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Enthralled: A Box Set

Page 30

by Pamela Ann

  “Everything okay?” I inquired lightly, wondering where he’d gotten his mood from.

  Blake shrugged. “Just work. We’re trying to open a hotel and casino in Marbella and there seems to be a problem with permits as well as budget overruns that I have to look into.”

  “That’s unfortunate. I hope you guys can figure out a way to fix that. Marbella’s a prime location. I’m sure you and your people will figure out a way. You’re good at that.”

  I melted when he gave me his sexy smile. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, poppet.”

  “Anytime, Knightly” I winked at him as I retreated back to nursing my coffee.

  “Going somewhere?”

  “Yeah, I’m meeting Chad for lunch at my flat in an hour and we’ll hit the studio later in the afternoon, perhaps.”

  Blake turned and walked over to the coffee pot. Stirring his contents with two teaspoons of sugar before returning to his former post, leaning against the kitchen sink. “Sounds like fun! Will you be back here tonight?”

  “Do you want me to? I’m sure you’re busy with work, Blake. I don’t want to impose any longer.”

  He left the sink, came over to where I sat and swerved my chair so I sat there facing him. “Listen, you’re not imposing. I invited you to stay here. I would love for you to stay with me tonight before Monday comes. We’ll be busy, but always count on me to make time for you.” Swoon.

  “I love spending time with you, too,” I said shyly. I was still not used to being with Blake like that. It caught me by surprise every time.

  “What time do you plan to leave? I’ll take you,” he said over his coffee as he took a sip.

  “Are you sure? Aren’t you busy with the Marbella project?” He couldn’t keep pushing his work aside for me. I didn’t want him to get into trouble with his grandfather.

  “Yes, but I’m still taking you. End of Story.”

  Bossy, aren’t we?

  “All right, in that case, save dinner for me. My turn to cook.”

  “Brilliant! Apart from your coffee making skills, I haven’t tried anything else.” Blake was back to teasing.

  I punched him lightly on the arm. “Hey! Don’t make fun of me! I’ll load your dish with cayenne pepper just to punish you for that!” I happily grinned at him.

  “Oh, really! My type of punishment will make you suffer with sweet torture. So watch it, my sweet. Take only what you can handle.” Threats, though hot, but threats all the same.

  Am I one to back down? Don’t think so, buster! “We’ll see about that, Knightly,” I retorted, amused.

  He held my hand as we both got up and he went to fetch his keys to drive me back home to meet with Chad for lunch.

  Chapter Forty

  “Have some room for dessert, love?”

  I looked at Chad, astonished that he could even stuff himself more, considering how much Chinese takeaway he had consumed. “Go help yourself; I’m in a coma.” I moaned as I gently patted my belly.

  “We’ll just do double time with dancing tonight. It’s okay; cheesecake?” Flagging a forkful of blueberry cheesecake in my mouth.

  I groaned in frustration with his persistent attitude, knowing full well I had a weakness for sweets. Evil man! Heavens! That was delicious.

  I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. When I returned, Chad was already almost halfway done with the cheesecake.

  “Is something’s bothering you? What is it, baby love?” He glanced at me with a perfectly arched, ebony brow. It was as good a time as any.

  Feeling helpless and confused, I spilled everything about Blake. They were friends by association, therefore Chad didn’t know I had the hots for Blake Knightly and my confession shocked him.

  He whistled after I finished with my tale, took a big gulp of coffee and looked me square in the eye, “Wow. That’s some story.” Chad lightly fanned himself. You don’t say, buster? I smirked. “I’m usually pretty good at these things, but I never once thought he saw you that way, love. I mean, apart from a few lingering glances here and there… Wow, that man can certainly put a mask on! God, I can’t believe you didn’t just shag him! How could you not even think of going all the way, love? I would’ve yelled at the top of my lungs and told him to ‘pummel me any way you want me, baby!’” Chad looked all hot and bothered all of sudden. I was sure his thoughts involved the sweaty, smoldering hot body of Blake. I had no doubt in my mind Chad would do exactly that. We both had the hots for Blake Knightly.

  I laughed loudly and then, smiling at my dear friend, I confided, “I was sort of ready to do it all the way, but he resisted and I admire him for that. It’s difficult enough that I just barely got out of a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I like Blake—more than I should at the moment—and when he’s around, he’s all I think about, but I’m not emotionally ready. I’m drained and I can’t simply put myself in that situation. Not right now, maybe in a few months. Blake’s an intense person. He will consume me and I’m not ready for that kind of emotional rollercoaster. Not yet.”

  It was very confusing to be in that position. There I was, trying to gather my bearings after such a riotous upheaval with Kyle and a whirlwind of hotness of the formidable god that was Blake Knightly had been added. What was a girl to do?

  “Even though he’s a deliciously sinful specimen, I get where you’re coming from,” Chad sympathized. “Maybe you can still have fun with him without getting too attached? Or you can just enjoy being single and see what’s out there. God knows you haven’t yet experienced London single! Maybe it’s time you should, love! I’ll be with you all the way! This is so exciting.” He looked wistful, like he was imagining all sorts of scenarios in his head. I bet his are more revealing than mine.

  Blinking a few times, I leaned back on the couch and exhaled, sighing. Chad had a point. For me to jump from one relationship to another was not good, everyone knew that. I still had baggage to sort through with Kyle. I couldn’t think about him without feeling a heavy knot in my chest. Everything was unbelievably complicated.

  “You’re right. Maybe being single is the answer to all this.”

  “There you go. Speaking of fun, I have a different motive for coming here. I need a model for my theme with the art show I have in eleven weeks and I want you to pose for me… with a male model, who I don’t know at the moment—”


  “Yes, pose! Model for me! For my grunge sensual theme—”

  “I’m not model material, Chad!”

  “I beg to differ. Have you seen your body, Sienna? C-cup breasts, small waist and that ass! Although, most of all, you are gorgeous! You look sensual and you fit my theme. I don’t see anyone else that would be as fitting, baby love. Do this for me and I’ll be forever in your debt. Will you do it, love?” He was on his knees with a huge pout and dark eyes, pleading. Chad, with his flair for the dramatics, didn’t exactly hold back when he was desperate.

  That meant I was the only person he had in mind. Sigh, the things we do for the people we love. “Ah! How you tug at my heart. You just have to go looking all sad! Fine! I’ll do it! You can bet your skinny ass that you’ll be indebted to me for a while! When does it start?”

  “I have to speak to a few guys tomorrow. I’ll let you know by Tuesday. Shooting will be in around a week or two. The images I want are risqué and you’ll be technically nude with undies, just to warn you.” He looked delirious and sheepish at the same time, happy that his project was well on its way.

  Technically nude? Shit. Bite me. I pulled my legs to my chest. Thoughts of the shoot mocked my mind. What if it looked obscene and tacky? “These better be tasteful, Chad,” I warned.

  Chad merely huffed. “Baby love, I only do it with taste and class! You know that!” True, I did know that. His artworks were appealing and riveting. I was sure my lack of confidence came from my own insecurities.

  After lunch, we left to go for a walk around Bond Street and went inside Selfridges before hitting the gym. He
needed some apparel and he enjoyed modeling them as I sat, cheerfully critiquing his choices.

  A couple of hours later, we left for Hampstead and hit the gym. They had floor-to-ceiling-mirrors that surrounded the room. There were six rooms in total and we took one that wasn’t occupied.

  Damp with perspiration, I gulped a whole bottle of water. The four sets of samba gave me a much needed workout and it felt great.

  “Get your sweet, Brazilian ass back here! Time to shake it for Salsa!” Chad called out as he was jumping about and browsing through his iPod.

  “Coming!” I yelled as I made my way to the middle of the room. I studied the image before me. Dressed in my black leggings and cut-off, loose shirt that hung off one shoulder, I looked flushed and glowing.

  The two-hour workout with Chad had left me in a happy state as I made my way through the checkout counter in Waitrose on Marylebone High Street. I was going to make spinach salad with cherry tomatoes and stuffed mushrooms, lasagna with hot Italian sausage instead of beef, garlic bread and tiramisu to finish the meal.

  I paid for my items and hurried outside to hail a cab. Sitting comfortably inside, I texted Blake that I was on my way with groceries in hand and to meet me in the lobby.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Playing with my wine glass, I took a sip and looked at the man across from me. His fitted black shirt emphasized his bulging biceps and broad shoulders, making my thoughts slide downward into explicit territory. “Blake…”

  He looked up from his tiramisu. “Hmm?”

  “Is it okay if we keep this—whatever this is—between you and me? Until, I’ve thought things through?” Right, like whatever this is would be a suitable description.

  Something passed in his eyes before he responded, “If that’s what you wish, then I’ll oblige, Sienna.”

  “Thank you. Since we’re on the subject, what is it you’re really after? A relationship? A fling? Friends with benefits?” The list could go on really.

  “A relationship, but as I said before, it’s your decision. I am not going to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to, however if you are, I want everything and only you, exclusively. I don’t share what’s mine.” That was good to hear. I mean, I didn’t want to share him if he was giving me the goods.

  “I see. That’s a lot to take in.” I looked up to him with a serious expression because the damn atmosphere had dropped and it was becoming quite serious.

  “It is. That’s why I want you to think about it carefully.” Blake leaned back on his chair, studying my reaction to his words. His eyes were cautious and gauging.

  “What happens to our friendship? I don’t want to ruin what we have. It’s a major factor for me.” It was one of my many fears. Blake and I could lose a lot if things turned ugly.

  “I know and our friendship means a lot to me, too, but I want you! I’m burning for you, Sienna. I can’t seem to get you out of my head! It’s driving me insane. It’s the only thing I can think about; you’re the only thing that I think about. I can’t think straight, Sienna!” Blake’s face was unashamed from his admission. If anything, he looked unfaltering. He was a man that knew what he wanted.

  I was starting to become weary. “How about we try friends with benefits? No strings attached kind of thing first?” Say yes, my thoughts pleaded to no avail as he shook his pretty head.

  “No. I want all the strings; the good and the bad. If it’s too much to be with me because you’re still recovering from your ex then, as I said before, I’ll wait. I want you to want this, too; badly enough that you can’t wait to be with me. I want you open only for me and no one else.” My. He just keeps on pressing and pushing forward, doesn’t he? Fuck, he’s so damn delicious, too.

  His unabashed admission turned me on while it also gave my stomach butterflies. I desperately wanted to kiss him. Blake was the kind of man who knew what he wanted and didn’t hesitate to get it; he could be utterly ruthless.

  “Why me, Blake? I know you don’t do serious relationships. I mean, you have so many women who don’t have any emotional hang-ups or issues. I just don’t get it; you could have any woman you want. What makes me different compared to Camilla or the others?”

  “That’s easy. You’re different because you’re all sassiness and sexiness; well, most of the time, but sometimes you can just be gullible. You’re unique and I’ve never felt this connection with anyone. It’s exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. I knew this even before we kissed, which merely confirmed what I knew. You feel it, too. I’ve seen you trying to tame it down, yet it only intensifies. This is the point of no return for us, Sienna. You know that.”

  Point of no return, he said. Did I know that? Yes, I sort of did. Blake didn’t do things in small measures and I was next on his list, apparently.

  “It’s like that, huh?” I gave him a teasing smile as I got out of my chair and walked across the table to where he was sitting. His face lit-up with a knowing smile.

  Does the bad boy want to come out and play? I thought provokingly as his smile became dangerous. Oh yeah. He definitely does!

  I stopped before him, hooked my right leg to the other side of the chair and straddled him. He gasped at the sudden contact of my body. Without hesitation, I took his face with both of my hands and kissed him passionately, deeply. My kiss showed him how much his words affected me. How he made me forget about everything except for him.

  The kiss was ferocious as our hunger battled against our tongues. I pushed my ass down harder and ground against him. We both groaned as his hands gripped my waist, pressing me firmly in place against his jeans that revealed his hardened shaft. The friction was pure torture. The heat of his rock-hard erection against my soaked underwear was madness.

  My body took over; I suddenly felt possessed, wanting to feel more of him as I rocked myself slowly against him. I was on fire as I kissed his neck, sucking it until he moaned my name. I slowly kissed him as I became lost in a blanket of mindless lust with that beautiful man. The spiral feel of emotions rocketed through my body as we devoured each other. My heart ached. I wanted him. So. Badly.

  However, what tore me up inside was the prospect of losing him altogether as my dear friend. He meant a lot to me and, by sleeping with him, there was a huge possibility that our friendship could not and would not survive.

  Breaking from our locked lips, he touched his forehead against mine. “You’ve enslaved me, but I’m asking you to stop torturing me. End my agony. Say yes.” His voice sounded different; it was pleading and laced with hungered passion. It simply thrilled me to the core. I had this power over him, and for a man such as Blake, that was something important. I heeded.


  He took my chin and looked me straight in the eye. “Be mine, Sienna. Your body tells me that it’s mine, but your mind resists. Stop fighting it and let it conquer us. We’re fated to be together. I knew it from the moment I met you. You were made for me.” How sure could he be?

  “Blake, I can’t have sex with you tonight… but I can help you. I’ll help you… get off…” My voice trailed off, lust-filled and with purpose.

  Empowered from his reaction, I made up a plan. I might not be ready to do the deed, but I was ready to have fun. What fun it’ll be, too.

  I peeled myself off him and led him straight into the living room. I dimmed the lights and directed him to sit on the couch. “Take all your clothes off except your boxers.” I commanded with absolute seriousness.

  Walking over to his iPod player, I chose the song “I’ve Been Thinking” by Handsome Boy Modeling. It was fitting for what I had in mind for him. When I turned around, he was already situated in the middle of the couch and oh so ready! Blake’s compelling eyes preyed on me, scrutinizing each move I made. His smooth, six-pack abs and torso looked too tempting not to be noticed. His black boxer briefs fit him like a glove. My, oh my, what a package!

  I swallowed and started to panic. Shit cakes. Do I know what I’m doing? You’ve got it un
der control. You’re fine. You can do this! Now, move.

  “I need to get something. I’ll be back in a flash and don’t move an inch, Knightly.” I almost ran to the bathroom, fetched what I needed and darted back to where Blake was patiently waiting for me. “So, where were we?” I murmured as I got close to him. “Oh yeah, pleasing you, Mister Knightly.” Smiling and biting my lip, I felt excited and wicked at the same time. I felt like I was on top of the world when he looked at me.

  Opening his legs a little wider, I stood before him with my long, dark hair wild and mussed-up, lips swollen from his kisses. I untied the knot at my neck and pulled my short dress above my head, slowly and deliberately, making a teeny show for him as I let my dress drop on the floor.

  When I heard him groan, it was exactly the push I needed. My eyes took him and his reaction in. His face was stoic as his eyes darkened, making his gold flecks stand out, his gaze penetrating me, burning unadulterated fire. With shaky hands, I unhooked my bra, swiftly pulled it off and seductively placed it on my fingers, letting it dramatically drop to the floor. I stood before him with my hot-pink lacy thong and four-inch, patent nude, Rolando Louboutin pumps.

  Still, no sound came from him, but his eyes spoke volumes. They were locked on my round and heavy breasts. His penetrating gaze alone had the power to make my nipples harden and my womanhood drench with excitement.

  Strategically bending over him with my butt in the air, I kissed his neck and slowly made my way to his tanned and chiseled torso. I licked the outer part of his nipple until it hardened and covered with goose bumps. My hot tongue flicked it slowly and my teeth playfully bit it.

  He gasped. “Fuck, Sienna. You’re killing me.” Slowly, but surely, they say…

  Glancing at him through my lashes, I gave him a cat-like smile. “I’ve only just started. Be patient, young man!”


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