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Love's Inconvenient Truth

Page 6

by Love Belvin

  “Ahhhh…Ms. Jarreau. Yes, I’ve been fully scripted on your talents by Jackson.” The mere sound of Jackson’s name sent heat coursing through my veins. What the hell is that? Once again, I wanted to kick myself for the hitch in my breathing and the involuntary flashes I got of his plush lips on my mouth, neck and breasts. This is exactly why it would never work! “He’s thoroughly impressed with your creativity and promising contributions. Congratulations, and I look forward to hearing of your works over there under him. He’s great!”

  Under him…he’s great indeed. Stop it, Elle!

  I took John’s extended hand and tendered him a firm shake and an assuring smile. “Why thanks, John. Your words are generous and immensely encouraging.”

  “They’re actually Jackson’s, but I trust his judgment.”


  All of this coming from the head of the firm. It was a lot to take in. I had a huge decision to make by the close of the business tomorrow.

  John retrieved his drinks from the bartender and turned back to us. “I have to get these back to my wife and of legal drinking age daughter. I can never get used to her indulging in a glass of wine.” He shook his head solemnly. “See you around, ladies.” John walked off toward the other side of the bar.

  I turned to take in the enormous room as I felt the effects of the alcohol soaking into my bloodstream. I told Clarice that after two hours I would be hailing a cab whether she was ready or not.

  “Girl, there goes one!” Clarice crooned through a balled mouth.

  I turned to see what had her all excited and that’s when I saw the elderly tot, all teeth and slanted eyes in a huddle of a captive female audience. Clarice wasn’t totally off her rocker for appreciating his looks. He was handsome in a dark tailored suit and long square toe shoes. I could tell he had a sense of fashion, but then again, what young pup his age didn’t?

  He caught our gaping and I watched as he immediately excused himself from his sea of admirers. His amble over was somewhat of a production and I could tell he spent countless hours working on it. I turned back to the bar to tend to my citrus cocktail that I’d been enjoying quite fairly. When I shifted back, I caught a glimpse of Clarice’s drooling. I nudged her arm ineffectively.

  When he arrived, I didn’t hear much from Clarice, but I did hear him exhale. “Wow! If that ain’t a cold shoulder I don’t know what is.”

  I tore myself away from my glass to find his eyes dancing excitedly. Clarice was still frozen in her seat as I sat next to her. We were so close that I could haul off and jerk slap her to wake her from her lustful trance. The youngin’ was still there, flashing his unmoving grin.

  Oh, he’s expecting a response!

  “I’m sorry. You say that as if I know you well enough to give you a cold vibe.”

  His neck jerked back to laugh. And once he returned from his humorous trip, he licked his lips before announcing, “I am Jamie Smith. I work for the firm as a research specialist.” He grabbed my hand, pulling it to his face for a kiss. His lips were cold and I felt traces of his saliva once he let it go.

  “Mr. Smith…” I bit out formally…and with much deliberation. “I’m Elle Jarreau and my friend here is Clarice James. She’s a senior digital marketing designer.”

  I had purposely left out my title and threw in Clarice’s. She was acting all starry eyed over him, so why not attempt an opportunity to leave them to themselves. I needed the restroom and just as I was about to make my exit, I noted Jamie abruptly turn around toward the long hand on his shoulder. When he stepped back to discover the owner of it, my chest rose and eyes collapsed at the sight of Jackson, dripping urbane like never I’d seen.

  He moved directly into my view and caught my eyes immediately. He was delicious from head to toe. His frame was tall and broad. Confident. Commanding. I assessed his freshly cut hair that was low and his stubble had grown in even more, giving him a more mature look. Honestly, he was handsome with facial hair and without. He, too, wore a darksuit: tailored navy micro twill with a black collarless shirt. The two-button jacket was connected by one, with a traditional notch lapel, and his pants fell on a half break over formal black leather loafers. Well cultured. Refined.

  So damn sexy.

  He stood motionless as his eyes swept my body from my feet strapped in B. Brian Atwoods to my golden ringlets, swept over my right shoulder. When his gaze returned to my eyes, I felt the electrical pulses transmitting between us. It was the same energy we shared when we met eyes at the bar nearly a week ago. Though it was closed, Jackson’s mouth collapsed as he drank me in.

  Clarice broke the conduction between us. “Hi, Jamie’s friend.” Jackson didn’t reply right away. He seemed to have been stuck. I was happy because if I was called on first, I would have been stuck, too. “Damn. Is it me or is it getting hot in here!” Clarice belted.

  Jamie cackled. “You should have seen them on Monday. They were ready to tear each other to pieces.”

  Just then, a small woman with a petite frame rounded Jackson’s side. Her voice was familiar though this time a little less shrieky as she had competition with the music. It was the cackler from Neiman’s yesterday. She tapped Jackson and he bent over to give her his ear, into which she whispered something. Jackson nodded and she walked off…after giving me the once over.

  Jackson’s gaze returned to me briefly before offering Clarice his hand and introducing himself.

  “Ms. James, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve seen you around. Good to meet an associate of Elle’s.”

  Clarice’s usual woozy and whimsical essence came to surface as did her dimples when she all but fell off the stool to take his hand and eagerly shake it. But what staggered me was his knowledge of her name. Clarice never mentioned having worked with him yet. And how did he know that she was my friend?

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Hunter.” He’s no mister! He’s damn it twenty-six years old! “I’m delighted that you’ll be working with Elle! She’s fabulous…I’m sure you know this already. We’ve heard the praises you sang of her from Mr. Wizer.”

  That statement cracked a smile on Jackson’s face. He smirked, flushed from being outed. He gave a slight fortifying nod, trying to hide his grin before speaking again. “Ah… I see you’ve chatted with the ever so informative John.” His eyes returned to me in a penetrative gaze as he continued. “Yes, I’ve been forthcoming with Elle’s talents and potential on my team. Unfortunately, I think your excitement is a bit premature. Elle has yet to accept our invitation.”

  Jamie laughed—a little too liberally. And Clarice’s bemused eyes landed on me. He wanted to share the hot seat with me and it worked.

  “Oh, I’m sure it’s just that Elle here has been busy preparing for the transition. There’s no way in the world that she would pass up an opportunity to sit at the big table, right, Elle?” Clarice shot me a reproving glare. I didn’t want to do this. Not here in front of Jackson and his romper-room friend, Jamie. I was a grown ass woman who would not be peer-pressured like a damn adolescent.

  Returning Jackson’s heated gaze, I decided to end this discussion immediately.

  “As I’ve discussed with Jackson just yesterday, I’m still weighing my options. I have until tomorrow to respond and I intend to take my time, making sure this opportunity is the best fit for me.” Jackson knew to read between the lines. At this point, I didn’t want to address the daggers Clarice was throwing my way by way of a scowl, so I took the final draw from my martini and announced, “Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure chatting with you, but right now mother nature is calling and there’s a room of people I should try mingling with. See you around.” My eyes never left Jackson’s mesmerizing examine.

  I didn’t trust myself around him. It was very clear to me during that exchange there was still sexual tension between us and I didn’t want to risk my career on it. He may have had his battles to fight in terms of establishing a sound business reputation, but I had my own as well. I stepped off to beg
in my search for the restroom, and Clarice was right on my trail.

  Once out of earshot, she hissed through gritted teeth, “What in the hell was that? Why does it seem like you know him personally?”

  If only you knew…

  I stopped to ask a server for directions and continued my pace once he pointed me in the right direction. Clarice still antsy for information, didn’t stop her line of questioning.

  “You are going to accept the position, right? I mean, Elle, it’s the one thing you’ve wished for since you came aboard. It sounds insane to me that you would tell the man who holds all the cards for you that you need time to think about whether you want those damn cards!”

  I’d had enough. I knew my keeping her ignorant to the events that had occurred between Jackson and me contributed to her reaction, but I couldn’t have her chastising me. I stopped a few feet away from the door of the ladies room.

  “Listen, a lot has transpired over the past few days. Taking that offer is not as black and white as it was just a week ago.” I sighed as I registered the confusion on her face. Clarice knew I was a closed book and didn’t like to be pushed. “I still feel it’s a killer move for my career if things were to work out, but there are some other things I need to work through first. Let’s just drop this and try to have a good time. We’ve only been here thirty minutes and already I’m itching to leave.”

  Her shoulders collapsed in defeat and I took that as a sign to finally go in to relieve myself. Clarice followed me in and took the next stall to mine. As I closed the door, I could hear that screeching voice I remembered from the day before.

  “Oh, my god! Isn’t this place the shit, Candy!”

  I could sense that Jackson’s friend was coming out of one of the stalls, talking to someone.

  “Yeah, I’m glad Jamie brought me. I didn’t think it would be this fun, but when he told me you were coming, I figured I’d at least have somebody to bug out with.”

  The girls cackled.

  “I plan on getting so plastered and taking Jackson back to his place and letting him fuck me into a stupor.”

  My eyes shot up in my head so hard and fast that it hurt. Really? At his job’s function, we use that type of language? I had to immediately ask myself why I cared. Jackson’s date, firing off about his sex life was his problem and not mine. But for some reason, it still pissed me off. Surely, she had to know that Jackson had an image to uphold.

  Again, why do you care?

  The two girls laughed again.

  “Ashley, how do you deal with all of these women gushing over Jackson? Jamie told me he’s like propositioned damn near every day. If that was my boyfriend, I’d be in his office like every day, in between classes.”

  “Honey, even if I was still in undergrad, I wouldn’t clock him like that. I saw all of those old heads out there in his face. I swear, you and I have to be the only two here that can touch our toes! I have a secret for those old fogeys. They wouldn’t be able to keep up with his stamina on their best days. That man fucks like he has a damn motor installed in his back. I can’t keep up with him!” They burst into howling laughter. You would think they were already wasted. “No, I’m serious! I’m like trying to make him think I’m keeping up with him when instead, I need to sleep for like a fucking week before going at it again.”

  Having finished relieving myself, I shifted in stance in my stall, listening to their childlike banter. I couldn’t help but to let my mind travel back to my time with Jackson and recalling his interminable energy, but appreciating his vigor. It was good for the soul. And this young chicky was out there complaining about it publicly.

  And am I one of those old fogeys?

  “You’re fucking hilarious, Ash!”

  “No, I’m serious! I told my mom about it and she explained some hormonal shifting thing. Something about how men are like their horniest at this age, but in the next ten years, the roles will reverse…blah…blah…blah. I couldn’t imagine being thirty and gray. That shit is like a world away for me. Like, seriously, aren’t your boobs hanging down to your damn belly button by thirty?”

  “Ummmm…I think that’s after you have kids and are really old, Ash.” Candy couldn’t stop to breathe between words.

  At that point I couldn’t listen to another moment of their repartee, at least from behind a closed door. I unclicked the lock and emerged from the stall. Within seconds, I heard Clarice do the same. We took to the sinks that were between both Ashley and Candy, backing them farther away from each other, rudely. In that instance, I dared her to cackle a vowel or I swore I would shove my fist down her throat. I had two issues working against me: her misrepresenting Jackson by airing out his dirty laundry, and the fact that I gave a damn.

  I’m sure, at some point, it dawned on the girls that Clarice and I were privy to their conversation because for a few seconds they stayed glued in place.

  I washed, rinsed and dried my hands, paying close attention to my make-up in the mirror. I made sure to vogue a few poses, showing off my features. I fingered my golden curls over my right shoulder and ran my hands down my torso to smooth my mini dress. In my peripheral, I could see Ashley overtly gaping. I backed away from the vanity and dropped to my extended ankle, making my position look more like a pose than a move to “fix” the strap to my Atwoods.

  While down there with my ass propped seductively in the air I called out, “Hey, Clarice…?”

  I shifted my head to peer up to her though my face was mere inches away from my foot. I could see Clarice in the mirror, tending to her make up with extra care, too, repeating my previous actions. It took every bit of resistance for me not to laugh. She’d caught on to my act.

  “Yeah, Elle…”

  “You think my dress is too short? I mean, like, I would hate to attract those kids out there, being over thirty and all.”

  “Hmmmmm…” Clarice sang as she turned around to take a look at me. “Let me see. Well, you know the old rule…can you touch both your toes at the same time?”

  I popped my head up in a snap, readjusted my dress and with as much seduction as I could muster, I crawled my fingers down my thighs, making my way to my legs until I reached my toes. And without a strain in my voice I muttered, “Can you see my ass cheeks poking out?”

  I knew I was being very childish and racy, and not to mention how lucky I was that no one entered that bathroom during this whole ordeal, but I felt an undeniable desire to fuck with these young lasses. And apparently Clarice was game.

  She moved behind me and murmured, “Uhn-uhn.”

  I then snapped my back up into an erect position, further showing off my acrobatic abilities.

  Clarice then asked, “Can you see my thong when I get low like this?” And she did the most hilarious gyration down toward the floor until she ended with the backs of her thighs resting on her legs. Her dress was knee length so it was now drawn up to the tops of her thighs and her legs were spread eagle style with just a swath of material covering her goodies.

  I laughed myself crimson. Clarice had always had a witty spark to her personality; it made my transition to New York easier. Doing this randy, inappropriate, unprofessional and perfect taunting act gave me the satisfaction I needed to feel vindicated.

  Against what? He’s not your problem!

  At that point, the girls exited the bathroom. Well, Candy giggled in approval of Clarice’s sense of humor, but Ashley didn’t find it funny at all as she stormed out.

  “I think that Candy girl enjoyed your charade,” I chuckled, trying to steady my breath.

  Clarice shrugged as she walked back up to the vanity to fix her hair. “Yeah, but too bad for little Miss Candy, I’m gonna take a virginity from her boyfriend that he didn’t even know he had.”

  Covering my face, I choked out a laugh through my nose.

  We walked to the door and I sighed, “Soooooo, tell me more about this new type of virginity.”

  As we stepped outside, I immediately landed eyes on Jackson, who push
ed off of the wall with one leg, next to the door and moved into my path, barely leaving enough space for Clarice and me to step out. I could see Ashley just beyond him. With furrowed eyebrows and puckered lips, I waited for an explanation.

  “John…Wizer wants to announce my team tonight,” he murmured, peering those soul-consuming eyes down on me.


  “And, you still haven’t made a decision. And don’t give me that bullshit about you still having time.” He gave a deep exhale. “Look, I was an ass with the way I handled the age thing. I was out of line for that.” He turned to be sure no one was close enough to be in earshot before continuing, “What I said on Friday was crude.”

  “And immature,” I shot back at him.

  He blew air from his nose and then used his finger to rub the small patch of hair between his bottom lip and chin, clearly trying to pace himself as he looked away. I could throw as many age-related insults at him, but they wouldn’t diminish the spread in Jackson’s shoulders that showed dominance, the poise of his body that defined his masculinity. And I couldn’t so quickly forget about the curve in his chiseled back or the strength in his hips and arms that triggered tingles up and down my spine when he pushed powerful thrusts deep into the essence of my femininity. Jackson was a bona fide man, a man who damn near took my breath away when I got lost in his eyes. That part, I needed to work out. I didn’t understand why or how. He was nine years younger than me; in some scenarios it could be illegal.

  “Okay, and immature. I would really appreciate it if you’d accept the invitation to join my team, Elle. I promise not to bring up Friday again.”

  I gave him a long regard, trying to read his motives. I saw the urgency in his eyes. Secretly, I felt a pang of disappointment in him offering to forget that night as if it was ominous.


  “Jackson, let’s go. I want a drink.” I glimpsed over to Ashley, who seemed annoyed.

  Oddly, Jackson never acknowledged her. She and Candy exchanged a few furtive communications. And that somehow sealed the deal for me. In that instant, I was sure that I wanted to be on the team. I wanted to work with Jackson.


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