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Empire of Silence

Page 76

by Christopher Ruocchio

  fief: An Imperial territory granted a palatine or patrician by appointment. May not be passed on through inheritance.

  Fire School: Famous monastery and academy on Jadd where the Maeskoloi are trained.

  flier: A flying vehicle about the size of a groundcar, used for in-atmosphere flight and rapid travel.

  foederatus: A mercenary.

  Foundation War: The war between the early Empire and the Mericanii, in which the Mericanii were destroyed and the Sollan Empire was founded.

  Four Cardinals: In the Chantry religion, the four most important icona: Justice, Fortitude, Prudence, and Temperance.

  Free Traders Union: A coalition of smaller trading companies and independent merchanter vessels that lobbies for shipping privileges and dock space on planets.

  Freeholders: A citizen of any of the Norman Freeholds or of any planetary or multiplanetary government not associated with one of the great interstellar powers.

  fugue: The state of cryonic suspension induced to ensure that humans and other living creatures survive long journeys between suns.

  Galactic Standard: The common language of the Sollan Empire, descended from Classical English with heavy Hindi and Franco-Germanic influences.

  Galstani: See Galactic Standard.

  genestock: In terraforming, the genetic base material, both terranic and otherwise, used to establish civilized ecologies.

  Giants: See Cavaraad.

  gladiator: Professional fighting athletes in the Colosso.

  glowsphere: A bright spherical light source floating on Royse repulsors. Powered chemically or with batteries.

  gods: See icona.

  Golden Age of Earth: The mythic epoch leading up to the Exodus, culminating in the Assumption of Earth and the colonization of the solar system.

  gravitometer: A device for measuring the density and structure of matter by examining the distortions of gravity.

  Gray Rot: An offworld plague brought to Emesh in the seventeenth millennium ISD. Wiped out eighteen percent of the population.

  Great Charters: Ancient collection of legal codes imposed on the Empire by a coalition of the houses palatine. Maintains the balance between the houses and the Emperor.

  groundcar: An automobile, usually powered by solar energy or internal combustion.

  guild: Any professional organization with legal approval to perform its trade. A trade union beholden to a planet’s lord.

  guilder: Any member of a guild.

  haqiph: A Jaddian caste term meaning “untouchable” or “base.” Refers to homunculi and others considered subhuman.

  high chancellor: The chief appointed official in a palatine lord’s civil service. A prime minister.

  High College: Imperial political office tasked with reviewing palatine requests for children and overseeing those pregnancies. Prevents mutations.

  High Litany: In the Chantry religion, a weekly ritual held to commemorate the destruction of Earth and to pray for a better future for humankind.

  highmatter: A form of exotic matter produced by alchemists. Used to make the swords of Imperial knights, which can cut almost anything.

  holograph: Any three-dimensional light image projected by scanning lasers. Used for entertainment, advertisement, communication, etc.

  Holy Terran Chantry: State religion of the Empire. Functions as the judicial arm of the state, especially where the use of forbidden technology is involved.

  homunculus: Any artificial human or near-human, grown for a task or for aesthetic purposes.

  hoplite: A shielded foot soldier. Heavy infantry.

  hoplon: An antique-style round shield used in the Colosso.

  hudr: A Jaddian word for scholiast, literally “green.”

  hurasam: Gilded coin used among the Imperial peasant classes, worth their mark-weight in gold. Print notes for various denominations exist.

  hypogeum: The underground maintenance complex beneath a coliseum. More generally, any underground complex.

  ichakta: A Cielcin title referring to the captain of a ship.

  icona: In the Chantry religion, a spirit or god embodying an ideal, virtue, or natural law such as Fortitude, Evolution, or Time.

  Imperial mark: Digital currency of the Sollan Empire and Mandari corporations. Highly competitive, unlike the hurasam and other hard coinage.

  Imperial Office: The Emperor’s administration—those ministries and civil services, including the palace staff, that comprise the Imperial central government.

  Imperial Presence: The formal personage of the Sollan Emperor and the area about his person.

  Imperial Star Date: The standard calendar. Months and weeks correspond to Old Earth’s Gregorian calendar. The year is reckoned from the coronation of the first Emperor.

  Imperium: See Sollan Empire.

  Index: The catalog of punishments—monetary, corporal, and capital—maintained by the Chantry and enforced by the Inquisition.

  inmane: An offensive slur meaning someone less than human. Literally impure.

  Inquisition: The judicial branch of the Imperial Chantry, primarily concerned with the use of illegal technologies.

  inquisitor: A Chantry official tasked with conducting judicial investigations and overseeing the torture of criminals.

  intus: A palatine born outside the oversight of the High College, usually possessing several physical or psychological defects. A bastard.

  Irchtani: Species of xenobite native to the planet Judecca. Birdlike with massive wings. Considered an exemplar of coloni assimilation.

  Izumo Group: A Nipponese interstellar corporation specializing in the heavy metal trade.

  Jaddian: The official language of the Principalities of Jadd, a patois of ancient Romance and Semitic languages with some Greek influences.

  jubala: A powerful and popular offworld narcotic. Can be inhaled or ingested in a kind of tea.

  kaspum: Silver-plated coin used among the Imperial peasant classes. Twelve kaspums make one gold hurasam. Print notes for various denominations exist.

  knife-missile: A kind of drone, little more than a remote-controlled flying knife. A favorite of assassins.

  knight: Sollan military honor conferred by the nobility for services rendered. Usually includes a small fief. May carry highmatter weapons.

  lance: See energy-lance.

  Law of the Fishes: A philosophical precept that the world is a wilderness and that survival is the highest virtue. The law of the jungle. Survival of the fittest.

  Legion Intelligence Office: The Empire’s military intelligence, espionage, and foreign intervention agency.

  legionnaire: Any soldier in the Imperial Legions, especially a common foot soldier.

  Legions: The military branch of the Sollan Empire, loyal to the Emperor and Imperial house. Comprises naval and ground forces.

  lictor: A bodyguard for a nobile or other dignitary. Usually a knight.

  lieutenant: Junior naval officer in the Legions, beneath commander but above the crewmen.

  lighter: Any starship small enough to make landfall on a planet.

  logothete: A minister in any of the governmental agencies of a palatine house. Used colloquially for any civil servant.

  logothete pluripotentis: A logothete whose office oversees the transfer of land and other titled holdings between palatines and patricians.

  Lothriad: See Lothrian Commonwealth.

  Lothrian: The spoken language of the Lothriad.

  Lothrian Commonwealth: The second-largest human polity in the galaxy, a totalitarian collectivist state. Longtime antagonist of the Empire.

  Lowtown: The poor seaside district of the city of Meidua on Delos.

  Maeskolos: A legendary swordmaster of Jadd drawn exclusively from the eali caste. Credited with superhuman speed and skill.

: A lay judge who tries plebeian cases.

  magus: An intellectual, especially a scientist or natural philosopher.

  mamluk: Any homunculus slave-soldier of the Jaddian Principalities.

  Mandar: The language of the Mandari trade corporations.

  Mandari: An ethnic group semidetached from Imperial society, most commonly found staffing the massive interstellar trading corporations.

  mandyas: Traditional garment of the Maeskoloi. Half robe cinched at the waist with one flowing sleeve worn over the left shoulder.

  Mathuran Campaigns: A series of battles between the Tavrosi clans with Imperial aid. Reached an armistice shortly after the appearance of the Cielcin.

  medica: A hospital, typically aboard a starship.

  Meidua: A port city on Delos, seat of the Meidua prefecture and ancestral demesne of House Marlowe.

  merchanter: A salesperson or businessman, usually plebeian.

  meretrix: The madame of a brothel or, more often, a palatine lord’s harem.

  Mericanii: The ancient first interstellar colonists. A hyperadvanced technologic civilization run by artificial intelligences. Destroyed by the Empire.

  messer/madame: Polite address in the Empire, used for anyone without a formal title.

  Mother Earth: The deified homeworld of humanity and principal god of the Chantry religion.

  mute: Slang. Short for “mutant.” Refers to a homunculus or to an intus.

  myrmidon: In the Colosso, any contract or slave fighter who is not a professionally trained gladiator.

  nanocarbon: A fabric made of carbon nanotubes. Related to adamant.

  ndaktu: In Cielcin philosophy, the weight of moral responsibility placed upon an individual whose actions directly or inadvertently led another to suffer.

  neg: A worthless person. Emeshi slang.

  neural lace: A semiorganic computer implanted in a host’s brain. Illegal in the Empire.

  Ninety-Nine Wonders of the Universe: Ninety-nine of the greatest structures, both human and alien, in the known universe.

  Nipponese: The descendants of the Japanese colonists who fled Old Earth system in the Third Peregrination.

  nobile: Blanket term referring to any member of the palatine or patrician caste in the Sollan Empire.

  Nordei: The principal language of the Demarchy. A patois of Nordic and Thai with some Slavic influences.

  Norman United Fellowship: The former Norman democratic government on the planet Emesh prior to Imperial annexation.

  opera: Any scripted narrative entertainment, whether musical, dramatic, or serial, interactive or otherwise.

  optio: The second-in-command to a centurion in the Imperial Legions.

  Orbital Defense Force: The fleet maintained by any palatine lord for the defense of his or her planet or system.

  Orion Arm: One of the five arms of the galaxy settled by humankind. See Spur of Orion.

  ornithon: A flying feathered snake native to Emesh. Nonvenomous, eats primarily sea life.

  Outer Perseus: The expansion region along the end of the Perseus Arm. A colonial frontier.

  palatinate: Any demesne or fief comprising an entire planet.

  palatine: The Imperial aristocracy, descended from those free humans who opposed the Mericanii. Genetically enhanced, they may live for several centuries.

  Pale: The Cielcin. Slang, considered offensive by xenophiles.

  panegyrist: A Chantry priest tasked with performing the call to prayer at sundown.

  Panthai: A Tavrosi language developed by the Thai-, Lao-, and Khmer-speaking peoples who settled the Wisp alongside the Nordei.

  patrician: Any plebeian or plutocrat awarded genetic augmentations at the behest of the palatine caste as a reward for services rendered.

  peerage: Palatine constellation comprising the Imperial family and its relatives. Members are all in line for the throne.

  peltast: An unshielded foot soldier. Light infantry.

  Peregrination: Any of the historical evacuations from Earth’s system for the extrasolar colonies.

  Perseus Arm: One of the five arms of the galaxy settled by humankind. Lies beyond Orion at the outer rim. Contains the Principalities, Durantine Republic, and Imperial colonies.

  phase disruptor: A sort of firearm that attacks the nervous system. Can stun on lower settings.

  phasma vigrandi: Luminescent, floating creatures native to the forests of Luin, sometimes called fairies.

  phylactery: An ampule in which genetic samples are kept, especially for use in reproduction.

  planetbound: In Imperial law, any plebeian not permitted to travel offworld. A serf.

  planeted lord: Any nobile who has acquired or may pass down his or her planetary demesne within the family. A landed nobleman.

  plasma burner: A firearm that uses a strong loop of magnetic force to project an arc of superheated plasma across short-to-moderate distances.

  plebeian: The Imperial peasantry, descended from unaltered human stock seeded on the oldest colony ships. Forbidden to use high technology.

  plutocrat: Any plebeian who has earned enough money to buy expensive genetic augmentations. Effectively patrician.

  poine: A structured, small-scale war between imperial palatine houses. Subject to the scrutiny of the Inquisition.

  Praetorian: Any member of the Sollan Emperor’s Praetorian Guard, drawn from the best of the Imperial Legion.

  praxis: High technology, usually of the sort forbidden by Chantry law.

  prefect: A law enforcement officer.

  prefecture: In the Empire, any administrative district ruled by an archon.

  primarch: The chief Imperial viceroy in each arm of the galaxy: Orion, Sagittarius, Perseus, and Centaurus. Essentially co-Emperors.

  primarchate: Region of the Empire ruled by a primarch, comprising several provinces.

  primate: The highest administrative office of a scholiasts’ athenaeum, akin to a university chancellor.

  Principalities of Jadd: Nation of eighty former Imperial provinces in Perseus that revolted over palatine reproductive rights. Heavily militaristic and caste-driven.

  prior: In the Chantry clergy, the chief cleric in a prefecture.

  prudence shield: A form of Royse field used for security, especially in coliseums and starship hangars. Traps air and fast-moving objects.

  QET/quantum telegraph: A device that uses entangled quantum particles to communicate instantly over vast distances.

  Quiet: The hypothetical first civilization in the galaxy, allegedly responsible for several ancient sites including those on Emesh, Judecca, Sadal Suud, and Ozymandias.

  repulsor: A device that makes use of the Royse Effect to allow objects to float without disturbing the air or environment.

  Rothsbank: An ancient, privately owned banking house tracing its roots back to the Golden Age of Earth.

  Royse Effect: A method discovered by Caelan Royse for manipulating the electroweak force. Allows for the existence of force fields and repulsors.

  Royse field: Any force field making use of the Royse Effect to stop high-velocity objects from penetrating an energy curtain.

  rus: A young man. Emeshi slang.

  Sagittarius Arm: One of the five arms of the galaxy settled by humankind. Lies between Orion and Centaurus, comprises the bulk of Imperial colonies as well as the Lothriad.

  satrap: A planetary governor in the Principalities of Jadd, subordinate to one of the regional princes.

  scholiast: Any member of the monastic order of researchers, academics, and theoreticians tracing their origins to the Mericanii scientists captured at the end of the Foundation War.

  scianda: The Cielcin term for one of their migratory starship clusters. A fleet.

  seed stock: See genestock.

  serf: Any Imperial plebeian forbidden
by birth to travel away from the planet of his or her birth except in the case of Legion military service.

  servitor: A menial laborer.

  shield-belt: A self-defense device worn about the waist. Uses a Royse field to stop bullets, plasma, and other high-energy weapons.

  shock-stick: A nonlethal weapon primarily employed in crowd suppression. Little more than an electrified stave.

  sign of the sun disc: A gesture of benediction made by circling thumb and forefinger and touching forehead and lips before holding the hand up to the sky.

  signet ring: A device worn on a palatine’s finger containing his or her genetic information, financial accounts, and land holdings.

  sire: An honorific used to refer to one’s social superiors, usually males and usually patricians or palatines.

  sirrah: An honorific used to refer to one’s social inferiors, usually males.

  Solar Throne: The Imperial throne. Carved from a single piece of citrine quartz. Sometimes used as a synonym for the Imperial Presence or Office.

  Sollan Empire: The largest and oldest single polity in human-controlled space, comprising some half-billion habitable planets.

  spinship: Any starship that uses centripetal force to generate the illusion of gravity.

  Spur of Orion: The oldest of the Empire’s four primarchates, comprising the oldest parts of the Empire and Old Earth System.

  Standard Registry: An index kept by the Imperial High College of all the houses palatine along with blood samples of all their constituents.

  static field: A highly permeable variant of the Royse field used to keep conditioned air inside buildings.

  strategos: An admiral in the Imperial Legions, responsible for the command of an entire fleet, comprising several legions.

  stunner: A low-power phase disruptor used to cause temporary paralysis or loss of consciousness. Weapon favored by law enforcement personnel.

  Sullen Gulf: The huge gap of empty space between the Norma and Centaurus Arms of the galaxy.

  Summerfair: A midsummer holiday celebrated throughout the Imperium. Its date varies from world to world, depending on local calendars.

  swordmaster: See Maeskolos.

  Synarch: The highest ecclesiastic office of the Imperial Chantry. Their most important function is the coronation of new Emperors.


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