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Loving Lola

Page 2

by Lena Matthews

  Just the thought of Lola riding him had his cock stirring. Images of her straddling him, with her full breasts bouncing to the beat of their loving, were enough to warm a man on a cold night. There were so many things he wanted to do to her, and with her, that he doubted there was time enough in one lifetime for him to satisfy himself.


  Turning around, Marcus saw Lola’s mother Julia struggling with two large paper bags embossed with the local grocery store’s name. Hurrying to her side, Marcus grasped the falling bag, surprising her with his presence.

  “Marcus Boudreaux, you, chér, are a lifesaver.” Julia Chiasson, unlike Lola, was a petite woman, but she shared her daughter’s rich dark brown hair and smooth mocha skin. Constantly smiling, Julia was a lady to the core, never swearing or raising her voice. She exuded Southern hospitality like the sun radiated heat, constant and never-ending.

  “Just doing what any gentleman would do in my place.”

  “Gentlemen are far and few these days; that’s why it’s always so good to see one.” Julia smiled, lightly touching her hand to her flawless hair.

  Lola gave an unladylike snort, which earned her an evil glare from her mother and a quick smile from Marcus. She was a handful, all right, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands full of her.

  “So when are you going to stop the foolishness and run off with me, chére?” He winked at Julia, pouring on the charm. It was their usual banter, and it never failed to bring a gentle giggle from Julia. Marcus was like most Southern men -- he respected and loved women in equal doses. If it were up to him, he would marry and have nothing but daughters to spoil. A houseful of women was the only way to go, as far as he was concerned.

  Rolling her eyes, Lola moved past her mother to help a customer. Marcus couldn’t resist following her with his eyes, an action that was caught by the watchful eyes of Julia.

  “I would if I wasn’t so worried that my daughter would never speak to me again,” Julia said coyly, tilting her head.

  Marcus’s heart skipped a beat as he looked into the dark hazel eyes so similar to the woman he craved. “Are you trying to tell me something, Mrs. Chiasson?”

  “I’m not one to tell tales out of school.”

  “Heaven forbid.” Marcus didn’t know why he thought he would get a straight answer from a Chiasson woman. It was like trying to pull teeth to get either of the women to open up. He hadn’t made any headway with the youngest in four years, so he shouldn’t be surprised the elder was just as stubborn.

  “I could use a favor, though, chér.”

  “Ask, and it’s yours,” he gallantly offered.

  “I need to send Lola back to the diner to pick up a few more things, but I think they might be a bit much for her. Would you be a dear and go give her a hand?”

  Marcus looked down at the plotting woman and shook his head. To a mother in the South, a single daughter was like catnip to a kitten. For once, things were conspiring in his favor. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Marcus replied, “It will be my pleasure.”

  “Aren’t you the helpful one?” Rylee teased.

  Marcus had to bite back a chuckle. Rylee was a monster, but he loved her. She was like a kid sister to him, adored but tolerated. He’d known Rylee just as he long as he known Lola, and loved her to pieces, just not as much as loved his little hellion.

  “Come now, bebette, why you trying to start the trouble? Marcus, here, is doing me a favor by going to help Lola with the load.”

  “A favor, huh?” Rylee raised a brow at him, laughter filling her pretty brown eyes. “That’s awfully nice of you.”

  “I try.”

  “What favor?” questioned Lola as she came back over toward them.

  “I need you to go with Marcus to the diner and pick up the rest of the things.”

  Lola pulled her mother aside. “Momma!”

  “Lola,” Julia sighed back. “Marcus is a perfectly nice young man. I just don’t understand why you can’t be nicer to him.”

  “Because he’s a pain in the ass.”

  “Hey!” Marcus protested loudly, interrupting them.

  “Have you ever heard of a private conversation?” Lola snapped.

  “Have you ever heard that it’s rude to talk about someone behind their back?” he teased, getting into the swing of their byplay.

  “Lola!” her mother rebuked sharply, breaking up the banter. “Will you or won’t you go with him?”

  Marcus could tell from the way Lola was frowning that she wanted to stomp her feet in frustration. But like the good girl she was raised to be, she gave in, just as he had hoped. Yanking off her apron, she shoved the back door open and trooped out of the booth. Winking at a smiling Julia, Marcus jogged around the side of the booth and took off after the fuming Lola. She was so upset, she was actually muttering to herself, another trait he found downright endearing. She was such a little fireball, an endless bundle of energy in a tight little package. Marcus couldn’t wait to unwrap her.

  Chapter Two

  “This day just keeps getting worse and worse,” Lola grumbled as she stomped out of Marcus’s truck and into the parking lot of her parents’ deli. She knew she was being childish with her stomping and pouting -- she just didn’t care. The whole world was plotting against her, and it wasn’t fair.

  Even her own mother had turned traitor on her, forcing her to go with Marcus to the diner. There wasn’t a reason in hell she should have had to come, but nooo, her mother wouldn’t let it go. She was twenty-six, for chrissake! When was she going to be able to make her own decisions? “That’s why I have to get out of this godforsaken town,” she muttered aloud.

  Marcus’s laughter quickly reminded her that he was only a few steps behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she eyed him as he strolled closer. With his long stride and steady movement, he was able to catch up a whole lot quicker than she’d been hoping. Lola frowned and quickened her pace, but the faster she walked, the faster he walked.. Yet he managed to do it without the sound of the harsh breathing that was coming for her lungs.

  “You do realize, chére,” he joked from behind her, “if we kicked this speed up another notch, we’d be jogging.”

  Rolling her eyes, Lola refused to rise to the bait, but slowed down anyway. Not that he was right, but in this heat and with as many clothes on as she had, she was liable to pass out before she made it to the door.

  “Whew! Thanks for slowing down, Vi. I was afraid that as quickly as you were walking, I might have to give you mouth to mouth once we got inside.” Looking at her outfit, he gestured with his hands. “Do you own any shorts?”

  “Why?” she grumbled, waiting for the hook.

  “’Cause I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you in any?”

  “Well, as you so graciously remarked today, I’m overweight. And overweight women don’t look good in shorts.”

  “Wait a minute!” Marcus grabbed her arm and forced her to stop walking. “When did I say you were overweight?”

  Yanking her arm back, Lola glared at him. “Don’t act like you don’t remember what you said.”

  “Who’s acting?” he denied, almost convincingly. “I didn’t say that you were overweight.”

  “You were making fun of the size of my clothes.”

  “As I recall, I said that they were too big.”

  I’m not going to fall for it. I’m not going to fall for it, Lola chanted over and over in her head. She knew he was just waiting for the perfect moment to pop in there with a little zinger and blow her out of the water. It was the way he operated. He seldom deviated from the path. Waiting, she grew impatient with his inquisitive stare, and turned, walking away from him again.

  “The sodas are in the back, by the freezer,” she directed with a toss of her head, gesturing to the rear of the deli.

  Marcus saluted her and gave a quick, “Aye, aye, sir!” before strolling into the back room. Ignoring him, Lola followed him to the rear of the deli and took the invento
ry list off a hook on the wall. Pulling up a stool, she sat down and began to mark off what they were taking with them back to the festival.

  Lola finished just as Marcus carried the last of the cases of drinks to his truck, and slid the pen in through the clipboard, accidentally pushing too hard, forcing the pen to fall out the other side. Bending over, she hit her head on the chair and dropped down onto all fours with a groan. See, this is what happens when you complain about stuff, Lola thought as she rubbed the back of her aching head. Things go from bad to worse. “That’s why I have to get out of this godforsaken town,” she muttered aloud, again.

  A rough laugh stole her breath and damn near stopped her heart. She’d thought he was out back.

  “Do you always talk to yourself?” Marcus was leaning in the doorway, smiling down at her.

  Letting out a frustrated breath, Lola turned her back to him and bent over again, muttering to herself. A low wolf-whistle brought her straight up. “Now that’s a side of you I could get use to seeing.” Marcus walked up behind her and lightly ran his hand over her full derrière.

  “Are you going to help, or just stare at my ass all day?” Moving sideways, she maneuvered until her backside was out of touching reach.

  “Ummm,” he murmured, stepping closer to her. “If those are my choices, it’s going to be really easy to decide.”

  “You’re really beginning to bug me.”

  “Really,” he teased, reaching out and rubbing the sleeve of her shirt. “And here I thought you were hiding it really well.”

  “I wasn’t trying.” Lola stared directly into his eyes, refusing to back down.

  “Answer me a question, chére, and I’ll leave you be.”

  Letting out a deep sigh, she blew aside the strands of hair that were lingering in front of her eyes. “What?”

  “Why did you run from me that night?”

  Marcus didn’t need to elaborate on what night he was talking about. It was a night that had haunted her dreams for months now. A night where too many stars had shone brightly down from the sky and too many people had partied too hard. A night where Marcus had cornered her after too much liquor coursed through her blood and her true desire almost came out. Thankfully, they had been interrupted, but the look in his eyes and the promise from his lips had sobered her up and had her running scared. It also had kept her as far away from him as she could get. Marcus’s power over her frightened her.

  “I didn’t run,” Lola denied. More like scampered quickly, she had always thought. “I just wasn’t interested.”

  “Not interested, my ass. You were hotter than a Fourth of July firecracker. Just about ready to go off when we were interrupted.”

  “It was fate.”

  “It wasn’t fate, bébé; it was rotten timing.”

  “Look, Marcus, there never will be, never can be, anything between us.”

  “And why is that?”

  Now, that was a good question. One she didn’t have a good answer for, so she chose to ignore him instead. Lola turned away from him and bent forward to retrieve her pen; Marcus stepped right behind her, placing his hands on her hips.

  “Nothing has bothered me more than remembering that night, chére. Remembering how you felt in my arms, how right it was.”

  Lola stood and turned. “Marcus ...”

  “No. No more words.” Pulling her close, Marcus crushed her mouth under his. Sliding his tongue through her parted lips, he stroked his tongue against hers, and despite herself Lola began to respond to his kiss. It was impossible not to. The man was gifted. There were just no two ways around it. He tasted just as she would have expected him to -- like sin.

  Her nipples tightened as her pussy began to swell. Everything was crying out inside of her to reach down, unzip his pants, and claim his body as hers. To worship his cock, to take it deep inside of her mouth, tasting his flavor and drinking in his essences. Lola wanted to feel him hard and deep inside of her, but she knew it was wrong. Wrong to like this, wrong to feel this way about him, all wrong. Marcus was the last thing she should want, but she couldn’t stop kissing him.

  Lifting her up, Marcus set her on the counter and moved between her legs, all without breaking away from her mouth. Trying to pull back, knowing she should, Lola wedged her hands between them, trying to separate their bodies but instead ending up placing her palms against his nipples, which hardened at her touch.

  Marcus inhaled and broke away from her mouth as she ran her fingers loosely down his chest. Grabbing her hands, he pulled them behind her and gripped both with one of his. The position forced her back to bend a little, making her breasts push up. Throbbing and aching, her nipples hardened against her bra. Poking through her thin shirt, they betrayed her, revealing her arousal to him.

  “Marcus, we can’t.”

  “Not only can we, but we will, because I’m done with pretending. I know you watch me, Lola, the same way I watch you. I know that it’s this,” he said, eyeing her aching breasts, “I think of every night when I’m jerking off. It’s your name I cry out when I finally find my release.”

  Lola moaned her denial, but Marcus wasn’t listening. Instead, he tightened his hold on her wrists. Lola couldn’t help the way her body responded, any more than she could help Marcus seeing the way her pupils dilated and darkened with passion. She was turned on beyond belief by his words, and creaming from the feel of his fingers around her wrists.

  There was an awed quality in voice as he spoke. “Who would have ever thought my little sadist liked a little pain herself?”

  Licking her lips nervously, Lola tried to steady her rapidly beating heart. “No, I don’t.”

  “Little liar.” He chuckled, releasing her hands and digging his fingers into her hips. The feel of his nails biting into her jean-clad thighs sent a chill of desire running down her back. The quick, sharp, tingling pain caused her nipples to harden further and her clit to swell. It was like Marcus had found a secret trigger that made her want to come, and come quickly. Marcus must have sensed her arousal, because he chuckled and squeezed a bit harder. “You like that, baby?”

  “No,” Lola lied. She would rather die a slow, painful death than admit she liked it.

  “Really? ’Cause I could have sworn that you did. Let’s try something. You continue to play hard to get, while I sit here getting hard, and we’ll see who breaks first.”

  Running his hands up her thighs to her full chest, Marcus squeezed her breasts through her thin cotton shirt. Palming her heavy mounds, Marcus sought out one nipple with his thumb and index finger while his mouth moved over the other one. Capturing the peak, he circled it, pinching it gently at first, increasing the pressure while he sucked her other one through her shirt.

  The feel of her nipple, hard and aching, scratching against the lace as he sucked steadily, had Lola arching up into him. Never had she felt this good from mere nipple stimulation. Maybe it was because guys were always careful, never wanting to hurt her by tugging too hard, but with Marcus that wasn’t even a question. He wasn’t treating her like a china doll, with soft kisses and caresses. Marcus was touching her the way she had always wanted to be touched -- with more pressure and with an intensity she couldn’t describe. Lola wasn’t able to deny the way her eyes had glazed over with passion the more dominating he became, any more that she could deny the way her body craved his touch.

  An involuntary moan escaped her lips as she pulled his head closer to her breasts. She wanted to cry out with pleasure, but despite how moist she was growing between her thighs, she couldn’t let go enough to get into it, because of who was doing it. It was Marcus, the man who had besieged her days and tormented her nights. She couldn’t understand how she could be enjoying this as much as she was. Why was her body betraying her like this?

  Gripping his ears with her fingers, Lola tugged, pulling his mouth from her aching nipple. His breathing was just as harsh as hers, leaving no doubt that he was just as turned on as she was. “Marcus ...”

  Marcus mov
ed his hands down her waist and gripped the bottom edge of her T-shirt, moving to pull it off of her.

  “Wait.” Lola pushed him back so she could slide off the counter. This was going too fast and too far.

  “For what? For you to come up with another reason to push me away?”

  “Marcus, we’re bad for each other. You bring out the worse in me, and I know I bring out the caveman in you,” Lola said pointing out the obvious. “We’ll kill each other in a week.”

  “But what a way to go.” He chuckled, nipping her earlobe between his teeth. “Just admit it, chére -- you’re mine.”

  “I’ll never be yours,” she said breathlessly as Marcus released her breasts and slid his hand down her stomach to the waistband of her jeans. Unfastening her pants, he slid his hands into her panties, slipping past her trimmed mound and centering on her clit.

  “You’ve been mine for years, Lola; it’s just taken you this long to figure it out,” Marcus replied as he found and teased her clit with his thumb. It was a tight fit with her jeans still on, but Marcus managed to slip his hand far enough into her pants that he was cupping her sex with his palm while he fingered her at the same time.

  “What do you want?” she moaned, her knees almost buckling from the intense pleasure. Marcus used his free hand to cup her breasts and torture her nipples with pinches and pulls, working her up to an intense climax.

  “Just you,” he replied, pulling her tightly against him as he fingered her.

  Lola was having a hard time remembering why this was supposed to be a bad idea. Her clit was on fire. He was rubbing it with his palm, forcing enough pressure against it that she trembled with desire. In this position, his fingers couldn’t go in very deep, but he was making up for the shallow strokes with the clit manipulation.


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