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Impersonator (Forager Impersonator - A Post Apocalyptic Trilogy Book 1)

Page 17

by Peter R Stone

  “We’ve bumped into one of your teams before,” he replied. “How many of you are there?”

  “Just two,” I replied. I didn’t want to reveal there were five of us, just in case they didn’t have honourable intentions.

  “Well, don’t stand there with your arms waving about. Hop over and say hello proper like,” he said. He put his gun back in his belt.

  I looked at Ryan. “Shall we?”

  “We really shouldn’t. We don’t know anything about them.”

  I stared at him, debating whether to obey him or not.

  “Don’t be shy, we don’t bite,” said the second girl. They had all put their guns away.

  “I want to meet them.” I looked at Ryan and then used a low hanging branch to clamber over the fence. To my relief, they didn’t attack me. No doubt concerned for my safety, Ryan scrambled over the fence a moment later.

  The kids stood, shook our hands, and introduced themselves. The tall guy was David, the Indian was Mukesh, and the girls were Wendy and Esther. I had to elbow Ryan in the ribs to say his name. He clearly didn’t trust them.

  “Where are you guys from?” I asked.

  “Ballarat,” Esther replied.

  “You’re foragers?”

  “Sure are. We’re looking for old tools this week. Many of our farms still use equipment and machinery from the dark ages.” She laughed, a rich, musical sound. I couldn’t pick her background, but I figured she had some Asian in her, going by her slim figure, eyes, and dark hair.

  “You have farms?” I was spellbound

  “Of course,” David said.

  “But your town wall must stretch for miles and miles!” I could scarcely imagine what they were describing.

  “We don’t have a wall. Just a sprawling town surrounded by acres of farms, grazing land, and vineyards,” he replied.

  “But what about the Skel? And how do your Custodians – your police force – keep your people in line?” I asked.

  “We have army reservists to deal with Skel. We have police too, but I think you’ll find they’re nothing like your Custodians, from what we’ve been told. Our society...” David turned to the others. “How do I explain it?”

  “Our people enjoy a lot more freedoms than you Newhomers do. We can come and go as we please, there’s no segregation of males and females, and no specific gender assigned rolls,” Esther said.

  “Males and females are allowed to mix freely?” I was awestruck by this revelation.

  “Of course.”

  From there I couldn’t help myself, bombarding them with question after question. I soon learned that the people of Ballarat lived an idyllic existence compared to ours. I was stunned, amazed, and jealous to hear how other Australians lived. And it wasn’t just the inhabitants from Ballarat, either. Esther assured me that their way of life was the norm for all other Australian towns.

  So what was with Newhome? Who were the Founders, and why did they set up such a restrictive system, forcing us to live like prisoners. I knew what they claimed – it was all meant to create a society that wouldn’t make the same mistakes as our forefathers. Yet how did that make any sense when there were other towns out there not following the same laws? What was I missing?

  It became obvious I would never stop picking the Ballarat forager’s brains, so Ryan reminded me we had work to do. The thought suddenly occurred to me that I could ask these kids if I could come back to Ballarat with them today after they finished foraging. From what they told us, I was sure they would say allow it. But as tempting as that idea was, I couldn’t do it. Who would look after my family if I did?

  Suddenly, I knew what I had to do. If I couldn’t escape alone because I wouldn’t abandon my family, I had to take them with me. The question was how.

  We parted company with the kids from Ballarat and got back to work, my mind awash with a multitude of thoughts about the freedoms everyone else in Victoria – if not Australia – enjoyed.

  The day finally drew to an end and we trucked back home. As it was Friday, we got paid, though this was no cause for celebration, but for fear and trepidation. It meant I would have to face Deacon and his sadistic offsider again, and if they weren’t happy with me handing over most of my wage, they would give me another hiding.

  With my heart racing, I hurried out of the Recycling Works towards home. I wished there was some way, any way, my family and I could escape my father’s legacy. I couldn’t live in a constant state of anxiety because of the debt collectors and their heavy-handed approach. I had to find a way to get free! And not just me, but my family as well.

  After crossing the road, I was walking past a ten-storey apartment block when two familiar forms stepped out from behind the building.

  It took all my will power not to turn tail and run for it, though my hands strayed subconsciously towards the foot-sized bruises on my thighs.

  “Next time I tell you to do something, Brandon Thomas, you do it! You got me?” Deacon snarled.

  “Touch one of my sisters again and you’ll never see another cent from me. Have you got me?” I took out the wage envelope and held it in front of him in a clenched fist.

  “You insolent lout!” In a blur of motion, he grabbed me by the collar and slammed me back against the apartment wall. He followed this with a fist into my midriff, winding me. I folded over his arm and dropped the money. Thankfully, he didn’t possess Well’s strength, otherwise I’d be on the ground gasping for breath.

  “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Shouted a familiar voice.

  Oh no, it’s Ryan!

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  We turned and saw a somewhat incensed Ryan running towards us. Straightening up a little, I met his gaze and frantically shook my head. I didn’t want him to get hurt too – I’d never be able to look him in the eye again.

  “Take your hands off him!” Ryan barked when he reached us.

  “This doesn’t concern you, boy,” Deacon said. He let go of me and turned to confront Ryan. They were about the same height, but Wells towered above them both.

  “You touch my friend, it concerns me. Now nick off.” Ryan wasn’t cowed in the slightest, but he had no idea of the danger he was in.

  Deacon gave an almost imperceptible nod and stepped back. Wells immediately leaped into action, striding forward and swinging a punch at Ryan’s head that would fell a tree.

  Ryan sidestepped and effortlessly redirected the blow past him. After that, he snapped a right jab into Wells jaw, and followed with a left cross. The big man staggered back, blinking rapidly as he tried to maintain his balance.

  “You punk!” Deacon snarled. He came in next, fists swinging.

  Ryan stepped in closer, letting a punch glance off his jaw that made his teeth rattle. Undaunted, he slammed a left hook to the side of Deacon’s face followed by an uppercut that snapped his head back. The older man went down, shaking his head. He seemed genuinely surprised that Ryan bested him, but not as much as me, perhaps. I thought they would’ve pummelled Ryan into a bruised and bloody pulp. Where on earth did he learn to fight like that!

  Deacon regained his feet and Ryan moved towards him with fists raised, but I jumped forward, grabbing his arm and tugging him backwards. “Stop – please!”

  Ryan looked at me in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  Deacon glanced at Wells, and when he saw he was still unsteady on his feet, he turned back to me. “You’ll pay for this.” With that, he placed a hand on his towering sidekick and the two of them disappeared amongst the apartment blocks.

  My heart missed a beat when I saw the envelope with my wage lying on the sidewalk. Deacon hadn’t even bothered to pick it up. I was so dead! The beating they gave me as a message to Brandon was going to seem like a friendly pat on the back compared to what they’d do next time I saw them. Worse, they’d probably attack both “Brandon’ and “me,” meaning I’d get a double thrashing.

  Ryan grabbed me by the shoulders and swung me around to face him.
“What’s wrong with you? Why weren’t you fighting back? Why did you stop me?”

  “What’s wrong with me? Do you know what you’ve just done?” I was scared, angry, and shaking.

  “What I’ve done? Why did you just stand there and let them rob you?”

  “They weren’t robbing me! Why couldn’t you have just butted out?” I spat. “Didn’t you notice me shaking my head, telling you not to get involved?”

  I batted his hands away from my shoulders and paced up and down, fretting, wondering if I should grab the money and race after them. Maybe if I got on my knees and apologised they’d let me off easy? Yeah, right.

  Ryan took hold of my elbow. “If they weren’t robbing you, what were they doing? I saw you handing over your wage!”

  I tried to shake off his hand, but his grip was like a vice. “Ryan, you’ve made everything a hundred times worse!”

  “Made what worse? Come on, Brandon, talk to me.” His face suddenly lit up. “The injuries you had on Wednesday – they did that to you?”

  “Just drop it!”

  “Answer me, blast it!”

  “Okay, yes. It was them. And now thanks to you, the next time I see them they’ll put me in hospital!”

  “You owe them money, right?” He looked mildly sympathetic.

  Reluctantly, I nodded.

  “Because they supplied you with drugs?”

  “Oh, for goodness sake, lay off about the drugs!” I shouted, forgetting to keep my voice an octave lower. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to notice.

  “If not drugs, then what?”

  “My father racked up a ton of debt, okay? Debts they lumped on me when he was locked up.”

  “Leaning on people because they owe money is illegal, Brandon. Go to the Custodians and those two will be behind bars quick smart. I’ll even testify on your behalf.”

  “They’ve made it clear that if I do that, their associates will get revenge against my mother and sister – sisters. So I’m trapped, Ryan.”

  “How much do you owe? Maybe I can help?” That concerned look framed his face again, compassion pouring from his eyes. How I wished we could share a genuine friendship, not one marred by my deception. He was such a nice guy.

  I sighed. “Look, thanks, but it’s gonna take my entire life to pay it off.”

  He let go of my elbow. “There’s got to be a way out of this fix.”

  I plucked my money off the ground and stuffed it in my pocket. “If there is, I sure can’t see it. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got to get home and make sure those guys aren’t paying my mother and sisters a visit.”

  “I’ll come with you–”

  “No! You’ve done enough!” I stuck my hands up, and then bolted, running as fast as I could manage. If those guys were headed for the homeless shelter, I had to get there before them. If they put me in hospital, so be it, but I couldn’t let them hurt Karen or Mother.

  Life sucked.

  * * *

  I got home in relatively short order and was relieved to find that Deacon and Wells had not popped over. I filled my mother and sister in on what happened. Needless to say, Mother was not happy. I gave her the packet of money to give to Deacon should they turn up when I wasn’t here for some reason, and then we waited.

  An hour passed and there was still no sign of them. I was so troubled in mind and soul, dreading my next confrontation with them.

  Tired of my endless fretting and pacing, Mother eventually told me to shower and shed my Brandon persona.

  I had just put up my hair when I heard booted feet approach our quarters. I could tell by the gait it wasn’t Deacon and Wells. Worse – it was Ryan.

  “Shoot!” I exclaimed, eyes darting frantically from my mother to my sister.

  Karen rose unsurely to her feet. “What is it?”

  “Someone’s coming,” I replied. I couldn’t tell them I knew who it was.

  “Is it them?” Mother fished the money from her pocket, hands trembling.

  The footsteps paused and there was a gentle knock at the door.

  I glanced back at her. “No, I don’t think so.”

  I knew I risked blowing my dual-identity if Ryan saw me, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to meet him as myself at last. The very thought sent butterflies flitting through my stomach. What if I didn’t make a positive impression on him? What if he ignored me, seeking only to speak to ‘Brandon.’

  He knocked again.

  “Shall I get it?” Mother asked, coming forward.

  “No, I’ve got it.” Heart racing, I opened the door halfway, and with head held high, stared at him sternly.

  Ryan’s eyes lit up with surprise. At first I thought he’d made me, but after glancing at my purple birthmark and momentarily meeting my gaze, he quickly looked down, looking uncomfortable.

  I couldn’t believe it – he was shy!

  Because of me.

  Even better, he didn’t realise who I was. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. With my damp hair put up in a bun, wearing an ankle length brown dress with long sleeves, and without a baseball hat shading my face, I probably looked nothing like my alter ego.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, taking care to use my normal voice.

  “Sorry to disturb you, Miss. I’m Ryan Hill, one of Brandon’s workmates. He lives here, right? I was hoping to speak with him.” He shifted awkwardly from foot to foot.

  “Sorry, he’s not in at the moment.” I stared at him, trying to hide my amusement at this insight into another aspect of his character. His normal confident self evaporated around girls. Who would have guessed?

  “Do you know where he is? I’d really like to catch up with him?” He noticed me staring, and puzzled, returned my unwavering gaze.

  “Sorry, he didn’t say.”

  He nodded thoughtfully, and raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t happen to be his twin sister, Chelsea, would you?”

  “That’s right.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I frowned. “Good things or bad things?”

  “He talks very highly of you.” He risked a hesitant smile.

  “Lucky for him.” I laughed.

  “Hey, I brought something for you – for your family.” He ducked out of view and then popped back with four wooden dining room chairs stacked together.

  My hands flew to my mouth in surprise. They were our chairs, the broken one’s I pointed out to him in the Recycling Works two nights ago. Except they weren’t broken anymore.

  I opened the door wider. “Brandon said the chairs were all busted up!”

  Ryan blushed a dark shade of red. “Yeah. I, ah, fixed them. You know, in my own time.”

  For a moment, I feared he would ask to bring them inside and see the humiliating depths of our fall from grace. But to my amazement, he picked up the chairs one at a time and passed them to me.

  I carried the first chair inside, to the wonder of my mother and sister. Karen accompanied me back to the door to help carry in the others.

  “This is my sister, Karen,” I said.

  His eyes lit up at the sight of my beautiful sister. “Oh, ah, nice to meet you, Karen,” he said. He smiled bashfully and then looked away before he could be accused of staring.

  Karen accepted the chair he offered and retreated inside as fast as she could while still maintaining decorum.

  “How did you get the chairs here?” I asked after we finished carrying them inside. Our room looked so much better already. Now we all had somewhere to sit.

  “Borrowed a trolley.”

  I laid a gentle hand on his forearm. “Thank you for your kindness. It’s something we’ve seen very little of these past weeks. I wish there was some way we could repay you.”

  His eyes widened at my boldness in initiating physical contact, even though it was innocent. “Oh no, it’s the least I can do. Brandon’s a mate, and besides, I owe him for saving my life.”

  “He did what?”

  “Didn’t he tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “That he saved me – our whole team, actually – from a Skel ambush,” he said.

  I pursed my lips. “No, he didn’t. Looks like I’ll be having a word with that young man when he gets home.”

  Ryan looked taken aback. “I haven’t gone and gotten him in trouble, have I?”

  “No more than he deserves.” I smiled again.

  Ryan laughed. “You’re pretty funny, you know that?”

  “You making fun of me, Ryan Hill?”

  “Of course not!” He seemed taken aback by the suggestion. “It’s just that you’re not like other girls I’ve met.”

  “You meet a lot of girls?” I fixed him with an accusatory stare.

  “No! That’s not what I meant. You’re just more self-assured and upbeat than I’m used to.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. I think.” I was fighting to stop myself from laughing.

  The door abruptly swung wider and my mother appeared, her face an iron mask. “Thank you bringing over our chairs, young man. We are in your debt. When Brandon returns, I will let him know you were looking for him.”

  That said, my mother pulled me back from the door and shut it in Ryan’s face.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Mother, that was rude!” I protested after I heard Ryan’s footsteps recede towards the elevator.

  “You were embarrassing yourself, Eldest Daughter – practically flirting with him!”

  “How dare you accuse me of being immodest!” I was so tired of her attacking my person and character.

  “I was standing right here!”

  “He’s pretty cute, actually,” Karen said. She had a dreamy look in her eyes.

  “Oh, don’t be so naive. All males are the same – utterly useless.” Mother was glaring at both of us now.

  “Is he in Brandon’s foraging team?” Karen asked.

  “He is, though he and Brandon haven’t actually met.”

  “What are you talking about? He was asking after him,” Mother said.

  “He joined the foraging team the same day I did. So it’s me he met, not Brandon.”


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