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Bastial Sentinels (The Rhythm of Rivalry: Book 5)

Page 34

by Narro, B. T.

  “It was a terrible error to use as much force as I did.”

  “You were panicked. I understand.”

  Jek pointed at her pocket. “You should give the ring back to your mother. It belongs on her hand anyway.”

  “I already gave it back. I realized it was silly to keep to our engagement when you’re not ready to marry me.” Her gaze shifted back to her feet. “But would you mind if we refrained from inscribing the legal documents that officially negate our engagement? I already have one with Varth Farro. Jessend has two. We don’t wish to add another to our family record.”

  “Of course,” Jek said as sweetly as he could. He felt ready to explode if he didn’t tell her his plan. Overwhelmed by the building pressure in his chest, and knowing that he could say nothing to relieve it, he let out his frustration with a kiss. “We’ll speak about marriage again, soon,” Jek assured her.

  That seemed to be enough of a hint for her. She smiled, and this time she initiated the kiss, throwing her arms around his neck.

  Their passion flared. He picked her up, continuing to kiss her, and carried her to his bed. Their food would be cold, and he might need another shower, but those simple worries were gone the instant Lisanda whispered, “Wait. Lock the door.”

  Chapter 43:


  It was a relief returning to the palace in Goldram. It almost felt like coming home. Greenedge was beautiful, but Cleve had been riding for hundreds of miles over weeks, and there was only so much landscape he could appreciate at once. Now a bath and a bed were more appealing than the most serene sunset.

  It had been easy to convince those in Waywen to agree to fight with Fatholl. Their scouts already had seen the incoming cloud of Sartious Energy from the desmarls. They were in a panic as to how to fight the monsters while still at war. Now they were eager to join their former enemies against the desmarls. Cleve hoped those sent to Zav and Presoren had the same luck as he, Reela, and Klaiya.

  The three of them were brought deep into the palace to meet with Fatholl. They told him of their success and inquired about the other territories.

  “Everyone has agreed to fight with us,” Fatholl said. Cleve would’ve expected more triumph in his voice. The Elf wasn’t even smiling. “I wish I could offer you some reprieve, as the three of you certainly deserve it, but there isn’t time. We must leave by tomorrow morning to reach the desmarls before they come too close to any towns.”

  Cleve held in a sigh, and Reela let out one loud enough for the both of them.

  “How did you convince Raymess to join you?” Klaiya asked.

  “I didn’t. It was mostly his mother, thanks to Jek convincing her to speak with Raymess.”

  Just hearing the name of the Sartious Mage made Cleve eager to see him. “May I be excused?” he inquired, still unsure if Fatholl held any authority over him. It was easier to treat him as a leader than to wonder.

  “Of course.”

  Reela raised her eyebrow at him.

  “I’m going to bathe,” he told her. “Then find Jek.”

  She walked out of the room with him. Taking his hand, she asked, “Do they have showers here that are like those at the Academy?”

  “Yes. Are you coming with me?”

  “I am.” She gave him a sultry smile. “Let’s share one.”

  Cleve felt his blood run hot.

  He fought against sleep just after he finished his lunch and sat back in his chair. He was clean and completely sated. He willed himself awake, standing and stretching his arms. It was too early. He’d never been one for naps, knowing the moment he shut his eyes in bed he would sleep for hours and wake in the middle of the night.

  “Want to help me look for Vithos?” Reela asked.

  “I do, as long as we look for Jek as well.”

  They set off down the halls, asking whoever they passed if they knew of Vithos or Jek. One woman suggested Jek might be eating lunch with Jessend and Lisanda in one of their rooms.

  Cleve was somewhat surprised to find Jek sitting with Jessend and not Lisanda. He almost mistook the spirited Princess for her sister because of it. So he didn’t blame Reela when she introduced herself and said, “You must be Lisanda.”

  “That’s Jessend,” Jek said. “Lisanda’s with Raymess right now.”

  “I apologize.” Reela seemed embarrassed. Cleve couldn’t remember the last time she’d been blatantly wrong. It was unsettling.

  Jessend smiled. “You must be Reela. Jek told me about you, and I already knew some things before that from Cleve.”

  “I see.” Reela didn’t seem comfortable.

  “Don’t leave us in suspense,” Jek said. “What happened in Waywen?”

  “They’ve agreed to join us,” Cleve said. “There was no trouble.” Like there was with Raymess, he thought but decided not to say.

  “I guess that means we’ll be leaving to fight the desmarls soon,” Jek said.

  “Tomorrow,” Cleve answered.

  “At least I had a week here,” Jek muttered. “Must be harder for you two, only getting back today.”

  Reela nodded. “It is, but we came here knowing we would be fighting.” Her green eyes shifted to Cleve. “We’re ready for battle.”

  “What can you tell me about Peter and Calvon?” Jek asked. “All I know is that they went north with the Elves for food and horses.”

  “Once we got to Sulwea, Peter wanted to come with Klaiya and us to speak with Waywen’s leaders,” Reela said. “But Klaiya didn’t let him.” Her eyebrows rose as she grinned. “I did, however, catch them kissing the night before we parted.”

  Jek laughed as he shook his head. “I’m surprised.”

  “Then he and Calvon went on to Zav with Klaiya’s brother and the other Elves. Calvon’s family has ties with powerful men. I’m sure he helped convince Zav’s leaders. I’m not sure where your friends are now, though, Jek.”

  “Has anything further happened between Raymess and Fatholl?” Cleve asked, never imagining the two of them could live in the same building for a week, even if that building was an enormous palace.

  “They haven’t spoken,” Jek said. “I’m not sure if they’ve even seen each other since Fatholl saved his life. It’s probably better that way. Raymess still might not trust Fatholl, but he has no other choice.”

  “Saved his life?” Reela asked.

  Jek went on to tell them what had happened between the two leaders, showing great remorse when he described shooting Raymess with a fireball.

  Reela slowly came toward Jek and lowered her head. “Has Raymess forgiven you?”

  “He has. Well, he’s accepted my apology. In reality, he might see me as he does Fatholl, never deserving of forgiveness.” In the silence that followed, Jek glanced at the door. “I should speak with him again.” He smiled up at Cleve and held out his hand. They shook. “If I don’t see you again tonight, I’m sure I will tomorrow when we ride to the desmarls.”

  “How long is the trip?” Cleve asked.

  “Three weeks.” Jek shook his head and sighed. “I suppose I’ll be eager to fight the monsters after that long of a ride.”

  Cleve felt the same way. Jek offered his hand to Reela, but she hugged him instead. “What of your cure?” she asked.

  “The evesal is growing with my family in Facian, where my father can use his manipulation of Sartious Energy to keep the plant fed. I’ve wanted to plant the rest of the seeds, but all the Sartious mages will be leaving the palace with us to fight the desmarls. If the evesal growing in Facian dies, I’ll have to wait until I return to plant more.”

  “How’s it growing so far?” Cleve asked.

  “When I visited yesterday, it was just peeking out of the dirt.”

  Reela frowned, but Jek let out a laugh. “Don’t fret. I’ve waited this long already. Thank you both for coming. I don’t know if I can ever repay the debt. If you need anything, just ask.”

  “I was coming back anyway,” Cleve told him. “It wasn’t any trouble to bring
the seeds.”

  Jek lowered his head. “Thank you.”

  There was an awkward silence after Jek left. Reela put her hands on her hips and scolded Cleve with her eyes. “You’re not going to offer Jessend a hug? The woman is responsible for getting you out of prison and then back to Ovira.”

  Jessend smiled. She and Cleve embraced. “It’s really good to see you again,” she said. “Just hearing you were back made me feel safer.”

  “Thank you for your help last time I was here.”

  “And thank you, Reela.” Jessend extended her arms, and the two young women hugged. “Jek explained how there would’ve been far more deaths if it hadn’t been for the two of you convincing everyone of the Elves’ good intentions.”

  “We’re happy to help.”

  Silence returned. The three of them snuck glances at each other, not knowing what to say. Reela opened her mouth, and they both turned to her.

  “Um,” she began. “Cleve told me how close you two came to getting married.”

  “It wasn’t that close,” Cleve and Jessend said as one.

  Reela ignored them. “And I can see you’re exquisitely beautiful.” Cleve had never heard her speak like this, with obvious jealousy.

  Jessend opened her mouth but said nothing.

  “Did anything happen between you two?” Reela asked the Princess pointedly. Cleve was confused. He’d already told her he and Jessend had kissed.

  Jessend’s already large eyes went even wider. “Nothing. He was already in love with you.”

  Reela clicked her tongue and showed a sad smile. It was as if she was ready to reluctantly punish Jessend. “Unfortunately, that’s not the truth.”

  “It is!” Jessend squeaked, her usually low voice rising like a young girl’s.

  “Cleve and I weren’t even together yet. How could he possibly have loved me? In fact, he still hasn’t said the words.”

  Jessend’s mouth gaped. It looked contrived. She was trying to shift blame to him, and it worked. Now they were both turned toward him instead of each other.

  “He hasn’t?” Jessend said in disbelief.

  “No,” Reela said.

  He felt some anger toward Reela. Why was she behaving like this? As he thought of what to say, he realized there would be no harm in telling her of his love when it was true. But she pointed at him just before he spoke.

  “If you say it right here and now, only after I’ve brought it up, you’ll regret it.”

  He shut his mouth.

  Reela grumbled and turned to Jessend. “So what did happen between you two?”

  She looked away. “We kissed, almost more than that, but…” She stopped for a moment. “We just kissed. It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Jessend.” Reela’s tone had calmed, and she took a breath. “It’s alright.” She lifted Jessend’s chin so they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “You don’t have to worry,” Jessend said, looking surprisingly comfortable with Reela’s hand on her face. “I don’t have feelings for Cleve like you two have for each other.”

  Reela ran her long fingers through Jessend’s raven hair. Cleve thought it was strange, especially as it seemed to make Jessend melt. She looked into Reela’s eyes longingly.

  She’s using psyche, Cleve realized. Why?

  “You really are beautiful,” Reela said.

  “So are you.”

  There was something beneath their words. He could especially hear it from the way they glanced at each other.

  “I was just having some fun,” Reela said. “I’m not mad. Like I said, Cleve and I weren’t even really together when you kissed.”

  “Oh,” Jessend muttered, not looking away from Reela. “I love your eyes.”

  Cleve couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. “What’s going on?” he asked forcefully.

  Reela paid no attention to his question. “Are you with…someone right now?”

  “I have…a few trying to win my heart.”

  Reela formed a wry smile. “More than a few, I bet.”

  Cleve could feel them both dancing around the word “man,” carefully avoiding it like fire dancers hopping around a flame. Reela’s gaze bored into Jessend’s oddly delicate eyes. The poor Princess didn’t stand a chance. Cleve contemplated stopping this, but he didn’t even know what this was, and his curiosity to find out kept him quiet.

  “Are you using psyche on me?” Jessend asked, putting her hand over her heart. “This is so strange…how I’m feeling.”

  The other corner of Reela’s mouth turned up, giving her the appearance of innocence, though Cleve knew it was an act. “No.” She leaned down and kissed Jessend on the cheek, holding her lips there.

  As Reela pulled away, Jessend stretched her neck forward, her lips following Reela’s. Suddenly she stopped. She glanced at Cleve, then back to Reela. Then her eyes fell to the floor. “I’d better go. Got to get back…to…pleasure meeting you.” She fled the room.

  “What was that?” Cleve turned Reela toward him to show her the seriousness on his face.

  “I don’t like that you kissed her, especially when she looks like she does. She’s beautiful, Cleve! You never told me that part.”

  “Because it doesn’t matter. Why were you lying to her? That was psyche. What were you doing?”

  “I was thinking I might have her kiss me. You kissed her, after all. I wouldn’t feel nearly as jealous if we’d both kissed her. But I changed my mind.”

  “I wish you would stop saying I kissed her.” Every time she used the words, his stomach wrenched. Cleve took a deep breath and felt his anger start to leave him. He took a lesson from Reela and ran his fingers down her hair, gazing deeply into her eyes. “Jessend was right when she said you have nothing to worry about.”

  He could see the effect working as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “I love you,” he said. “I haven’t said it before because you already know that I do. I’ve loved you long before we came to Greenedge.”

  “I still need to hear the words. I love you, too.”

  After they kissed, Cleve moved his hand behind her head to keep her gaze on him. “Woman or man, I don’t want you kissing anyone else but me.”


  “And that was cruel what you did to Jessend.”

  Reela sighed. He let her head go, sliding his hand down to her back. “You’re right,” she said. “I can’t remember the last time I acted like that.” She shook her head. “Jealousy…there are few emotions that make us more childish.”

  They wandered the halls and inquired about Vithos. An Elf showed them to the room where he’d been staying. When they found each other, Reela and Vithos hugged. Vithos pulled Cleve in for an awkward embrace between the three of them.

  “I heard of Waywen,” Vithos said. “You did good.”

  “Tell me about Baylee,” Reela said, her voice tinged with unrestrained eagerness.

  “She’s annoying.”

  “What happened?” Reela complained. “Were you…romantic with each other?”

  “For many days. Now we don’t like each other.”

  Reela hummed. “Ah, first love.” Her reflection made Cleve nervous, making him wonder who else she’d been with before him. But Vithos interrupted his thought.

  “No love, just many sex.”

  A grunt came from Reela’s throat. “I need to teach you to be more subtle.”

  “Subtle, yes. Baylee says many times I’m not subtle.”

  “Reela, have you had feelings for other men before me?” Cleve asked. The question had sounded less dire in his mind.

  She laughed. “Of course I’ve had feelings. But just like Vithos and Baylee, most of them either despised me in the end or I eventually detested them.”

  It was hard to believe her, as he couldn’t imagine any man who wouldn’t want to be with Reela.

  “You didn’t get along?” he asked.

  “I did with two of them. Very well at first.”

wo of them? It was so specific. Two different men had shared their affections with Reela. They had names, faces, personalities. They’d touched her, laughed with her, made her laugh, maybe even more than he ever could. He wasn’t funny, after all.

  He felt his insecurity wrapping around him like a stifling blanket. Could Reela end up despising him just as she did the others?

  “But we have something that I never had with any of them,” she added. Her eyes came off his face as a thought struck her. “Perhaps it’s the key to longevity in relationships.”

  “Tell me!” Vithos leaned toward her. “What is key?”

  “Growth,” Reela said. “Cleve, think about how much we’ve grown.”

  He didn’t like her answer. “Then what happens when there’s no more growth?” he asked.

  “Well, then I’ll leave you, of course, and find someone else.”

  He felt his eyes bulge.

  She laughed, then kissed his cheek. “I’m joking.”

  “Why no growth with Baylee?” Vithos asked. “Why some couples don’t grow?”

  Reela shrugged. “If you figure that out, you can start charging people to counsel their relationships. Though, first you’d have to learn to stop blurting the word ‘sex’ so much.”

  Chapter 44:


  A caravan of crates stuffed with food came with them as they left The Nest. Cleve, Reela, Vithos, and Jek rode south with thousands of Elves. Fatholl and Klaiya led them while Raymess and Micah were somewhere in the back. Once Raymess had heard it was Fatholl who’d saved his life, he didn’t need much more convincing to believe the Elf meant to kill just the desmarls as he’d claimed. Vala gave control back to her son soon after.

  The rest of Goldram’s army was waiting for them just outside the wall. Cleve had heard there would be more than one hundred thousand men, women, and Elves in total, but he hadn’t known what such a number looked like. When he saw them all gathered—those previously aligned with either Fatholl or Raymess, now with a single purpose—it stole his breath.


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