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Their Virgin Hostage, Masters of Ménage, Book 5

Page 22

by Black, Shayla

After pouring her tea into her mug, Riley ignored the cup she’d prepped for him. He didn’t need fucking tea. He needed a metric shit ton of Scotch.

  Drawing in a shuddering breath, he steadied himself and turned. “Your tea is…”

  Kinley knelt on the floor before him, minus the shirt she’d been wearing. Her creamy skin was on full display. In the low light of the kitchen, she practically glowed, a pearl that shone in the night. Her honey hair flowed around her shoulders, and her eyes were steady on him. “I don’t want the tea. I want you, but I’m too sore for sex on the table. Your brothers really did a number on my, uhm…”

  “Pussy?” The word slipped out without thought. In fact, all he could think of was her, naked, luminous, and presenting herself to him.

  “Yes.” She blushed. “I need a day or so before I take you there.” She glanced at his fly, then licked her lips nervously. “I’ve never done this, but I want you to be my first.”

  Riley damn near dropped her cup. He had to steady his hands and put it down. Was she saying what he hoped? He didn’t want to assume and make an ass out of himself again. Time to be smooth, romantic. “Are you talking about a blow job?”

  Really fucking smooth, moron.

  Her luscious lips curled up. “I believe that’s what people call it. I might not have a ton of experience, but I know the words, Riley. Blow job. Fellatio. Hummer. I want to take you in my mouth and swallow you down.”

  Just like that, his cock got so hard it hurt. “Kinley, you don’t have to do that.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You don’t want me to?”

  God, he hadn’t meant that—at all. Actually, he hadn’t meant a damn word he’d said all night. “Yes! I want you to. I want you to so bad I just might die if you don’t.”

  She relaxed slightly, then bit her lip uncertainly. “I might not be good at it.”

  “I can teach you.” The idea that she’d never had a cock in her mouth made his spine tingle. His brothers might have had her first, but they hadn’t taken everything. This first of hers would be for him. “You’ll be good at it, Kinley. You’re good at everything.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  He’d just spent all night really studying her. “You are. When you want to do something, you do it. You feed and clothe the homeless. You’ve made my brothers smile. You arouse the hell out of me.” He moved closer. “I want you to take my cock out.”

  Kinley blinked up at him, then her hands fluttered to the waistband of his jeans, those perfectly manicured fingers working on the button of his fly. She was awkward at first, but her earnestness was so sweet. Nothing about her was artificial. Every bit of apprehension and desire to please she felt was written all over her face.

  So was her submission. She was offering him something that always aroused him, and not just physically. Something about watching a woman take him in her mouth brought out all of his dominant instincts. And with Kinley, he wanted nothing more than to tangle his fingers in her hair and feed her the hard length of his dick, inch by inch, and claim this part of her.

  Slowly—so slowly he thought he would scream—Kinley unfastened the button and started to ease down the zipper. His cock pressed against his boxers as if trying to get closer to her.

  “You’re wearing underwear,” Kinley said with a little frown. “I’m not allowed to wear underwear. I don’t think you should either.”

  Little sub thought she got to make the rules? “You don’t know it yet, but if you keep talking that way, there will be spankings in your future.”

  How would she handle a true spanking? The thought of her naked body over his lap made his groin tighten again. Jesus, so much of the blood in his body had rushed south that he felt dizzy.

  She wrinkled her nose and sent him a saucy stare as she pulled his boxers down his hips. “I can handle it. Law gave me a couple of swats earlier because I forgot to call Dominic ‘Sir.’”

  Dominic was insistent on protocol, but that wasn’t Riley’s thing. “I like to hear my name, Kinley. And I won’t just give you a couple of swats to make your ass blush. I know this will surprise you, but Law is the soft one when it comes to this.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me. He’s very sweet.”

  Sweet? Law had killed more men than she could imagine. He’d done it in service to his country, but… “Has he talked to you about his military service? If not, you should know that he’s only soft with you. Law is a trained killer.”

  “No,” she protested. “He’s a trained protector.” She pulled his boxers down and wrapped her fingers around his cock—finally. The softness of her touch nearly undid him.

  And he kind of loved that she saw them through different eyes. In fact, he liked being with her, just talking to her when no walls stood between them. “Maybe you’re right, sweetheart. Maybe we should all take a second look at how we view the world, but you should understand that I’m more like Dominic than Law when it comes to sex. I’ll get you over my knee. I won’t let you up until you beg me to stop. Even then, I’ll make you come before you’re allowed to leave. You’ll feel my hand on your ass all the next day. Just like you’ll feel my cock in your pussy.”

  Eventually, yes. But for tonight, he would be satisfied with her mouth. And with being the man who taught her.

  Her face had flushed, a sure sign that his words had either embarrassed or aroused her. Given the fact that she was still there and still staring at him with wide brown eyes, he was banking on the latter. But he had to be sure. “Touch yourself.”

  Her eyes flared with surprise. “What?”

  “Touch yourself, Kinley. Drag those fingers down to your pussy and touch yourself. Play with your clit until I tell you to stop. I want to watch you.” She was so prim and proper, and Riley couldn’t wait to strip that veneer right off her and get to the woman under the surface. “Or I could show you my version of a spanking.”

  He was okay either way. In the end, she would do what he wanted because she wouldn’t be able to help herself any more than he could.

  She was tentative at first, the tiniest bit awkward as she slid her hand down her body until her fingers found her clit. He stroked his cock as he watched her, running his hand from base to tip. She trained her stare on him as she touched herself, and his blood surged.

  “Like this, Riley?”

  A wave of approval surged over him. This was where he felt most comfortable. “Exactly like that, sweetheart. Rub your clit, then slide your fingers into your opening.”

  Her breath shuddered as she found her sweet spot, and he loved that she was a very obedient girl. After two strokes of her clit, she slid her fingers deep. When she withdrew them, the digits were coated in her cream.

  She wanted him. His harsh words hadn’t scared her off. And she wasn’t doing this out of pity or because Law and Dominic had told her to.

  He snagged her wrist in his grasp and pulled it to his lips. The sweet scent of her arousal flooded his nostrils. Kinley was creamy and ripe. He might not be able to feel that pussy around his cock tonight, but he sure as hell could learn her taste.

  He sucked her fingers inside his mouth, reveling in her essence. Tangy and sweet and so very Kinley. He licked every ounce off and still wanted more.

  “Why does watching you do that excite me?” Kinley’s eyes were hot with desire. “It was the same when Law did it and when Dominic…”

  He could guess what Dominic had done. “Did Dominic shove his face in your pussy and not leave until he’d had his fill?”

  There was that gorgeous blush again. He adored making her color rise. “He kissed me there. At first, I thought it should make me uncomfortable, but then I just loved it. It’s more than the sheer pleasure. There’s something very intimate about it.”

  “Your lover likes the way you taste, Kinley.” He touched her chin and moved closer, his cock almost against her lips. “That’s the way it should be. Your lover should want to eat you up twice a day and three times every night. I’m going to tongue you an
d love you and make a meal out of you when I can. But I need you right now.”

  She stared at his dick, then leaned closer, her hot breath on him. Then she swiped at his cock with her tongue, licking it up and tasting him. On a little moan, she closed her eyes as though she was cataloguing the sensations and flavors. “You’re salty and rich. I like the way you taste.”

  And she had no idea what such innocent words did to him. His lovers in the past had all just talked dirty and told him what they would do to him. Not a one had just looked at him and told him they liked him—his body, his taste. They hadn’t really cared about him or his happiness.

  He was in deep and saw no path out. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to find one. Regardless of what Dominic and Law thought, chances were high she would walk away in the end. Or he would be forced to leave her for her own good. Kinley might try to stay, despite all the bad things that would come to her for loving them. He might well have to protect her in the end.

  But they had tonight and perhaps a few more after that. Maybe it made him a greedy son of a bitch, but he was going to take them.

  “Let me give you more. Run your tongue all over me.” He held his cock out, but soon her hand replaced his.

  She explored him, her tongue like a darting hummingbird lighting him up everywhere she licked. She paid special attention to the sensitive V at the back of his shaft, and his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as she worked that spot over and over.

  “God, sweetheart, you’re a natural.” She didn’t need anyone to tell her what to do.

  “Since you gave me permission to explore, I wanted to taste and know all of you.” She sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, heat surrounding him.

  “Yes, sweetheart. That feels good. So good.” He closed his eyes and shoved his hands into her hair. “Take more.”

  She obliged, enveloping his cock in her hot mouth. Her tongue whirled around, a tease, a taunt. Then she sucked hard on him, thickening the sensations, drawing out the anticipation. He could feel his cock pulsing in time with his rapid heartbeat as she sucked him deep.

  Over and over she worked his hard flesh, drawing on him, taking him fully into her mouth. She worked tirelessly as she moved herself up and down, taking a little more each time, her whole body swaying with effort.

  She reached up and caressed his thighs through the denim of his jeans. Slowly, he felt her fingers journey up until she found flesh. As she sucked his cock, she cupped his hips and ran her palms over his abs, a lover’s tribute, a silent expression of her desire. Finally, she caressed her way down to the base of his shaft and held him there as she raked his cock with the gentle edge of her teeth.

  He looked down to find her cupping his balls with her free hand. All her shyness seemed to have evaporated the minute he’d given her permission to play with him, as though she’d just been waiting for the opportunity to indulge.

  She rolled his balls in the palm of her hand, eliciting a deep groan from Riley. He was going to lose his fucking mind.

  “I won’t last long if you do that, sweetheart. Are you sure?” He didn’t want to flood her mouth if she wasn’t ready for that.

  She hummed around his cock, the vibration charging through his veins and making him shake. She’d worked him all the way in, almost to the base of his dick and now played with his balls. Holy hell, he could feel the back of her throat. Her tongue coated him, a consistent caress that drove him up, higher and higher.

  Until Riley gave in.

  “Swallow me.” He growled the command as the orgasm took him, ecstasy pulsing deep inside him as the head of his cock exploded, spewing into her lovely, waiting mouth.

  And she took every drop, swallowing all he had to give her. As her head bobbed over him, she licked him, laving up one side, then down the other, not leaving a drop behind.

  Riley was floored by how giving she’d been, how open and honest. He smoothed her hair back as he withdrew slowly from her mouth. He drew her up to her feet, then dragged her against him until he could kiss her. He didn’t give a shit that his jeans had fallen down around his knees. He just knew he wanted his mouth on hers, his arms around her body.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. That was incredible.” He’d never thanked a lover before. He’d bought them flowers, trinkets, but never just appreciated the gift they’d given him. He’d never thought of it that way until now.

  Kinley was different.

  “It was okay?”

  He had to laugh because her fears were understandable but completely unfounded. Joy lit over him like a happiness sparking inside him. He held her close, not yet ready to let her go. “It was the best. And I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. I’ve never felt anyone’s desire to please the way I felt yours.”

  He kissed her, fusing their mouths together, tasting the intimacy between them. For now, it was enough. Of course he wanted to get deep inside her. Tomorrow he would. Then he would revel in her and take mental pictures that would never fade, even after she was long gone. That way, he’d have something to hold back all the darkness that would encroach when everything fell apart. He wanted his memory to be full of her, like a computer that had been filled to capacity. He wanted to be full of her until he couldn’t put anything else in. Like her tablet, even. Its memory had been full, as well. He’d noticed that when he’d disabled her Internet capabilities.

  And it had bugged him.

  “How many gigabytes of memory does your tablet come with?” An idea played in his brain. Riley began to suspect that what Jansen wanted from Kinley’s luggage was tied to that tablet, and he doubted it was because the douche was dying to read the latest romance.

  But he might want the photographs. Kinley had hundreds of pictures on her device. If he was right, the pictures would take up the majority of the storage capacity—though they shouldn’t. That tablet had been designed to hold thousands of pictures. Yet it was oddly full.

  Kinley looked up, met his stare. “What?”

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, sweetheart. I need to look at your tablet again. I need it now.” He kissed her again, trying to soften the quick jump in subject. “I’m sorry. Sometimes my brain has to think about things for a little while and I need something to jar me before I figure out a puzzle. Or maybe I just need the best hummer of all time to make me a genius.” He grinned. “But I think I figured out what Jansen is desperately trying to get his hands on. Wake up Dominic and Law, then bring me that tablet.”

  She reached down and grabbed the shirt.

  Riley snatched it away. “You don’t need clothes to wake them up.”

  Her face contorted in the sweetest little frown. “I thought we were switching to business mode.”

  She was under some mistaken impressions. “Business mode does not mean clothes for you, sweetheart.” He grabbed the shirt. “I think better when you’re naked. Look at what playing around did. Hell, if you’re naked all the time, I might solve world hunger.”

  She giggled. “Solve mine, at least. I’ll do everything you ask if you just finish making that sandwich. I’ll be back, but I can’t say I won’t be dressed. It’s Alaska. If you want me walking around in my birthday suit, next time kidnap me and take me to Hawaii.”

  She turned away, and he watched the hottest ass on earth sway out of the room. His cock leapt right back to attention, but he tucked himself into his jeans because he had a job to do.

  As she turned down the hall, it hit him that if he was right, though his time with her had just started, it was almost over. He would have to go back to the real world. And he would lose her there.

  Sometimes it wasn’t so great to be smart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Law looked down at the tablet. There was a perfectly sweet photograph of Kinley and Annabelle. They were standing in a gazebo, each smiling and holding wine glasses together as if toasting one other. Kinley was in a yellow sundress, and Law couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  How was this photograph o
n Kinley’s tablet the key to nailing Jansen?

  “Who took this, sweetheart?” Riley asked her.

  Law looked between the two of them and wanted to ask some questions of his own. When Kinley had come into the bedroom to wake him, she’d been completely naked. He’d reached for her, intent on drawing her back to bed, but she’d explained that Riley wanted to talk to them because his righteously geeky brother had figured out some computer stuff.

  He was pretty damn sure she hadn’t gotten dressed, talked to Riley, and then taken off her clothes just to wake them up. His brother might like technology, but he also liked their women naked. Something had happened between Riley and Kinley, and Law wanted to celebrate.

  But now he had to deal with a bunch of techno crap he didn’t really understand.

  On the bright side, Kinley was naked. His brother had totally called that right.

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t wear a robe or something?” Kinley asked, crossing her arms over her breasts.

  Dominic sat at the kitchen table, crossing one leg over the other as he looked at her with approval. He, like Law, had put on a pair of sweatpants. “You don’t need clothes. I turned the heater up. If you need someone to warm you, you’re welcome to sit on my lap while Riley gives us his very likely to be long and technological explanation. It will be boring. We need something to liven up the discussion. Your breasts will do nicely.”

  A surprised little grin brightened her face. “Those will enliven the discussion?”

  Hell, yes. “Baby, your everything livens up the discussion. Now answer Riley and stop hiding your breasts. When you put your hands over them, we just look at your pussy and that fabulous ass of yours.”

  Kinley gave an embarrassed laugh and rolled her gorgeous brown eyes. But it worked. She visibly relaxed as she leaned over and glanced at the picture on the tablet. “Greg took that one. What’s evil about that picture?” She frowned. “Huh. I don’t remember adding that one, actually. Can you scroll through them all? I didn’t load this tablet.”

  Riley gave her a little “gotcha” smile. “Jansen did, didn’t he?”


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