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Never Been Kissed

Page 8

by Darling, Lucy

  “Isn't it hot when they get all possessive?” Bunny says to Precious like no one else is around.

  “Really hot,” she agrees. I tuck that fact away. I can be all kinds of possessive if that’s what she wants. I won’t even have to try, but she just gave me a free pass.

  “You having dinner with us, Mason?” I ask, wanting to get this show on the road. “Precious has been in the sun too long. She either needs to come in or get more sunblock.” Can’t have her delicate skin getting hurt. Not on my watch.

  “He is,” Precious answers for him. “He can make pasta salad. His is actually better than mine.” She turns to me and mouths not really.

  “I love pasta salad,” Jameson drawls.

  “You’re not eating his pasta salad.” Bunny snorts a laugh.

  “Oh what’s the surprise? You got cake in the basket?” Precious goes for it, but Bunny pulls it back.

  “I got something better.” She opens the lid and two little kitten heads pop out. “Kittens! You want one?”

  “No can do. I’m the only kitten around here. Isn’t that right, Duke?” She turns to look at him, letting him know that she’s loyal and would never betray him by getting a kitten. I swear he barks in response. Those two are going to give me a run for my money.

  “Thank God. I wanted to keep them both but I thought I’d offer.”

  “Come on.” I walk over to Precious, wrapping my arms around her. “Make yourselves at home. Precious and I are going to get cleaned up.” I need to get her out of those shorts for more reasons than one.

  “We’re not done talking about this,” Mason shouts from behind us but I hear him following us in.

  “Didn't think we were.” I look down at my kitten. “This is far from over.”



  I sit on Bow’s lap in the backyard. We built a bonfire and pulled out some chairs. I told Bow next week we need to go buy some yard furniture if we’re going to be having people over. He grunted in agreement, saying we would do anything I wanted.

  My brother has calmed down some. I think getting to see Bow and me together is settling his nerves. I get him being overprotective. I’m not only his little sister; in some ways I’m his daughter, but he has to let me go at some point. I think he holds on to some responsibility of making sure I end up with the right man. I can’t blame him for trying to do right by our parents.

  “I’ve missed your cooking.” Bunny chomps down into a rib, getting barbeque sauce all over her face.

  “I cook.” I snort a laugh. Jameson actually sounds wounded.

  “I love yours too.” She kisses him, getting her barbecue sauce on his face.

  “It’s nice out here. You think you can do country life, PJ? The storms. The bugs,” Mason asks as he takes a swig from his beer. I wiggle in Bow’s lap thinking about bugs.

  “She knows I’ll keep her safe.” Bow pulls me tighter to him.

  “God knows she can handle her own. Remember Cory Seaman?” I glare at my brother. Of course I remember that little shit. “He told everyone in the school that he and PJ had fooled around.” Bow’s fingers dig into my skin. Yeah, that never happened. The making out at least, but he did spread that shit far and wide. I know what my brother’s about to say and to my defense, that jerk was asking for it. “She walked right up to him in the middle of school and punched him.”

  “This is not shocking.” Bunny holds up her hand and I give her a high-five.

  “Yeah. She got suspended for a week and broke her finger.” That shit freaking hurt. But I didn’t regret it for a second. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The look on that little jerk’s face was worth every second of the pain.

  “I got in trouble because I sucker punched him wrong.” I roll my eyes. “None of them were even mad that I had hit him. Only that I didn’t know how to do it the right way. My brothers made me practice my right hook for a month.”

  “Seems to have paid off,” Bow says, sounding proud of me.

  “No boys would go near her after that. It was a small blessing.”

  “Like I cared.” I lean back into Bow, resting my head on him. My belly is full, my best friend and my brother are here. No one is dead and I’m sitting in the lap of the man I love. He didn't back down from my brother. He not only stood his ground, but he let me get my two cents in too. I love that he trusts that I can handle myself.

  Mason lets out a long sigh. “You look happy.”

  “I am. I’m in love.” Bow kisses my neck.

  “Well, it looks good on you. It’s not surprising you brought the Monk down.”

  “Monk?” Bunny asks, looking around. “You punched a monk too?”

  I laugh. “No, I did not punch a monk.”

  “I wouldn't put it past you.” Bunny laughs with me.

  “I’ll leave it be then. I was just surprised and pissed I couldn't get ahold of you. I got worked up and worried.”

  “I understand.” I feel Bow nod in agreement.

  “So you’re going to be okay with me asking her to marry me?” Bow asks. My stomach flutters. I knew it was coming, but hearing it sounds so good too.

  “Of course he is. He’ll walk me down the aisle,” I answer for him.

  “PJ.” Mason actually looks a little shocked. It should be Dad walking me down the aisle. I know that’s what he’s thinking. “It would be an honor.”

  I wiggle myself free from Bow’s hold, going over to my brother to give him a hug. “You gonna talk the others down?” I whisper in his ear.

  “Yeah, but I think they’ll see how happy you are. You’ll be nice and safe out here. I don’t think anyone can take you from him.” I laugh because it’s true. It’s also really hot.

  The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Lots of laughter and good times. This is the life. I didn't know what I’d been missing. I look up at the stars that now light up the sky, giving my mom and dad a silent thank you for bringing me here. Where I found a love as fierce as theirs.

  We see everyone out with promises to do it again. Mason said he’ll bring the rest of my brothers next time. That should be fun. I know Bow and I can handle it, though.

  “That wasn't so bad.” I turn, looking up at Bow as the taillights fade in the distance. Who would have thought this is where Bunny and I would end up?

  “No it wasn't.” Bow drops to his knee in front of me.

  “Bow.” My heart starts to race.

  “Give me your hand, kitten.” I hold it out. “You gonna marry me? Make me the luckiest man in the world?”

  “You know I am.” He slips a ring on to my finger. Where and when did he get a ring? I look down at it and all the air leaves my lungs.

  “Bow.” My eyes fill with tears.

  “Don’t cry on me. Your tears will kill me.” He picks me up, carrying me inside to the bedroom.

  “How?” My hand shakes. I can’t remember the last time I saw this ring.

  “Mason. I think his blow-up was a lot of show. A test because he brought this with him. Said it was yours.”

  “It was my mom’s.”

  “It looks good on you.”

  “It does, doesn't it?” I’m smiling so much my face is going to hurt tomorrow. How someone can cry and smile at the same time I’ll never know. Bow runs his fingers through my hair, tilting my head back to kiss me. I moan into his mouth. “Make love to me.”

  I grab his shirt, pulling him down onto the bed over me. Bow doesn't have to be asked twice. This man will always make love to me. We’ve gone from never being kissed to having it all. It was worth the wait.


  Months later

  “Well, if we can’t figure out the baby gate, the baby sure isn't going to,” Jameson drawls.

  “Isn’t that the fucking truth.” I run my hand down my face. I had no idea what went into babyproofing a house, but I’ve been all over it. Precious says I’m being ridiculous. She’s only five months along, so it will be well over a year before the baby is moving around the hou
se. I like to be prepared. Plus, this shit is a whole lot harder to figure out. I’ve seen bombs less complicated than this thing.

  My heart jumps into my throat when a scream comes from the backyard. I take off on a dead run, knowing it’s Precious.

  “Get it away from me!” I watch as she stands completely still, looking terrified at whatever she’s talking about. I can’t see because her back is to me and she’s blocking my view to whatever it is that caused her to scream.

  “Kitten,” I say calmly, letting her know that I’m there but not wanting to scare her more. “I’m here. What’s wrong?” I take a step toward her.

  “Don’t move,” she whispers. “It will know you did and will attack. Stay still. My life depends on it.” My mind races with the possibilities of what it could be. I prepare myself to encounter a bobcat or a rattlesnake.

  “What’s wrong?” Jameson comes up behind me.

  “Shhhh.” Precious shushes him. “If I don’t make it, know that I loved you with all of my heart.” The fear in her voice propels me to take action. I can’t wait any longer. I was in the special forces, for God’s sake. I know how to maneuver around without disrupting things. I slowly move myself until I’m only a few feet away from her.

  “I’m behind you, kitten. On the count of three I’m going to grab you and I need you to get behind me. Make your way towards Jameson when I do.” She nods her head in agreement.

  “Jameson, she’s coming your way on the count of three. Give a shout when she’s there so I know she’s safe.”

  “Understood,” he answers back.

  “One, two, three.” I quickly move Precious behind me, ready to take on whatever danger that threatened her. I blink my eyes, not seeing anything in my line of sight.

  “Got her,” I hear Jameson say from behind me while I continue to assess the situation. Duke comes up next to me, looking for the danger too. I look back at Precious, whose eyes are still wide, her hand over her baby bump protectively.

  “What’s going on?” Bunny walks out the back door with two hot dogs in her hands.

  “Duke, be careful.” I look down at Duke, who is nosing a spider. “Save him!” I go to step on the spider but Duke beats me to it, swallowing it whole. She rushes over to Duke. “You saved us.” She hugs him tight.

  “Spider?” Bunny asks, taking a bite of her hotdog. Ketchup drips down the side, landing on her round stomach. “Damn it.”

  “That scream was because of a spider? You scared the shit out of me.” I help Precious back to her feet after she releases Duke.

  “It was giant.” Her eyes are almost pleading.

  “It was.” It wasn't. It was the size of a quarter.

  “Could have eaten me whole.”

  “Only I get to eat you.” Bunny snorts a laugh. I pull Precious into me. “Your cheeks are pink. I thought you said you’d stay under the umbrella?”

  “Sometimes I forget.” I believe it. Pregnancy has made her a little forgetful. I find it adorable. Her not so much. I rub her stomach with my hand. It’s still hard for me to believe sometimes that not only did I get the girl, but she is giving me a son too. “Hey, are you eating my hot dog?”

  “Maybe,” Bunny says with her mouth full.

  “I’ll get you one.” Her hold on me tightens.

  “I’ll come with you.” She looks around at the ground. I’m going to have to spray the yard. Not only for her sake but mine too. She just took ten years off my life.

  “I think we’re going to head out,” Jameson drawls as Bunny finishes off the second hotdog. I have no idea where these two girls put all this food they eat, but it’s pretty damn impressive.

  “Laters. We go to the city tomorrow.” Bunny waves. Jameson gives us a nod as they head out.

  “She stole my hot dog.” Precious pouts from next to me.

  “Come on.” I take her inside and make her one of her own. She sits in the kitchen chair kicking off her shoes as she swings her legs back and forth. I sit down next to her, pulling her feet into my lap and start to rub them. She lets out a moan that goes straight to my dick. This is really not the time, I reason with myself.

  “Sorry I gave you a scare.” She leans back in her chair.

  “You’re all right. That’s all that matters.”

  “Yeah, and it's good to keep you on your toes. Keeps you young.” She smirks. I have no problem feeling young when I’m with her. I switch feet. “You’re so good to me. You know that.” She rubs her hand across her belly. Her ring catches in the light. It took four months to finally have the wedding. It was hard getting a time when all of her brothers could come, but we waited because I knew what it meant not only to her but them too. They love her to death, and it’s easy to see she’s the heart of that family.

  “I’ll always be good to you.” She pulls her feet away and tries to shift over into my lap. I grab her before she busts her ass, repositioning her so she straddles me.

  “Take me to bed, cowboy. I want orgasms and a nap. How every Sunday should be spent.” She doesn't have to ask me twice. I pick my wife up, carrying her to the bed. I make love to her until she passes out on my chest. I join her. I rest easy now with no fear of nightmares anymore. Now, I only have sweet dreams of her.


  Many years later

  “Did you tell the husbands where we are?” Bunny asks, taking a drink of her fancy-looking green martini. When she ordered it the bartender gave her a funny look but made it anyway.

  “No. They track us so what’s the point?” I take a swig of my beer.

  “Right. I always forget that.”

  I don’t. My husband stalks me. I find it adorable and for some reason it turns me on when he pops up random places that I’m at. It’s more fun to pretend that I forget he does it.

  “Not sure this place is going to last long. It’s dead in here.” We look around the empty bar. It is only seven, I guess. We stopped in the nearest small town to us, which is about fifteen minutes from home after we left the nail salon. Something we do every other Saturday. It’s important for us to have some girl time.

  “Small town I guess. I kinda hope it makes it. They have a pool table.”

  “You don’t play pool.” Neither do I.

  “The husbands might. They can bring us out one night. We can get all dressed up and make a night of it.” I don’t point out that we could just go to the city. I hate going into the city unless we have to.

  The hustle and bustle now seems overwhelming to me. I’ve gotten used to the quiet. It's peaceful. Well, as peaceful as it can be with three boys. How do I always end up with all the boys? I’m surrounded by them. I have been for my entire life. Not that I would change that for the world. I guess it’s a good thing that I grew up with so many brothers because it prepared me. My boys are everything to me. I hate that they’re growing up so fast.

  “Looks like they have a dance floor too. I wonder what time the music starts.” Bunny chugs the remnants of her super fancy drink. She makes a face afterward and shakes her head. I’m guessing it’s not what she expected. “We should dance. I haven’t danced anywhere but in my studio for so long. It’ll be fun.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s no music playing and no one else is dancing.” I point out the obvious even though dancing does sound fun. I always had fun dancing with Bunny. She taught me how.

  “Jukebox.” She points across the room. I turn when I hear a group of people come walking in. “Come on.” She grabs my hand, pulling me out of the booth and across the dance floor. “Oh, I haven't heard this one in forever.” She punches a few buttons and Wild Thing pours from the speakers.

  We hit the dance floor, not caring if we look like fools. All we care about is that we’re having fun. Bunny’s eyes go big a moment before an arm wraps around my waist. I smile, knowing exactly who is standing behind me. I sway my hips a little more.

  “Don’t hit me,” Bow says into my ear. I turn in his arms and keep on dancing. One of his hands goes to my a

  “You think I don’t know my husband's touch?” I pull him down to kiss me. He lifts me off my feet. I let out a small scream.

  “How did you find me?” I hear Bunny say over the music. She already knows she’s just giving her man a hard time. Jameson is already pulling her out of the bar.

  “You breaking up our girls’ night?” Bow of course doesn't put me down.

  “I don’t remember your jeans being this tight when you left the house this afternoon,” he says, not answering my question.

  “Bowen Davis, are you saying I got fat this afternoon?”

  He stops walking. “I didn't-”

  I burst into laughter. “Take me home,” I say through giggles. He puts me in the truck first, then walks around to the driver’s side.

  “They were all looking at your ass.” He pulls out of the parking lot. Bunny and Jameson are already long gone in her SUV. Jameson must have ridden with Bow.

  “No one was looking at my ass.” I roll my eyes. “Not that I’d blame them.”

  Bow starts driving faster. I knew that would get him. It doesn't take us long to make it home. When I get out of the truck, my phone is ringing with Bunny’s ringtone.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “Is Daisy over there?”

  “Oh shit. She sneak out?” Bow follows me in. Poor Daisy is the only girl out of all of these boys and we all know where she is if she snuck out. She’s with Eric. I’m surprised he let her sneak out. He wouldn't want her doing anything that would get her into trouble, but I’m sure if Daisy wanted to, she could talk my oldest son into anything. He’s always had a soft spot for her. She’s had him wrapped around her little finger since they were kids. I’m not sure there is anything he would deny her.

  “I’ll call you back.”


  “We have a stowaway,” I tell Bow as we head up the stairs. I give Eric’s door a soft knock before I open it. He’s sitting up in his bed, his back against the headboard. Daisy has her head resting on his chest. Eric raises his finger to his mouth, letting me know she’s sleeping and not to wake her.


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