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Pursuing The Madam 3

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by Charmanie Saquea

  Pursuing the Madam 3

  Charmanie Saquea


  "Payback is a bitch, huh?" Naomi asked with a smile on her face.

  Kaiah had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to keep from knocking this bitch’s head off in the police station. She opened her eyes with a look a death on her face. “You have ten seconds to get the fuck out of my face or they will be putting me in one of those cells while carrying you out with a toe tag,” Kaiah said through gritted teeth.

  Kaison put his hands on Kaiah’s shoulder to keep her calm. Naomi was crazy but she wasn’t that crazy. She noticed the look on Kaiah’s face and backed up. She already had a deep scar in her chest from where the bullet had to be removed and she was grateful that she was still alive. She took the hint and swiftly walked away.

  Kaiah was so pissed off that she had tears running down her face as her right leg bounced up and down rapidly. She got up and walked out of the police station as fast as she could. Her head was spinning and she felt like she couldn't breathe. As soon as she got away from the building, everything she had eaten came up. She felt like she was puking up her insides. She tried to stand up but she was too dizzy. She noticed Kaison walking her way but that was all she remembered before everything went black.


  Kaiah came conscious to the sounds of beeping. She looked around as she tried to figure out where she was and how she got there. She had an IV in her arm and noticed Kaison was sitting in the chair next to her bed holding her hand. "What's up, Duke?" she whispered.

  "Damn, Kay Kay, you really know how to scare a muthafucka," Kaison said as he shook his head.

  "What happened? Why am I here?"

  "Well, for starters, you fainted in the parking lot of the police station. Then we find out that you're dehydrated and the baby is stressed," Kaison explained.

  Hearing about her baby made her put her hand on her stomach. She started panicking and fearing the worst. "Is my baby okay?" she asked.

  "Calm down, the baby is fine. The doctors just want to keep y'all here for a few days so they can monitor you two.” Kaiah sighed then laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. “Umm Keith told me to talk to you,” Kaison said worriedly. He didn’t know if he should tell Kaiah the news now, especially since she and the baby were already stressed out.

  “What happened?” Kaiah asked nervously.

  “D-Boy was like two seconds away from confessing to the murder until they got wind about you fainting in the parking lot. You had everybody in that bitch scared...” Kaison said.

  “Oh my God,” Kaiah groaned. She did not need all this bullshit in her life right now. All the stressing and being under pressure was not for her. She had better things she could be doing than stressing over a nigga that was doing whatever the hell he wanted.

  “I’m so over this, Duke, I swear. Me and my baby can do so much better than this. He had no reason to kill him Kaison. I really just want him to sign those divorce papers so I can be done with him for good,” Kaiah said, on the verge of tears. She was sick of going through this shit. Every time she thought she found happiness in her life, something or someone had to fuck it up. It never failed.

  “What about the baby?” Kaison asked.

  “What about it? By time he gets out of prison, my baby will be damn near be the age we are right now. That is if he ever gets out,” Kaiah said.

  “So you’re not going to take the baby up there to see him? Plus, he didn’t even confess to it. He backed out of it at the last minute,” Kaison said, shocked.

  “No, he can get pictures or whatever, but that’s as far as it will go for me. I have no reason to go up there to see him. I’m pretty sure Sherae would be happy to do it, but I refuse. And the fact that he was about to confess is enough for me to leave his ass alone.”

  Kaison didn’t say anything because he knew when his sister was tired. He loved his twin and wanted the best for her and her baby. If she felt like completely freeing herself from Deonte was the best thing for her then he was behind her one hundred percent.

  ~ ~ ~

  After being booked and sent to his cell, Deonte started feeling like shit. Keith told him about Kaiah fainting in the parking lot and the first thing that he wanted to do was run out there and get her, but he couldn’t. All he wanted to do was make sure she and the baby were alright but he had no way of knowing what the hell was going on.

  He was pretty sure that by now she knew that he was planning on confessing about killing Shemar. He wished there was a way that he could explain everything to her and let her know what really went down that night, but knowing her stubborn ass, she wouldn’t even hear him out.

  Before he even got locked up for the murder, she had already convicted him in her mind; so there was no way he was going to make her believe that he didn’t actually do it. He actually felt he was doing the right thing. He and Carlos had bailed each other out of many situations. This wouldn’t be the first time one of them took the rap or got locked up for the other. The only difference was that this situation was more serious than the others.

  The only thing he felt bad about was the fact that he’d miss out on his first and only child’s life. That would be the only thing that he would regret. Truth be told, he should have gotten rid of Shemar a long time ago. The moment he found out about him and Kaiah sleeping together, he should have put a bullet in his damn head. To this day, he was still bitter about the situation. He had time before his first court date to think long and hard about what choice he was going to make.


  Kaily had stopped by Angel’s salon to catch her up on all the things she had missed due to her working all types of hours at the salon. Angel was sitting at her station, twirling around in the chair, listening to everything that Kaily was telling her.

  “So he did it? And why am I just now finding out about Kaiah being in the hospital?” Angel asked, shocked.

  “Girl, I don’t know. In my heart, I really do not believe that Deonte killed that man,” Kaily said. “But I just knew Kaison would have told you about her being there.”

  Angel lifted her foot in the air and looked at her swollen feet and ankles. “Being almost six months makes me look ugly,” Angel pouted.

  “Girl, your ankles are just swollen. That’s normal. And you actually look cute pregnant; that’s the most meat I’ve ever seen on your bones,” Kaily laughed.

  “Tell me about it!” Angel threw her arms up in the air. “But my baby said it’s going to all the right places.” She smiled.

  “Just nasty.” Kaily shook her head.

  “I just can’t wait to find out what I’m having.”

  “Well miss ‘I don’t want to know until I give birth’, we could have been knew because TT Kaily needs to do some shopping,” Kaily said as she rubbed Angel’s stomach and felt the baby move instantly.

  They both were laughing when they heard the bell ring, indicating that someone had walked into the shop. Angel was dreading getting up with all the weight on her, so she was praying that whoever had just walked in was for one of her other stylists and not her. She heard loud laughing coming her way and looked up to see Mesha and two other girls.

  Kaily had only seen a picture of Mesha, but she had heard about her. She knew off bat that she didn’t like her. She looked over at Angel and she didn’t even looked bothered. She sat back to watch how this would play out between the two.

  Mesha looked around the salon with her nose turned up. “So I guess it’s true. My baby daddy really is trynna turn a hoe into a housewife.” When she said that, her two little minions started laughing.

  The shop got quiet because they knew Angel was quiet and didn’t mess with anybody that didn’t mess wi
th her. “Well, at least one of us gets to hold the title of his wife instead of his convenience.” Angel smirked.

  “Who the fuck you calling a convenience, bitch?” Mesha asked at she took a step towards Angel but got intercepted by Kaily stepping up.

  “I promise you, baby girl, this ain’t what you want. Kaison told you to holla at him when you dropped that load, and the baby been here for what? Three months? Don’t fuck around and get yo ass whopped stepping to the wrong one,” Kaily said calmly.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Mesha asked as she looked Kaily up and down. Kaily had lived in Atlanta when she and Kaison were together so they didn’t know each other.

  “The bitch you don’t wanna know. Now I advise you to walk back out that door you came in while you still can. That would really be in your best interest.”

  “Hold up, Kaily. Let these alley rat looking bitches get something done to their heads on me in this fine establishment my husband got for me,” Angel said as she got up and rubbed her belly. Feeling defeated for now, Mesha flipped her ratchet weave and walked towards the door. “Come see me in about three months. Maybe we can continue this discussion,” Angel called out after her.

  “My pleasure,” Mesha smirked before walking out the door.

  “Look, Angel, you and Synai are the babies in this family and as the oldest, it’s my duty to protect my girls. I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to you, especially while you’re carrying my niece. Kaison is not about to fuck me up behind you,” Kaily laughed.

  “It’s your nephew and I’m not worried about Kaison. I can handle that.”

  “Nephew? Girl bye! You are carrying my niece. Don’t get it twisted.” Kaily waved her off.

  “What? Put fifty on it that I’m carrying a boy.” Angel put her hand out.

  “Bet,” Kaily said as she shook on it. “Wait, what if you’re carrying both? You know Kaison is a twin.”

  “Get the hell out of my salon with that foolishness, Kaily. You almost made me throw my flat irons at you.” Angel shook her head. “Plus, they only seen one baby on the ultrasound.”

  “I’m just saying.” Kaily laughed at the horrified look on Angel’s face.

  ~ ~ ~

  Naomi sat in her house in Jacksonville regretting her decision to drop off the video of Deonte. Truth be told, she didn't actually catch him doing anything. She just recorded him going into the barbershop and then running outs minutes later. The only reason her fake footage worked is because her uncle was the captain of the MBPD.

  She just wanted to pay Deonte back for the way he did her. She didn't even have feelings for him anymore, but it was just the fact that he had played with her heart and her emotions like it was nothing. Then on top of that, he allowed his wife to aim a gun at her and she actually pulled the trigger. Just thinking about it made her mind travel back to the night she was supposed to have died.

  Naomi had been sitting in her car waiting for Deonte to come out. She had been following him for days, waiting to catch him by himself. She just had to show him that she was the one for him. She found out through the grapevine that the bitch she saw him at the mall with was his wife. She was so confused because she had no idea that he was married. For all she knew, she was the only female in his life.

  She got out of her car and walked up to the house. Surprisingly, when she reached the front door, it was unlocked. She smiled to herself as she walked in like she lived there. Deonte had just walked out of his closet and Naomi was standing there smiling. “Bitch, how the fuck did you get in my house?” he yelled.

  “Deonte, you know you hurt me really bad but I forgive you, I really do. I think we should just say fuck your wife and move on with our lives…without her,” she said.

  “What part of I DO NOT want you do you not understand, bitch?” Deonte yelled.

  Naomi laughed and laid on the bed and stretched out. “I could get used to this bed, with you laying right beside me.”

  "I hope you know you're lying in my wife's juices right now. We just got done fucking like there was no tomorrow." Deonte smiled.

  The smile Naomi wore instantly dropped but she smirked as a thought came to her mind. "I bet she don't fuck you like I do," she said.

  "You're right, she fucks me better. Now you have three seconds to get the fuck out my house," his voice roared.

  Before Naomi could respond with another smart remark, they heard a noise coming from downstairs. "Looks like wifey's back," Naomi taunted.

  Instantly, she could see fire dancing around in Deonte's coal black eyes but she didn't give a damn. Kaiah walked in the room with her gun drawn and pointed it dead at Naomi. Naomi wore a smirk on her face as Kaiah looked from her to Deonte with the gun still aimed at her. "You know what? You're not even worth it," Kaiah said before dropping the gun.

  Naomi knew Kaiah wasn't about to do anything to her. She didn't even look like she knew how to shoot a gun. Kaiah took two steps towards the door before turning around and picking the gun back up. She aimed it right at Naomi's chest before pulling the trigger. Instantly, Naomi felt a burning sensation in her chest and she just knew she was about to die.

  Naomi was snatched out of her memory by her ringing phone. She looked down at her phone and saw that it was her uncle calling her. She pushed ignore and laid back on her bed. She knew if it wasn't for her running out of the house and fainting in the middle of the street, she wouldn't be here today. I'm so happy that Deonte ran out of the house because he probably would have let me die.

  After waking up in a hospital, Naomi played dumb like she didn't know anything. She told the police that she didn't know who had shot her and that she didn't want her being shot on the news. She didn't want anyone to think she was still alive. Now she was feeling stupid. She had just come back to Miami to see her uncle when she drove past Deonte's house.

  She noticed he was leaving so she followed him, thinking she was going to catch him in the act of cheating on his wife once again. If so, she was going to send the video to her and hurt her just like she was hurt. She was confused when he pulled up to a barbershop. She hit video on her phone and played the waiting game. When he was in there for a while, her mind started to wonder. Is he an undercover gay? No sooner than the thought left her mind, he ran out and jumped in his car. Naomi was contemplating on if she should turn over the video or not once she heard about the murder on the news. She said fuck it and gave her uncle the video. Since his wife knew she was the one who told, she knew there was going to be some very serious repercussions.


  Kaiah was discharged from the hospital and instead of going straight home, she was on her way to the county jail. She had to see and talk to Deonte at least once more before he went away for a long time. She went through all the necessary procedures to see him before sitting in front of a plexiglass window.

  The guard walked Deonte in and he looked stressed. He sat in front of Kaiah and picked up the phone. He noticed she was just sitting there staring at him. "Pick up the phone man."

  Kaiah sighed and picked up the phone. "Why are you not at home resting?" he asked.

  "Because I'm here talking to you," she sassed.

  "I see that, but let me ask you once again. Why are you not at home resting?" he asked once again, but this time more sternly.

  "Well excuse the hell out of me for coming to see the father of my unborn child. If you would like for me to leave and never visit yo black ass again, all you have to do is say the word," Kaiah said with an attitude.

  "Chill out, man." Deonte waved her off. It's not that he didn't want her there, but he wanted her to be resting considering the fact that she had just gotten out of the hospital. "What's up though?"

  Kaiah looked him deep in the eyes before asking him her next question. "Did you really do it?"

  "Yea, I did," he lied without hesitation.

  Kaiah watched as he rubbed the back of his neck. That gave her all the answers she needed. He's lying. He didn't do it, but who is covering for? she thought at
she looked at him through narrow eyes. She wasn't going to let him know that she knew he was lying, but since being here was more important than her and their child, she had something for him. "Synai and Shauntez will be straight and well taken care of, and that's without a doubt. You will receive pictures and updates through your sister, but as far as I go, I'm done. I have nothing else to say but I will be sending some new divorce papers through Keith," Kaiah said before standing up. "Oh, happy anniversary," she said before walking away.

  "Kaiah!" Deonte yelled after her. "Kaiah!"

  Kaiah ignored him and kept walking. She was officially done with her husband. As bad as it hurt her, she knew it had to be done. She knew it wasn't going to be an easy subject to discuss with everyone, especially Synai, but they would make it through in the end. Besides, I know of someone who will love to be there for him once they find out he's single.

  ~ ~ ~

  Synai and Shauntez were sitting around the house bored. It didn't feel the same without their older brother there and since Kaiah moved out, it was just them two. Shauntez was itching to leave but if he did, he would have to take his sister with him. He didn't want to take her where he was headed.

  They heard keys jingling in the door and looked at each other in confusion. Shauntez started reaching for the gun he knew Deonte had hidden but stopped when Kaiah walked through the door. "You was about to shoot me?" she asked.

  "Yes and no. I didn't know who was trying to get in," Shauntez laughed.

  "What you doing here Kay Kay? You're supposed to be at home resting," Synai said.

  "I had to talk to you two about something," she said as she sat on the coffee table in front of them.

  "What's up?" they asked simultaneously.

  "So it's been on my mind pretty heavy and I've brought it up to your brother before, but I filed for a divorce," Kaiah said, looking between the two. Shauntez wore a look that she couldn't read while Synai looked shocked.


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