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Bastial Sentinels (The Rhythm of Rivalry: Book 5)

Page 29

by Narro, B. T.

  “Jek? Is that you?”

  He turned to find Gerace. The server looked younger. Her hair was clean and untangled. The dark circles beneath her eyes were gone. He felt ill with guilt that it took until now for him to realize she was too young to be working so hard for the Takarys. This was how a young girl should look, not weary and worried.

  Jek stopped. He wished to speak with her, but first he shared a glance with Baylee.

  “You can talk with her. I’ll speak with Fatholl first, then you’ll speak with him later.” She gestured for a guard to come with her and said something to him in Elvish.

  The armored man regarded Jek. “I’ll take you to Fatholl when you’re ready.”

  Gerace cautiously approached Jek. “Are you…here by your own will?”

  He smiled. It was just like her to think of the most polite way to ask if he’d been captured or had joined them as allies. “I am. Do you have a moment to talk?”

  Her eyes shifted to the Elven guard.

  “Of course,” he said.

  There was a gap between her two front teeth as she grinned. Jek wasn’t sure of the last time he’d seen her smile so wide. “I’ve been worried about you,” she said. “They told me you and the Takarys left the palace. I figured I wouldn’t see you or them within this palace again until this was all over, and I still fear I might not be forgiven for staying—but I was scared, and everyone stayed, not just me. We didn’t want to lose our jobs and—”

  “I know,” Jek said. “It’s alright, Gerace. The Takarys aren’t upset with you, and neither am I.”

  Her chest heaved with a great sigh. “Now if only my father would stop worrying about me. Did you know that Fatholl interrupted the championship shotmarl match before coming here? My father was on the field. He was attacked with psyche like the other players.”

  “I didn’t know. Were any of them…?”

  “Killed?” She said the word like it meant nothing. Had all of this hardened her? “No. Fatholl and his Elves left after his announcement. Then people started leaving the stadium. It’s the first match ever to be canceled, did you know that?”

  “I didn’t.” Gerace always knew more about shotmarl than he did.

  “My father arrived at the palace soon after the Elves took it over. He almost got himself killed trying to get inside to get me, but the Elves stopped him and explained I wouldn’t be hurt. Since then, he’s been allowed to visit, yet all we’ve done is argue. He wanted me to leave The Nest with him and my mother, but I…I…” She looked at the Elven guard a few steps away who was pretending not to listen. “Pardon me, but may Jek and I speak in private?”

  “I’ll be at the end of this hall,” the guard replied, giving them space.

  “They’ve been extremely nice.” Gerace’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Not that Jessend and Lisanda are mean! I just meant—”

  “I know what you meant.” Jek thought of giving her a hug, and he wasn’t one to fight against his instincts. He knew it would surprise Gerace, but he did it anyway, pulling her to his chest for the first embrace he’d ever given her. “You’ve been working too hard. I should’ve realized it earlier. The Takarys really appreciate your assistance, as do I.”

  She didn’t return his hug. But when he parted, she was smiling wide with stained red cheeks. “Oh!” she said as if she just remembered something. “Did you know Cleve’s back? Do you remember Cleve Polken? He was the one who—”

  “Yes, that’s part of why I’m here. He helped convince me that we didn’t have any choice but to join Fatholl. The desmarls are coming. We must fight against them.”

  She nodded encouragingly. “Yes, yes, I’m glad to hear you say that. So Raymess will join them?”

  “He’s being stubborn.” Called me a traitor. “I’m going to try to convince Lisanda and the rest of her family to speak with him.” Jek could hear from the grim tone of his voice that he hadn’t hidden his feelings well.

  The worried expression he was used to returned to Gerace’s face. “What if it doesn’t work? Fatholl says they’ll let the desmarls come into the territories unopposed unless everyone agrees to fight.”

  He wished he could give her an honest answer that would bring back her smile. But there wasn’t one. So he lied. “I’m certain Raymess will agree to fight. But since we don’t have a lot of time, I’d better—”

  “Yes, please,” she frantically interrupted. “I’m sorry. Please go.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. I’m glad we had the chance to speak.”

  She lowered her head. But as he left, she called after him. “Jek? Do you know if Cleve’s coming back to the palace?” She was blushing.

  Jek held in a smile. “I’m not sure. But if I see him again, I’ll let him know you’d really like him to visit.”

  “Don’t tell him that!” she shrieked. “I was just curious. I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to yell.”

  Jek couldn’t help but laugh. He promised he wouldn’t say anything to Cleve and approached the Elven guard. “Will you take me to Fatholl?”

  “Follow me.”

  As he walked beside the Elf, he began to wonder. “Is Fatholl your king?”

  “He’s not a king.”

  “Then what is he to you?”

  “To all of us,” the Elf corrected, “he’s an organizer of common goals. A leader.”

  It wasn’t until they’d arrived at Fatholl’s door that Jek realized the guard had just given the definition of a good leader. He wondered how many kings were organizers of common goals. The description doesn’t fit any that I know.

  Baylee and Vithos were coming out just as Jek was coming in. Vithos wished him luck. Baylee kissed her hand and pressed it to Jek’s forehead. Some Elvish thing, he figured. Whatever had happened with Fatholl, they were both in high spirits.

  “The Sartious mage,” Fatholl announced. The Elf seemed happy. “I’m glad you’re here. Sit and have some fruit.”

  Jek decided it wasn’t a bad idea. He gave his sore back a rest and grabbed a handful of strawberries. I missed the palace, he thought, sinking into the cushiony chair and biting into a lush berry.

  Up close, he could see Fatholl was quite young. Even Vithos, who Jek knew to be twenty-seven, looked older. But like Micah, Fatholl had a way of hiding his age. Cunning gray eyes and a charismatic confidence in his tone masked his youth.

  “Baylee told me what happened at Lake Mercy,” Fatholl said. “And I agree with the plan Klaiya proposed. You should speak with the Takary women. They’re the only hope of convincing Raymess to join us without combat. But don’t spend most of your efforts bringing Lisanda to our side. Vala is the one who holds the most power. What do you plan to say to her?”

  Too much, too fast. Jek held up his hands. “First, don’t say, ‘our side.’ I’m not on your side. I don’t agree with your methods. Second, I haven’t decided what I’m going to say to the Queen. It’s easier if I just wait until I get there.” Jek refrained from telling Fatholl that he was incapable of preparing speeches in advance. He had to see Vala’s face before he could come up with anything. And even if Fatholl prepared lines for him, he’d forget them by the time he got to…are they even still there? “Are they still in Facian?”

  “They’re still there.”

  “How do you know?”

  “We watch each town. It would be easy to know if they left. Jessend and Lisanda have become quite popular among the townspeople there.” Fatholl squinted at Jek. “I worry about your allegiance if you’re so uncomfortable with the simple phrase of us being on the same side.”

  “I’ll be loyal so long as you plan to kill the desmarls and no more people.”

  “That’s the plan unless Raymess or the leaders of the other armies refuse to join us. Only then would death—hopefully just the threat of death—be used.”

  “Do you truly mean to let the desmarls tear through our territories if just one army doesn’t join this cause?”

  “Yes. And I noticed you said ‘our t
erritories.’ Who are you including when you say ‘our’?”

  “Not you.” It came out harsher than Jek meant.

  Fatholl frowned. “It appears that, while we’re allies, you still think of me as an enemy.”

  Jek couldn’t object when it was the truth, not that he knew it was even possible for someone to be both an ally and an enemy. He grew even more confused when he realized Raymess was exactly that.

  His teeth ground together. Anger burst out. “It’s your fault things have become so confusing! No matter what you say, I’ll never forgive you for killing Danvell and so many guards. I’m only here because I don’t see a better choice.”

  Fatholl waited patiently with his arms folded.

  “What?” Jek asked.

  “Do you have any other excuses about why you’re here before we continue?”

  He felt childish. “Not at the moment.”

  “Jek, I don’t care what your reasons are or if you’ll forgive me. I didn’t do this to make friends.”

  “You’re going to need friends when this is over if you expect to live.”

  “I’m going to Ovira when this is over. There’s work to be done there. Perhaps I might return one day to make sure my efforts to exterminate the desmarls haven’t been wasted, but I won’t worry about my safety if I do. Eventually, even the most emotional young men, such as Raymess, will see that I’ve saved their grandchildren, even if I killed his father in the process. Now can we discuss how you’ll convince Vala to stand with her husband’s murderer instead of her son? That won’t be easy to accomplish.”

  Jek was about to complain that Fatholl was exaggerating, making it seem more difficult than it would be to bring Vala to their cause. But as he opened his mouth, no words came. The Elf was right. Perhaps some planning could prove useful.

  Only later did Jek find out that Fatholl already had begun plotting. Jek soon found himself in trouble when Fatholl proposed tactics that Jek thought to be too extreme. He wasn’t used to being the advocate of subtlety, and he failed miserably at defending it, soon joining the side of extremity.

  Momentum took over, their plan tumbling out of control like a boulder crashing down a mountain. Eventually, they were discussing poisoning Jessend as a way to ensure both Vala and Raymess would join Fatholl’s army against the desmarls.

  “It would need to be a poison that takes at least a day to start working,” Jek said. “And it can’t do any permanent harm.”

  “As long as it’s cured with our antidote, it won’t,” Fatholl said.

  “And we’re not going to tell them she’s been poisoned. That way, we can secretly give her the antidote if I manage to convince Vala without the threat of her daughter dying. They would never know she was poisoned in the first place…wait. This is becoming too much.” How could I even consider such a thing? “Are you using psyche on me?”


  “Don’t try to convince me to poison Jessend. I’ve decided it’s a terrible idea.”

  “Fine. Everything else we’ve discussed should be enough to convince them. They’re regal women—while they may wish for revenge, protecting their family will always come first. Unlike Raymess, severing my head isn’t their utmost priority.”

  “You don’t know Jessend as well as you think you do.” Jek recalled the way she’d killed her father’s murderer with absolute satisfaction.

  “I suppose I don’t. But I still trust they’ll side with you.”

  “Without poisoning Jessend,” Jek insisted.

  “Yes, without poisoning Jessend.”

  “What happens after they agree? How will they speak with Raymess?”

  “They must ride to him, wherever he may be. We don’t have time to wait.” Fatholl’s mouth twisted at the corner. “You’re worried.”

  “Raymess could’ve gone anywhere after winning the battle at Lake Mercy.”

  “I have plenty of men and women all over the continent with eyes and ears. We’ll find him.”

  Fatholl’s grand declaration reminded Jek of a question he’d forgotten. After being forced out of the palace, he, Micah, and the Takary women had stayed at the Lage mansion. Heather claimed Fatholl had visited her father-in-law before Danvell died. “What’s Namlin Lage’s involvement in all this?”

  “Money,” Fatholl replied.

  “What about it?”

  Fatholl’s arrogant smile made Jek feel like a child once again. “Jek, in times of war, if someone says money is the reason for something, that’s the most straightforward explanation possible. You can’t think everyone working for me is doing so for free. Not only do I control a portion of the four territories here in the east, each army in Chanren has agreed to fight—so long as they’re paid. No matter what anyone tells you, money can buy allegiance. I needed men and women, thus I needed money. Namlin was escorted to Chanren by Elves to help us recruit.”

  “What is the Lage family getting in return?”

  “They’ll get the north once it’s clear of desmarls. Not every Elf wants to go to Ovira, and many Humans who’ve moved out of their homes and joined us have done so with the desire to create a new territory far from here, where they can live without fear of war. The Lage family will govern the new territory as well as fund its creation.”

  A surge of worries came to mind, but just as Jek opened his mouth to voice them, Fatholl gestured for him to calm himself.

  “There is much more that I don’t have time to get into,” Fatholl said. “But there’s no reason to fear the Lage family will build an army to take over Goldram, if that’s your concern. Thousands of powerful psychics will prevent that from ever happening.” Fatholl stood. “If you wish to reach Facian before supper, you should leave now. Use the techniques we discussed when speaking with Vala. I’ll send a messenger by tomorrow evening with news of Raymess’ whereabouts. Depending on where he is, I can offer escorts for the Takary women. Are you ready?”

  “Eager.” Although Jek knew he should be focused on what he would say to convince them to go against Raymess, he was more worried about how Lisanda would react when he told her that he didn’t think they should get married anytime soon.

  Chapter 38:


  Riding alone through the deserted southern side of The Nest, Jek felt like he was part of neither army now. Both Raymess and Fatholl were allies, yet both were enemies.

  By the time he came to the gap in the southern wall, he’d already forgotten what he was supposed to say to Vala. How would he convince her, a queen of an army in the middle of war, to join him where he stood between factions?

  As hard as he tried to focus, the image of Lisanda’s overly expressive eyes glistening with tears distracted him. It would be her inevitable expression after he delivered not only the news of her brother being an enemy, but Jek’s other concerns as well. He was going to tell her all the worries he’d been refraining from sharing. Part of him thought it was a bad idea, but he might not have a better chance. If everything worked out with Fatholl’s plan, Jek would be fighting the desmarls possibly for months without seeing her. He didn’t want to go that long without resolving anything between them.

  Arriving at Sannil’s house, he dismounted and took a deep breath. Then he knocked.

  “Kalli!” Sannil yelled.

  “I heard!” she yelled back.

  For the moment, Jek’s concerns drained out of him as his lips broke into a smile. Kalli covered her gasping mouth just after opening the door.

  “Hello,” Jek said with feigned indifference. “Don’t cry.”

  “I wasn’t going to, you horse’s ass!”

  They laughed and embraced each other.

  “Sannil, it’s Jek!” Kalli screamed in his ear as they embraced, scaring his horse. She calmly approached the animal and soothed him with her voice and touch. “I’ll take him to the stables.”

  Sannil appeared in the doorway. He opened his arms. “You don’t look so bad. We heard there was hardly anything to eat where you were. Was this true?�

  “It was,” Jek said as they hugged. “I’m glad to be back, at least for now.”

  “No—you’re leaving again?”

  “Probably by tomorrow evening. There’s a lot I need to explain, but first, is—?”

  “They’re at the Dancing Mug,” Sannil interrupted.

  “Even Vala?” The Dancing Mug was a bar with a stage for people to perform. Sometimes the crowd got rowdy, from what Kalli had told Jek. It didn’t seem like somewhere a queen would want to be. In fact, Jek could imagine only Jessend enjoying her time there. Lisanda didn’t like crowds, especially drunken ones.

  “All three of them. Kalli took the twins there yesterday. When their presence became known, the crowd chanted for them to go on stage and sing. They only managed to stop the chanting with the promise that they would be back today to sing. Vala decided to go with them.”

  “Is it safe?” Jek asked.

  Sannil tossed his hand. “Everyone here loves having royalty around, even with all that’s happened.” He dipped his chin. “There’ve been many men coming by with gifts. It seems not everyone is aware that Lisanda is with you. Or they don’t care.”

  “Has she accepted any of them?”

  “No, but Jessend certainly has. She’s got about…oh, how many is it now? Kalli! Where are you?”

  “Here! I was just putting Jek’s horse in the stable.” She came around the side of the house.

  “How many men are fighting over Jessend now?”


  Jek wasn’t surprised. “Does she favor any of them?”

  “I think all of them,” Kalli said.

  Now Jek was surprised. “All of them?”

  “There would be about fifty if she wasn’t so candid about the whole thing to each of them,” Kalli said. “Scared the rest off.”

  Jek took the pouch from his pocket. He tried to hold it in such a way that didn’t scream how important it was to him. “I have some seeds that need to be planted.”

  Kalli grabbed the pouch. He hated how she was always grabbing things. He almost snatched it back and scolded her, but he refrained. She took a seed and held it in front of her eyes. “Did you gather these seeds in the forest around Lake Mercy?”


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