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Never Been Kissed

Page 3

by Darling, Lucy

  She needs to get off. My mind demands I give her what she needs. She jerks back from me. I fight not to pull her back and claim her mouth again. Her breathing is heavy as she tries to catch her breath. Her lips are red and swollen.

  “The alarm is going off.” Then I hear it. The timer on the oven dinging. How the fuck did I miss that? I usually don’t miss anything. It’s her. She made thoughts of anything else but her go right out the fucking window. My mind shut off for a brief moment in time. Something that I’ve been trying to get it to do for years with no success. My little kitten has managed to do it in a matter of hours.

  I might have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to her, but I better figure it out real fucking fast. There is no way I could ever let her go. I have a feeling my kitten doesn't do anything she doesn't want to.

  Now the only thing I have to do is make her fall in love with me.



  I chew my pizza but taste nothing. My mind is still on the kiss. The storm that is now pounding down on the house is forgotten too. Davis polishes off another slice. He doesn't look to be having the same problem as me.

  I didn't know a kiss could be that intense. It knocked the air right out of my lungs. For the first time in my life I felt sexy. Desired even. I thought for sure at any moment he was going to drag me to the floor and have his way with me. I was going to let him. I’d felt disappointment when the timer had gone off. That was a first. The food timer is the best kind of alarm.

  “You like the pizza?” I ask. He hasn't said much either since I hopped down to get the pizzas out of the oven. He silently pulled plates from the cabinets before getting me a pizza cutter.

  “I love it. You’re a good cook.” He shoves more pizza into his mouth, not saying any more. It was starting to bug me that he wasn't more affected by the kiss. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought it was. He said he wanted to kiss me. Maybe he got a taste and decided it wasn't worth exploring more? I should be good at reading men with the amount of time I was around them. That’s the problem: I was considered one of the boys, so I suck at this romance thing.

  “With all the brothers I have, I had to learn to cook. They sucked at it.” I take another bite of pizza. I actually really love cooking. It isn't just that it calms me a lot of the time, but everyone always migrates back to the kitchen and dining room when I do it. It is a way I can take care of them. They all spent so much time helping raise me. I want to do my part to show them my appreciation.

  He makes a grunting sound, taking another bite. My nipples go tight at the sound. Okay, this man has some crazy spell over me. I’d smack one of my brothers on the arm for making the same sound. Davis does it and I’m wiggling in my seat. The throb between my thighs is growing.

  “You don’t talk much.” I think I’m used to Bunny. I am always with her and she can talk for hours.

  “Guess I’m used to being quiet.” He pushes his empty plate away before standing and heading into his pantry. I watch him go. My eyes travel down to his ass and then thighs. God, the man is thick. I think he even has a better ass than Captain America. Is that what working on a farm does to a man? No wonder women didn't mind living out in the middle of nowhere with their men. If Davis is an example of what they have to look at all day, I don’t blame them.

  “You okay?” Davis asks as he comes out with a giant cup in his hand. He bends down, pouring dog food into a bowl. The dog barks from somewhere in the house before I hear his feet on the ground in a mad dash toward us. He flies past me, stopping at his bowl. “You sure?”

  He drops the plastic cup in the sink before coming over toward me. His hand raises and he brushes a piece of hair out of my face. I stare up at him. For the first time in my life I want something more from a man. I’m not sure what it is about Davis that has me, but he does.

  It might be the way he looks at me. Not just that hunger I swear I see in his gaze but the gentle way he is with me. His touches are soft. So unlike the rest of him. Soft is not a word I thought I would have used about him the first time I laid eyes on him. Now that I’m seeing it I want it for myself. I want to see more of this hidden side of him.

  “Did you like our kiss?” I ask. Why the hell not? When was I not assertive? I try not to blush but I’m not sure that is something one can stop. I never do it to begin with, but here I am sitting in a man’s kitchen blushing like a schoolgirl and hell if I don't kind of like it. It is so different than who I normally am. Or maybe who I try to be. I always try to be strong. To never show my weakness. I think I learned that from my brothers. Even though they raised me well, there were some things that they didn’t understand. Things that only a mom or a woman could teach you.

  “Did I like our kiss?” He repeats my question like he doesn’t understand what I’m saying. I shift more in my chair. I have to bite my lip not to tell him it’s my first. He likely wouldn't believe me. No one kisses the girl that has four older brothers who look like they would pound you into the dirt. No one has the balls to go up against them. Not to mention I was always one of the boys. I wasn't in the section of what anyone thought of as sexy or desired. At least it often felt that way.

  “Never mind.” He moves again, blocking me from getting up. Again that should make me mad, but it has the opposite effect on my body.

  “I thought it was clear that I more than liked the kiss. If it’s words you need, I’ll give them to you.” He grabs me, lifting me from the chair and setting me on the counter. He presses into me. I gasp when his cock digs right into my sex.

  “Men get hard when the wind blows.” I roll my eyes. I’m bluffing. I don’t know how often they get hard, but I want him to say it’s me. To tell me that I’m the one that’s causing him to react this way. That he desires me and wants me more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life. That I turn him on.

  “Do they stay hard for hours? That’s how I’ve been since you rolled out of the truck.” He leans down, his mouth almost touching mine. “Even tried to take care of it myself. Still hard.” He pushes into me more. I whimper with need. His mouth takes mine again. He lifts me off the counter. I feel us moving but I don’t care.

  I wrap around him, kissing him back. I rub myself up and down his cock trying to get the friction I need.

  “Take it,” he tells me as he pins me up against a wall. “Use me, kitten. Rub your hot little cunt all over me until you come.”

  I shake my head no. “I want to get you off too.”

  “Almost there already, kitten. My cock has been leaking cum for hours watching you prance around my kitchen.” He presses more into me. I was doing that to him while I cooked? It’s empowering that I had such an effect on him.

  “You’re going to come with me?” I hear myself ask the question, but the voice doesn't sound like mine.

  “I’d do anything you asked me,” he says before he kisses me again. My nails dig into him as I grind against him. The orgasm hits me fast. I don’t know if it’s his words or the friction I needed. I think both. I rip my mouth from his as I cry out his name. My eyes fall closed. I cling to him as he keeps moving against me, riding out more of the orgasm for me.

  He groans. I feel wetness between my legs. I don’t know if it’s from him or me. I want it to be both, but more than anything I want it to be his. That I turned him on so much I got him to come in his pants.

  I let out a sigh as he starts moving again. He enters a room that’s dark. A strike of lightning fills the room with light for a moment, letting me see the giant bed in the center of the room before he lays me down onto it. He goes for the button of my pants, pulling them down my legs. I kick my shoes off for him. I think we're going to do more, but a moment later he crawls into the bed next to me, pulling me into his arms.

  “Would you rather sleep downstairs?” he asks.

  “No.” Right here is more than fine. I’m not scared. How could I be with him wrapped around me? His words are still playing on a loop in my mind.

  I’d do anything you a
sked me. Would he still feel the same if I asked him to be mine? With that thought, I snuggle deeper into him, allowing myself to enjoy every bit of the comfort he’s giving me.



  Precious Joanne Campbell. I know now why she has everyone call her PJ. The Campbell last name wasn't lost on me when I’d brought her up in my system. I know her brother. We’d met a few times over the years. All of her brothers have made a name for themselves. What I’d never heard about was them having a sister. They have kept her hidden away to a certain extent. Not that I blame them. She is, after all, precious.

  Her head rests on my chest, her blond locks tickling my skin whenever she shifts a little. She’s been out for hours. I told myself I wasn't going to fall asleep, scared I’ll have one of my nightmares and jerk awake, scaring her. The storm already did that and I didn't want to add to her fear. It was a battle I hadn't won. When she’d tucked herself into me, breathing against my skin, I’d drifted right off to sleep with her for a few hours.

  Now I am wide awake, staring at her like the creepy stalker I’ve become. She let me kiss her. Then she let me make her come. She was breathtaking. Watching her come for me in my arms was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Hearing my name spill from her lips as she orgasmed was something I am looking forward to listening to for the rest of my life. She is something else. Yet perfect for me in every way.

  She’s what my mom would have called a rare beauty. Full of passion and fire. One that if you’re lucky to get close enough to, allows you to see the other side of that passion. The valuable side that needs protecting but not in a way that suffocates it. I want to be that for her.

  I trail my fingers up under her shirt, feeling her soft skin under my rough hands. She pushes herself into me more as she arches her back, letting me know she’s enjoying my touch. Not many do.

  My hands have spent years creating pain. This is new for me. I don't want to let her go but would that be suffocating her? To try and keep her for myself? Not if she wants to stay, I reason with myself. I’m not sure how the hell I am going to manage that. Sure, she let me kiss her. Touch her too, but for how long?

  Jameson offered her a job. That would keep her here. I know she works for her brother and under that is the security for one Bunny Rose. As I watched her and Bunny together they acted more like friends than anything. I’m not sure Bunny will need security anymore now that she is out of the limelight and I all but caught her stalker. Jameson lured him out. I pinned him down. She shifts again, her hand sliding up my chest and around my neck to hold me closer. A sweet sigh comes from her.

  She smiles as she slowly opens her eyes to meet mine. They go wide for a moment. Again, thunder booms outside. The storm isn't going to be letting up anytime soon. It quieted down for a little while but now it’s back at it again.

  “Hi.” She starts to pull her arm back, but I tighten my hold on her. I love the small moments when I see shyness creep in on her. She tries to hide them, but I’m silently letting her know I don’t want her to go anywhere. I’m enjoying what she’s doing to me.


  “Did you sleep?” She tilts her head back to look up at me.


  “Nightmare?” She moves, putting her elbow onto the bed between us and moving her mouth closer to me.

  “No nightmares.”

  She full-on smiles now. It’s then I see one dimple in her left cheek. My chest grows tight knowing I did that. Fuck, did that feel good. What else can I do to make her smile?

  “I’m going to make us breakfast.” She drops a quick kiss on my lips and tries to spring from the bed. I grab her, pulling her back. I roll, pinning her below me, needing a deeper kiss than that. It isn't until I’ve got my mouth on her and her hands pinned above her head that I realize what I’ve done. I start to pull back but she kisses me back, her fingers locking with mine.

  I taste her sweetness, kissing her slowly this time. Enjoying her. I have to show her another side to me, that I’m not an aggressive asshole that is trying to take her for myself. That I’m not trying to dominate her, even if that is what I want to do. She kisses me back. Hers isn't slow and soft. It’s filled with need and pulls me over the edge of doing what I wanted to do to begin with.

  “Davis.” She moans against my mouth when she pulls back from the kiss. Her lips are red once again. I have to remember her skin is delicate.

  “Call me Bowen. Davis is my last name.” It’s been so long since anyone has said my first name. My mom was probably the last one. It had died with her.

  “Bow?” Again that dimple reappears in her cheek.

  “Yeah, Precious.” Her mouth falls open.

  “I kind of liked kitten. Not gonna lie.” Then she gives me one of those quick kisses again. She pushes on our locked hands. I release her. She wraps her legs around us, pushing to roll me over. I go with her, letting her fall over us. “I’m hungry.”

  So am I, but not for food.

  “The kitchen is yours.” I want to tell her that's not all that’s hers, but I keep that to myself for now. I put my hands behind my head as her eyes roam over my body. For the first time in my life I actually wonder what someone thinks about how I look. Her face turns that sexy shade of pink again. I tell myself I’m the only one that can get her to blush. She jumps off me to hide it.

  “I’m stealing your shirt.” She snags my discarded shirt off the floor before she heads out of my bedroom. Duke follows her out of the room, leaving me all alone. If I were him, I’d pick following her around instead of staying in this room with me too.

  I don’t waste time getting myself ready. Not a chance with her in my kitchen. I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to keep her here before she wants to head back to her own place. I am going to enjoy every moment of it. I grab my phone, making sure I don’t have any alerts before I head into the kitchen where she’s already cooking. Duke sits watching her every move.

  “Coffee?” She turns to ask me. I take her in and she stands there in nothing but my shirt now. It hangs almost to her knees. My eyes travel up her gorgeous legs. She lifts her left foot, running it along the back of her calf as she stares back at me.

  She looks natural in my kitchen. As though this is exactly where she belongs. This whole thing feels domestic. My throat grows tight with emotions that I don’t fully understand. I nod. “I’m guessing you take it black.” She lets out a laugh, one that gives me a funny feeling in my chest. Her looking so happy in my place is doing some funny shit to me.

  “No, I’ll take it however you take it.” I want to know what she enjoys first thing in the morning. I want to know everything about her. Not the details I’d read off a report. I want to learn them right from her because I saw her doing it.

  “Hope you like it sweet.” She winks at me before turning to make me a cup. I sit down to watch her. Then it hits me why my throat grew so tight. This is something I haven't seen since my parents were alive. It is also something I thought I’d never have for myself. I’d told myself I didn't want it. Losing them was hard.

  I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone close to me again. I realize now without really knowing I was doing it I made sure no one got too close. Now, Precious has all but slid right in here. For the first time in a long time I feel fear.



  He’s gone quiet again. Okay, more quiet than usual. I can feel his eyes on me while I cook, but he doesn't say anything. He’s gone from yes and no answers to complete silence. It is irritating me. All right, it might be making me self-conscious. He made me feel sexy and wanted, and now this.

  What has changed? The kiss this morning felt like he was still into me. Then he’d walked into the kitchen and looked as though he changed his mind. I could see the second his demeanor changed, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why.

  I push the plate of bacon closer to him. Bacon always perks me up. He takes a piece, giving me a smile. I gu
ess that’s better than nothing.

  “Can I feed Duke?” I look down at the giant dog. He’s as quiet as his owner. Bow gives me another one of those nods. I drop a piece of bacon to the dog. “Stop nodding at me.” I turn back to the stove to grab the rest of the pancakes. His silence is finally getting on my nerves. Still he says nothing. “Sorry,” I mumble as I drop the plate of pancakes down next to the bacon.

  Why am I being a brat? It’s his house. He can nod if he wants to. He’s letting me stay here because I’m a big old scaredy cat. I’m free to leave whenever I want if I don’t like it. That’s the problem, though; I really like him. I don’t want to go anywhere. The thought that I may have overstayed my welcome threatens to weigh me down, but I push past it.

  “How is the coffee?” I ask, needing to fill the silence.

  He reaches out, pulling me into his big body. “It’s sweet.” His hand comes under my chin, making me look up at him. “I like it.”

  “I can go home if I’m bothering you.”

  “You think you’re bothering me?” His face turns confused. It is actually really adorable. “You’re cooking me breakfast.” His mouth drops down to mine. “And other things.” I sigh, melting into him as I kiss him back.

  “I don’t want to leave,” I admit.

  “’Cause of the storm?”

  “Yeah.” That was part of it. Not all. I like it here. I like him. The way he made me feel last night. The butterflies that he makes dance in my stomach. The only thing I don’t enjoy is when I think he’s growing tired of me. He’s so hard to read. I can tell he doesn’t have much company and he sure isn’t a social butterfly.


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