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Longing for Her Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Hungry for Her Wolves Book 2)

Page 16

by Tara West

  Amara swallowed a knot of fear. “That Chieftain Obren’s reign is coming to an end, and there will be war.”

  The table broke into discordant chatter.

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  She clutched the table with whitened knuckles. “That he shouldn’t have called off the watch at the veil.”

  Klaus’s face fell, before he quickly plastered on a mask of indifference. “Will the Devoras come out of the forest?” He picked up his fork and stabbed the tablecloth, bending the tines.

  “She can’t see into that realm. She just said they should have watched longer.” She sure in heck hoped they wouldn’t come out. She couldn’t imagine their anger after being trapped in a demonic prison for six months.

  His features were so tight, they appeared to be carved from granite. “Was that all she said?”

  “She told me my magic can heal Dimitri, but his will must be strong.”

  Tatiana gasped, the color draining from her face.

  “He will be strong now that Tatiana is here.” Constantine winked at the girl.

  The color returned to Tatiana’s cheeks, then she stood and pushed back her chair. “I should go back and sit with him.”

  “In a moment.” Bunic Klaus waved her back into the chair. “You must finish your meal.”

  Tatiana sat down, pushing around the food on her plate without taking a bite.

  “This never would’ve happened if your father-in-law hadn’t pushed the Stormwatchers off on our tribe.”

  Amara’s gaze shot to Katarina at the end of the table. Up until this point, the wicked stepmonster had kept quiet. Klaus folded his hands, loudly clearing his throat. “What would you have had Chieftain Tor do?”

  Katarina waved a long knife at him before sticking it through the center of a roasted ham. “He should’ve ripped their heads off and been done with them.”

  “The Albescus would’ve retaliated by attacking our family,” Bunic Klaus said calmly, too calmly. “And we’d still be in the same position, maybe worse.”

  Katarina huffed and turned up her nose. Did the woman have to be unpleasant to everyone?

  “Do not disrespect my mate, curva!” Bunica pounded the table, her low growl causing the color to drain from Katarina’s face. Amara would have loved watching her bunica smack the bitch off Katarina’s face again.

  Amara turned when she heard a commotion at the door. When her fathers piled into the living room, she heaved herself out of her chair and hobbled toward them. She loathed her swollen knees and kankles.

  “Well, what news?” her alpha father, Boris, said as he unwound a woolen scarf from his neck.

  Her bunica stood, clasping her hands and beaming at Amara. “Dimitri is healing, thanks to our nepoată.”

  Boris crossed the distance between them, taking Amara in his arms. “Darling fiică, you are truly a blessing from the Ancients.”

  Her birth father and the youngest of his brothers, Marius, hugged her next. “My beautiful fiică,” he said with a watery voice, patting her tummy, “and my little nepot.”

  She hugged and kissed each of her fathers, ignoring Katarina’s heavy sighs behind them.

  Bunic Klaus stood, waving Boris forward. “Sit. We just finished.” Then he turned to Amara’s brothers. “Come, nepoti. We need to check the animals.”

  “But Tatiana,” Andrei whimpered, looking at his mate like a dog who’d lost his bone.

  Bunic Klaus chuckled. “Needs to spend time getting to know our family without you two mutts salivating over her.”

  They gazed longingly at her before picking up their coats and following Bunic out the back door.

  Amara waited for her mates while her fathers went to the table. She turned as the door opened again, and her mates and their fathers stood outside, shaking snow off their caps.

  Anton waved them forward, setting more platters on the table. “Come and eat.”

  She hugged Luc and Rone, kissing them and relishing the feel of their arms wrapped around her. She giggled when Rone pinched her ass. “Behave.” She swatted him.

  “I can’t help it,” he whispered, the evidence of his desire pressed into her hip.

  Poor Rone. She suspected he’d make a run to their shared bedroom and lock the door soon. He’d packed a large jar of petroleum jelly.

  She and Hakon shared an awkward hug, and he gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She reluctantly followed her mates, Skoll, and Van to the table, letting Hakon pull out a chair for her. He stood behind her, staring out the window. She knew he was watching Drasko, and she couldn’t help the resentment that gripped her chest like a vice. If Hakon was a decent brother, he would’ve talked to Drasko, asked him if he needed anything, or at least let Luc and Rone check on him.

  Katarina, who’d picked at her food, leaving a few half-eaten pieces of meat, scowled at Amara’s mates before putting on a smile that was so fake, it was painful to see. She waved to Tatiana, patting the seat beside her. “Tatiana, won’t you keep me company?” She stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “Everyone else treats me like I have the plague.”

  Tatiana shared wary looks with Amara and her fathers. When Skoll nodded with a scowl, she cursed under her breath, got up, and trudged toward Katarina as if she was a disobedient child who’d just been sent to time-out.

  Katarina leaned into Tatiana, moving a strand of her dark hair behind her ear in a motherly gesture. “I’ve always wanted a daughter, and I couldn’t ask for one more beautiful and sweet.” She cupped Tatiana’s chin, seemingly unaware as Tatiana stiffened at her touch. “After my son recovers, you must stay in Romania and complete the bond. I so long for grandchildren.”

  Amara flinched. Ouch. She shouldn’t have let Katarina’s rebuke of her unborn child get to her, but she couldn’t help the rising tide of anger that flushed her face.

  “Perhaps you’re unaware that Amara is carrying my child,” Hakon boomed behind Amara, his hands on her shoulders.

  Until that moment, Amara hadn’t realized how much she’d needed her alpha’s support, but having him defend her meant everything.

  “I’m aware,” Katarina said with a sneer.

  She had no time to process Katarina’s biting rejection because Hakon let out a primal roar so loud, she had to cover her ears. The babe in her womb kicked and turned.

  The women at the table simultaneously gasped. Skoll and Boris stood, eyes narrowed on Hakon.

  “Son,” Skoll said. “Watch your temper.”

  “I will not sit by while my mate is disrespected,” Hakon snapped.

  Aw, fuck.

  She turned and rested a hand on his arm. “Hakon, it’s okay.”

  “No it’s not,” he thundered, his voice ricocheting off the walls like falling timber. “Why do you do nothing while your mate insults your child?”

  Boris leaned forward, resting his knuckles on the table. “Believe me, we will deal with Katarina later.”

  Hakon threw up his hands. “Like you’ve been dealing with her?”

  “I said we’d handle it,” Boris spat.

  Chairs scraped the wooden floors when the rest of her fathers rose, growling at Hakon. Amara’s heart sank when Luc and Rone also got up, followed by Skoll and Van, who flanked Hakon. Eyes transformed to gold and silver, and collective growling ensued, filling the room with rumbles so loud, it sounded like a dozen Harley motorcycles had driven through the front door.

  Amara slumped, not knowing what to do. Last time she’d intervened in a battle, her mate had been banished. She covered her ears, eyes brimming with tears.

  “Stop!” Tatiana cried, but the hulking testosterone-flooded animals weren’t listening to her.

  Katarina chuckled, her eyes alight with malice.

  “Idiotules!” Her bunica jumped to her feet, throwing up her hands. “Do you think this fighting is good for Amara and the baby?” She shook a finger at the man-beasts. “If you refuse to think of them, then think of the Stormwatchers and the Albescus, who will be happy to
see this family divided.” She sat back down with a huff.

  Amara, are you all right? Drasko stared at her through the window.

  Yes. She swallowed hard, hoping Hakon wouldn’t notice they were talking. Hakon is angry because Katarina insulted me. He and my fathers were about to fight before my bunica stepped in.

  Good. Drasko’s low growl resonated in her skull. They need to control their mate. They’re lucky I’m not allowed inside.

  A chill swept up Amara’s spine when she thought of Drasko unleashed inside the house. Maybe it was a good thing he was forced to stay outside.

  Please, Drasko, she begged. I don’t want any more fights.

  You have no idea how hard I’m trying to be good, Amara. How badly I want to come back to you.

  The desperation in his voice was like a blade cleaving open her chest.

  She jumped at a hand on her shoulder, looking up into Hakon’s dark, unreadable expression.

  “Amara, did you get enough to eat?”

  She nodded, suddenly at a loss for words.

  He held a hand down to her. “You need rest, and I don’t like the way she’s looking at you.”

  He was referring to Katarina, but she refused to look at her stepmother, fearing she’d be the one to snap. She wanted to slap that wicked grin off her face. Then she remembered their Ancient God Amarok telling Katarina he’d seen her fate in the scrolls, and it wouldn’t end well. Though she didn’t wish any more heartache on her fathers and brothers, she couldn’t help but long for the day when karma would bite her wicked stepmonster in the ass.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Amara followed Hakon up the stairs on numb legs. Luc and Rone remained downstairs.

  Don’t fight with my fathers, she begged them.

  We won’t, Rone said. We’re going to check on Drasko.

  Thank you. Her tension eased ever so slightly. It gratified her to know Drasko’s brothers were looking out for him.

  You don’t need to thank us for checking on our brother, Amara, Luc said. It’s the least we can do.

  Her heart swelled with love for her gamma and tracker.

  A chill swept up Amara’s spine when she walked into her bedroom, following Hakon. The embers of the fire had died down and frost glazed the window. She gingerly lowered herself onto the soft feather bed with a groan, covering her face with her hands. Though she appreciated him throwing another log on the fire and stirring the embers, she wished Hakon would leave her alone so she could cry. She hated the strife that was tearing her family apart. For many years she’d longed to belong to a family, and now that she finally had one, she suffered more heartache than when she’d been a lone wolf.

  When Hakon’s weight dipped the bed, Amara rolled into him. She thought about moving away, but she was left with no choice when he wrapped an arm around her. She rested her head against his shoulder, realizing he hadn’t held her like this in a long time.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he murmured in her ear.

  She couldn’t deny that his warmth felt nice, and his dark, musky scent turned her insides to mush. But now was not the time to get distracted. “I don’t want you fighting my fathers.”

  “I don’t want to either.” He feathered a kiss across her temple, his lips lingering overly long. “But they have allowed that witch to mistreat you long enough.”

  She grimaced, miffed that they hadn’t put a stop to Katarina’s abuse. Didn’t they care how much that woman upset her? Hakon stroked her back. How she’d missed being this close to her big protector.

  He settled a hand on her belly. “How do you feel?”

  “Okay, I guess.” Truthfully, “beached whale” summed it up pretty well. It was getting harder for her to stand, and her feet ached, but she wasn’t about to burden him with complaints.

  He smoothed a hand over her belly like a fortune-teller rubbing a crystal ball. “And the baby?”

  She placed her hand next to his. The buzz of magic had died down, something that happened when the baby slept. “Resting.”

  What he did next nearly took her breath away. He slid off the bed, knelt in front of her, and kissed her belly.

  She smiled, tousling his thick mop of black hair. “I saw our goddess in a dream. She let me hold our son.”

  His upper lip twitched. “Tell me.”

  “He was asleep,” she said, running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. “He looked just like you.”

  He kissed her stomach again, reminding her too much of the sweet alpha she’d fallen in love with. “I can’t wait to hold him.”

  She wanted to lean down and kiss him, but there was a giant stomach in her way. Instead, she took his hand in hers and placed a delicate kiss across his palm.

  When his eyes lit up, smoldering like an awakened volcano, she suddenly regretted her decision to kiss him in such a sensitive area. She knew it turned him on, so why had she done it? Did some secret part of her wish they could make love, despite the baby between them?

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  “For defending me.” Her mouth hitched up in a grin, and she was suddenly possessed with the urge to laugh. “Even when I don’t want to be defended.”

  When he kissed her palm, she cupped his cheek, alarmed when his warring mix of emotions zapped her hand. “You are too stressed.”

  He broke eye contact. “I can’t help it.”

  “I know.” She slid off the bed with a groan and knelt beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck. With her bulging stomach acting as a barrier between them, they touched foreheads.

  “As soon as your brother is healed,” he said, “I have to take you back. It’s not safe here.”

  “Believe me, I don’t want to stay with Katarina any longer than is necessary.”

  A low rumble escaped his chest. “I’ve never known a more hateful bitch in all my life.”

  “Just be thankful you’re not married to her. My poor fathers.” Why the Ancients had thought to pair Katarina up with her fathers—or with anyone for that matter—was beyond her understanding. The only pairing Katarina needed was a big foot up her behind.

  “I thank the Ancients every day for you,” Hakon murmured, kissing the tip of her nose.

  She arched back, desperately searching his gaze. “You do?” Oh, how she’d longed for Hakon’s praise and affection.

  He rubbed warmth into her gooseflesh. “Of course.”

  “Oh,” she said flatly. After the past four strained months with her alpha, she had a hard time believing it.

  His hand flew to his heart as if he’d been struck by a spear. “You don’t believe me?”

  “No, it’s just....” She hated the hurt look in his eyes. Things were going so well between them. Why had she brought it up? “Never mind.”

  His frown deepened. “Tell me.”

  “You don’t show it, Hakon. You’re not affectionate anymore.” She broke off, looking at the rug. She hadn’t just lost Drasko four months ago. She’d lost Hakon, too, and she had no idea how to recapture the love they’d once shared.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, “but I know you don’t like me touching you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “I never said that.”

  “You don’t need to.” His voice softened to a barely audible whisper. “I see it in your eyes.”

  “I’m sorry.” She was unable to say more as emotion choked off her words.

  He sighed. “Angry with me about Drasko.”

  “Yes,” she blurted, though she knew her admission would hurt him. She owed it to him to be honest. If there was any hope for them to rebuild their relationship, it had to start with the truth.

  “I understand.” Lines framing his mouth and eyes drew tighter, making him look far older than his late twenties. “But you have to understand the position I’m in.”

  She swallowed back a pang of sorrow. “I do.”

  “I’ll do anything to keep you safe.” His voice broke like brittle bones. “Even if it means y
ou hate me for it.”

  A rising tide of emotion swept over her like a rogue tsunami of anguish and regret, and that little voice inside her struggled to break above the surface. You love him, Amara. Tell him. “I don’t hate you, Hakon.” She reached for him, entwining her fingers with his. “I love you.”

  He cupped her face, desperation swirling in dark eyes that searched hers. “Are you sure?”

  She vehemently nodded, unable to repress the tears that fell. “I miss you. I miss us.”

  “Me, too.” He wiped her tears and brushed a kiss across her lips.

  “Oh, Hakon, my love.” She clutched the collar on his soft, flannel shirt like a lifeline, moaning into his mouth and deepening the kiss, relishing the taste of him, his own primal blend with a hint of aged, oaky liquor. How she’d missed her strong alpha.

  He ran his hands down her back, pressing into her swollen breasts before coming up for air. “I want to make love to you so badly.”

  “It won’t be long. My bunica says I will heal fast after the baby’s born.”

  “Can I do what Luc did for you?”

  She jerked out of his embrace. “No, Hakon.” Her protest died on her lips when she became mesmerized by the intensity in his eyes.

  He swooped her into his arms and lifted her on the bed. “Just a few strokes,” he pleaded, caressing her inner thigh.

  “No,” she said with even less conviction than before. “Well, maybe.”

  That was all the encouragement he needed before he was slipping off her pants with ease. Damn that elastic maternity waistband!

  He laid beside her, nibbling her neck and stroking her swollen, slick bud. “Oh, Hakon!” How was she so wet and horny already? She arched into his hand as he toyed with her slit and nibbled her ear. He only had to stroke her a few more times before her orgasm fired like a rocket. She cried into his mouth, rocking into him as it pulsed through her and she dripped into his hand. Despite her protests, he continued his assault, stroking her again and again and coaxing yet another orgasm from her, this one wetter and more intense than the first. He kissed her passionately while she melted into the mattress, completely sated and overcome with fatigue.


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