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Never Been Kissed

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by Darling, Lucy

  Never Been Kissed

  Lucy Darling

  “Women’s friendships are like a renewable source of power.”– Jane Fonda


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17




  Also by Lucy Darling


  I handle threats. But he’s the one threat I never saw coming. Silent, strong, and far too good looking, he makes me feel when I should be doing anything but. I’ve always prided myself on keeping up with the boys. But this time, with this man, I don’t want to be just one of the boys to him. I want to be his everything.

  She’s the kind of woman you savor. One that deserves devotion and sacrifice. I’m more than willing to give it all to her. Strong and soft, courageous but hiding secret fears—she’s the woman who owned my heart from the moment I saw her. Sharing my life with her includes sharing my nightmares, but will I be strong enough to fully let her in when the time comes? Knowing losing her would be the biggest nightmare of them all.



  “Where the hell are you?” My brother's voice booms through my ear. I pull the phone away, putting it on speaker before he bursts my eardrum. I knew this was coming. I haven't reached out to my family in a few days. That is abnormal for me. I’ve been wrapped up in finding Bunny’s stalker and making sure she is safe.

  “Will you calm down?” I don’t know why I ask. He’s not going to. He can be overprotective. It’s both annoying and sweet. He forgets too often I’m no longer a little girl.

  “We haven't heard from you in days.”

  I roll my eyes, pulling the curtain back from the small window. Thick gray clouds start to roll in. My stomach tightens hoping it’s not a storm. I haven't gotten to look around the new little cabin very much that is now mine, but I know there isn't a basement.

  “I go weeks sometimes without hearing from some of you,” I point out. I have four older brothers. All but one are active in the service. I work for my eldest brother. He retired years ago from the Marines and hired me on. I think his plan was to give me a desk job, but I was never really good at sitting still for long periods of time. Being the youngest and the only girl, I was the most curious out of all of my siblings.

  All of that desk talk changed once he’d picked up Bunny Rose as a client and he had no choice but to put me on her service. At the time I’d been the only female employee he had and Bunny had requested a woman. That’s one of the only reasons he budged on letting me work in the field. He needed someone that could blend in more as a friend than a bodyguard. It worked well because Bunny and I actually became best friends. I didn't know how badly I needed a girlfriend until she was there making me let her paint my nails and talk about Captain America’s fantastic ass.

  “PJ.” My brother, Mason, tries to use his dad voice on me. It may have worked on me years ago. Now, not so much. I’ve learned to be on my own now. It’s a weird line we have to balance with not only him but all my brothers. I wasn't only the baby, but they took on a big part of raising me when we lost our parents when I was only thirteen.

  “I thought you’d be calling me happy that Michael has been handled. I should get a fat bonus.” I didn't have much of a hand in it, though. Bunny’s new man set a trap and let the fucker fall right into it. I still enjoyed getting my lick in on him though. I wish I’d gotten to do more than break his nose after all he’d done to Bunny. He’d made her live in fear for far too long. I have no doubt he'll never see the light of day. I am just happy it is something she no longer has to deal with. Bunny is a sweet soul and she doesn't deserve that crap.

  “Bunny Rose is retiring,” Mason reminds me. “She’s going to drop off the map and her stalker will be doing the same, I’m sure.” Yeah. Six feet under where no one will ever find him. I saw the look in Bunny’s new man’s eyes. He wasn't done handling Michael or his family. He’s going to ruin them. I can see him buying all their homes and burning them down in front of them. The thought brings me joy.

  “I’m taking some time off and I’m staying out here.” The plan was to hang with Bunny, but she’s wrapped up in Price now.

  “By staying do you mean with Jameson Price?” Both Mason and I know everything there is to know about one Jameson Price. The man had set his sights on Bunny. It was my job to know everything about him. From what I could find he was solid. He also wasn't bad on the eyes and richer than God.

  That meant he wasn't after Bunny’s money and he could have his pick of women if he wanted to. The way he looks at Bunny you’d think she was the first woman he’d ever seen in his life and he wasn't letting her go. She was giving him the same look, telling me that both of them are gone for each other. He’ll treat her well. I am actually a little jealous. To have a man look at you like you hung the moon is something I’ve never had. It’s also something I never thought I wanted either.

  “I’m staying here for now. It was always the plan for me to stay with Bunny for a while after she retired.” We hadn’t made any specific plans on what we would do in the future, but this seems like a good place to rest. I don’t think Bunny wants to think of anything but Jameson for the time being. She deserves to be free to do what she wants.

  No more concert dates or contracts holding her back. No more fear of someone trying to take a piece of her. I think more than anything she wants to be away from her father. He’s always trying to get his claws into her for something. Show her off like a pretty prize. Here with Jameson she gets to do and be anything she wants.

  “I’m good with you taking some time. But you need to call, peanut. Your other brothers may be too busy, but you know I worry. Give an old man a break.”

  I smile knowing that he’s right. That he’d been the one to bear most of the burden when my parents passed away suddenly.

  He had gone from being a young man to having to take care of a family. He would never admit how much of his life had been sacrificed for all of us, especially me. I may give him a hard time sometimes for being overbearing, but I’m grateful every day that I had him to raise me. “And don’t think I don’t know you. Something else is up, but I’m going to let you be for now.”

  My mind goes to Davis. The man who couldn’t keep his eyes off me. I don't know much about him yet, but I do know that he seems to be a man of few words. He usually grunts or gives simple answers when he really doesn't have any other option. At least that was my take on him in the few hours I’ve spent with him. Some people may be bothered by his staring, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. The way his eyes roam over me and he hangs on every word I say does something to me. Maybe it was all in my head after seeing the way Price was looking at Bunny. Now I’m trying to find that.

  “I do want you to look up someone for me. His name is Davis. He lives near Jameson. I don’t have a last name but I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you.”

  “He do something to you?” My brother's voice hardens.

  “No, he’s just around a lot and I like to know anything and everything about people around me.”

  “Cause you’re nosy as shit.”

  “Wonder where I got that from,” I toss back. I am nosy. Even before it was my job to be so. I think it’s because I have a batch of brothers whose whole lives are secret. Sometimes I don’t even know wher
e they are in the world because they can’t tell me. When I was younger, it was hard to deal with, but you get used to it. I knew that no matter where they were in the world, that they loved me.

  “All right. I will send you what I find. Keep out of trouble.”

  “What’s the fun in that?”

  “I guess you can’t get in too much trouble in the middle of nowhere.” This is true. “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” I tell him before hanging up. I don’t tell him Jameson offered me a job. I’m not sure it’s something I'm going to take. I also don’t know how my brother would feel about it. It would mean I get to stay close to Bunny.

  I jump back, dropping the curtain I was holding when lightning flashes in the sky. It’s in the distance but it still makes me uneasy. I’m not scared of many things. Not the things that go bump in the night or even someone three times my size. No, I am scared of things I can't control. A storm is one of them. Also spiders. You never see them coming. Any of those little bugs make my skin crawl. I’d rather be in a cage with a bear than a spider.

  I let out a small scream when thunder shakes the whole cabin. I fall back onto the sofa as the door explodes inward.



  I lean up against my truck trying to come up with a reason I could be stopping by. I’m not good at this socializing stuff, so nothing comes to mind. I’m guessing telling her I came over to find out what she tastes like wouldn't go over well. I had been just fine out here all by myself until I laid eyes on her. Now I can’t help but feel as though I’m missing something. And when I say something, I’m referring to her.

  “Don’t people stop by for flour or something?” I ask Duke. He doesn’t even look up at me. His eyes are trained on the little cabin. He only wags his tail, letting me know he heard me. I stare down at him, realizing that the answer I was looking for is sitting right beside me. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. I don’t need to make up an excuse to go to her cabin. Duke is about to go missing and wander to her doorstep.

  I drop down, giving him a pat on the head. “Don’t scare her,” I remind him. Sometimes his size can be intimidating all on its own. It’s something we have in common. Don’t get me wrong: Duke is as deadly as I am, but he’s a big ole marshmallow inside. As for me, there’s not much there. I’m not even sure why I’m doing this.

  There has been this pull toward her in the center of my chest. At first I thought I might be having a heart attack. From the moment she’d come barreling out of her SUV and punched that man in his face, I’d wanted her. He had already been taken care of and was sitting at my feet, but she still gave him a good right hook. She’d not only caught my attention but my cock got hard as I watched all that fire and passion inside of her come out. I couldn't seem to get any of her attention, though, but something inside me wants to continue trying. I’m not one to give up. I didn’t want to leave Jameson’s that night without her.

  She had decided to stay at Jameson's place. His land backs up against mine. Then he went and put her in the cabin closest to my property. I guess I did in a roundabout way suggest for him to do so. I found myself talking way more than I usually would because it was keeping her close to me. Again, I have no idea why.

  I sigh heavily because I have no clue what I’m trying to accomplish here. I run my hand through my hair, standing back on my feet. Nothing can come of this. I know that. I wasn't made to have a girl to call my own. To live a normal life. I’ve never even played with the idea of having something like that. It’s not in the cards for me. Not with the life I lead.

  This was a shit plan. I should go back home. Let things be. I wouldn’t even know what to do with someone like PJ if I had her. Doesn't mean I don’t like looking at her. It also doesn’t mean I don’t want her. Because I definitely want her. I’ve been watching her every move. She may be a tiny thing, but she’s filled with fire. She doesn't do anything half-assed. It is all or nothing. I want to be burned by her in the best of ways.

  Still, I don’t move. Instead, I’m venturing in on stalking now. I’ve been standing out here for twenty minutes trying to decide the best course of action. I’m lucky she hasn't spotted me, but I parked here because it was in a blind spot based on where the cabin is situated. It’s already getting dark, with only the brief flashes of lightning lighting the sky.

  A louder crack of lightning flashes across the sky, drawing my attention. The thunder that rumbles after practically shakes the ground. The storm is moving in early. I was supposed to have a few hours before it got here. But we all know that Mother Nature is the one thing you can never control. It does what it wants when it wants.

  “Fuck it.” I head straight for her front door. It isn't like me to sit back and wait. I am more of a bull in a china shop kind of guy when it comes to getting something done. Most of the time it’s for one of my missions. This time is no different. The only difference is that it’s not a mission to protect my country; I’m on one to make PJ mine. This is a woman I want. I stop dead in my tracks. Want. I want her for myself. I’ll stop at nothing to have her for the rest of my life. I find with each second that I stand outside I grow more restless.

  Duke keeps on heading straight for the cabin door. I fall in line behind him, really not knowing what the fuck I’m doing now. Thunder booms in the distance. It might be a warning telling me to not do this. Still I keep on moving. A scream rips from the cabin. Instincts take over. I don’t go for the handle of the door. I push right on through. If she’s in trouble, if someone is attacking her, I want the element of surprise. I’ll end anyone that tries to hurt her.

  In the back of my head I know it’s stupid. No one else is in the cabin. I know that. I’ve been watching it since she went inside. It’s only her. But no one else knows that. She lets out another small scream as the door explodes. Those bright green eyes go wide for a moment. Then she’s heading straight for me. And my little kitten looks as though she’s ready to make me pay.

  I figure I’ve got a punch coming. I’ve seen her do it before. I brace myself to take the blow. Sure, I could stop it, but hell if I don't want her to touch me so bad I’d take a hit right to the face. It won’t be the first time someone has gotten a punch in. It would be the first time I willingly let it happen. That’s not what she does, though. Instead she throws herself at me. I catch her easily as she wraps her little body around me. Trusting me to protect her. Sealing her fate to be mine.

  I look around the cabin, trying to see what the hell has her so scared, but there is nothing. In fact, this place is a little too bare. It would work for me, but she should have more. All the air leaves my lungs as she buries her face in my neck. My cock doesn’t miss the way her sweet cunt is pressed up against it either.

  “What’s wrong?” I move into the cabin more, trying to see what has scared her. She’s not one that scares easily. That much I know about her.

  “You’re softer than I thought you’d be,” she says against my neck, not answering my question. Her breath against my skin sends shivers down my spine. I don’t know what to say to that. Thunder booms through the house and her nails dig into me like a scared kitten. I’m just fucking happy she feels safe with me.

  “You’re scared of the storm?”

  “I didn't say that.” Her words are muffled because she won’t lift her head. “There isn't even a basement here!” I grit my jaw. Not only because she’s right but her mouth keeps brushing against my skin.

  “You want a house with a basement?” I ask, already moving toward her bag that she brought with her. She had to go back to her hotel in the city to retrieve it. I might have followed her to make sure she was coming back. She nods her head.

  I see her phone lying on the chair. I should grab it, but I reason my hands are already full of her and the bag, so like an asshole I leave it. I’ll be her only contact for now. I head out of the cabin straight for my truck. Duke follows after me. The rain starts to fall lightly as I open the back passenger side door. I toss he
r bag in. Duke jumps up without me having to ask.

  When I open the passenger side door I hate that I have to put her down. I don't want to. Her body is so tightly wrapped around me that I fear I might never feel it again. Fuck it. I slam it shut, going to the driver side. Duke jumps up in the front seat. I push my seat all the way back before I climb in. Making room so I can drive with her in my lap.

  “What are you doing?” She starts to lift her head, but again thunder booms.

  “You want a house with a basement. I’ve got one.”

  “You’re taking me to your house?”

  “Yeah.” I put the truck into drive.

  “You could be a psycho killer.”

  “Your gun is in your bag,” I remind her. “There’s still one strapped to your back too.” I not only spotted it before, but I felt it too. Along with all her curves. She looks tiny but she has them.

  “You smell good.” I did, but that was only because she was wrapped around me. I shouldn’t smell like anything. I make it a habit not to. Smelling like something leaves a scent behind. In my line of work that could mean life or death. She shifts some on my lap, her ass pushing into my cock. She freezes and I know she’s felt it.

  “I’m not going to do anything, but I’ve got a beautiful woman clinging to me. I can’t really control it.”

  “Right.” She breathes out, tickling my neck. Then I swear to God she presses her mouth against it on purpose. Maybe I’m dreaming it. Wishing it to be true. I don’t care. I’ll take it.


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