Book Read Free


Page 12

by Sienna Mynx


  The chauffeured car drove out of the airport. Her husband rode in the front seat next to the driver. Mirabella sat with Gianni in one car seat, and Gino in the other. Gianni was the only baby she had left who sucked a pacifier and clung to his mama. Gino never accepted the habit, and Eve gave it up once she found her independence, after her brothers were born. Gianni blinked his round blue eyes up at his mother and sucked. She smiled down at him. She let him hold her hand. Her only wish was that Eve could ride with them. Her daughter had protested when they left the plane, and she was relegated to the car with Marietta and her American friend. Next time she’d remind her husband to have passenger vans for the family, not these cars.

  Giovanni laughed and joked with Nico. Her husband was in a good mood. It would make him more accepting of her first request. Marietta may be right. Tonight she should step out on her own. Really go for it. She needed to practice what she preached to Giovanni during their long discussions about her company and independence. Instead of dinner together tonight, she wanted to visit her office at Fabiana’s, meet with the girls, and have a celebratory dinner with them. Mirabella drifted on all the things she would have to prepare for. The closer they drew to leaving and returning to Milano, the more nervous she felt.

  “Bella? I spoke to Dominic. He said he needs you to meet with the attorneys first thing in the morning. And he wants to know about the interview we agreed to.”

  “Will you join me? In the interview?” Mirabella asked.

  Silence greeted her. Giovanni had only committed to one interview with the press, but still he was unwilling to get in front of the cameras.

  “I think it should be you and your sister,” he eventually answered. “Don’t you? You two are both the face of the company now.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” she said trying to mask her disappointment. “Sweetheart, you have to pose for my press pictures. I want you at my side. I want the world to know I’m your wife. Please consider it.”

  “I will,” he mumbled.

  Gino hit at her. He leaned forward in his seat and blinked those doll baby eyes up at her. He said something in his baby voice. She picked up the toy truck he’d tossed to her lap and gave it to him. He settled back down. Gianni’s lids were lowered. Even in his sleep he held tight to her finger.

  “The new woman, did she arrive okay?” Giovanni asked.

  “Yes, honey. She was on the plane with you. I introduced you. Remember?” Mirabella said.

  He didn’t answer. Mirabella rolled her eyes. Their new home was a bit more snug for their large family and entourage. But the home Lorenzo had in Bellagio was far grander. She imagined her husband would grow restless in Milano, and try to convince them to stay there instead. It would hamper her efforts to work fulltime. With Giovanni she had to be one step ahead of him on these matters. It was sometimes mentally exhausting. They drove up a hill to the gate of their new home.

  “Mama! Mia camera! Mia camera!” Gino exclaimed.

  Mirabella chuckled. “Yes baby, that’s your house and inside is your bedroom.” Her son nodded in agreement like a big boy. She had told all the children they were going on an adventure, and would have a new bedroom to sleep in. She’d probably split her time between sleeping with her babies and her own bed. The layout of the villa meant their bedroom was further up the hall.

  The car stopped and the men got out. Mirabella helped unfasten Gino first and he was nearly climbing out of his car seat as soon as the belt was removed. When she turned to help Gianni she saw Nico had already opened the car door and was removing her sleeping boy. Nico may be her husband’s shadow, but often their family giant found time to sneak away and play with the boys. Eve clung to him like he was a big teddy bear. She smiled her thanks and exited the car last. Mirabella glanced up to the villa. It was quite charming. A neat two-story, square shaped villa with yellow wildflowers banked around the edges.

  “Everything okay, Bella?” Giovanni stepped behind her. Gino pulled her hair.

  “Ah, yes,” she said and winced. She untangled her locks from her son’s hands. Giovanni heaved him up above his head proudly. She smiled at her boys and then followed her husband from around the car. Marietta and the rest of the family followed. The men began to unload the luggage.

  “You’re here!” Catalina screamed. She ran from the front door. Mirabella was the first person she hugged. But Eve was now at her mother’s side and Catalina lifted her up into her arms and showered her face with kisses. “I have missed you all so much! Hi, my Evie! Nippy has missed you! Come inside!”

  Mirabella took Gino from Giovanni and followed her sister in-law. The villa was much cooler than the muggy afternoon temperature steaming up outside.

  “I want to show you the room I did for the kids first,” Catalina told her. “It’s right down here. These little ones we must make happy. Right, Eve?”

  “Yes, Nippy!” Eve laughed.

  Catalina put her down and took her hand. “And oh! Wait! I have a surprise too.” She continued. Gino began to twist in Mirabella’s arms so she set him down as well. The toddler turned and ran in the direction of his father. Mirabella accepted a sleeping Gianni from Nico instead of chasing after her son.

  “I will see to him, Donna,” Nico said.

  “Thank you. If Giovanni starts smoking those cigars can you please bring him back to me?”

  “Sí, Donna,” Nico said and walked off.

  “Slow down, Catalina, I need to introduce you.” Mirabella called after her. She did so in time for Shae and Marietta to catch up with them.

  “Introduce?” Catalina paused in the hall. She looked directly at their houseguest with surprise. In her haste to greet everyone Mirabella was sure Catalina missed her.

  “This is Shae Dennis from Chicago, America. She’s Marietta’s friend. She has come to visit.”

  “Oh? Perdonami! Ciao, sono Catalina.” She extended her hand. Shae shook it and smiled. “I love your pink hair!” Catalina grinned.

  Shae touched the streak of pink to the front of her hair and smiled. “Thank you, I mean gracias,” Shae said.

  Catalina looked to Mirabella who hid her smile. Confusing Spanish with Italian was cute. But they didn’t want to make Shae uncomfortable so neither of them corrected her.

  “Now everyone come with me. It’s just right here.” Catalina pointed to a room door at the far end of the hall. When they passed through it Mirabella was reminded of the screened in terrace at Villa Mare Blu. But never in all her efforts to spoil her children had she seen anything remotely like this. Toys and treasures for the kids were everywhere.

  “Mommy! Look!” Eve gasped and ran through the room. Mirabella put Gianni, who was now awake, down, and he joined his sister’s enthusiasm. It looked like a screened in terrace. Catalina had a six-foot tall, two story princess castle erected in the corner of the room for Eve to crawl inside and play with. It was equipped with life sized prince and princess dolls seated at a table and chairs.

  “This is too much,” Mirabella frowned.

  “Are you kidding? It’s a fucking kid’s paradise,” Marietta laughed.

  Catalina grinned with her hands over her mouth. She looked giddy with excitement. “We have so much work to do, and I know you are on thin ice with my stubborn brother. We need to keep the bambini happy and entertained, and you less stressed. No? This is perfect.”

  “They’ll be bored with it in a week,” Marietta joked. “Nice try though.”

  On the floor was a train track and large locomotive engine that two little boys could ride around the room. Cecilia picked up Gianni and sat him on it so he could ride. There were two activity tables and painting easels for all the kids. A television was mounted from the ceiling with a VCR attached. Mirabella saw blocks of all sizes, floor puzzles, dolls, and a baby doll crib. There was so much for her children Mirabella did feel at ease. She walked over to Catalina and kissed her.

  “Grazie. You did well. This is perfect,” she said.

  “Wait a
damn minute. Where did Shae go?” Marietta glanced back to the door. Zia stepped inside. She paused and then smiled at the room. “Did you see Shae, Zia?”

  “She asked to use the toilet,” Zia dismissed the concern.

  “Everybody, it’s time for Mirabella to open her presents!” Catalina exclaimed. The announcement took Mirabella by surprise. She looked over to the table Catalina pointed out. There were several wrapped packages. She initially thought they were for the kids.

  “Who sent me gifts?” she asked.

  “Are you kidding? Everybody! The entire fashion world is on the brink of hysteria because my sister has returned.” Marietta joked. Catalina pointed to a large bright red leather chair for Mirabella to sit in. She had no choice but to comply.

  “Let’s see. We got Chanel, Lagerfeld, Versace, Gucci, House of Fendi… and wait, who is this from?” Marietta held up a beautifully wrapped red silk box. “There’s no card here.”

  Catalina walked over and inspected the package. “Hmm… I had Mateo bring the gifts over. The card must have fallen off.”

  “Hand it here. Let me open it,” Mirabella said.

  Marietta brought the package over and Mirabella inspected the rectangular gift box. The wrapping was extremely elegant. “Well they got the color right. Everything we do at Fabiana’s is scarlet red,” Mirabella chuckled.

  She carefully lifted the seams and peeled the paper away. The box was red beneath. She lifted the top of the box. Inside was black tissue paper. She parted it and found a card against silk. She handed the black card over to Marietta and carefully lifted the garment.

  “It says: Congratulations, I have missed you,” Marietta said.

  “Who from?” Catalina asked.

  “No name, just this symbol of a dragon.” Marietta frowned.

  “Let me see that,” Catalina took the card from her.

  Mirabella shook out the long black kimono. Hand stitched on the back was a beautiful Chinese dragon with many legs like that of a centipede, and interwoven with red and gold stitching, there were colorful beads woven throughout. “It’s adorable,” Mirabella grinned.

  “Who the hell is the Dragon? A new designer?” Marietta asked.

  “It doesn’t sound familiar,” Catalina said.

  Mirabella stood and held out the kimono. She eased it on. She loved beautiful garments, but it was rare that she received one that captivated her like this. “I haven’t worn pretty kimonos since Kei—” she paused. She glanced up to see if anyone heard her say his name. Marietta and Catalina seemed fixated on the card. And Cecilia and Zia were with the children. Mirabella shrugged off the robe and held it out in front of her once more. She knew Kei was sent to prison in China, but that was all she knew. A robe like this reminded her of the intimate gifts she would receive from him before every big event in her life. It was too damn similar. He even insisted that she wore them with nothing underneath so he could make love to her in it.

  The black tide of dread she used to carry when she thought the mafia was hunting her surfaced. She folded the garment and tucked it back in the box. She suppressed the urge to throw it in the trash.

  “We’ll find out who the sender is, trust me,” Marietta said.

  “Yeah, let’s forget it. Trust me we will get plenty of gifts from up and coming talent looking to impress us,” Mirabella forced a grin. “What other goodies do we have? Help me open them,” Mirabella said. The girls were eager to assist. She glanced once more to the kimono and frowned. She’d have to show it to Giovanni. Was she overreacting?


  Shae washed her hands. She found a towel and dried them. The Battaglias were interesting. Marietta was much more grounded with them. Shae used to get a kick out of her black girlfriend who could speak Italian fluently. Now she wished she had learned from Marietta when she tried to teach her. It would have given her a bit of independence on this visit.

  And then there were the kids. She and Marietta hated the little ankle biters. Shae was shocked at how patient and nurturing Marietta seemed with Eve when they got saddled with the kid. Marietta was totally taken with her. She sang along with her in the car, and played hand games with her. The wild parties and hook ups she had heard so much about in Italy weren’t going to happen if they spent too much time babysitting.

  She walked out of the bathroom and headed back out into the hall with her purse on her shoulder. She had a client who said he would be in Lake Como during the time of her visit. She intended to find a phone and call him. Then she heard the voices of two men approaching. Curious, Shae followed their voices and saw the men just as they went through the door to the outside.

  The one named Renaldo was speaking with another. The man’s head turned and she could see his profile clearly. She found out his name, it was Carlo.

  Earlier –

  “Where are we going?” Shae asked.

  “To the villa,” Marietta answered. “I told you. We are staying in Milano and then Bellagio.” She continued to point to a letter on a page and the little blue eyed, brown girl with a head full of curls pronounced it perfectly. Shae cut her gaze up to the driver. Marietta’s husband Lorenzo rode in the passenger side, and another man drove. But it wasn’t the man she’d seen earlier. This man wasn’t as handsome as the others.

  Shae leaned over to whisper so the men up front who talked and ignored them would not hear her. “Hey?”

  Marietta glanced up.

  “What’s with that guy?” Shae asked.

  “What guy? Renaldo?” Marietta frowned.

  “Shhh!” Shae said.

  Marietta frowned. “I told you he has a girlfriend. You’ll meet her soon.”

  “No, the other guy. His name is Nico, or Carlo.”

  Marietta doubled blinked as if surprised. “What are you talking about?”

  “Damn it, Mae. The tall guy, not the big muscular one. What was his name?” Shae asked.


  “Yes. Carlo. Is he married?”

  “Did he say something to you?” Marietta asked.

  “Huh? No. When could he? I’ve been with you. I was just curious. I didn’t see him on the plane.”

  “He was there. Ignore him. He’s trouble.” Marietta turned the page for Eve and started asking her to say her colors.

  “Shit who isn’t? I’m trouble,” Shae chuckled.

  “I’m serious, Shae. I told you not to flirt with these men. I’ll take you out, I promise, as soon as we help my sister get everything off the ground with her fashion event. There will be so many celebrities and cuties coming at you, you won’t be able to keep up. Trust me.”

  “Okay, I can’t wait. Girl, you know I’m restless. So far I’m bored to death.” Shae pouted.

  Shae stepped out further to be sure the man speaking was the man she thought he was. The men started to walk off toward the grass. “Shit!” she mumbled.

  “Hey?” Shae whirled around. Marietta stood there smiling. “What are you doing peeping around corners?”

  “Oh, I was just seeing if, ah, I was lost.”

  “Girl, come on. I’ll show you to your room. I think later we’ll go in to Milan for dinner. We have a meeting with Mirabella and her team. Go over the plans for the meetings we got scheduled tomorrow.”

  “Oh, okay. Yeah, let’s do it,” Shae said. Her opportunity was missed. But she was almost certain it was Carlo she saw. If it was she’d make sure she got another chance at him.


  Giovanni lifted Gino to his knee. His son turned and scooted up his chest so he could stand on his lap and face the men. Even now Gino surprised him. He had to chuckle. Lorenzo dropped his mud caked boot on the coffee table. A clunk of dirt broke off.

  “Where the hell is Domi?” Lorenzo grunted. He checked his watch for the third time.

  “I’m here,” Dominic replied. He walked in with both hands shoved down into the pockets of his slacks. “How did the meeting with Santo go?”

  “Let’s keep an eye on him for now. I’ll meet with th
e other clan bosses and see what is left to be divided. I’m feeling generous.”

  Dominic nodded. He looked from Lorenzo to Giovanni, then back to Lorenzo again. “I’ve arranged for you to see Carlo’s brother train tonight, in Bergamo. The fight is in two days.”

  “What time? Bella has her show in two days,” Giovanni said.

  “It’s in the evening. You could slip away and see the match, or wait until next month and see him fight in Roma. Up to you.”

  Giovanni lifted Gino and held him up above his head. His son grinned and kicked his feet. Each day his boys looked more and more like their mother. But Giovanni felt that way about all of his children. They were his Bella, through and through. “I’ll go tonight.” Gio said. “I won’t see the fight. I can’t miss Bella’s big day. Any of it.”

  Lorenzo didn’t speak. He stared straight ahead as if Dominic wasn’t in the room. Dominic stepped in closer.

  “I have an announcement. Something I want to clear with you both before we share it with the family,” Dominic began. Giovanni set Gino down and the toddler walked over to a chair next to his father and tried to climb it.

  The door opened and everyone paused. Rocco entered. Giovanni hadn’t thought to see the old man so soon, but he knew he would be traveling to join the family.

  “Welcome, old man!” Giovanni said. Rocco gave Dominic a hug and then walked over to give one to Giovanni.

  “I just arrived. Have I interrupted?” Rocco asked.

  Lorenzo didn’t stand to greet his uncle. He just nodded a hello from his chair.

  “No, Zio. You are right on time. Sit. I have an announcement and I want you to hear it from me.” Dominic continued. “You all know I’ve asked Catalina to marry me, and Gio has given our wedding his blessing.”

  This time Lorenzo’s gaze did switch from the window watching to Dominic. And little Gino was on the chair jumping up and down. The toddler got down from the chair and pushed it over to the desk that was at least four feet tall. Giovanni observed his son climb the chair and then scale up to the top of his desk. He smiled at his son’s ingenuity. Little Gino grinned and stomped his feet in triumph. He clapped his hands while rocking his little hips side to side.


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