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Page 26

by Sienna Mynx

  “My pleasure, signor. Bye, Carlo.”

  “Ciao,” he said.

  Shae left the car and hurried up the steps. She had to wear his blazer to cover the front of her purple dress and it swallowed her. A man opened the door for her. She turned her head and waved at him and then went inside.

  Little Rabbit

  “Slow down! Slow down!” Marietta said. She couldn’t keep up. Her sister ran through the changing room to the next. She stopped to yell at one person and then the other. Staff looked up and nodded with respect, but Marietta knew they didn’t hear or understand her erratic orders. There were no last minute changes. There was no crisis. One wouldn’t know it by Mirabella’s demands and shouting. Marietta had never in the past two years she’d spent with Mirabella seen her behave this way.

  “Where is Catalina?” Mirabella asked. “I need Catalina. Find her! Now damn it! No. No. Bring Kyra and Jamie to me. I want to see the shoe choices again. I can’t remember what we decided on for Zenobia.”

  Marietta shook her head no to Clara. “I have it. Go see if Jamie needs anything.”

  “Did you not hear me?” Mirabella whirled on Marietta with her hands on her hips. “I said I want to see them. Where the hell is Catalina?”

  “She’s outside. The doors open to allow everyone to the gardens soon. We have less than an hour to get you ready.”

  “Okay. Okay. Then we’re set.” Mirabella put her hand to her forehead. “I think we’re ready.”

  “Girl! Would you calm down please? Damn, I can’t keep up,” Marietta put a hand to her heart.

  Mirabella started to pace “I’m so nervous. God help me. I’m so nervous.”

  “Hey? Look at me. You’re going to be fine. Everything is planned down to the simplest detail.” Marietta took her sister by the hands. “Can you please get dressed now?”

  Mirabella glanced down to her jeans and white t-shirt. “I forgot my dress.”

  Marietta hugged her. “No you didn’t. We brought it over for you. It’s fine. It’s your nerves. We can do this. Together.”

  “Okay. Together. Is Giovanni here yet? I need to see him.”

  “Probably not. Lorenzo said they had a meeting and then they’d be here.” Marietta hooked her arm through her sister’s and started to walk her to the room she reserved for her. She needed to get her beautiful before her debut.

  “My babies. I need to see them before we start. Can you have Cecilia bring them down to me?”

  “Mira! If those boys see you they will only be upset by you sending them away. They’re with Cecilia. Later Zia will come with Rocco and collect them. Like we planned.”

  “Yes, I know but I need to check on them. They haven’t seen me all day.” Mirabella fretted. “Just ten minutes.”

  “You don’t have ten minutes. And that’s your fault for running around here like a mad woman. Go in, now. I can’t risk the press taking a picture of you looking like this. And I need to do your hair.”

  Mirabella chewed on her bottom lip for a second as if she were set to say no. Marietta dropped her hand to her hips. Mirabella sighed. She nodded and went into the dressing room.


  “Do you know who I am?” Giovanni asked. He sat in the chair closest to the window. Young Ciro sat next to his brother on the sofa facing Giovanni. He looked over to Carlo and then to Lorenzo. He finally returned his gaze back to Giovanni.

  “Sí, Signor Giovanni, Don Giovanni,” Ciro answered.

  “That’s who I am to them.” Giovanni answered. “Who am I to you?”

  Ciro looked to Carlo for help. He cleared his throat and spoke. “You are my benefactor, my boss.”

  “He understands what’s expected, Giovanni. I’ve explained it all to him,” Carlo spoke up. Giovanni’s gaze volleyed between the brothers. Everyone in the room waited in silence for Giovanni to decide.

  “Hand them over,” Giovanni said.

  Dominic passed his boss the contracts. Giovanni leaned forward. He put them on the coffee table. He licked the tip of the pen and scrawled his signature across several pages. He eased the contracts across the coffee table and Ciro was given a pen by Dominic. The young man signed without reading a single page. He looked to Carlo twice who nodded his encouragement. Once done, Ciro passed the pen to Carlo. He sat while his brother signed the documents. It took all of ten minutes to finalize their business.

  “Grazie, Don Giovanni. Tante grazie!” Ciro smiled.

  Giovanni nodded and Carlo patted his brother on the back. “Let’s go. Need to get you back in the gym,” Carlo said. The young man picked up his ball cap and went to the door. Giovanni checked his watch. He had less than an hour to be there for his wife. He couldn’t be late.

  “Carlo,” Giovanni said as he headed out behind his brother. “A word.”

  “I’ll drop these off at the lawyer’s and meet you at the Diana,” Dominic said. He walked Ciro out. Lorenzo was seated in a chair to the left side of the parlor, his leg thrown over the side. He toyed with a sterling silver lighter. He flipped the cap and released the flame, then closed the cap and extinguished the flame repeatedly.

  “Yes, boss?” Carlo asked.

  “I hear you had an eventful night,” Giovanni said. He leaned forward with his gaze leveled on Carlo. “With our house guest?”

  Carlo glanced to Lorenzo for a reply, but Lorenzo kept playing with the lighter. His gaze swung back to Giovanni. “I ah… we went… I took her into Milan.”

  “You know the rules. Why the fuck would you break them?” Giovanni asked.

  “I cleared it with Lorenzo,” he said. “Tell him, Lo. You asked me to take her out.”

  “You knew about this?” Giovanni asked.

  “Tell him!” Carlo demanded. “You said Giovanni was okay with it.”

  “I said no such thing,” Lorenzo smiled. “I said I would handle it with Gio.”

  Carlo paced away and cursed under his breath.

  “She’s Marie friend, Gio. I thought it would be okay for him to take her out if he could manage being a gentleman. From what I hear about her being thrown in the pool at the Diana, he failed,” Lorenzo said.

  “I fucking did not! She jumped in the pool. She—”

  “I don’t want anything to upset Bella. And you’re the last motherfucker here to know how to show a lady a respectable time.” Giovanni pointed a finger accusingly at Carlo.

  “No harm came to her. It was a stupid prank,” Carlo tried to explain.

  “I don’t give a fuck why she did it! Men that work for me are to stay away from the women in this family. What do you think the boys think when they see you behave this way? First Renaldo, now you! I don’t need this shit!” Giovanni shouted.

  “Gio, it’s harmless.” Lorenzo reasoned. “She’s a stranger. She’ll be gone in a few days.”

  “I didn’t hurt her. She fell in the pool at the Diana. It was an accident. I apologized to the manager.”

  “Apologize to me.” Giovanni seethed.

  Carlo sighed. “Perdonami, Gio. Mi scuso. I swear to you no harm came to her. We had dinner and dancing.”

  “And?” Lorenzo teased.

  “And I brought her back here afterwards. Nothing happened that she didn’t want to happen.”

  “This is on you!” Giovanni pointed at Lorenzo. “You and these fucking games you play. Anything goes wrong it’s on you.”

  Lorenzo put up his hands as if in surrender. “It’s fine, Gio, on my honor. I’ll keep Carlo in line. He had his fun. It’s over now. He’ll stay away from her.”

  Giovanni was done with the subject. He smoothed his hands back over his hair. He hadn’t seen his wife this nervous and excited in years. He was really proud of all she accomplished. Returning here, for this kind of event, brought back a flood of memories. The woman he fell in love with was back. He needed to be at her side.

  “Is everything ready for Bella?” Giovanni asked as he put his gun in the back of his pants.

  Lorenzo stood and nodded. Carlo stood sile

  “Who’s in charge?” Gio asked.

  “Nico and Renaldo are running point on security.”

  Giovanni arched a brow to the appointment of Renaldo.

  “He can handle it. His fiancée Kyra is not an issue. Trust me nothing will get past them both.”

  “I’ve asked Santo to work with them,” Giovanni said.

  “What? Why?” Lorenzo said.

  “He’s here. We need to start bringing him in with the men.” Giovanni headed out. “Let’s go. Bella’s waiting.”

  Lorenzo started for the door. Carlo seized the moment and stepped in front of him. His best friend looked up at Carlo with a sly smile. He knew in that moment that what he suspected of Lorenzo was true. Lorenzo set him up. He wanted to make him look like a fool in front of Giovanni. The betrayal hurt.

  “Don’t be pissed. It was a joke. Gio isn’t mad—” Lorenzo began.

  Carlo’s punch connected with the side of Lorenzo’s face and knocked him off his feet. Lorenzo landed on his side. Carlo stood over him glaring, fist clenched. “You’re a brother to me. But if you do anything to derail my position with Gio I’ll treat you like a fucking enemy! You and your fucking jealousy!”

  Lorenzo wiped the blood from his busted lip and smirked. He didn’t understand Lorenzo’s jealousy. He was at Giovanni’s side. The boss looked to him on everything. Even Dominic was seen less and less in front of the men. Still it wasn’t enough. Lorenzo was jealous of any attention given to any other man in the family. And though he didn’t think it possible, he knew his friend had now become jealous of him and his business deals with Gio. Why?

  Carlo extended his hand in friendship to Lorenzo. He regretted striking him. In fact the action could put a bullet in his skull if Lorenzo took it as an insult.

  Lorenzo stared at his hand for a moment. Carlo waited. Lorenzo accepted it and was brought to his feet.

  “How was she?” Lorenzo asked.

  “She’s a lady. I treated her like one,” Carlo said.

  “Bullshit! You wouldn’t know what to do with a lady if she sat her prissy pussy on your face,” Lorenzo chuckled “My guess is you fucked her until she bled and she wants nothing more to do with your ass,” he said and walked out.

  The remark stung. Carlo thought of Shae and the night they shared. He wiped his hand down his face. They were wrong about him. Shae proved it. He was going to be a better man. He could do it.


  “Are you ready?” Marietta knocked on the door.

  Mirabella had gone in to dress. She’d wear white. The dress was made especially for the event and no one, not even Marietta had seen it on her.

  “Ready!” Mirabella said.

  Marietta stepped back and waited. The door opened. Her sister emerged with a smile. Marietta put her hands to her mouth. Mirabella’s dress was a long garment with a low V neckline. A golden clasp to her right hip made the fit snug around the lower waist and ass. The front split that parted to reveal her legs only did so when she walked.

  “Holy shit!” Marietta clapped. “Girl, you can go from cold to hot in zero to one hundred.”

  “Let me explain,” Mirabella said as she hurried over to the floor length mirror. “Every show I preferred to wear a business suit, and most times I was able to. Fabiana would be pissed. We fought about it constantly. This,” Mirabella ran her hands down her hips. “This is what she would want me to wear.”

  “Fuck Fabiana!” Marietta said.

  Mirabella looked up at her surprised. “What did you say?”

  “I said fuck her! I’m sick of her ghost haunting this day, haunting us! Mira this is you and me, the new beginning. Must everything be a tribute to your dead ex-business partner?” Marietta regretted her words as soon as they escaped her mouth. “Mira, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Mirabella smiled. There was sadness in her voice when she spoke. “You’re right.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes.” She walked over to Marietta and cupped her face in her hands. “I’m about to face the world again. The new and improved me. And I got the biggest gift of all, you, the other half of me. When I think of how much time we spent separated it tears at my heart. And I wish our mother could see us now.”

  Marietta’s eyes began to tear. She hugged her sister. They hugged each other tightly. Marietta was the first to let go. “You look so damn hot. King B is going to bust a vein when he sees you in this dress.”

  “Lord I hope not.” Mirabella laughed. “I finally got the man to relax and enjoy this.”

  “Don’t you worry, sis, we all love you. It’s show time!”


  Eve set her book down. She yawned and stretched her arms over her head. Gianni was seated on Cecilia’s lap sucking on a bottle. Mama had said no more bottles but everyone gave Gianni one to calm him down, even Mama. He was a big crybaby. Gino was in the corner stacking pillows and then throwing his body on top of them. She shook her head. He’d hurt himself and Mama would be upset.

  “Chi Chi, Gino is jumping again,” Eve said. “He’ll hurt himself.”

  Cecilia looked up. “It’s okay, Evie. Why don’t you read a book to him?”

  “I finished my book.”

  “What about that one over there?”

  Eve smiled. She rose and went to the books they brought from home. She loved to read. Her favorite book was Peter Pan.

  Cecilia couldn’t believe how much Eve had grown. The little girl had a photographic memory. If a stranger were to observe Eve they would think the four-year old tot could read. But every book she had in Italian or English she had put to memory. Cecilia told this to the Donna who laughed. She told the Don and he smiled. No one thought it odd that little Evie was so smart and attentive to detail. Even Zia just babied and kissed on the little girl ignoring her achievements. It was Cecilia who sat with the Donna and told her Eve should go to school. And she was happy that soon she would be.

  Eve walked over and grabbed her brother Gino by the hand and pulled him to the sofa in the suite. She had her book Peter Pan in her other hand. Cecilia read to Eve from that book every night. The pictures inside were bright and colorful. Gino climbed on top of the sofa like a good boy and put his hands in his lap, while Eve got on the sofa with her book and opened it to read to him.

  “Everything okay in here?” Nico asked.

  Cecilia looked up and her heart skipped a beat. Nico smiled at her. She hadn’t seen him in two days. He was so busy with making sure the Donna’s event was a success. She missed his company. “Yes. We’re fine. Is it time?”

  “They’ll be starting soon. I’m leaving Leo here. The entire floor of the hotel is for the Battaglias. If you need me have me paged. I’ll come.”

  “We’re fine, Nico,” Cecilia chuckled.

  “Nico! I love you!” Eve said. “You’re mine!”

  “I love you too, Evie,” he winked at her. Cecilia had to laugh. Eve made a point to get his attention whenever she found Nico with Cecilia. As if there was a competition. Cecilia knew there wasn’t. Nico loved Eve with all his heart.

  “Go!” she said. “Make sure the Donna has a good event.”

  Nico hesitated. Their love wasn’t forbidden. She started dating him after she left the Battaglias for some time. And even now she felt her heart race whenever he looked at her as he did now. “Shoo! We’re fine.”

  He winked and left. Cecilia looked down at Gianni. He was asleep in her arms. The twins were the cutest little boys she’d ever seen. They had darker skin than Eve’s, and bright blue eyes. Gianni was the Donna’s baby, though Cecilia doubted she would admit to any favoritism. Cecilia could tell. His father and all the men favored Gino. Countless times Cecilia found him with one of the men playing roughly or riding on their shoulders. And Eve was the light of both parents’ eyes. Though lately Eve had been sensitive to the Don’s attention to Gino. She constantly asked Cecilia if she believed her to be her Papa’s favorite lucciola. The Donna had her concerns on this as well, and
they both made sure that Eve got equal time with Giovanni.

  Cecilia felt grateful for her job and the Battaglias. She was able to take care of her family on her salary. And soon she hoped Nico would propose to her. One day she’d have babies and a home of her own. She lived for that day. Her life was a blessing because of these kids. She’d give her life willingly for them all.


  Santo walked into the hall. Leaning against the wall was Leo. He looked up with surprise. Renaldo and Nico had secured the hotel. No one but top ranking officers with the Battaglias could gain access to this floor. Santo smiled.

  “Why don’t you take a break?” Santo said to Leo.

  “I can’t. Nico said I’m not to leave the kids.”

  “I’ll stay. Gio wants me to make sure the kids are safe. This fashion thing has taken over the hotel. You won’t get this chance for a smoke again.”

  “Grazie, Santo,” Leo said with a nod and walked off toward the elevators. Santo watched him go. He opened the door to the suite and peeked inside. The young girl Cecilia wasn’t there. However the Battaglia brats, Eve and one of the twin boys, were on the sofa. Eve looked up from her book and then continued to read to her brother.

  He entered and closed the door.

  “Nico?” he heard Cecilia call from the bedroom. Santo waited for the young woman. She walked out with a bottle in her hand. “Oh? Ciao, Santo. Did you need anything?”

  “You alone?” Santo asked.

  “Leo’s outside,” Cecilia smiled.

  “The fashion show is starting. I came to make sure you were okay,” Santo said.

  “I just put Gianni down for his nap. We’re fine.” Cecilia smiled. “You can leave.”

  Santo looked her over. She was quite pretty. Her hair was cut in a short style and she wore very little makeup. She had that natural tan, deep olive skin like his ex-wife. And though her dress was modest he could not miss the curves that lay hidden beneath. How long had it been since he enjoyed a young fresh woman like her?


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