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Spellbound in His Arms (The Greek Isles Series)

Page 14

by Sefer, Angel

  Michael grabbed her by the arm and started running through the trees dodging right and left, but the helicopter chased after them.

  “Keep your head low,” he yelled over his shoulder and kept on running.

  They heard gunshots from the helicopter and somewhere on their left, but Michael and Jackie wouldn’t stop.

  All of a sudden, a second helicopter appeared, approaching from the opposite direction.

  “Thank God,” Michael sighed. “It’s the police.” Jackie breathed out in relief.

  Michael pulled her behind some bushes and hid there, since the first helicopter had now turned around and was being chased by the second one.

  “There must be ground forces around here somewhere. That’s probably what all the shooting was about.” Michael said.

  Jackie stayed as close to him as she could, feeling her heart pounding. They were going to be saved after all. She whispered a prayer of thanksgiving, right before she collapsed from exhaustion.

  Jackie heard Michael’s voice whispering in her ear, and she slowly opened her eyes. She noticed that there were people standing around and alarmed, squeezed his hand.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her. “We’re safe now.”

  Michael helped Jackie to stand up and held her close, supporting her, as she took some shaky steps. She felt really dizzy and disoriented and held on to him, still scared of all these unfamiliar faces around them.

  Michael led her to a police Jeep that was parked close by and helped her get in the back.

  “Don’t leave me…” she whispered, not letting go of his hand.

  “I won’t,” he promised. “I’ll just go over there to talk to the officer in charge and will be back to escort you back to town.”

  Jackie watched him nervously, as he walked towards a short, bulky man who was talking to two policemen in uniforms.

  A few minutes later, Michael came back and climbed in the front passenger seat next to another policeman in plain clothes who was driving the Jeep.

  Jackie leaned back and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was late by the time they finally made it back to the hotel. Michael wanted to take her to a hospital and have her checked out. It took all her efforts to finally convince him that all she needed was a hot bath and a good night’s sleep.

  She bathed and ate some hot soup that Michael insisted on ordering for her. When she climbed into bed, a policeman stood outside her door.

  Jackie thought she would pass out and not wake up for a couple of days, but she tossed and turned all night long. The hours went by and at dawn, Jackie was still lying there, wide awake, thinking about everything that had happened to her, ever since she first stepped foot on Corfu. The island was such a beautiful place, a tourists’ heaven and yet for Jackie, it had been such a scary place. But then again, it was the place where she met Michael and that made it very special.

  She wasn’t sure what the future had in store for all of them. All she wished for was that the police managed to arrest Philip and Eric Manos and all their gangsters, so they wouldn’t be able to hurt anybody else anymore.

  She hadn’t been able to stop the tears when she thought about all the people who’d died for no reason whatsoever and especially, her beloved cousin Maria. Jackie found herself crying for Maria and for her own parents dying so young and leaving their eight-year-old daughter behind. She cried for the past, but she also cried for the future. Now that things had cleared up, she had no reason to stay in Greece any longer. She would soon be on a plane back to Atlanta, and Greece, this island, and above all the man of her dreams would be left behind. She would cherish his memory for the rest of her life.

  She didn’t feel any regrets though. She’d been through hell and she’d jeopardized her life. But she wouldn’t change the moments with Michael for anything in the world.

  When the sun was finally shining high up in the sky, she got out of bed and went to take a quick shower. Afterwards, not feeling ready to face the world yet, she ordered breakfast in her room. She was surprised to find out she was hungry and ate pretty much everything on her plate.

  As soon as she was finished with her breakfast, she picked up the phone and called Stephanos. She knew it was the middle of the night in Atlanta, but she knew he and Martha would be worried having not heard from her. Actually, she should have called them last night when she got in, but she was so exhausted she was in no condition to speak to anybody.

  Jackie was surprised that the phone kept on ringing, but there was no answer. She checked the clock. It was eleven o’clock in the morning in Greece, which meant that it was four in the morning in Atlanta. Where on earth could they be?

  A little worried, she tried Stephanos on his cell phone but it was turned off.

  Now this is very strange, she thought and started pacing in the room.

  She opened the door and asked the policeman for Michael. The policeman informed her that detective Apostolou left very early in the morning and hadn’t come back yet. He also informed Jackie he had strict orders not to let her go anywhere until the detective came back.

  The story of my life, Jackie thought irritated. Ever since, she had first stepped foot on this island, she’d been detained one way or another—whether it was Michael or the weather or Eric. At the thought of those hungry eyes, she felt her skin crawling and her heart pumping faster. She didn’t dare to think what could have happened, if Michael hadn’t found her last night.

  But how on earth did he know where to find me?

  There were so many things, she didn’t know about him, so many unanswered questions. And still, the only thing she knew for sure was how deeply and desperately in love with him she was, and how miserable her life would be from now on, having to live so far away from him.

  She shook her head to clear her thoughts and walked over to the balcony doors. She opened them and stepped outside, taking a deep breath. The view was magnificent—a sight for sore eyes.

  The hotel was built on a boulevard right next to the water and Jackie’s room had a magnificent view of the sea. The sun was shining bright and the water was the most clear, turquoise color Jackie had never seen. She was amazed she could actually see the bottom of the sea from her balcony.

  The beautifully kept hotel gardens stretched in front of her all the way to the sandy beach. A huge bougainvillea blooming with dark pink flowers climbed the wall to her second story balcony.

  Jackie went back inside and picked up a cup of coffee from the breakfast tray. Then she walked back outside and sat in a lounge chair, letting the magnificent view carry her away. She closed her eyes and smelled the roses and jasmine from the garden below. She smiled like a little girl having found heaven. All she wanted at this very moment was to sit there and think of nothing…just let her senses carry her away and relax.

  The ringing of the phone, made her jump and she spilled some coffee on the white tiles.

  She rushed inside and with shaky hands answered the phone, wondering why Stephanos was calling on the hotel phone in her room and not her cell phone.

  “Yes?” she answered out of breath and was half disappointed half relieved to hear Michael’s voice. She wanted to hear his voice so much, but she’d been so worried about Stephanos, Martha, and Aphrodite she’d wished it was them on the phone.

  “Is everything okay?” Michael asked alarmed, obviously picking up the anxiety in her voice.

  “Yes,” Jackie said, not sounding so reassuring.

  “What is it?” he insisted. “Is the guard still there?”

  “Yes, the guard is here and everything is fine,” she said and tried to sound more calm. “It’s just that…”

  “What?” he asked and sounded somewhat more relaxed.

  “It’s just that I haven’t been able to get in touch with my family,” she said in a slightly trembling voice. “I’ve been trying to call them and there is no answer on the home phone, even though it’s the middle of the night in Atlanta, and my uncle’s cell
phone is turned off. I’m a little worried.” she admitted, and her voice trailed off.

  “I see.” Michael replied. “I’m sure that everything is all right, but I’ll look into it.”

  “Oh! No, you don’t have to,” she protested, even though deep down inside, she’d hoped he would say that. If something was wrong, Michael would be able to find out long before she could. But she knew that he had too much on his mind right now to be worried about Stephanos and his family’s whereabouts.

  “I’ll let you know, as soon as I hear something” he promised and hung up the phone.

  “Wait!” Jackie called out, but the line was already dead. “Where are you? When will you be back?” she went on, talking to herself and the dead receiver she still held in her hand.

  Then she placed the receiver back down and looked at the balcony. She was in no mood for daydreaming anymore. Thinking that something might be wrong with her family had changed her mood abruptly and drawn her back right into the foul and self-pitying mood she’d been in all night.

  “Damn!” She had no way of contacting Michael unless he called her back. She didn’t have his cell phone number, and she didn’t want to call the police station and ask for him there unless it was something important—not just because she was worried and feeling sad and empty inside. He had so much to do and so many things to take care off. He didn’t need a crying baby on his hands.

  “No,” she decided. I’ll just stay here and wait. She checked her watch and was surprised to find out it was already late in the afternoon. She couldn’t believe that she’d spent all that time out on the balcony lost in her thoughts. Picking up her cell phone, she tried Stephanos one more time at home and then on his cell phone. There was still no answer. Irritated, she threw the cell phone on the arm chair by the door that led to the balcony and walked back outside. But she felt restless and couldn’t sit down. She walked back inside, and prayed for something to happen. She needed some answers. She needed to know that her family was all right.

  Sooner or later, Stephanos will call. If something had happened to them, Michael would have called to let me know. When she finished her thought, she felt a kick in her stomach.


  Michael was really upset when he left the office of the chief of the Corfu Police.

  “This is just great!” he yelled out loud hurrying down the corridor, ignoring the questioning look of the policeman coming the opposite way. Stavros had just informed him, about everything that had taken place since Michael left with Jackie the night before and Michael was furious.

  He rushed out to the parking lot, got in his Jeep, and took out his cell phone to call Tony.

  “Eric’s gone!” he yelled into the phone, as soon as Tony picked up.

  “I know,” Tony replied and sounded just as angry as Michael. “I was in the chief’s office when Stavros called to inform him of the latest developments. I just can’t believe it!”

  “Neither can I!” Michael let out a breath full of fury. “How did he manage to escape?”

  “I’m not sure. But at least, we have Philip Manos” Tony said, trying to sound encouraging. “And with the evidence we’ve got so far, he’s going away for a long time.”

  “Yes, that’s something.” Michael responded, but didn’t sound better at all. He wanted this whole thing to be over for good. No loose ends…and now, Eric Manos and his lizard, Alex, had managed to escape—only God knew how. The whole place had been surrounded by the police. Manos helicopter was forced to land and the whole area was searched over and over again, but there was no sign of Eric or Alex.

  “How on earth did they get away?” Tony asked.

  “I have no idea,” Michael replied. “Probably on a speed-boat!”

  “But they would have been spotted by the helicopter or the Coast Guard, who were patrolling the area.”

  “Well, apparently, they weren’t,” Michael said and hit his fist on the steering wheel.

  “What now?” Tony asked.

  “Philip Manos and the rest of his gang will be transferred back to Athens, while Corfu Police will wrap up things here and send reports to headquarters. At least, that bastard Roussos is out of the way!”

  “I know” Tony said. “I’m sure he was the one who killed Manos’ secretary, Elizabeth.”

  “Not to mention Alexandra!” Michael hissed. “According to what Elizabeth told you, he was the one Manos sent after her.”

  “You’re right” Tony agreed. “But, what about the …”

  “What about what?” Michael asked, even though, he knew exactly what Tony was referring to.

  “The sailboat accident,” Tony continued.

  “I’m not sure yet” Michael responded and his voice sounded threatening. “But I will find out soon enough. I’m sure Manos was responsible for that also.”

  “I am too,” Tony replied. “When are you coming back?”

  “Tonight.” I’ll escort Philip Manos back to Athens. I don’t trust him with anyone else!” Michael said.

  “What about Jackie?”

  “She’ll be coming too,” Michael said. “There’s nothing else for her to do here. Besides, I can’t leave her here alone. She has a tendency of getting in trouble.”

  “I know,” Tony said and hesitated for a moment. “But she’ll be leaving soon.”

  “I know,” Michael said and left it at that. “I’ll call you later.” He hung up the phone.

  He knew Jackie would have to go back to the States sooner or later and he wasn’t ready to deal with her leaving right yet. The only thing he was sure about in this whole mess was that he was desperately in love with her. But how could it work? How could they be together, when she lived on the other side of the ocean, not to mention that she still had her suspicions why he hadn’t come straight out and claimed his inheritance? How could he explain to her that he didn’t want Philip Manos to guess who he really was.

  He had started investigating Manos right after Constantinos and his father’s boating accident and he was getting really close the uncovering the truth after Alexandra’s death. However, Manos was very smart and he had connections everywhere. Michael was sure he might get suspicious, why Constantinos Demiris cut all his other family members out of his will and left his entire fortune to his godson. And fielding those questions was something Michael wanted to avoid at all cost. He didn’t want anyone, and especially Philip Manos to know that Michael was really Manos’ biological son. He was embarrassed even to think about it.

  He hadn’t counted on Jackie being there. Her presence had complicated things. And then, things got out of control and he had to move fast and put an end to this madness. His feelings for her threw him off guard, and he made mistakes that jeopardized not only the whole investigation, but her life as well.

  And now Philip was arrested, but Eric was on the loose somewhere out there.


  Eric Manos and Alex spent the night in a speedboat hidden in the little cove down by the Evergreens Resort Beach. Eric had instructed Alex to keep the boat there in case of an emergency and his caution had proven right.

  When all hell broke loose last night, they managed to escape and make it to the cove. The place was crawling with cops and there was no way to leave undetected. They spent the night there and planned to stay put during the day until the next nightfall, when they could get to the yacht waiting for them out on the open sea to carry them to Italy. They had enough supplies to last them for days, so there was no reason to rush. But on the other hand, they couldn’t stay around there too long just in case one of the police patrols or the Coast Guard detected the cove.

  “Everything is ready. We’re leaving at nightfall,” Alex told Eric, after the conversation he had on his cell phone with the captain of the yacht. “They’re waiting for us tonight.”

  “Good. Now, give me your cell phone.” Eric held out his hand. “I lost mine last night in the confusion.”

  Alex handed Eric his cell phone. “Who are you calling?” he asked

  Eric ignored him and keyed in a phone number. After someone picked up, he said in a low voice “This is Eric Manos. What have you got for me?” He listened for a few minutes, keeping his eyes on Alex. He could tell that Alex was alarmed. He had probably guessed that Eric was up to something and that meant trouble.

  After Eric hung up, they both remained silent. Eric would tell Alex only what he needed to know and only when he decided to and he knew that Alex wouldn’t dare ask, even if he was dying of curiosity, as he obviously was right now.

  Eric took a deep breath and placed another call. He saw Alex’s eyes open wide, as he heard Eric inquiring for Jackie Alexander’s room.

  “What on earth?” Alex started, but Eric’s murderous look made him close his mouth mid sentence.

  Alex listened as Eric told Jackie that her family was kidnapped and explained to her what she had to do to rescue them.

  “What was that all about?” he asked Eric, as soon as he got off the phone. “Are you out of your mind?”

  Eric gave him another murderous look. “I’m not leaving without her,” he said, and the warning in his voice made Alex not to press the matter any further. But Eric could tell that Alex was furious. He was probably thinking that Eric was going to jeopardize everything for a woman and they were going to get caught.

  Let him think whatever he wants. I’m the boss and I decide what to do and when to do it.

  Eric saw Alex watching him warily, obviously wondering whether he had really kidnapped Jackie’s family or he was bluffing about it.

  “By nightfall she’ll be at the deserted beach further down from the Demiris mansion. Pavlos will pick her up and bring her to the yacht. She’s coming with us to Italy.”

  “Eric…” Alex started, but Eric’s look made him abandon any attempt to change his boss’ mind.

  “She’s coming with us, I said, and that’s final. I want her…and you know when I want something, I always get it.”


  The phone rang and Jackie rushed to it expecting to hear Stephanos or even Michael telling her that her family was fine. Instead, she heard that terrifying voice—the one she hoped never to hear again in her life. But it was Eric all right, and he had Stephanos, Martha and Aphrodite. If she wanted to save them, she needed to follow Eric’s instructions.


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