

  Emelia vanished the second Jazz got back to his feet, and he was totally convinced only he saw her. “For the record that pod didn’t have a human in it,” he said to Vaishea as she guided him back to the computer terminal.

  “Managed to get the other pods to lower and open,” Heurol said to Jazz.

  After the brief run in with the psionic zombie, Jazz was kind of hoping Heurol was not going to succeed in lowering those tubes. They were locked out for a reason like they were being loaded into the transports for a reason. He looked up in hopes of seeing through the glass of the tubes, hoping to see what was inside. He got his answer as they lowered and got closer to the floor. Psionic zombies, more of them and they were seconds away from unleashing th

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck put it back up!” Jazz yelled.

  “What’s wrong?” Heurol asked.

  The cranes lowered the tubes to the floor and the revival process began. They gazed at the contents inside, having realized why Jazz was panicking. “Too late, I can’t stop it once it’s been started,” Vaishea said.

  Additional zombies were going to be added to the mix, meanwhile the human refugees needed to be protected, now more than ever. Jazz needed to come up with an escape plan. And fast.

  The transports.

  There were still three of them empty and ready for takeoff. It would be a tight squeeze, but it should be enough to fit everyone on. “Okay, we need to get everyone out of here now!” Jazz said, then he addressed the confused humans behind him. Yelling as loud as he could to get their attention, he said. “All right everyone, listen up, you ain’t got to go, but ya’ll got to get the hell up outta here!”

  The humans all began to turn toward Jazz and the others as they waved them to come aboard the transports. As the loading continued, Vaishea stopped and approached the tubes carrying the zombies who were a minute way from revival, Jazz followed behind her.

  “What are those?” she asked him.

  Jazz’s mind flashed back to his narrow escape from the Hashmedai command ship during the invasion. Its commander became possessed by the gem he was carrying, turning him into a powerful psionic zombie just like these things. Whatever the order did to these people, they managed to figure out how to reproduce the process in humans.

  “If it’s what I think it is, we’re all going to be in trouble,” Jazz said.

  Heurol called out to Jazz and Vaishea as the last human refugee boarded on the overcrowded transport. It was now their turn to get on and make their escape. As they approached the doors, Jazz saw several dead lab workers and guards, rise up from the floor. Their mutated bodies became psionic zombies themselves, then released the same intense deafening shriek the last one did.

  “This just gets better and better.”


  ►► Abyssal Pelican, Oyuri orbit

  ► Barnard’s Star system

  Sinzihea’s teeth bit into a savory sandwich. She intentionally chewed it with her mouth open to remind her prisoner Destiny of the delicious meal she was eating. And the fact that Destiny had not been fed in a day or so.

  “I have to admit the food in this system isn’t bad, considering all livestock and agriculture had to be imported from other worlds,” Sinzihea said taking another bite. “This reminds me of those juicy roast beef sandwiches I used to eat in Los Angeles. Those humans had no idea they were making a meal for an alien.”

  There was no reply from Destiny. She had her head pointed to her lap. Sleeping? Passed out? Meditating? Who knows?

  The ship wide intercom beeped, Sinzihea sighed and activated it with her mind. “Excuse me, Sinzihea,” said a bridge officer.

  “What is it? I’m busy.”

  “We just received a data transmission from the surface. I think you’d better take a look at it.”

  Couldn’t you just tell me what it is? “I’ll be right there.”

  Sinzihea exited, but not before carefully placing the sandwich at the edge of the desk closest to Destiny so that she could see and smell its alluring aroma. Extra torment in her absence.

  Sinzihea stepped into the bridge minutes later. Teleportation would have been faster considering the long elevator rides and walks across corridors just to get here, something she’ll have to make of note of for next time. She still had yet to adapt to life on such a mammoth sized ship such as this.

  “What is it?” she asked as she approached the communication workstation.

  The officer displayed the transmission in question to her via a small screen. It was notes, and files sent by Odelea. “I wasn’t expecting this,” Sinzihea said. “Have a small team of rangers meet me on the surface, I’m going to look at it.”

  “One last thing,” the officer said seconds before she was going to walk away. “Our lab on Rasi. It’s gone silent.”

  “Did our first wave of subjects come aboard?”

  “Not yet, those transports will be docking within the hour. But even then, three transports are missing from the convoy.”

  “Inform our associates on Rasi, have them check it out. What’s going on at Oyuri is much more important to me right now.”


  “Oh, and have someone check up on our prisoner in an hour. Make sure she doesn’t die on us, I still have many questions to ask.” Sinzihea walked toward the elevator, stopping just before its sliding doors were triggered to open. Right, just teleport to the lower decks.

  … … …

  ►► Lyonrian structure, Oyuri

  ► Barnard’s Star system

  Eicelea and Vynei along with Odelea appeared back into existence from the teleportation alcove. Eicelea rubbed her hands together in excitement upon seeing the holographic star map from earlier was still active, along with the computers displaying the Lyonria text.

  “Oh my gods,” Odelea said, walking into the room.

  “So, about those translations?” Eicelea asked.

  “I’ll...” Odelea hesitated in her answer as she looked back toward the alcove they just came from. “I will get on it.”

  Something didn’t seem right, something or someone was troubling Odelea, interfering with her mind set. “Are you okay?” Eicelea asked her.

  “I just, err never expected such a thing to exist. I’m worried if they are security devices we don’t know about.”

  Fair enough, Eicelea thought for she and Vynei didn’t even consider if they were walking into a trap or not.

  … … …

  ►► Lyonrian ruins, Oyuri

  ► Barnard’s Star system

  Few people stopped to stare when Sinzihea along with three rangers teleported into the ruined ancient city and walked toward the restricted area. The expedition team was far too interested in their discoveries to care, or take notice that a psionic walked around without a suit, relying on their barriers to protect them from the unbreathable air, an act the administration repeatedly reminded psionics was forbidden to do on this world.

  Chloe, Karklosea and Stolanei however, did take notice, and watched the four strong group of mysterious people walk toward the blocked off area of the ruins from around the corner. “I thought psionics were required to use the environment suits rather than their psionics?” Chloe asked them.

  “So did I,” Stolanei said.

  “What are rangers doing this far in?” Karklosea asked. “There shouldn’t be any major threats here.”

  “Rangers and a psionic that’s allowed to break the rules, something is up,” Chloe said.

  They followed, staying behind pillars and ancient homes while they allowed the psionic and her three ranger bodyguards to guide them. Eventually they stepped through a door that was already forced open, past a holographic blockade. They're up to something for sure, Chloe thought. But what?

  “Captain,” Karklosea transmitted to the Abyssal Explorer. “We are following a suspicious group of people inside a blocked off area of the Lyonrian city.”

  “Understood. Proceed with caution,” Ueyei transmitted. “Need you all back alive. I got rookie psionics manning your posts!”

  Karklosea chuckled, it was probably the first time Chloe had seen the steadfast woman laugh, hopefully not the last. “I’m sure they’ll do fine in our absence,” Karklosea said. “What other ships are in orbit?”

  “Just us and the Pelican right now, why?”

  “The people we spoke of teleported here,” Karklosea said. “I’m assuming from orbit since everyone who has business here already has a place to stay at the camps.”

  A minute passed as the three made sure they were ready to follow behind. Namely Karklosea and Stolanei, neither of them used rifles in combat and had to double check they knew where the safety was located. Chloe was going to need them for
backup should things go sideways, as usual.

  … … …

  ►► Lyonrian structure, Oyuri

  ► Barnard’s Star system

  “Right there,” Sinzihea said, looking at her data pad. It displayed a recording of Eicelea’s findings from when they first came here. She then used her psionic mind to make the floating data pad hovering in front of her descend, unveiling the mysterious teleportation alcove to her vision. “Odelea, you are a strange one indeed.”

  Sinzihea nodded to the rangers, they powered on their weapons walked toward the alcove together. They all vanished from sight, and later Sinzihea as she came in after them.

  … … …


  Startled, Eicelea, Vynei, and Odelea turned to face Sinzihea and her rangers while weapons were aimed in their direction. Vynei was quick to aim his rifle back. Not that it mattered as he was outnumbered. Odelea had hoped that Sinzihea would have at least waited a bit before swarming in like this, giving them time to move to the other rooms to explore, maybe even straight up avoid them, given the size of this place.

  “Now, now, now, let’s not get overly excited here,” Eicelea said to their aggressors. “The administration wouldn’t want this to turn into a blood bath, yes?”

  “We’re not with the administration,” Sinzihea said.

  “You can’t be raiders as you have top tier Radiance equipment,” Eicelea said.

  “Shut up!” Sinzihea shouted. “Odelea.” Sinzihea pointed to the corner. “Over there, you’ve done your job.” Odelea timidly stepped toward the corner of the room as instructed. Nobody could see the sweat pouring off her forehead from beneath her helmet.

  “You told them, didn’t you?” Eicelea said to Odelea. “Arg! I should have offered you credits for your silence!”

  “What else have you figured out since coming up here?” Sinzihea asked Odelea.

  Odelea refused to reply, she was no friend of the order despite what the others thought. She was there because of the voice. The voice told her to do it. And she couldn’t resist carrying out its wishes. Speaking of the voice, it called out to her again. “Why not tell her the truth?”


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