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Page 49

by Sienna Mynx

  “What? What is it?” Marietta asked and nearly dropped her glass. She set it on the counter. “Tell me!”

  “Gio, the news report on the tele.”

  “News? What happened now?” she asked.

  “The men have been arrested. Gio is in custody,” Rocco said.

  “And Lorenzo?” Marietta asked.

  “Everyone.” Rocco said. “I am going to call the attorneys.”

  “Rocco! What the hell is happening?” Marietta asked on the verge of tears.

  Rocco shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  He walked out on his cane. Marietta looked at the kids splashing around. Catalina was in the pool with them as well as Cecilia. Zia clapped her hands and fretted from the sidelines for the kids not to play so rough. Everything was falling apart. She went to the phone. She dialed and closed her eyes. She silently prayed as it rang. And then he answered.

  “Oh God. Thank you for answering.”

  “Marietta?” he asked.

  “Armando, you have to come. I don’t know what to do! It’s Mira, she’s been taken.”

  “Slow down—”

  “And now Lorenzo and Gio are in jail!” Marietta said.

  “Where are you?”

  “Here. Sorrento. Melanzana. Giovanni and the men have all been arrested. You said I could call you if I ever needed you. I need you. Our sister needs you.”

  “Of course,” he replied.

  “Then will you come?” she asked.

  “I’ll do everything I can. I’ll fly into Sorrento before nightfall.”

  “Grazie, Armando.”

  “Don’t worry, little sister, we’ll bring her back.”


  When she emerged from the lower deck she saw him seated in a lounge chair staring at the ocean. Mirabella sucked down a deep breath and scooped her hair behind her ears to keep it from flying in her face. When they were together her phobia of open bodies of water would leave her paralyzed. She knew it was no coincidence that he kidnapped her and kept her on a boat. Fear is what he would try to use against her.

  But she had changed. Thanks to Giovanni she was stronger. She could swim. She could load and fire a gun. She learned how to be a fighter not a victim. And that’s how she planned to return to her family. Fighting.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Kei said. He must have sensed her standing behind him. He raised his hand. Mirabella walked to him and took his hand. He held it as she lowered to the deck chair.

  “I don’t want to be out here, Kei. Let’s go inside,” she said.

  “It’s a nice day. Relax,” he said.

  Mirabella rolled her eyes. She stared straight ahead.

  Kei exhaled. “It’s time I share my plans with you.”

  She looked over at him. His good eye was closed. He was shirtless. He wore very thin black linen trousers. His feet were crossed at the ankle. And on his chest was a serpent. A dragon.

  “We are headed to Lipari. Ever heard of it?” he began.

  “It’s an island next to Sicily. I’ve heard of it.”

  “A very beautiful island.” Kei looked over. “We’ll have all the privacy we need.”

  “Why? Why there?”

  “We’re waiting,” Kei said.

  “For what?”

  “Not what Mirabella, who. Eve,” he said.

  “Leave my daughter out of this.” Mirabella sat up. “You want to play your sick game, then you play it with me.”

  “This is no game. In a few days I will have her. By then that fake gangster you call husband, and everything he’s worked for, will be burned to the ground. Only a few more days. When Eve is brought to me we leave. And you will be ready.” Kei sat upright. Anger coiled in her chest like a cobra ready to strike.

  “My husband is the least of your worries, Kei. If you touch any of my children, I swear to God I’ll kill you myself.”

  Kei smirked. “There she is.”

  Mirabella could swear the creep had lust in his eyes when he stared back.

  “I miss that fire in you.” He reached and touched her face. She turned it away.

  Kei chuckled. “We have time, Mirabella. You’ll be mine again. Willingly.”

  He stood and kissed the top of her head. She flinched and then he left. She looked at the ocean and fought to resist the urge to jump into it. She could swim, but how far was she from land? Mirabella stood. She used her hand as a shield against the glare of the sun. She looked east and west. There was no sign of land or any cruise ships that frequented the waters. Now was not the time to strike. She had to be patient, and she had to be observant. Somehow she’d find a way.


  “Signor Giovanni, we finally meet. I’m Ispettore Capo Donatello.” A tall man who looked to be around Giovanni’s age said.

  “Chief Inspector?” Giovanni said. “What happened to Bonomo?”

  Donatello glanced up from his notepad and looked Giovanni in the eye. “Oh, you weren’t told? He retired two months ago. I was promoted to his chair.”

  Giovanni chuckled. “Complimenti.”

  “I have some questions for you.” The Chief Inspector drawled.

  “I’ve asked for a lawyer.” Giovanni said.

  “No need for one. You have some very powerful friends. I just left my office.” The Inspector sat back and made a tent with his fingers. “I was on the phone with the Prime Minister. He’s asked that you be released immediately. The prosecutor agrees. No charges are to be filed.”

  Giovanni arched a brow.

  “I only have a few questions.”

  “Send them to my lawyer.” Giovanni stood.

  “Signor.” The Inspector raised his voice. “I can’t detain you. My power doesn’t reach that high. But I can keep your men. All of your men. I have a slaughter on my hands, and two prizefighters are dead. On this rare occasion I don’t believe la Camorra is at fault. If you work with me we can bring the people who made an attempt on your life to justice.”

  “Fuck you,” Giovanni said.

  The inspector narrowed his eyes on him. “Someone is going to answer for the slaughter brought to the Campania. La Camorra is a stain on the Republic. Men like you have an expiration date. I will not stop until you are all put down.”

  Giovanni nodded to the challenge. He turned and walked out. The officers glared at him, but no one said a word. He saw one of his attorneys waiting for him. Once they were outside and in the limo he spoke. “How soon can Domi and Lorenzo, and the rest of my men be released?”

  “Don Giovanni, they are being detained for a tribunal. Santo is under police protection. No court date has been set. We are doing all we can.”

  “Do more!” Giovanni slammed his fist into the side of the door. “I need them with me.”

  The attorney nodded. Every man he trusted was locked away. Even the clan bosses were behind bars. He was on his own. And he knew in his gut that Mirabella wasn’t in Italy anymore. He had to regroup. Come up with a better plan.

  “Where to?” the attorney asked.

  “Melanzana. I need to meet with my men.”


  The phone rang. Marietta jumped. Catalina looked up with questioning eyes. She picked it up. “Pronto?”

  “Marietta? It’s Kyra,” a soft voice said.

  “Oh thank God. Umberto told me he left the message for you to call me. How is he?”

  Kyra began to cry. Marietta looked over to Catalina who was now standing. Tears pooled in Marietta’s eyes but she kept the emotion down. “Kyra? Is he alive?”

  “Yes. But these doctors keep telling me he lost too much blood. His heart stopped twice. I’m so scared,” Kyra wept.

  “Is anyone there with you?”

  “Yes. Jamie is here. Renaldo’s mother is here. We’re here. What happened? Who would hurt him like this? Why?” Kyra wept into the phone. Marietta turned the phone over and put it on speakerphone so Catalina could stop kicking her.

  “He’s alive Kyra. He’s strong. He’ll come out of it. I wish
I could be there for you,” Marietta said.

  “Kyra? It’s Catalina. What do you need, honey? Anything? We can get the attorneys to find a good doctor. Okay?” Catalina said.

  “Okay. Please. I think we need help. I don’t know what to do. The doctors keep coming and going but they don’t really explain anything to us. And he has all these tubes in him. He was shot seven times.”

  Marietta glanced up to Catalina who looked at her with equal horror. How is it possible that Renaldo was still alive? They felt weak with fear. “Okay, sweetheart. Tell me the hospital information and the surgeon’s name. Everything,” Catalina located a pen and pad from the desk.

  Kyra began to share all she knew. Marietta had to stand and walk away. She put her hands to her head. She thought of telling Catalina that she called Armando but decided to keep that to herself for now. She didn’t know if she did the right thing. But this was a nightmare. They needed help.

  “Kyra, call us the moment anything changes,” Catalina said.

  “I will. Is the Donna there? Can I speak to her?” Kyra asked softly.

  Catalina looked up at Marietta. She shook her head no to Catalina. They were told by Rocco not to share any details outside of the family. She’d already broken that rule with Armando.

  “She’s, ah, not right here at the moment. I’ll have her call the hospital and check in. Okay?” Catalina asked. “You just be strong. Renaldo will make it. He will.”

  “Thanks. I’ll call.”

  Kyra hung up. Catalina dropped back in the chair and cried. “Seven times? He was shot seven times!”

  “I know,” Marietta paced. “I heard that Leonardo was dead, Eduardo is dead, David is dead, Kaleb is dead…”

  “Stop!” Catalina shouted. “Stop it!” she wept. “These men are my family. They raised me. They are family. Just shut the fuck up!” Catalina ran from the room. Marietta put her hands to her eyes and cried. She felt as if she was thrown in a wind tunnel and couldn’t keep from spiraling to the darkness. She staggered over to the sofa and dropped on it. She lay on her side and cried.

  The phone rang. It was the main phone to the house. Marietta looked up at it. She forced herself to stand on her shaky legs and picked it up. “Hello,” she said.

  “Marie? It’s me.”

  “Lo! Oh thank God! Thank you God!” she wept.

  “I don’t have long. Is Rocco there?” he asked.

  “He’s in Villa Rosso with the attorneys. Are you okay? Is Carlo okay? Gio? What about Domi? Lo? What the hell is going on?” she pleaded.

  “I’m okay. Tell Rocco we’re being moved. We haven’t seen Gio. He’s probably being released. Tell him…”


  She heard men shouting. The phone line disconnected.

  “Lo! Lo!” She tried to click over and back to recover the line. All she got was a dial tone. Her heart suffered several seizures of panic. She went to her knees. She held the phone to her chest and stared at the door. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks. She felt totally helpless.


  The overcrowding in the jails forced the men to be moved. Lorenzo was escorted from the holding area, with Dominic and Nico down a dank hall. He had found a sympathizer among their jailers who let him use the phone. But the guard’s superiors discovered this and shut him down. He seethed with rage. Marietta’s terror added to his anxiety. She was fragile now. He needed to get back to her.

  When they entered the next ward they were greeted with applause like celebrities. Many of the men cheered for them when they passed one unit and moved to the next. At the end of the corridor another guard opened the gate. Lorenzo glanced back to Dominic, who looked up to him and nodded. The cell was less crowded and Lorenzo soon noticed why. The men inside were all brothers of la Camorra. He smiled. He greeted and hugged several. They laughed and cheered at Dominic, Lorenzo, and Nico’s inclusion.

  Lorenzo noticed how Dominic scanned the top of the cell. There were cameras pointed from different angles. The jailers weren’t that generous. They were being watched and listened to. He headed toward the back bench seat. It was there he found him.

  Carlo sat with his head down and his shoulders slumped. He sat alone. Every man instinctively knew to give him room.

  “Domi! Nico!” Lorenzo called out.

  They all saw him. Lorenzo walked over and sat next to him. Nico told him what happened in the fourth round. How hard Ciro fought and was holding his own. And then the murderous attack launched by Chao Lee. The fucking cocksucker.

  “Carlo,” Lorenzo whispered.

  Carlo didn’t respond.

  “We’re all in. They raided Venditto’s. Even Giovanni was picked up.”

  Carlo didn’t respond. His head didn’t lift. Lorenzo could see dark bruises over Carlo’s arms and knuckles. He had no idea how bad his face must look.

  “It was the Triad, Carlo. They kidnapped Mirabella. She’s missing.”

  To this Carlo slowly lifted his head. He looked as if he had been kicked in the head repeatedly by a steel boot. Black, purple, red, and yellow bruises and swelling covered the lumps rising all over his face. He turned his head in a stiff motion to see out of his barely opened eyes. Lorenzo felt the urge to rage, weep for his broken brother. In fact his eyes teared up, and his throat clogged with emotion. “I’ll fucking kill them all for you, brother. I swear it. I’m sorry for Ciro.”

  “Mirabella?” Carlo rasped.

  “I don’t know. We’ll find her,” Lorenzo said in a voice choked with emotion. “We’ll get out of here, and find her, and you will get your revenge. I swear it on my life, brother.”

  Dominic sat down on the other side of Carlo. Lorenzo looked up. Men were now standing in a protective circle around them to block their conversation from the cameras.

  “Domi? How long will they detain us?” Lorenzo asked.

  “I don’t know. I spoke to one of the guards. Bonomo has retired. They have a new Chief Inspector. They said Giovanni has been released.”

  “I thought so,” Lorenzo let go a burdened sigh. “I got through to Melanzana. Sent a message to Rocco. He’s already got the attorneys on it.”

  Dominic nodded in agreement.

  Carlo sat back and leaned against the wall. Lorenzo frowned with concern. “Look at him. He needs medical attention. These fucking bastards have Santo in a hospital and Carlo in here? Where is the fucking justice?” Lorenzo got to his feet.

  “Sit down!” Dominic warned.

  Lorenzo glared at the cameras.

  “Sit down!” Dominic repeated.

  Lorenzo slowly sat.

  “We keep it cool. Giovanni can handle it,” Dominic said. They all sat and waited. And it was then the name surfaced in Lorenzo’s mind.


  The Carabinieri tailed him for miles. They had several hundred men in custody. He needed to think and regroup. The streets they travelled were quiet. Many store owners closed up their shops early. It was as if the entire Campania was in mourning. He knew that behind closed doors the Italians whispered about the kidnapping of his beloved. He knew many predicted his madness would return. Braced for it. Giovanni squeezed his eyes shut and endured.

  The walk up the steps to Melanzana was the hardest. He vowed not to return without his Bella. The door was pulled open before he reached it. Catalina stood before him with Gino on her hip. His baby boy reached for him immediately. Giovanni froze.

  “Gio! What is going on?” Catalina said with her face flushed from tears. “Where is Mira?”

  He took the baby to keep him calm. He kissed his son who hugged his neck. Gino began to cry when Catalina started. His son never responded to his coming home with tears. It wrecked him.

  Catalina paced in front of him, and prevented him from walking inside. Her hair was tangled from constantly pulling it and her eyes were red and swollen. “Where is she? Is she okay? Are you going to bring her home? When, Gio? When?”

  “Catalina!” Marietta said. She marched toward them. “Take Gino and go f
ind Zia. Now.”

  “No! I want to know about Mira!” Catalina shouted.

  “Catalina? Look at Gino. You’re scaring him,” Marietta said.

  Giovanni bounced Gino and smiled until the boy smiled back. Catalina looked at the toddler with understanding. She nodded. She took the baby from Gio. He kept crying as she walked down the hall.

  “Can you tell me anything? If she’s okay?” Marietta asked.

  Giovanni lowered his gaze. “I’ll be in Villa Rosso. Have my meals sent there.”

  “Wait!” She grabbed his arm. “There’s something you need to know. I called Armando.”

  He turned and looked at her with genuine surprise. How could the woman make that leap? To tell the Mafiosi his business? His weakness?

  “Before you get angry you need to understand, Gio. We had just found out you were arrested. We didn’t know if you were coming home. I’m sorry, but I was afraid. You men have never told us what to do when something like this happens.”

  Instead of anger he felt another weight of sadness added to his already battered heart. He took Marietta into his arms and hugged her. The action soothed them both. He had never been a fan of hers. Especially recently. But the way she spoke and looked at him for understanding reminded him of his wife. He needed that reminder to calm his fears.

  “If I lose her,” Giovanni said, and his voice choked on emotion.

  “We won’t lose her, Gio. We’ll figure it out,” Marietta said.

  He let her go. “I need you to help Catalina. Take care of the children. Keep her calm and away from me. I can’t stand seeing her in pain,” he said.

  “I can do it. I can take care of them. I’ll do it,” Marietta said.

  Giovanni wasn’t sure he could trust her, but he had no choice. He forced a smile and his face barely had the strength to hold the action for long. “Send Rocco to Villa Rosso.”


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