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Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel

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by Joanne Wadsworth


  I needed to get Belle a straightjacket and lock her up pronto.

  She cracked a smile. “No, silly. With your emerging forethought skill, King Carlisio sent Davio to assess the situation as reinforcement to me as your protector. After Davio turned eighteen earlier this year, even he did not show any signs of the rare skill which his grandfather has. It’s sadly skipped two generations in the Loveria family and so far, you are the only one outside of the royal line who shows any signs of it. Why do you think I’m still here and have not returned home?”

  I quirked a suspicious brow and retaliated. “Because you to live to pester me.”

  Easy answer.

  I’m afraid the girl was on her way to being institutionalized. There was no hope for her. Not now.

  “No,” she fired right back at me. “Because you are too valuable to be left unattended. You need protection.”

  I blew out a harsh breath, right in her face. “For the millionth, billionth, zillionth time, I am growing very weary of all this Peacio crap.” Would she never give up?

  That was when her declaration sent shockwaves through me. Surprised, my jaw landed somewhere down in my lap. Now why would she feel the need to protect me? And protect me against what?

  Okay, it seemed I was actually going to go there. “Exactly what are you protecting me from?”

  “You can read thoughts, a skill that develops into forethought, and depending on how strong it is, it can’t be permitted to go under the radar. I’m a protector. Once your forethought develops, you will need me by your side to instruct you.”

  Belle was so matter of fact about everything she said. For a brief moment, I felt the first fluttering of belief in her, then it cemented, making me groan out loud. I needed to discover if there was any possible truth in all that she’d told me this past week. I mean, I couldn’t exactly deny these skills that had arrived to torment me.

  “I want to meet with Davio Loveria. I want to hear from the newcomer”—who was now sitting in his assigned seat at the front of the class—“what he has to say without any interference from you.”

  Belle’s lips lifted, and she answered with speed. “Excellent. Would now be an appropriate time?”

  I observed the princely hunk’s side profile, gathering my strength. “After class. Lunchtime. On the field.” I needed another forty-five minutes to fortify myself. “You, me and him.”

  * * * *

  It was the beginning of spring, the first week of September, and I’d chosen an isolated spot under a large, yellow-green umbrella leaf tree on the outskirts of the school’s grassy area. Belle waited with me where the sunlight dappled through the loose formation of foliage and warmed the ground. I propped my backpack against the tree, hooked my thumb into the belt loop of my snug blue denim miniskirt and hoped I exuded at least a little confidence.

  Belle rubbed her palms down her short, scarlet cotton dress and stepped forward to greet the newcomer as he crossed the lawn. “Welcome, Davio.” Belle turned and extended her hand toward me. “This is Miss Faith Stryker.”

  “Thank you, Belle. So this is the one Carlisio says has forethought?” Davio narrowed his gaze on me as he stood there, his bearing firm as he clasped Belle’s arm, and far too intimately for my liking. Which I really shouldn’t have noticed, or should even care about.

  Only I couldn’t help but frown at the cozy image they made. Exactly how well did these two know each other? And why did the man still look completely edible? Those blue jeans of his molded his long legs and made me drool for a bite.

  Frustrated, I ground my teeth together, lifted my chin and stepped forward. “Yes, I’m the one who has forethought, and I’d say nice to meet you, but I’m not sure that’s wise.” Not wise at all.

  Damn. Why was I so irritated? The man had set all my nerves on edge.

  “Belle told me you’re a prince of Peacio. How do I know that’s the truth?” Hungry for more information, I siphoned through his thoughts using the skill Belle kept referring to as my burgeoning forethought. Hopefully I’d find this was all an elaborate and totally explainable ruse.

  “I can feel you in my mind.” Davio released her arm and stepped closer, touched his forehead then immediately blocked, the same as Belle was able to do when I got too nosy filtering through her mind.

  Now there was nothing, although not quite like with Belle. A block existed, yet I still found myself settling into a soft spot within his mind that seemed to be reserved just for me.

  I gave him a cocky grin, and he damn well returned it, seriously peeving me further. “So, I guess I have to believe you’re the grandson of Peacio’s supposed king. David is it?”

  One masculine brow quirked. “Davio, not David, but yes, I’m Carlisio’s sole grandson. Who is your father?”

  “At present I don’t know and quite frankly, I’ve never cared.” I didn’t either. I had the world’s most fabulous mother, one who’d provided all I’d ever needed in life. While the man who’d irresponsibly provided the other half of my genes to give me that life had never stayed to even say one simple hello.

  Davio crossed his arms, frowning as he drew one-step closer. “Father aside, let’s concentrate on what you’re doing right now. You are lodged within my mind—” He stopped, shook his head as if clearing it, then took another decided step forward. “There’s a warmth, like a merging or a similar form of alternate connection, I’ve never experienced before. What is it you’re doing?”

  No sooner had he said the words, did I find myself dropping out of that soft spot I’d found and ending the merge he’d noted. Bad move. Ouch. I grabbed my head as my mind demanded to return to his. What the—I jerked, shoved a hand up and tried to halt his sudden advancement. “Stay right there.”

  A sharp stinging pain took me as he bore down on me. “No. Stop.” I clutched my chest, gasping as more pain lanced through me. Somehow Davio’s presence caused it.

  Against my wishes, my mind pierced back into his and bedded down into that soft place that brought a sense of rightness along with it. I fell against him, grabbed his arm, the closer contact with him somehow now ceasing the pain and my turbulent emotions all at once.

  What on earth was going on?

  I took a moment, breathing deep, the warmth within his mind rolling through to me. “This is the strangest thing,” I murmured, awestruck. “Can you truly feel my mind merged with yours?”

  “I can.” He pressed his hand over my hand on his arm. “You’re in my head. I can feel your presence, but be aware you’ll not get a single thought from me since I’m now blocked.”

  Clearly a set down, putting me in my place.

  I gritted my teeth and dropped my hand. I backed up, and the moment I did, the pain returned and all I wanted to do was strike out at him. “I didn’t mean to pry, but this is all new to me.” Bewitchingly new. Belle had told me bits here and there, yet it would certainly take more evidence to completely sway me to her side.

  Annoyance coursed through me as he glowered.

  Circling me, his gaze slanted as his enormous body threatened. “Now, aren’t you a pesky little enigma.”

  I curled my fingers inward, nails biting into my palms. “So my mother constantly says, Prince Davio.”

  He came back around to stand in front. “It’s just Davio to you. Don’t forget where we are. I hardly need someone from outside of my home world to hear you.”

  “We’re all alone out here in case you missed it.” My gut clenched into an awful mess.

  “Apart from this skill of mind-merge, you know what I believe is happening between us.”

  “Well, not if you don’t share it.”

  “You and I are bonded,” he said with a hard, defiant tone.

  “I’m sorry, we’re what?” Please let that not be what it sounded like. The word bonded certainly rang with the term of something rather deep to me, and I didn’t want deep with him.

  “No, being bonded isn’t a what, Faith Stryker. Being bonded is a
how.” Then he reared over me, almost toppling me over.

  “Hey,” I growled, slamming a hand into him. “Attempting to intimidate me will get you nowhere.”

  “We’re somehow bonded, your soul to my soul, although how that could be is beyond my understanding since you’re clearly of Earth and I’m not. Who are your parents, and how did you come to have forethought?”

  Huh, as if I knew how. I didn’t even want the stupid skill I’d come into the week before. “First, I’ve always lived on Earth. Second, I have only my mother, who I might add has outdone herself in raising me.”

  “What of your father? Where exactly is he?”

  “I don’t know.” I had to force myself to hold his very dominant gaze. “Nor do I care.” My chest tightened, and not because I spoke of my father, but because of this man’s presence. So many emotions battered me, from roaring desire to fierce anger, and all dependent on how close he was.

  “Father aside, I feel the deep tension between us. It’s too physical.”

  “I agree, and I’ve decided I don’t want to meet you after all. Let’s forget this past morning ever happened and you can wing your way back to your lovely little planet of Magio.” However he managed to do that winging. Yeah, curiosity bit me swiftly in the butt. I should have asked Belle before how she’d managed to get here from Magio, only if I had, that would have likely given her too much of an opening in order to push more onto me.

  “I don’t understand.” Belle stepped forward, her lips pinched. “Surely, this is impossible. You two simply can’t be mated. She’s a Halfling.”

  “I don’t understand either.” I gave her a glare. “So let’s just forget everything, and you can take him away.”

  “I can’t.” Her hands trembled as she pushed them through her dark hair. “I can’t interfere in a mated relationship. It is a soul-bound calling, one fixed between the two of you.” Her wide gaze begged understanding. “You have to understand. Only half of our population are mated once they come into their adult strength skills at eighteen. The male always senses the bond after he makes direct contact with his female. This is what has happened. It seems you are mated to our prince.”

  I gulped. Again, not something I wanted to hear, yet if this was all real, then that meant I was likely in a world of trouble. “Okay, so we’re mated.” I turned on Davio. “Which is clearly all your fault. Why on earth would you allow a soul bond to form between us?”

  “The soul bond actually forms of its own accord, and usually not long after birth. Although it’s only once a Magioling reaches adulthood that the two become aware of that bond. Until then, little is known.” He snagged my hand. “You are not one of my people. I’m not happy about that.”

  I waited a moment, tortured at his tight hold and at the scowl darkening his face. He clearly detested this moment, and the discovery of our bond, just as much as I did. “Then quit touching me.” I jerked my hand free. “If you can’t tell, I’m not happy about that.”

  He winced, the first sign that he wasn’t anything other than mad. “I will try. I can see you need some space.” He stepped away, propped his back against the wide trunk of the tree.

  Now given the opportunity, I too scooted back.

  Then it happened.

  Once we reached five feet of distance between us, a strange calmness descended over me. I breathed out the last of my tension and closed my eyes, then groaned as Belle tapped at my mind along our telepathic link.

  “Ooo-kay,” she murmured, “You need to tell me exactly what’s going on with you? First and foremost, I’m your friend.”

  I ignored her, feeling a touch bad, and instead opened my eyes and took in the man who’d dropped into my life and tossed it all about within one single morning. His thoughts blared loud and clear as he eyed me blatantly in return. The light blond color of my hair captivated him, the fine strands catching the sunlight sparkling through the leaves and making the golden hue glow like woven silk.

  I grimaced.

  He studied my eyes, found the unusual violet color incredibly intriguing.

  “Stop it.” I crossed my arms with a slap. “Can’t you block again?”

  “I don’t wish to right now.” He tilted his chin and straightened as he pushed off the tree. “It isn’t just the color of your eyes I find intriguing, but you as well.”

  “I’d rather you keep your unhelpful words to yourself too.” Damn it. Now he neared. I hated that every time he came so close, I turned aggressive. “Stay there.”

  My blustery warning was loud and clear, but he didn’t break his stride. “I can’t stop myself. It’s this stupid, stubborn bond. Finding my mate should never have been like this. It obviously shouldn’t have been with a Halfling and someone not of my world.”

  “Amen to that,” I grumbled as he ruthlessly closed in.

  I threw up a hand against his oncoming assault and tried to halt him. Too late.

  My palm hit his chest, his momentum driving me back several steps. Oh boy. I flushed as my aggression instantly dissolved. So strange. When he touched me, the hard emotions promptly disappeared, the pain and anger sliding right away.

  “You’re more than an enigma.” Davio leaned over me, all six foot four of him, his warm honey-brown hair falling forward to curl snugly around his neck, and I longed for him, just as I had during my first sighting of him in the classroom.

  “Why do I suddenly want you this close?”

  “What’s happening is the bond, my mate. It will become difficult for me to keep my distance from you, both physically and emotionally. The same goes for you, unless of course I leave and end this now.”

  “You really want to leave?” My heart hitched and I swayed closer. “Is that how this bond works? We find each other and then you leave?”

  “No, it never happens that way. Those who are mated are bonded for life if we allow our souls their desire, except that would be the most unwise choice for us to take. You are, quite clearly, neither from my country nor from my world, and as such will have no allegiance to me or my people. I have no wish to join with one who doesn’t wish to join with me in all ways. With that being the case, I will find another when the time is right. As should you,” he added solemnly.

  “Hold on.” Did he just say he would be joining with another woman?

  I bit my tongue. That was good? I should leave it at that, right?

  Jeez, what was wrong with me for questioning that choice?

  “I’m sorry. We just met, and you’re right. Go find your, your—” Strangely, I struggled to get the words out and finally gave up. “Well, have yourself a nice long life, and all that.” I patted his chest roughly.

  That was better.

  The clock ticked and time slowed.

  He didn’t move.

  “Look at me.” With one finger sliding under my chin, he tipped my gaze to his. “This would never work.”

  “I understand. It’s been pretty awful meeting you. I certainly don’t want to be bonded to you for life.” I tried to pull my mind from the soft spot where I’d bedded down, but had no luck. I actually detested the thought of letting go.

  Perhaps I’d try physically first. I leaned back, only he moved his hand around to the small of my back and prevented me.

  I gripped his arm. “Okay, you were going.”

  This was going to be the world’s fastest breakup—no, non-breakup since we hadn’t even been together. “Let go of me so that can happen.”

  Ultimately, neither of us needed the complication of the other in our life. I didn’t want a bonded relationship, not when I had high school to finish and university on my horizon.

  Releasing me, he clipped his heels together and inclined his head. “Belle will remain another day, and even though she told me you two have a telepathic connection, you should take the opportunity to learn more about your growing skills while she’s here. Afterward, Carlisio will keep an eye on you, and Belle can return as necessary.”

  A heavy pressure once again pulse
d through my blood, and that strange pain when we weren’t touching skin-to-skin, rolled through me. “Sure.”

  I inched closer, closed my fingers around his arm, the necessary and instant relief palpable. I didn’t understand this need, although it was definitely real Tentatively, I spread my fingers wider and blew out a breath. “Can I ask you one last question?”


  “Did Carlisio’s forethought not tell him all that would transpire today? Is that not how this skill he and I both have works?”

  “No, any visions he has are mere snapshots and not greatly identifiable. The future is fully changeable as my grandfather doesn’t interfere in this way. One must always have free choice.”

  “Good.” That I appreciated hearing. “I guess Carlisio thought it was right to send Belle to me here?”

  “Yes.” His gaze switched to Belle. “I’ll send Sorrell to retrieve you tomorrow.” Without warning, he took my hand from his arm and lifted my fingers to his lips, his turbulent gaze returning to mine. “Take peace in the fact that what is between us would never work. We simply don’t belong together.” His tone, deep and flawless, was filled with firm decision.

  Then he released me and shimmered, his form becoming transparent as he disappeared from my sight. He could teleport? Holy moly.

  Shock at his fast departure, which in fact answered my question about how he and Belle had gotten here in the first place, roared through me. I tumbled to the ground and sank my fingers deep into the cold grass underneath me. The air tasted stale, as if in that very moment when he’d flashed away, he’d taken whatever fresh air swirled and sucked it away with him.

  “He’s gone?” Astonishment and a definite spasm of pained grief shook me. “It hurts.” Now that shouldn’t have happened.

  Belle scooted in beside me, and grasped my shoulder. “You wish him back?”

  “No-ooo.” I shook my head. “Don’t get me wrong, but your prince made his choice, and I won’t even consider swaying his mind. He is far better back where he belongs, as are you.”


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