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Enthralled: A Box Set

Page 26

by Pamela Ann

  “Will do! All right, catch up with you tom’! And be safe, ‘kay? Call me if you need me, anytime.”

  “See you!” I shooed her away and went back to James who had been watching my interaction with Jen with hawk-like intensity.

  “Did anybody tell you how gorgeous and sexy you are?” His dark eyes traveled all over me like I was a piece of candy to be savored.

  “Are you just saying anything to get laid tonight? Because let me tell you, your line was way off the finishing line!” I instantly quipped back. Ha! This is a merry-go-round play date, buddy—nothing more, I thought.

  The last time I had sex, or any intimacy for that matter, was with Kyle. It was not that I didn’t find anyone attractive in London—apart from crushing on Blake, but that was beside the point. He was nothing more than a friend. I had gone to a lot of house parties and met quite a few interesting and attractive men, but not one who’d given me the I-can’t-breathe-and-think-around-you feeling. Maybe if I’d put myself out there instead of cutting them off before they could even speak it would make a vast difference. I should probably take up Lucy’s offer of blind dates, just to dip my toes into the dating world.

  Snapping back to reality, I gulped down the rest of my drink and placed it on the table next to me. The alcohol I had consumed was a potent mixture of vodka and tequila. A lethal combination, but it was the prerequisite of a person who was dealing with an emotional upheaval.

  “Come on, James. Dance with me,” I said invitingly. The music blared, making my feet itch to move on the dance floor and let loose, my body speaking through the art of dancing.

  We were setting our rhythm as I danced against him, my back touching his chest. I let out a sigh. Where was Kyle? I thought sadly. Stupid girl! Just let it go already, I scolded myself. The dance was getting intense and James was gripping both of my hips, grinding and swaying slowly. I honestly didn’t care because I wanted to forget, even if for only a few minutes. Then I’d go look for Mickey and ask him for a ride back to Jen’s apartment.

  James was getting quite comfortable. So comfortable in fact that he was moving his hands up and down the sides of my stomach. “You’re so hot. I want you,” he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Right, not going there, buddy. I was just using him temporarily for dancing, nothing more.

  Am I a tease? Yes, definitely. Do I feel guilty about it? No, not really.

  I closed my eyes again, feeling the beat and the alcohol seeping its way through my body. I felt relaxed and smiled, rocking the smashing beat with James. He was actually a decent dancer.

  I felt his lips kiss my exposed shoulder, softly working toward my neck. His hot breath gave me a shudder. “James, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Out of nowhere, someone yanked my right arm and dragged me away so quickly that my head spun. I barely got a chance to catch my breath. Everything was a blur—from the dance floor, passing the living room and up the stairs. Stumbling halfway up, I yelped from the tight hold on my arm. I tried to detach his fingers, but he was too strong. His fingers sunk deeper into my flesh, gripping it harder.

  Sudden fear washed over my entire body. It was too dark, no light coming from the hallway or bedroom doors. How am I supposed to take charge and free myself if I can’t see my attacker? I freaked and told myself to calm down and breathe. Breathe. Think rationally, you can do this, Sienna.

  I was trying to get a handle on the situation and where the person was taking me. It was so dark, but it seemed like my abductor knew where he was going. The floorboards made a squeaking sound and the person holding my arm quickly turned around. Whooshing air swept by and there was an overpowering smell. A smell I knew so well that it made my throat constrict with familiarity.

  Kyle. What the fuck?!

  Chapter Thirty

  “Excuse me! Where the hell do you think you’re taking me! How dare you, Kyle!” Unleashed fury roared off me.

  How dare he manhandle me like that!

  He opened a door and brashly shoved me inside with him. I quickly scanned the room. It was dark, but it was illuminated with the glowing light of the moon from the bay window. The room was quite large, but uninhabited, a guest room perhaps.

  I slowly glanced back and found Kyle looking down at me, furious to a point which I had never seen him before. My heart slammed wildly against my chest.

  “Are you trying to embarrass yourself, Sienna!” he raged at me, face thunderous with seething anger. “Are you trying to prove something?” He glared and spit fire. “Are you trying to prove that you’re a big girl, now? Taking offers and sampling men to your liking?” Kyle was accusing and livid.

  “Excuse me? I was dancing with James! Mind your own fucking business and go back to your amazing girlfriend!” I screamed like a banshee at him. “And if I am taking offers and sampling them, it’s my goddamned business. Now, leave me the FUCK alone!” I yelled with barely suppressed rage. How dare he? After how he had been cold toward me all night, without even a backward glance, and now he gives me this blasted brutish treatment? Seriously? I was done dealing with that crap; I was going home, back to London.

  I tried to grab the handle of the door, but he quickly caught my hand and swiftly placed me on the wall next to the door. Both of his hands landed securely on either side of my head so I was imprisoned and had no chance in hell of escaping. I stared at him, wide-eyed and reeling.

  Not only was I shocked at his attitude and his chauvinistic demeanor, but I was more surprised that he had even bothered to. “Are you fucking drunk, Kyle?” I asked him angrily. “Did you not hear what I just said?” He simply kept staring at me like he wasn’t even listening to my questions.

  He moved closer, his eyes burning into me.

  I could smell him, his smell that I used to adore so much. The smell that reminded me of long nights sleeping in the nook of his neck. Being that close to him tested me to the hilt and drove me insane with acute lust. I was becoming nostalgic with pure longing.

  His molten eyes roved all over my body, reacquainting himself with it. They stopped on my lips and his eyes darkened. My heartbeat quickened, my breathing shallowed. My body quivered from his close scrutiny. Goose bumps covered my body as my nipples tightened and my stomach had butterflies flying about. Damn him.

  His gaze was too powerful and like prey, I was hypnotized and captivated by him; by his closeness, by that sudden reminder that he was my first love, my first everything. I closed my eyes and tried my damnedest to steady the wild beating of my heart.

  His thumb traced my full, bottom lip slowly like he was trying to ingrain it in his memory. The moment his thumb grazed my skin, I was enthralled.

  “Sienna,” he said my name in a whisper that was full of pain and hunger. My heart twisted.

  I slowly opened my eyes and was tormented by the look in his. He wanted me. His desire was emanating from him; from every pore in his body. I knew that look so well. I suddenly had the urge to touch his chest, to feel his heat—his warmth—but I willed myself against it.

  I wet my lips slowly with uncertainty and swallowed. I was having a hard time breathing. All I could hear was my heart pounding incredibly loud against my ribcage as I anticipated Kyle’s touch. He would touch. That look said it all. He would devour me with no concession.

  I stared at the man before me, wide-eyed and waiting, waiting for him to make a move… Can I let this happen? There was hardly any option of backing out. He was there for a reason, a man on a mission who would give no room for negotiation. Oh, hell! I’m going to be in big trouble.

  He lowered his head to kiss me, softly at first, like he was trying to gauge my reaction, see if I would respond. I certainly did. I kissed him back, matching his pace as I was fighting all sorts of sensations inside of me.

  A tidal wave of emotion rolled off me; from missing him to the angst of seeing him with a new girlfriend, amongst other things. All bottled in together as I kissed him. My lips demanded just as fervently as his, like we could
n’t get enough of each other. The titillating hunger was demanding his full attention, driving us both in a magical, wanton spell.

  His signature smell enveloped me and I surrendered to the madness of lust and want.

  He groaned as my fingers touched his hair and slowly traced his back, all the way down to his ass, cupping it hard with greedy hands and pulling him hard against me. The friction was palpable. We both groaned at once. Yes, I definitely want this.

  How I’ve missed this man.

  I opened both of my legs wider to accommodate him better, riding my miniscule skirt up higher, flashing my magenta lace thong. I couldn’t stop holding him firmly and tightly by his ass, pulling him hastily and fervently against me to be nestled on my hot core. We both groaned in unison.

  His soft kisses trailed down my neck slowly; he licked and nipped it. Writhing and panting against his hot body, I lost myself in the overwhelming, all-consuming need to be possessed.

  His hand skillfully loosened my top, kissing his way to my very aroused and very erect nipples. He found one and playfully bit it. I whimpered from the pure ecstasy that was taking me to a whole different sphere of being. I was already horny, but that drove me over the edge of the precipice and straight into a state of absolutely wanton desire.

  My thong was soaked as I rubbed myself with a driven mission over his jeans that showed his bulging erection. God, he feels wonderful. Fuck.

  “Can I take you, baby?” he asked in a raspy, sexy voice, panting with the need to consume me. It was full of promise, full of wicked urgency.

  Of course, that was the old Kyle, my Kyle. “Yes—yes.” I was already out of breath. “Please hurry, I—” He didn’t even let me finish before I heard him groan as he touched my thighs slowly, finding his way to the edge of my thong.

  Thank god I had just had a Brazilian wax a couple of days ago, I thought to myself.

  He slid my thong to the side and I felt him playing with my folds, gently torturing me as he teased them by making chaste, rhythmic circles around my sensitized mound.

  “Take me!” I commanded. I couldn’t focus on anything other than the throbbing, suppressed ache inside of me.

  “Did you miss me, Sienna?” he whispered hoarsely in my ear. His hot breath sent tingles all the way down to my very wet opening.

  I opened my eyes and looked him straight in his. “Yes.” I halted as he stuck a finger inside me, twirling and twisting it, hooking it in the upper wall of my slick channel. He frantically moved his fingers against my clit, flicking it up and down in a fast rhythm.

  “Oh my God” I yelped. Yes! I chanted in my head.

  I grabbed his bulging cock and started to rub it hard before taking charge of his pants, swiftly opening the button and pulling his zipper down. His pants were pooling around his knees and I tugged his boxer briefs south, on top of his pants. I eyed him, man he’s aroused. I gently cupped his balls with my left hand, squeezing them as I delightfully moved my right hand up and down his cock, twirling his erection with voracious determination.

  I was in such a delicious state of sexual euphoria, and I couldn’t seem to hold it back for much longer. Nine months of celibacy made me desperate for him.

  “Kyle, please… FUCK ME,” I pleaded.

  “Not yet, baby”

  Our foreheads joined together as we panted hard. His thick, rock-hard cock had a small drop of juice that was enticingly sitting on the head of his enormous manhood. I hastily licked my dry lips as I greedily eyed it. It was just waiting for my attention.

  If he thought torturing me would work, then I would give him the same satisfaction. I slightly bent over again and licked that sweet juice off oh-so-slowly and at the same time, watched his face through my lashes with a pure fervor born of lust. Hovering over his cock, I sucked the head with just enough pressure to get all of his sweet, moist essence out, tasting more of his manhood as though it was nirvana. His face almost combusted with desire and he was beyond turned on. He seriously looked like a savage animal ready to pounce.

  He took his fingers out and spread me against the wall. He kneeled down just above my throbbing pussy and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder as he opened my other leg wider. Licking my outer lips with his hot, teasing tongue while nipping and sucking, I buckled and threw my head back from the sensations racking through my body.

  He quickly grabbed my hips and hooked my legs around his body as he pulled me down to the large bed. My dark mane of hair splayed everywhere. My top and skirt sat on my stomach, open and ready to be ravished. My thong was still lopsided from his drastic invasion and I was still wearing my cowboy boots.

  He loomed over me; his eyes intensely flickering to my nipples and wide open legs. He pulled on his dick and started to stroke it, hard; big hands squeezing and stroking as I watched in fascination.

  He took my boots off and pulled down my thong. “You’re beautiful, Sienna.” Our eyes locked as he gently rubbed me with his pulsating head, ready to combust. He teased and probed—driving me insane. I whimpered as I anticipated the feel of him inside me.

  He paused, his cock just a mere centimeter from my soaked entrance. “Has there been anyone else? I know I was your first, but that could’ve changed since we broke up, so was there anyone else?” His face was passive as he waited for me to reply.

  I shook my head. “No, no one.”

  His smile was predatory and victorious, eyes gleaming. He slowly entered me and pulled out almost immediately. “Baby, you feel like a virgin! I love it that your pussy’s like this. Best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.”

  I looked at him as he was watching our bodies joining together. He was staring down candidly as his cock slid cautiously into my tightened core. He seemed to cherish the idea of being the only man I had ever had sex with. He groaned like a caveman as he shoved his dick inside me, thrusting hard with no inhibition or restraint. My walls immediately enveloped him, accommodating his size.

  “You’re mine! All mine!” he growled like an animal. “I love how you feel… so silky, wet, and fucking tight. I’ve been constantly thinking about when I can have you over and over. I can’t get you out of my head. When I saw you tonight, I couldn’t help myself… I needed to have a taste of whatever you could give me. I needed to be inside you or I was going to go insane.” He sounded raw with want as he picked up the pace and held my hips tighter. My legs were wrapped around his hips in an angle where it hit the spot, taking him deeper inside me.

  Thrusting harder, filling me, stretching me, taking as much as he could with no restraint. His cock was undeniably stretching me to its capacity. I couldn’t deny him that. I couldn’t deny us both. Sex with Kyle had always been good when we were together. So, it was hardly a surprise that we couldn’t help ourselves.

  I felt my body and pussy tighten around him, building up slowly for an orgasm. The friction was more intense, fervent and exquisite. I was almost at the tipping point and then I felt my body convulse around him as my climax came to a close. I held his shoulders, digging my fingers in and screaming hard as I came.

  Kyle held my hips harder and placed his lips on my neck as he fucked me hard with building intensity, his orgasm trailing close behind my own. He screamed my name against my lips, “Sienna, I love you. It’s always been you.” He then spilled his seed inside me with one hard thrust of his hips.

  Thank God I had continued taking the pill.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  We held each other, panting and disoriented. I closed my eyes, trying to figure out what had just happened and how I could walk away from the situation without having my pride and heart trampled over. Deep breaths. He said he loved me. He still loves me.

  I had so many questions I needed to ask him, but I couldn’t seem to find the strength or the wherewithal to look him in the eye. I might’ve deluded myself that it was over... Could it be possible that it was one of those you-don’t-realize-what-you-have-until-you’ve-lost-it types of things? I groaned. I really am in the shitter.

bsp; I slowly opened my eyes and drank him in. His hair and clothes were all disheveled and his eyes seemed to be raging something from deep within. He got up and started to get dressed without even giving me a glance.

  Thinking about the fact that whatever comeuppance this situation brought, I had played a major part in it so I should hold my head high and act like the mature person that I am.

  I sighed.

  “Kyle,” I whispered.

  He was staring at the window, his back toward me like he was trying to gather his thoughts. Distant and unreachable. Why isn’t he talking?

  I straightened up my clothes and tried my best to fix my hair with my shaky fingers. I was nervous and anxious. I didn’t ask for it, yet I couldn’t stop or deny myself the opportunity to have him again. Even if it was for the last time.

  Wanting him and for him to want me, it was just all too much and yet it was something I couldn’t just walk away from. Oh, damn it to hell and back.

  “Kyle, say something!” I croaked. Still no response. What in God’s name was he playing at? “Oh! I get it! You just needed to get one last fuck out of your system and now you can just walk away! That’s it, isn’t it?” The feeling of being used was something I had never encountered before and that feeling didn’t sit well with me, especially when the person in question was Kyle.

  He moved against the window and the moonlight shadowed behind him, making him appear like he was some sort of dark angel, breathtaking to look at. This fallen angel was staring back at me with a blank expression. It gave me an idea of what was to come and for the first time, I was at a loss for words.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  God, she’s gorgeous! Even in her bedraggled state from our crazy romping, she still had the ability to take my breath away by just standing there, demanding my attention.


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