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Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Marla Monroe

  “Can I help you?”

  “Um, yes, I wanted to see Mr. Tidwell about some business.

  The secretary looked knowingly at her, and Jackie realized her bruises would be visible despite the makeup. She could feel the heat race up her neck and into her face.

  “Do you have an appointment?” the lady asked.

  “No, I didn’t realize I needed one. I’ve been out of town for a few years, but you didn’t use to have to have one.”

  “Let me check if he can see you. What is your name?” she asked.

  “Jackie Montgomery. He knows me.”

  “Hold on a minute.” She got up and walked toward the door behind her and, after a brief knock, walked in the office.

  A few seconds later she came back out and nodded at her. “He’ll see you now.”

  Jackie thanked her and walked to the door and went in. She was shocked to see James, Jr. instead of his father.

  “Jackie, it’s been a long time.” He walked around the desk and held out his hand to shake hers. “What can I do for you?”

  It was obvious he was ignoring the bruises on her face, so the secretary must have mentioned them. It unnerved her a little to talk to someone she’d gone to school with. Still, she didn’t really have a choice unless she wanted to go back to Billings and get a lawyer there.

  “I want to draw up divorce papers.” There, she’d said it.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said with a frown. “Let’s sit down and talk.” He held out his hand to indicate the chair across from the desk. He returned to his chair and pulled out a legal pad and picked up his pen. “Tell me about it.”

  Jackie went over the basics of her ordeal. To his credit, he focused on his pad and didn’t look up while she was talking.

  “That’s about it,” she finished.

  “Okay, you have a valid and excellent case. What do you want out of the divorce?”

  “Nothing really. I just want out. He can have the house and the furniture. I want the rest of my clothes and personal things, is about it.”

  “You realize you could take him to the cleaners for not only adultery, but for striking you.”

  “I know, but I just want to put it all behind me and forget the mistake I made.” She licked her lips and swallowed.

  “I understand. I’ll draw up the papers. I’m going to put in them that he has to pay all court costs and your legal fees, as well as a small allowance for one year. You will need it to set up your house and get through the next few months of looking for work.”

  “I guess that will be okay. I am going to need to find a job. Don’t suppose you know of anywhere hiring, do you?”

  “Not right off the bat, but I’ll check around for you.” James, Jr. smiled and stood up extending his hand across the desk.

  “Thank you for doing this for me, James. I appreciate your taking my case.”

  “I’m happy to do it. Do you need any money to get started with? I can lend it until you get yours from your ex.”

  “That is very kind of you, but I’m okay for right now. I had some money in savings I’m going to use.”

  “Just remember the offer is there should you need it.” He walked her to the door.

  “I will.”

  Jackie walked out and nodded at the receptionist as she passed her. That was one down on her list. Next up was locating a job. She walked across the street to the local newspaper and bought a paper out of the machine out front. She needed breakfast, so she walked down the street to the diner. She could look at the paper while she ate breakfast.

  When she walked into the diner, she recognized a couple of faces sitting at the various tables. She walked toward an empty table in the back and took a seat. Almost immediately a waitress walked over to take her order.

  “Watch you have, honey?”

  “Scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, and orange juice, please.”

  The waitress nodded and returned a few seconds later with a cup of coffee for her. Then she left her alone to her paper. She searched the want ads and circled a couple that sounded promising. She had a degree in business administration, so she could do most anything, businesswise.

  Her breakfast arrived and she settled down to eat. She could feel the eyes of the various patrons on her and figured before it was over with someone would come up to ask how she was and ask what she was doing in town.

  “How are you doing this morning?” Sam stood in front of her across the table.

  “Mind if we join you for a cup of coffee?” Mitch asked.

  “Um, no. Not at all.”

  They took a seat on either side of her. The waitress brought them coffee and refilled Jackie’s cup as well.

  “What brings you to town this morning?” she asked.

  “Had to grab a few things. Saw your car and thought you might need some help with furniture or something while we were here to haul it home.” Mitch took a sip of his coffee.

  “That’s really nice of you, but I don’t want to put you out. I have a lot of errands to run and groceries to get.”

  “How ’bout you do your furniture shopping first, and we’ll drop it off at your house for you. You can give us the key, and we’ll put it somewhere for you. Just tell us where,” Sam said.

  “Really, that’s asking too much.”

  “Not at all. Soon as you finish your breakfast, we’ll go with you to pick out what you want.” She realized Mitch wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “Okay, I figured I’d get a good mattress from the furniture store and buy a cheap chest of drawers from the secondhand store.”

  “You shouldn’t be buying cheap, secondhand anything, Jackie.” Mitch said. “If you need to borrow money, we can…”

  “No. I’m not borrowing from you. I have savings, but I don’t want to make any decisions on furniture right now. I want to decide how to fix the house first.” She hoped he would take that for an answer.

  “Okay, but you know the offer stands if you need anything,” Mitch said.

  “I know. Thanks.” She signaled for the bill, but Sam intervened.

  “I’ve got it. Don’t bother arguing about it, either,” he said with a grin.

  “You two are something else.” She huffed out a breath and stood up.

  They followed her across to the furniture store, where she proceeded to test mattresses and finally picked out one with a bed frame. She didn’t need a headboard until she decided on how she wanted her bedroom to look. Mitch told the owner they’d be by to pick it up in a few minutes.

  Next, she walked across the street to the secondhand store hoping to find a used chest of drawers in good shape. After walking the entire store, she settled on one, as well as a barstool for the bar. She paid for her purchases and left the store to start looking for a job. Sam and Mitch promised to deliver her furniture and leave the key under the flower pot by the steps to the porch.

  She spent the next two hours talking with various businesses about her qualifications and link to the community. Her problem was she hadn’t worked since college. Stewart hadn’t wanted her to work after they got married. She never dreamed it would be a problem later down the road. With no recent work history, it would be difficult for her to get a job. One more worry to contend with.

  The grocery store proved to be another ordeal. She met several ladies she knew from before who wanted to know what she was doing back in Clifton, and was her husband with her. If she answered that she was getting a divorce once, she said it a dozen times. She finally gave up getting groceries and took what she had to the register to check out. As she left the store with her food, she noted the sign in the window that they were looking for a cashier. It wasn’t what she wanted to do, but if she couldn’t find anything else, it would work.

  Once she made it back home, she retrieved the key and unlocked the house. She unloaded her groceries and went to see about where they had put the furniture. She was right. They had put it in the master suite, her parents’ old room. She wasn’t sure how she fel
t about that then chastised herself for worrying about it. Her parents had been gone for eight years now. It was time to make the house her home and let the past go. She sighed. She had a lot of past to put behind her.

  After unpacking her suitcase, Jackie set about deciding what she wanted to work on first. She decided the kitchen would be her first priority. The kitchen had the bar with her single barstool. There was a breakfast nook next to it. She needed to paint the entire area. She would see about getting paint samples the next time she was in town. Once she had the area painted, she would choose new furniture then go on to the next room.

  Her cell phone rang. She checked to see who it was and found it was one of the women she knew form the country club scene. She hesitated about answering but decided to see what she wanted.


  “Jackie? Is that you?” the other woman asked.

  “Yes, how are you, Valerie?”

  “I’m fine. I wanted to see how you were doing? Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  “My, news travels fast,” she said.

  “Well, Brenda wasn’t very discreet about the entire ordeal.”

  “So how long had you known about their little affair?” she asked.

  “Now, Jackie. I couldn’t very well tell you, now could I?”

  “Why not? I would have told you.” Jackie was getting angry now. Evidently everyone but her knew about it.

  “It just isn’t nice to tell your friend that her husband is having an affair with another friend. I mean, we all have to deal with each other at parties and social events.” Valerie seemed taken aback that Jackie would even think about telling someone.

  “Where are you, Jackie? Can I help you get settled into an apartment somewhere?”

  “No, thanks. I’m moving out of town. I don’t plan on coming back, either, so you’ll have to find someone else to chair the charity ball planning committee.” It felt good to say that.

  “But, darling. You can’t just move away because of a divorce. That makes it look like you care,” Valerie said.

  “I did care. I expected him to keep his word in our marriage. He didn’t. I don’t see any reason to hang around somewhere I’m not wanted just to fuel the gossip. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “I hate to see you allow this unfortunate event to mar your social life.”

  “This unfortunate event, as you call it, was my marriage going down the toilet. I think I’m better off where I am. I don’t see any reason to subject myself to the gossip. Thanks for checking on me, Valerie, but I really have to go. I need to see about finding a job now. Good-bye.” Jackie hung up and turned off her cell phone. She would turn it back on later.

  She set about cleaning the house from top to bottom, and was impressed that her renters had kept it fairly clean. When supper time came around, she had worked up an appetite, and fixed a salad and cheese toast. She managed to get down half of her meal. She was exhausted, and having not slept much the night before, Jackie decided to make it an early night.

  By the time she’d taken a shower and dressed for bed, she was nearly asleep on her feet. It took less than ten minutes for her fall into a deep sleep. Her last thoughts were about Mitch and Sam, and what they might be doing right then. Would they still be doing chores, or showering now? The idea of them being naked turned her on. Her nipples peaked and tingled, while her cunt grew wet with her juices. With that, she fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Sam stood in the shower thinking about how little Jackie had changed. She still had curves in all the right places. She’d lost a little weight, but they could put that back on her. She had no doubt thought she needed to lose it to look like those anorexic socialites loosely called ladies. Jackie didn’t belong there. She never had.

  He thought about her lush breasts and how he’d spent many a night jacking off to thoughts of sucking on them. He was a breast man. His brother, Mitch was an ass man. Sam wanted more than anything to hold her breasts in his hands. The thought of stroking his dick between them as he held them together had his cock standing straight out.

  He grabbed hold of his swollen cock like he had many times before when thoughts of her had aroused him, and began a slow steady pull from base to tip and back down again. Pre-cum spilled from the slit at the top. He spread it around the mushroom cap and used it along with the water from the shower to lubricate his strokes. Water pounded against his back as he slowly increased the strength and length of his strokes, until he was tugging on his rigid cock hard and fast.

  He imagined her on her knees in front of him, her mouth open and ready for his cum. She would run her tongue around the cap then lick him like she would a delicious lollipop. He could almost feel her hot tongue running underneath his cock, and the feel of her hands on his balls. She would gently roll them in her hand. She might even lick them. He groaned at the thought and gripped his dick tighter as he pulled on it even faster. His balls grew heavy with his cum. It wasn’t long before he felt them burn as they contracted against his body to shoot his cum out of his dick. He shouted out her name as he shot his seed out onto the shower wall.

  Fuck, he needed her in his life. Despite the fact that he and Mitch had dated off and on over the last six years, he could never get her out of his mind. Now she was back, and the longing was even deeper. He knew Mitch felt the same way. They were twins and knew each other’s wants and needs like they were their own.

  Sam finished showering and climbed out to dry off. He wanted a beer before he settled down to another sleepless night. With her back in town, he figured he would have a lot of them. Just the idea that she was all alone over in her house spurred his juices again. He cursed as he cock began to harden.

  He pulled on a pair of jeans and met Mitch in the kitchen pulling two beers out of the fridge.

  “Thanks.” He took the proffered beer and popped the top.

  “Going to be another long night,” Mitch said.

  They walked outside on the back porch to sit on the rockers and talk. They did a lot of their talking here at night.

  “Do you think she was telling the truth about redoing the house and wanting to decide before buying furniture?” Sam asked.

  “Hell, no. She’s saving money. The idea she even has to worry about working pisses me off. That bastard should be paying for her to live in luxury just for those bruises alone.”

  Sam nodded and took a long pull on the beer before glancing out over the field where her house would be. There wasn’t a single light on that he could tell. It would be pitch black except for the moon and the stars.

  “She needs a security light over there, Mitch. Not safe for her to live there alone without one.”

  “I agree. Then I don’t want her living over there long enough to need one.” Mitch sighed.

  “Like it or not, she’s going to be there for a little while anyway. She’s stubborn, our Jackie.”

  “The house needs a coat of paint and her barn needs some work. We need to offer our services to her so we can keep a close eye on her. Our hands can take care of the stock here for a while, and we’ll only be a few miles away.” Mitch turned up his beer.

  “We’ll go over there first thing in the morning before she has time to go anywhere,” Sam said.

  “Want to ride or drive?” Mitch asked.

  “Let’s ride and take Sassy with us. Maybe we can talk her into a ride first then drive her back over in the truck afterward. I bet she hasn’t ridden since she’s been gone. She’s bound to miss it.” Sam stood up and stretched.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  They said their good nights, and each returned to his own room. Sam passed by the master suite and hesitated for a few seconds, praying they would be using it together before too much longer. Once they had Jackie in their arms, they’d never letter her go.

  Chapter Three

  Jackie poured a cup of coffee and took her first sip of the morning. She closed her eyes and drew in the scent of fresh-brewed coffee as she savored t
he taste going down. Then someone banged on the door and snapped her out of her self-imposed coffee fantasy.

  “Ah, hell. Can’t I even enjoy a few minutes of peace before people start coming over?” She stomped to the door and flung it open after disengaging the locks.

  Standing on her front porch were Sam and Mitch once again. Three horses were tied to the railing. Sassy, her favorite, was one of them. She’d sold Sassy to them when she’d gotten married, knowing they would give her a good home.

  She looked up from the horse to the two men standing their waiting on her. They each wore worn blue jeans that rode low on their hips, and sexy western shirts with snaps made for jerking apart. She shook her head. Where had that come from?

  “Sam, Mitch. How are y’all doing today?”

  “Doing good. Thought you might like to take a short ride on Sassy this morning. Figure you haven’t been on a horse since you left.” Mitch stuffed his hands in his jeans, drawing them tighter across the very noticeable bulge in front.

  “I’d love to, but I have so much to get done today.” She really wanted to go riding.

  “We figured you might could use some help around here for a few days until you got settled. We wanted to offer our able bodies, being neighborly and all,” Sam said.

  “Um, why don’t you come in and have a cup of coffee.” She wasn’t sure how to handle their offer.

  On one hand, she didn’t want help from anyone. She wanted to be self-sufficient, but on the other hand, she was practical. There were some things she wasn’t going to be able to handle on her own, like refurbishing the barn. She wanted to buy Sassy back from them. She was sure they would sell her back to her.

  Both men took off their cowboy hats and hung them on the hooks by the front door. They’d been over at the house nearly as much as she’d been at their house over the years as they’d grown up. They were familiar with just about every inch of her property.


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