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Bastial Explosion (The Rhythm of Rivalry: Book 3)

Page 16

by B. T. Narro

  Out of the corner of her eye, Effie noticed Brady running toward her. She jumped, nearly screaming as she got behind Alex.

  But it turned out it wasn’t him, just someone with the same short brown hair. The man ran by with a curious glance, clearly unsure why he’d startled her so badly.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked. “Do you know him?”

  “It’s nothing. I…” It was embarrassing to admit. “I thought it was Brady.”

  Alex pulled her to his chest and kissed her head. “He’s gone, Eff. The Academy was swept many times, and two guards watch each entrance day and night.”

  “I know. It was a stupid thought.” She held onto him for a breath longer, enjoying his warmth.

  Chapter 18:


  During the next few days, it seemed as if everyone in the Academy was doing everything they could to ignore what happened and get back to normal. Battle training resumed. Effie had a new teacher by the name of Penny, who made it clear the first day that rather than try to copy Marie’s teaching methods, she was going to do things differently.

  It turned out Penny intended to push the Group One mages harder than they’d ever been pushed before.

  Effie didn’t know her body could endure so much stress with so little reprieve. She didn’t even have time to think between fireballs, rushed formation changes, and stamina casting, which soon became her least favorite drill.

  Each mage was required to unleash a stream of hot Bastial Energy as forcefully as possible so that when Penny snapped her wand and sent out a gust of Sartious Energy across them, she could see which mages had the best control based on the length of the fire stream that was blasted forward when the two energies mixed.

  When they finally were allowed a break for water, the thought of continuing seemed impossible. But Effie’s body surprised her, obeying each command of her mind to absorb and then cast Bastial and Sartious Energy when she needed it.

  Steffen told her one night about Terren’s speech during a discussion with Reela about the seed of anger within each of them. Effie could feel it in her chest when she thought about Brady, a burning pea. She could see how that feeling would spread and consume her if she didn’t control it, or if she ignored it completely as she’d originally planned.

  A few more times Effie thought she saw Brady. But at least the occurrences weren’t startling her anymore. She always knew it was just her mind playing a trick, a dirty one at that.

  The recent deaths seemed to have triggered a fresh wave of Reela’s grief over losing Vithos. Although she was eating normally again, which was of great relief to Effie, Reela often talked about how much she missed him, as well as Rek and Cleve.

  Sometimes Effie would catch Reela sighing to herself, and she could tell that Reela was thinking about them. It made Effie worry that Reela wasn’t going to be able to hold onto her seed of anger, that it might sprout into depression any day now.

  Gabby came to visit, but she’d made two mistakes: She allowed their mother and father to come with her, and she’d also told them about her feelings for Steffen. It was still nice for Effie to see her family, even if they did spend more time questioning Steffen as if he was suddenly a stranger instead of the young man who’d grown up with Effie and her sister.

  On another night, Reela’s mother came to visit, arriving with Steffen’s mother. The two parents knew each other well. Both being a single guardian, they’d become close over the years. Though Effie wondered how much Steffen’s mother really knew about Reela’s family, specifically her Elven side. But from the way everyone was talking, it seemed to be common knowledge by now.

  During each of these visits, it became clear that everyone knew that battle was on the horizon. Excitement was dampened, voices were hushed, and warnings about being careful were repeated to the point of annoyance. Even worse, with all the time Effie and the others spent training during the day, each visit had to be late in the evening, and they were never long enough, almost making them not worth it.

  But at least Effie had visitors. At least she had family.

  No one came to see Zoke.

  He was always last to come home, apparently out late practicing with Alex long after battle training had ended. Sometimes it was so dark by the time he came in, Effie wondered how he even found their house, until she asked him.

  “Krepps can see better in the dark than Humans,” he’d said. It made her wonder if that meant their enemies would attack at night.

  Alex started coming by in the mornings so he could walk with Effie to the dining hall and eat breakfast with her. Zoke had begun waking later, so Effie didn’t wait around to accompany him when Steffen or Reela could—not that the Krepp needed it anymore. After everyone heard that Sawdar was a spy, the fact that Zoke had spit on the traitor now made him more accepted than coin to a beggar.

  Alex always seemed tired when he first arrived, yawning and reticent. But he was back to his usual cheery self by the time they reached the dining hall.

  While they ate, Effie asked him how Zoke was doing with the other warriors.

  “Good. Really good, actually,” Alex added. “He’s learning extremely fast, and he hasn’t spit on anyone, either. He does miss Vithos, though.”

  “He actually admitted it to you?” Effie couldn’t imagine the Krepp saying such words.

  “No, but he does talk about the Elf more often.”

  “It must be because Reela’s been talking about him a lot as well.”

  Alex hummed and nodded. “I haven’t gotten a chance to speak to Reela recently. How have people taken to her ears?”

  “No one cares after everything that’s happened. I barely notice them anymore.”

  Alex surprised Effie with a kiss to her cheek, holding his lips there for a breath before slowly releasing them. Effie could feel her face flood with nervousness, and she didn’t seem to have the power to stop it. Her hand absently went to where his lips had pressed against her.

  Alex had a groomed beard of reddish-brown. It was somewhat of a contrast to his black hair, but she liked the color it added to his face. She thought it went well with his light brown eyes.

  “It just felt right,” Alex said with a nervous grin. “The light’s hitting you perfectly, and your cheek was practically glowing.”

  Effie felt her heart speeding up as she noticed that he looked as if he was about to kiss her again, maybe on the lips this time.

  Her wit was gone. No words, not even a thought.

  She felt frozen, no longer aware of what face she was making. But Effie knew that Alex had felt this way about her for a long time. Other thoughts started forming. Her mind was working again. Her appetite for food was gone, a new one emerging as she looked at his mouth…as she remembered how she felt about him.

  “You should warn me next time so I can kiss you back.” She let out a sly grin. Could I be any less subtle?

  One corner of Alex’s mouth turned up to give him a matching smile. “Alright, get ready.” He leaned toward her.

  Effie took his cheeks with both hands, guiding his lips onto hers.

  They shared no more than two kisses before Effie noticed someone plop down on the bench on the other side of their table. As she turned to see who it was, Zoke began to speak.

  “That’s disgusting. Don’t do that while I’m eating.”

  Alex let out a bitter laugh and placed his palm over his eyes.

  “You’re up early, Zoke.” Effie used a snide tone.

  “So?” Zoke asked, not getting the hint.

  Effie didn’t know what else to add. Besides bluntly telling him to leave them alone, there was no way he was going to get it.

  Under the table, Alex ran his fingertips along her thigh, and she placed her hand on top of his.

  Chapter 19:


  Whenever Steffen awoke to find the glow of the sun peeking in through the bottom of his curtain, the first thing he wanted to do was open it to let in the light. But he’d made that mis
take a few times already, once when a young woman was walking by outside and turned to find his naked self looking back. After that, he at least remembered to put on his underwear first.

  He heard someone knocking at the front door and hurried to get the rest of his clothing on in case he needed to answer it. But someone got there first.

  “Is Steffen here?” It was Marratrice’s voice. He waited before putting his shirt on to see who’d answered the door.

  “He might still be sleeping. Who are you?” Effie asked, her voice more surprised than anything else, though Steffen didn’t know why.

  “Treece, a friend in his class.”

  “Oh, Marratrice?” Effie asked.

  “Yes, but only Steffen calls me that.”

  Steffen was nearly done dressing by then.

  “You’re cute,” Effie said bluntly, as if it was a fact instead of a compliment.

  Marratrice laughed bashfully as Steffen walked down the hall.

  “Stop, I’m not,” Marratrice said. “But look at you. You’re so pretty! You’re Effie, right?”

  “Marratrice,” Steffen said, coming into the front room. Effie was giggling by then.

  “Steffen,” she said, interrupting her laugh with a stern expression and fold of her arms. In a demanding tone, she added, “Why have you been hiding that she’s so cute?”

  Embarrassment seemed to take control, starting three different sentences at once. “I would’ve…she’s…there’s Gabby…”

  He was relieved when Effie smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m teasing.” She extended her hand to Marratrice. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You as well.”

  Effie went to her room. Steffen figured she must’ve already had breakfast in the dining hall, unless she finally was sleeping in to a normal hour.

  “I wanted to talk to you about a new potion I’m working on,” Marratrice said. “Will you come eat with me?”


  There was a knock at the door. Effie came out of her room to investigate as Steffen opened it.

  When he found Jack Rose on the other side, at first it seemed strange. But then he remembered Terren’s announcement about upcoming missions. A burst of excitement from his stomach seemed to propel his heart up into his throat so that he couldn’t speak.

  “Hello, Steffen,” the master chemist said. He turned to Marratrice next. “Hello, Treece, I’ve heard from Chemist Leandra that you have a knack for treating injuries.”

  “That’s kind of her to say,” Marratrice said.

  “Well, I’m sure it’s the truth.” Jack smiled politely before looking over. “Steffen, I’d like you to come with me. There’s a lot we need to discuss.”

  “Another visitor for you, Steffen?” Effie seemed incredulous, though he often couldn’t tell when she was joking. “When did you become so popular?”

  “I don’t know…” Steffen heard his voice trail off as he couldn’t think of what else to say.

  “The Krepp has been staying here, right?” Jack asked, his tone excited. “I would very much like to meet him before we go to my house.”

  “Zoke, are you awake?” Effie blurted.

  Steffen was just now realizing that she seemed to be in a better mood than usual. Or is she always like this in the morning?

  Zoke pulled open the door to Cleve’s room and stepped out with an annoyed glance. “What?”

  Effie danced her hands through the air as she gestured at him, facetiously presenting him to Jack. Dramatically, she announced, “Here he is.”

  “What is this?” Zoke was even more annoyed now.

  In contrast, Jack seemed both delighted and excited, possibly even honored. With his mouth agape, he cautiously approached the Krepp.

  “Zoke, it’s very nice to meet you.” Jack extended his hand and looked to be holding in a giddy squeal when Zoke shook it.

  “Why is your skin so dark?” Zoke rudely asked.

  But it didn’t seem to dampen Jack’s mood. “Because my mother and father’s skin was this dark.” His tone was as if he were explaining it to a child. “And their parents had the same dark skin. It’s truly a pleasure to meet you.”

  Zoke looked to Steffen with a blank expression, waiting to be told what to do.

  But Steffen had no answer for him, so the Krepp looked back at Jack and simply stared, now scratching his ass loudly.

  Bastial hell, Zoke.

  Jack seemed satisfied, though, turning to Steffen with an even wider smile. “Are you ready to go?”

  Steffen felt too much guilt to move. Marratrice had come to eat with him and discuss a new potion. Even worse, she’d admitted earlier that after Terren’s announcement, she wanted to go on a mission. With slumped shoulders, she must’ve been feeling too much disappointment to hide it.

  Steffen decided asking wouldn’t hurt. “Who else is coming on the mission?”

  “Just you, me, and someone from the King’s Council—Javy Rayvender,” Jack said.

  “Can Marratrice come as well? She’s a great chemist, and you already know how skilled she is at treating injuries.”

  Marratrice opened her mouth to object, but no words came out. Her eyes tore back and forth between Steffen and Jack.

  “We’re just meeting with the Slugari,” Jack said. “They wanted someone who came last time, requesting you specifically for your ability to speak their language. There’s no chance of injury.”

  “I know this is completely inappropriate.” Marratrice spoke in a foreboding tone. “But I want to see the Slugari colony more than anything in this world. I promise I can make myself of use.”

  When Steffen noticed that Jack’s lips were scrunched, Steffen already knew the answer. The master chemist always made the same face before he reluctantly agreed.

  “Alright,” Jack said.

  Marratrice covered her mouth as she squealed and jumped up and down. “Thank you so much!”

  “Am I supposed to be standing here still?” Zoke asked.

  “I’m sorry, Zoke,” Jack said. “We’ll be leaving now. Again, I’m so glad I got the chance to meet you.”

  “I’m confused,” Zoke said. “I don’t understand why you’re so happy just to meet me, but that’s fine.” He went back in to Cleve’s room, closing the door after him.

  Steffen and a now excited Marratrice followed Jack out the door.

  The mission was simple enough for Jack to explain most of it by the time they’d walked to his house. The Slugari already had tunnels throughout Ovira. After the alliance was set, they’d worked to extend their southern tunnels into the heart of Kyrro. Now they were ready to come above ground, but they needed to plan the rest of the tunneling process with Kyrro. There was a lot to be discussed.

  King Welson sent Javy Rayvender to lead the mission. From the way Jack spoke of him, it seemed they’d at least met before, probably even knew each other fairly well. But Steffen had never met the man himself. The only thing he knew about Javy was that he was the one who’d escorted Cleve to the castle after he was caught with the outlawed bow, and that was the last they’d seen of him.

  Once inside Jack’s house, he offered them each some breakfast as he explained further details about the mission.

  “A group of Slugari wiggled their way to Kyrro City yesterday. I was told that they dug underground from the north all the way to Raywhite Forest, as Terren had instructed them to before your group left the Slugari colony. Guards on the outskirts of the city escorted them to the castle. Apparently they received quite a welcome from everyone they passed. People were cheering and applauding, and the Slugari have been very humbled by this. I hope students in the Academy can give them the same greeting when they come here.”

  Marratrice’s eyes went wide. “When will they be here?”

  “Javy and the Slugari delegation should be here soon. Then the Slugari will take us to the entrance of their colony in Raywhite Forest. In the letter I received, it said the Slugari have come across an opportunity we might
want to take advantage of, although I don’t know what it is yet. What I do know is that Javy is going to be the one who finalizes every decision.” Jack didn’t seem too pleased about that.

  Steffen asked, “How do you know him?”

  Jack vigorously scratched his chin, as if the mention of Javy had brought forth an itch he couldn’t satisfy. “I…I’ve worked with him in the past, I guess one could say.”

  “I see,” Steffen muttered, uneasy about the nervous expression he found on Jack’s face. “So my role is just to translate if needed?”

  “Yes, and soothe the Slugari’s worry. With Terren unable to go, I’m sure they’ll be a lot more comfortable seeing you there—or at least someone who came to visit them originally when the alliance was set.”

  Although Steffen wasn’t traveling across territories to forge an alliance with a new race, like last time, he still was thrilled to go back underground and see the Slugari colony again. He’d been wondering what role the small slug-like creatures would take in the war.

  “Jack Rose, are you in there?” a man bellowed from outside, pounding on the door. “We don’t know where Terren is. Someone’s here, and we don’t know what to do with him.”

  By Jack’s expression, it seemed as if he was just as confused as Steffen.

  “What do you mean someone’s here?” Jack asked, making no motion toward the door. “Who are you?”

  “We’re two wall guards. An Elf came to the Academy from the east. He’s here with us, and from what we know about him, we believe him to be an ally. We just don’t know what to do with him now.”

  An Elf? Were there more in Ovira than just Rek and Vithos?

  Jack peered out the window. “My Bastial stars, there’s really an Elf out there.”

  When Steffen came behind him for a look…and saw Vithos, he nearly slammed the door into himself as he pulled it open and maneuvered around it to get outside.

  “Vithos! Is that really you?”

  The Elf was even filthier than before, and it looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. His hair was longer, now coming down to the middle of his shoulder blades.

  But even with all the dirt in his hair and on his face, he was practically glowing, his bright smile nearly reflecting the light of the sun.


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