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Truth of Touch (Templer Series)

Page 5

by Duka Dakarai

  Due to the advance planning of this project, we have taken the residence of four chalets. I have my own, as does Jake, with the other four engineers sharing the remaining two. I am quite relieved to know that Dave Bennett is in the chalet farthest from mine. He hasn’t said anything to make me uncomfortable but I don’t like the way he leers at me with his eyes and a permanent smirk on his lips.

  “Try to get some sleep. We’ll all meet up again in about two hours for something to eat. Are you ok with that?” Jake searches my exhausted face, a gentle hand resting on my shoulder.

  “I’m cool with that. I don’t think I’ll have any problem sleeping!” I raise a weary smile.

  “Me too. But we’ve got a lot to get through in the next couple of days before catching the MS Europa returning to Mangavera. I’m not looking forward to the return flight back so soon. When we hit Heathrow again, I think I’ll sleep for a week!” He shakes his head, knowing the next few days are going to be tough going.


  As my head hits the pillow, I’m out like a light. I did not have the energy to un-pack, instead, preferring to use up all of the allotted two hours cramming in as much sleep as I can. It feels like seconds since my eyelids gave way to unconsciousness when there is a loud knock on the door of my chalet.

  “Mia? You awake? Dinner will be ready for us in about 20 minutes.” It is the voice of the shy, youngest engineer of the team. I think his name is Alex.

  “Hmmm” I mumble, groggily. “See you in 20”

  I pull my achy body out of the cool sheets and slump across to the shower, letting luke warm water run soothingly down my body. It is too hot to have anything above hand hot temperature. I dress quickly in casual shorts and a vest top, and head out to meet the others, realising I am famished.


  We dine on fresh caught fish and salad sharing a couple of bottles of crisp white wine. It is a pleasant evening, still very warm, but with a gentle cooling breeze. I take the opportunity to shoot some pictures of the chalets and surrounding area. A trio of local children are curious about why we are here, as they already know we are not typical tourists, so I also take pictures of Jake as he entertains them with stories that we are going to build a magic castle for the beautiful princess to live in.

  “Is that her?” One of the children points a tiny finger in my direction, wide eyed in wonderment.

  “Yes, that’s her. Isn’t she the most beautiful princess you have ever seen?” A huge smile spreads across Jake’s face. The other engineers laugh, shaking their heads at their boss.

  “Yes!” Cries out the smallest boy. “But where is her dress….and…..”

  “Not all princesses wear dresses!” The lone girl in the trio says defiantly, tugging at the hem of her own shorts.

  “Yes, they do!” The boy retorts, before all of them disappear back down the path, laughing and giggling excitedly. They have much news to tell their friends.

  The rest of the evening is spent planning the site visits tomorrow. Each of us, in turn, takes a wander around waving our mobile phones in the air, as the signals are patchy to say the least. I manage a brief call to Tilly who squeals with delight as I recall the story of Jake telling the children I am a beautiful princess. I reprimand her kindly that there is nothing to read into that, Miss Matchmaker!


  The owner of the chalets returns to retrieve our dinner plates, gesturing another bottle of wine. We all decline. We need to retire to our beds in a very short while and get as much rest as possible.

  “There is a storm threatening to head this way” He looks to where he believes the direction of the storm may arrive. “It may pass through and miss us, but if it does come this way……then the cruise ship won’t be able to get here…..or anything else for that matter. Just thought you should know”

  I glance anxiously between Jake and the chalet owner. Jake pats my arm reassuringly. “It will be fine. If it does hit, then we’ve got a couple more days on this great Island. Two days of work, and two days of no work. Doesn’t sound too bad to me.” He nods at the owner.

  The owner grasps immediately that Jake is saying this entirely for my benefit, to calm any anxiety. The young engineer, Alex, however, seems unconvinced. This is obviously his first trip overseas and he really doesn’t like the sound of any storm heading our way. The owner shakes his head, smiling at both of us.

  “No need for any concern. The last big storm to hit us that we had to worry about was back in 2010. We have no warning that this will be a big storm…..just a bit of inconvenience, that’s all.”

  I thank him, planting an unexpected kiss on his cheek. I make to head back to my chalet as sleepiness is fast descending on me again.

  As I reach my chalet door, Dave shouts across at me.

  “Need someone to tuck you in?”

  “No!” I retort, throwing him a warning scowl.

  The look of distaste spreading across Jake’s face as he turns to Dave doesn’t escape my notice either.

  Chapter Twelve

  The morning sun is already very warm on my shoulders as I follow the team of engineers through the lush green landscape of the Island, heading out towards the proposed development site. We drove part of the way on Quad Bikes which is one of the traditional methods of transportation around the Island, however, they had to be abandoned and we are now on foot, snaking our way along the rocky path which leads to the area where it has been determined will eventually become the Hotel Complex.

  Alex and I are exchanging light conversation as we lag slightly behind the others, much to do with the burden of carrying the weight of my photography equipment. He has generously offered to shoulder the majority of the weight but still I can feel the bite of my rucksack rubbing against the moistness of my skin on my shoulder.

  “Are you ok, Mia?” Alex peeks at me shyly as he hears another small wince escape from my mouth.

  “I’m fine, sweetie. Being a pampered model, I’m not used to carrying my own bags” I laugh back at him, although I’m aware there is a great element of truth in the statement.

  “Mia? Can I ask you something?” Alex keeps his focus on the path ahead, avoiding eye contact with me.

  “Sure” I smile, noticing a flush begin to spread across his neck towards his cheeks.

  “I’m a bit embarrassed asking…..oh, it doesn’t matter. Forget it.” He shakes his head, his cheeks reddening further.

  “Alex” I stop walking for a moment “Just ask me, whatever it is.”

  “Well…’re Mia Fox…..I mean, a Supermodel…….the guys back at home all think you’re really HOT…..” He stutters out each word, embarrassment cringing all over his face.

  “I’m still just a person, Alex…..but go on….”

  “Could….could I get an autograph or a picture? The guys won’t believe me when I tell them I’ve actually met you….in person!”

  At the sight of his wide eyes and pink face, I can no longer stifle my laugh. I place a hand on his arm. “Of course you can. But maybe we can do one better, eh? What would make your mates really jealous? A picture of us together….or maybe you could take a bikini shot of me?”

  “Oh my God! You would do that for me? Let me take some pictures of you?” His wide smile achingly parting his face, eyes like saucers.

  “Why not…..then you will really have a memento to show your mates, eh? We’ll set something up after dinner tonight… does that sound?” I smile back at his eager, young face. My eyes flick a glance at the noticeable bulge growing in his groin and the quickening dilation of his pupils. We start walking hurriedly again, running to catch up with the others.


  Pitcairn being one of the world’s remotest islands with a population of less than one resident per kilometre across its forty seven square kilometres is truly a beautiful place. I have travelled the world extensively visiting far reaching and distant shores yet already this Island has captured my heart.

  As I scan the proposed site of the Hot
el, I am awed by the lushness of the green fertile landscape of the ‘Rock of the West’ as it has become known. All around me my nostrils are filled with the salty air from the South Pacific Ocean.

  I had not realised that time has passed me so quickly. So busy was I taking shot after shot with the Cannon, from this angle and the next, stopping only to re-trace my steps to assure myself I have not missed the brief, I am oblivious to the team of engineers making their way towards me. I blink as a figure appears full frontal in my line of shot and it is only then, that I take the lens from my eye.

  “You need to take a break, Mia. You’ve been hard at it for the last three hours….have you even stopped for a drink?” Jake is looking serious.

  “I will. Soon, I promise. Just after this last set of shots” I pull the lens back up to my face.

  “No. Now, Mia. In this heat you need to pace yourself. Come and join us for a break. And that’s an order!” He mock reprimands me, raising an eyebrow.

  He stretches out a friendly hand to escort me, and without thinking, I place my hand in his. We walk in silence back towards the clearing which houses a temporary porta-cabin. The rest of the team are gathered around discussing the morning achievements and plans for the rest of the day. An islander has brought refreshments and ice cold drinks which the men are devouring with passion. Dave Bennett stops mid-sentence when he notices our arrival out of the corner of his eye. He smirks looking down at our joined hands, a lecherous sneer twitches at this mouth.

  “Looking very cosy! Something you want to tell us, Jake?” He nods at us, a chubby finger pointing at our hands.

  I instantly pull my hand away from Jake. I feel the tension instantly radiate from Jake’s body, a slow scowl spreading across his face.

  “Just keep your mind on the job, Dave…..and nothing else!” Jake barks in his direction. “Mia, sit and rest a while. Another couple of hours and we’ll call it a day.”

  And with that, he hands me a bottle of water, the scowl replaced with a weary smile. He leans in to my face to whisper into my ear asking me to escort him this evening to meet with the High Commissioner. I know this is a very important meeting for him and Templer Industries. I nod my agreement, stroking the coolness of the water bottle across my face.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I apply the finishing touches to my make-up. Despite the onset of evening shade, I know that even water-proof make up will not last long. I have decided on a stroke of liner, mascara and a bold lip with a shimmer of bronzer to emphasise the beginnings of a tan which I caught today. My hair has been scrunched and left loose to emulate wild and free beach head.

  I eye my body in the small mirror of my chalet. I have my formal dress for the dinner with the High Commissioner already laid out on the bed, ready to slip into after I have finished the amateur photo shoot with Alex. But for now, I am stood in a red Vix Dakar Bikini in which I shot my very last professional shoot. I was given this and other gifts from the day.

  I have arranged to meet Alex at 6.30. That should give us about half an hour for some fun before I need to change, ready to meet Jake at quarter to eight. The dinner is at eight.

  I throw a sarong around my hips and head out of the chalet. I take the small stroll through a thicket of bush to a clearing leading down to a small part of the beach. As I touch the first patch of warm sand, I suddenly feel a twinge of anxiety. Just ahead of me to the right, I see two of the engineers talking to Dave Bennett. On my left, I see Alex rushing up to meet me. I was hoping to take some pictures in privacy, and certainly, out of eyesight of the creep, Dave.

  “Hey, Mia! You look amazing!” Alex is beaming at me. I don’t have the heart to let him down.

  “Hey, back at you!” I flash him my Supermodel smile.

  “I thought we could take some pictures over by those palm trees. Is that ok?” He points in the direction of the trees.

  My eyes are still firmly fixed on the group of engineers to my right, so I nod absently. So far, they don’t appear to have noticed our presence. I decide to make a swift move towards the trees hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible.


  I lay my body along the bend of the palm gently arching my back provocatively hoping to give Alex the memento he can treasure. With a final sweep with my tongue across my bottom lip, I lower my eyelids and look directly at his camera in his shaky hands. He flashes a round of shoots hoping that one of the shots will actually be in focus. I watch with a wicked smile as he eagerly tries to steady his camera lens.

  I lean further back, arching more, pushing out my breasts, hooking my thumbs into the edge of my bikini bottoms, drawing them an inch lower. I’m teasing him. I can see the tension in his body as he mentally begs his cock to remain calm. I am straining against an explosion of laughter. I will give him two more poses and then we are out of here.

  I stand and straddle the bend in the trunk, arching my ass upwards in a classic bikini sexy pose. I part my lips slightly into a pout that suggests sex is on my mind. I fight a giggle as I see him visibly wobble. This is turning out to be a lot of fun, but still I want to be finished before Dave Bennett and the engineers head back towards our direction. A low growl from behind me jolts me upright. Alex’s face drops in apprehension.

  “Alex, what the fuck is going on?” Jake barks at him before looking in my direction.


  Alex opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. I can see panic etched on his face. He tries again to stutter some words to his boss. This is mainly my fault, actually all my fault, so I rise to face Jake fully. Momentarily, I am also lost for words…..but for my own reasons.

  Jake has obviously been swimming. Beads of water trail seductively down his strong wide naked chest. His hair is wet, falling across dark hooded, angry eyes. His masculine jaw is set hard as he continues to burn his irritated glare upon the young engineer. I give my head a small invisible shake, tossing away thoughts of my hands running over Jake’s body.

  “It’s my fault. Don’t be angry with Alex. I promised him some shots to make his mates jealous. It is harmless fun.” I throw my widest smile at Jake, hoping to release Alex of any further ire from his boss. Jake glances at me before turning to Alex. His eyes suddenly twinkle at the young man. A slow grin breaks the hardness of his face.

  “Oh, really? Did you manage to keep the camera steady?” Jake breaks into a deep laugh, teasing Alex, as a flush spreads rapidly across the young man’s face.

  Alex bows his head in embarrassment. “Not much” He sighs.

  “Do you want me to take your picture with Mia?” Jake leans in to take the camera from Alex’s hand. Alex’s eyes grow wide.

  “Is that ok?” Alex searches the face of his boss before turning to me. I nod my agreement, laughing at his eagerness.


  He places his nervous body next to mine, fearful of appearing too close to me. I feel see the visible goose bumps prickle across his skin. As this has got to be the winning shot, I sidle up next to him wrapping my arms around his waist. I lay my head on his shoulder and pout towards Jake, ready for the flash of the bulb. Jake quickly takes the shot.

  “Thanks, Mia” Alex gushes “Can I take one with you and Jake now?”

  I throw a look towards Jake willing him to say no. Instead he raises a wicked eyebrow at me, walking closer into me.

  “I…I don’t think….don’t think we have time” I splutter out the words.

  “Sure we have.” Jake scans his watch. “How do you want us, Alex?”

  “Mia…..can you show us a pose you would do with another model….please just one?” Alex urges me, his camera poised at the ready.

  “You owe me, Alex. Big time!” I mock scowl in his direction.

  I press my body tight against Jake’s body, placing one hand on his chest and the other holding his cheek. I move his face down close towards mine, telling him to look directly into my eyes while I raise my mouth within a few millimetres from his lips. We appear to be ready to be locked in
a passionate kiss.

  “Take the shot!” I shout at Alex, hearing him fumble with the click of the camera.

  “Wow….please one more!” Alex beckons, finding his inner Mario Testino.

  “Yes, I’m enjoying this. Take one more Alex” Jake smirks. “But a different pose this time”

  I scowl harshly at Jake receiving a lop-sided grin in response. “One more then we’re done! I mean it!”

  You want a shot, Jake Templer, I’ll give you a shot……and wipe that smirk off your face……….

  I grab his arm and lead him to the waters’ edge where the waves are gently lapping across the sand. Alex follows us excitedly. I point to the damp sand and gesture to Jake. “Lie down there on your back with your legs slightly apart” He does as he is instructed, positioning his body in place.

  “Are you doing one of those sexy rolling in the sand couples shots?” Alex eyes me, his jaw slack, not really believing his luck.

  “Watch and see. Just be ready to take the shot.” I smile wickedly at him.

  I step over to Jake who is smiling up at me. I lower my body gently sliding up the full length of his until I am fully on top of him, my legs between his, my breasts resting on his chest. I feel the jerk of his cock against my sex, a small groan catching in his throat. I lift both his hands and place them on my ass, hooking his thumbs into the edge of my bikini bottoms. I cup both my hands on each side of his face, looking intently into his eyes, my face an inch from his. He groans a whisper “Christ, Mia!”

  “Get ready Alex!” I instruct.

  And with that I lower my mouth onto Jake’s mouth, holding the pose, as water gently laps across our naked forms. I keep my mouth pressed against his, nibbling gently on his lower lip, as I hear the snap of the lens shutter. Jake’s cock springs erect against my thigh, another groan escaping his lips.

  I lift my face away and look at Alex, smiling. “Happy with the shot?”


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