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Pursuing The Madam 3

Page 9

by Charmanie Saquea

“What is up with everyone's parents wanting to pop up all of a sudden?” Kaiah asked rhetorically. “What happened, how did she react?”

  “She went off on him, as expected, but I didn't want her or the baby getting riled up. She told him how she felt and basically ended the conversation with her telling him to kiss her ass.”

  Kaily shook her head. “Poor baby. I know that had to be tough for her.”

  “Right,” Kaiah agreed. “And you know how Angel is. She’ll keep her emotions bottled up and try to act like she's okay when she's not.”

  “Will you three stop worrying about me?” Angel said, scaring the three siblings. “I actually feel like a weight as been lifted off my shoulders since I told him how I felt. Yes, I was hurt about the situation in the beginning, but that was before you guys took me in. Now, are we about to have some fun and play games, or are you three going to stand in here and worry about me all day?”

  The trio looked at each other and couldn't help but to bust out laughing. They knew they shouldn't have been worrying so hard, but that's what happened when you truly loved and cared for someone.

  “Yea, let's go see what these knuckleheads got our daughter.” Kaison smiled.

  “Oh my gosh Kaison, for the last time, it's a boy,” Angel stressed.

  Kaiah just shook her head. She couldn't wait until the baby came and this argument would be put to rest.


  Since Angel’s baby shower was a success, Kaiah had no doubts that she and Natalia would be able to run a successful business together. Thanks to the girls, most of the work had been done for her. She had Keith look over the paperwork and he said everything looked fine. She picked the building she and Natalia really liked the most, so all that was left was the renovations.

  “So this is where all the magic will happen huh?” Kaiah heard from behind her as she was looking around the building.

  She turned and smiled big, “Yes, this is where it will happen,” she said as she opened her arms for Darrell.

  “What's up, girl?” he said as he hugged her tight but not too tightly.

  “Nothing much, what’s up with you?” Kaiah asked.

  “You know me, I’m just chilling. But honestly, I’m surprised you called me. I heard your husband moved back in so I didn’t think I would hear from you again,” Darrell said.

  “Correction, he didn’t move in, he just won’t leave. But that’s not here or there. We’re supposed to be going out and you’re worrying about all the wrong stuff,” Kaiah sassed.

  “You got a smart ass mouth, you know that right?” he laughed. “I’m just making sure I don’t have to put the nigga on his ass if he get to acting up.”

  Kaiah playfully rolled her eyes. “Boy, hush and come on. I’m pregnant and hungry as hell,” she said as she led the way out to the parking lot. Kaiah had made a promise to Darrell and she was a woman of her word, so she called him up. It had been a while since she had a chance to just go out and have some fun so she saw this as the perfect opportunity.

  “So where are you taking me?” Kaiah asked as they got into his truck.

  “What you mean? You called me, so I thought you were treating,” Darrell said as he looked at Kaiah sideways.

  Kaiah looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “I know damn well you—“

  “Chill Kay Kay, damn!” Darrell laughed. “I was just messing with you. You’re still crazy as hell I see.”

  “Boy, don’t play with me, I was about to cuss you clean the hell out,” Kaiah laughed.

  “I can tell now that your daughter is going to come out feisty as hell. Poor baby,” Darrell joked.

  “She’ll have it honest, though. I just can’t wait to meet her, but at the same time, I’m nervous,” Kaiah said. Memories of what happened to her made her cautious of having a daughter. She would seriously lose her mind if someone was to ever take advantage of her daughter.

  “Stop worrying, girl. You’re going to be a good mommy. I have no doubts about it.” Darrell smiled.

  “Yea, you’re right. But enough about me, let’s talk about this birthday you got coming up. You’re gonna be what, thirty?” Kaiah smiled, trying to stifle her laugh.

  “What the hell? You know damn well I’m about to be twenty three. Don’t play.”

  She couldn’t contain it any longer. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it.”

  Kaiah knew that calling Darrell up would be a good choice. They had always had a good chemistry together. She couldn’t lie and say that she still didn’t have a crush on him, but she knew nothing would ever go down between them.

  They pulled up to Shake Shack and Kaiah had a sad feeling come across her. This was the last place that she had seen Shemar alive when Deonte came in and acted a fool. Darrell noticed the look on Kaiah’s face. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” Kaiah lied. She didn’t want to mess up the date so she put a fake smile on her face.

  “You sure?” Darrell asked skeptically. “We can go somewhere else if you want.”

  “No, I’m good. Let’s go eat.”

  Over the duration of the date, they talked about any and everything. They laughed at the memories they shared from when they were growing up. Darrell, Kaison, Orlando, and Zacorin always got into trouble wherever they went. When you saw those four together, you knew trouble was soon to follow.

  Growing up, Kaiah didn’t have any friends besides Kaily and Kalise, so she was always hanging around her twin and his friends. Whenever they went somewhere, she was following right behind them. When she got raped, they would come over and sit with her or check on her every day, and that’s why she loved them so much.

  “I can’t wait to throw this birthday bash. I might have to get on the dance floor and cut up myself, pregnant and all,” she laughed and danced as they walked out to the car.

  “Yea right, I will not be responsible for any babies being born at my party,” Darrell laughed with her.

  “You’re right, I’ll be about seven and a half months by then and the route I’m going, I’ll be too big to do anything,” she said as she rubbed her belly that had seemed to grow overnight. It seemed like since she turned five months, she had been eating everything in her sight and craving whatever wasn’t in her sight.

  “I never thought I would see the day where little tomboy Kaiah would be pregnant. I’m happy for you though.”

  “Thank you, even though I never thought I would see the day either.” She smiled. After the first pregnancy when she had lost the baby, she just knew that Sammy’s crooked ass had messed up her reproductive system and she would never be able to have kids.

  But obviously, God had other plans for her and she was happy. This would be not only her first child, but Deonte’s first child too after all the misfortunes he’d had so it should be a joyous moment for the both of them.

  Darrell dropped Kaiah back off at her car so she could head home. “Call me and let me know if you want anything added or changed,” Kaiah said to him, referring to his birthday bash.

  “Bet, I’ll let you know if I think of something,” he assured her.

  “Also, thanks for taking me out. It was really a breath of fresh air.” She smiled.

  “No doubt, don’t be scared to hit me up if you ever want to go out again.” He winked as he watched her get in her car.

  “You got it,” Kaiah said before pulling off.

  It was around eight o’clock when Kaiah got home. She walked in the house with a smile on her face and turned around to find all eyes on her.

  “How was your date?” Synai asked excitedly.

  “DATE!” both Shauntez and Deonte yelled out at the same time.

  “Oops,” Synai covered her mouth. “I mean, how was work?” she said, trying to switch it up.

  Kaiah laughed, “It’s cool Synai, and my date was nice.” She shook her head as she headed for the stairs.

  Deonte stood there, stuck on stupid. He was wondering why the hell he didn’t know anything about Kaiah goin
g on a damn date. He finally got himself together and followed behind her up the stairs.

  “Here they go.” Synai shook her head.

  Deonte busted through Kaiah’s bedroom door. “Yo, why you didn’t tell me you were going on a date?” Deonte asked.

  Kaiah shrugged. “I didn’t know I had to, plus it wasn’t a big deal.”

  “You didn’t know you had to? Seriously, Kaiah?” he asked in disbelief.

  “What do you want me to do Tae? Tell you my every move? It was a harmless date with a friend I grew up with.” Kaiah shook her head.

  “I don’t like this shit. Since when did we start going on dates with other people? The last time I checked we were still married.”

  Kaiah paused and looked at him like he had just grown three heads. “Really, Deonte? Whenever I do some shit, you always throw that marriage bullshit up in my face, but you weren’t too worried about it when you were fucking that bitch, now were you?”

  “I’m not talking about me right now though. I’m talking about you,” Deonte yelled, feeling stupid.

  “Typical nigga shit,” Kaiah mumbled as she continued to get undressed.

  “Dammit Kaiah!” he yelled. “I’m tired of this shit, okay? I’m not going to sit up here and act like I’m cool with us just being cool. I’m tired of playing this game with you. I love you and I damn sure you know you love me, so why the fuck do we keep putting up this fucking charade? I want us to be together as a family, the three of us, hell, the five of us.”

  “Look, Tae, I hear you, I really do. But it’s not that fucking simple. We both did some shit to hurt each other and our relationship cannot be repaired in one fucking night.”

  “I know that Kaiah, but the least we can do is try. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, so why the fuck not?” he said as he reached in his pocket and took out her wedding ring. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand. “I’m just asking you to try. No relationship is perfect, but this one is damn sure worth it,” he said as he slid her ring back on.

  Kaiah smiled even though she had tears rolling down her face. “I so fucking hate you right now.”

  “Liar, you love me, so just admit it,” he said as he wiped her tears away.

  “Fuck up again if you want to and I swear I’ll kill you,” she half-joked.

  Deonte laughed at her. “You ain’t gon kill shit.”


  Deonte was in the kitchen cooking dinner so Kaiah wouldn't have to do it. Day by day, he was doing everything he could to remind Kaiah of all the reasons she fell in love with him in the beginning. Slowly, they were making progress and getting to a good place. He had even convinced her to put her wedding ring back on.

  After finding out she had gone out on a date with a so-called childhood friend, he knew he had to step his game up. He had put a lot of work into their relationship and there was no way in hell he was going to come in and let another nigga sweep his wife off her feet and set them back to square one.

  "Something smells good in here." Kaiah smiled as she walked into the kitchen. She walked over to the stove to see what was cooking, but Deonte was blocking her way.

  "Move, nosey," he laughed as he bent down and kissed her round belly.

  "What? Is this meal top secret or something?" she asked.

  "No, but I have a surprise for you," answered Deonte.

  Tonight was going to be special because he had secretly called Katrina and invited her over for dinner. To Kaiah's knowledge, Deonte hadn't heard from his mother since the day Shauntez brought her to the house.

  Kaiah was about to ask him what the surprise was when someone started banging on the front door.

  "I got it!" Synai called out as she walked past the kitchen.

  Being cautious, Kaiah and Deonte followed her to the living room. "Check the peephole," Kaiah said.

  Synai did as she was told and looked out the peephole. "Oh my gosh, it's Sherae," she said.

  Instantly, Kaiah's blood started to boil. She owed Sherae too many ass whoppings, but the fact that she's pregnant was holding her up from doing so. "Get rid of that bitch," Kaiah said to Deonte through gritted teeth.

  "Deonte! I know you’re in there!" Sherae yelled. "Open the door and face me like a man."

  To say that Sherae was hurt would be an understatement. She didn't appreciate how Deonte just ducked her then pushed her to the side when Kaiah decided to show him a little attention. He used her and she didn't like that at all.

  Deonte swung the door open with force. "What the fuck do you want?" his voice roared.

  "I fucking want you to take care of your responsibilities," Sherae yelled.

  Deonte looked at her like she was crazy. "What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not obligated to take care of you."

  "That may be true, but you will take care of this damn baby I'm carrying." Sherae smirked. She felt like she had the upper hand now.

  All the color drained from Deonte's face. He prayed that when he looked back, Kaiah wouldn't be standing there. Unfortunately, his prayer wasn't granted and Kaiah was standing with a look he couldn't read.

  Kaiah backed away from the door and ran to her phone. It was time to make a phone call that was long overdue. "Hello, Naomi?"

  “Yes, Kaiah?” Naomi asked, shocked to be hearing from her.

  “Yea, it’s me. I don’t know whatever plan you have for Sherae, but I think it’s time to put that plan in motion. That bitch is as good as dead.”

  “Say no more, I’m on it now.” Naomi smiled through the phone. In the beginning, she didn’t like Kaiah just for the simple fact that they had fallen for the same man and Naomi had found out that she was just a side bitch and a fuck to Deonte. Now, she had no ill feelings towards her and actually thought she was cool despite the fact that she had shot her.

  After she hung up from Naomi, Kaiah walked back into the kitchen to get her some cold water. She was trying hard not to let this situation upset her. She was not trying to cause any more stress to her or her baby.

  Deonte walked into the kitchen with a worried expression on his face. He just knew this bullshit had set him and Kaiah back twenty steps. It seemed like bullshit always got in between them, and this would be no different.

  “Kaiah, look I—“

  “You fucked her raw?” Kaiah cut him off.

  “No, you know that you’re the only female I’ve ever been with raw.”

  “So she’s lying? Either you’re lying or she is because something is not adding up right now,” she said as she twisted her ring around on her finger. “You know, I’m not mad, I just wanna know the truth, Tae. So if you didn’t use a condom, then let me know.”

  “I’m telling you, we only fucked a total of three times, and each time I strapped up,” Deonte said. He would never be stupid enough to run up in a bitch raw that wasn’t his wife.

  Kaiah’s mind was all over the place right now. She didn’t know if Sherae was just saying that to get a rise out of her or if she really was pregnant.

  “Did you use your own condoms or hers?”

  “I’m not that dumb Kaiah. Of course I used my own shit. I didn’t trust her ass back then, so I damn sure don’t trust her now.”

  “Oh, but you trust her enough to lay with her though,” Kaiah said more as a statement than a question. “But it really doesn’t matter because the bitch is dead, mark my words.”

  The doorbell had rang once again and Kaiah was on alert this time. “This bitch just don’t get it, huh?” she said out loud as she rushed to get the door. Synai had beaten her to it and she was shocked to find Katrina standing in her living room. With the bullshit that had just occurred, Deonte had forgotten all about the surprise he had for Kaiah.

  “Oh, hey Ms. Katrina, how are you?” Kaiah asked, trying to mask the fact that she was taken by surprise.

  “I’m good, and I told you to call me Katrina.” Katrina smiled as she embraced Kaiah with a hug.

  Kaiah had opened up her mouth to say something but was halted by ob
scenities being yelled from outside. She glanced behind her at Deonte and he wore a look that said that he was ready to kill. “Excuse me Katrina, I have to handle something real quick.”

  Tired of the bullshit that Sherae had brought with her since the day she walked through her door, Kaiah reached under the couch where she knew Shauntez hid his gun, even though he thought he was slick.

  “Yo, what the fuck?” Deonte yelled as he walked over to Kaiah. “Put that shit up.”

  Kaiah shot him a look that told him not to play with her as she opened her front door. Sherae was standing by her car yelling and cussing wen Kaiah stormed out. She pointed her gun right at Sherae and pulled the trigger. Time stood still as the bullet whizzed past Sherae’s head and went through her car window.

  “Next time, bitch, I won’t miss on purpose. Get your trashy ass the fuck off my property before we both make headline news,” Kaiah threatened with venom dripping from her voice.

  Sherae was no fool, she knew better than to play with someone while they were holding a weapon in their hand, especially a gun. She was shocked that Deonte would allow her to come out her and pull a gun out on her in the first place.

  Deonte stood there with a shocked expression on his face. He had never seen his wife handle a gun and she looked too damn comfortable doing so. Kaiah turned on her heels and shoved the gun into Deonte’s hands as she walked past him.

  “Kay Kay, are you okay?” Synai asked as Kaiah stormed past her into the house.

  I said I wasn’t going to cry or let it bother me, Kaiah thought to herself as she rushed up the stairs to her bedroom. She slowly slid down on the floor as hot tears burned her eyes. Deonte slowly walked in the room, closing the door behind him.

  He got on the floor and wrapped his arms around his wife, that was all it took for the floodgates to open and Kaiah broke down. “I’m tired Tae,” she cried. “I’m so fucking tired.”

  Once again, he was starting to feel like shit. Everything that was happening between them was a reaction to his actions. Had he never fucked Naomi, he and Kaiah wouldn’t be in this position now, Carlos would still be here, his home would be happy, hell, his life would be happy.


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