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The Good, The Bad and The Ghostly ((Paranromal Western Romance))

Page 46

by Keta Diablo

  "Konnor, I’m a P.S.I. agent. There is a code of conduct that I have to maintain." She stiffened in his embrace and worked to break free.

  "Right, and earlier you tried to convince me we couldn’t get married because I wouldn’t want to live with someone who talked to dead people." He fought the desire to tighten his grip on her and forced his muscles to relax. "What’s it going to take to make you see we are two halves of a whole?"

  She closed her eyes and nodded. "Maybe you are right."

  "I am." He stepped back and swung her up in his arms, deciding to call it a day and head to the house.

  "Konnor," she admonished and slid her arms around his neck to keep herself steady. "Put me down."

  "I fully intend to set you on your feet once we’re inside the house." He marched to the barn door and tossed her up higher against his chest. "Until then hold on and make yourself comfortable."

  "This is—" she warned with a low hiss.

  He stepped outside, and a strong wind swept around them.

  With a small squeal, she buried her face against his neck and shivered. "I believe it’s gotten even colder."

  Not interested in chatting at the moment, he hurried to the front door. Once inside, he flipped the lock and turned for the stairs.

  "Konnor, put me down," Ruth demanded and wiggled in his arms.

  He tightened his hold and reached the landing before he answered. "Not until we get to my room. Then we can finish our conversation."

  "Why can’t we talk downstairs?" she countered.

  "Because what I need to say requires a place where we won’t be interrupted." He squashed any reminder of his mother disturbing them earlier by tossing her onto the bed, and turned to close the door.

  "Konnor, what is wrong with you?" Ruth wiggled over to the side and bolted to him. Her hand outstretched, she pointed her index finger at him, scolding him like a bad child. "This is not appropriate behavior from a gentleman. Your parents raised you better."

  He caught her around the waist and lifted her off her feet. "I can’t say that’s not true. But I don’t believe I’ve ever run up against a more stubborn woman than you."

  Using his forward momentum, he powered back to the bed and laid her out on the top before he dropped onto the mattress beside her, half covering her body with his. "Now, we can talk about whatever we want. First, I suppose, we should decide on our wedding day. Tomorrow is good for me. Then after a week or two, we can have a party and celebrate with our friends and relatives."

  She rocked her head and shoved at his shoulders. "No, the whole reason I needed to talk to you, was to tell you I have to leave."


  Chapter Six

  Konnor’s roar bounced off the walls.

  Ruth cupped her hands over her ears to drown out the noise. She’d handled this assignment wrong from the beginning. The moment she met him she’d been tempted and allowed her feelings for him to lead her off course.

  Now, she had to straighten everything out. First, she needed to make Konnor understand that she had to finish her job before she could do anything else.

  His large hands captured her wrists, and he pulled them up over her head. After setting them together, he held them in place and lowered his other one. "Let’s try this again."

  He drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. "You need to leave because?"

  She noted the lines between his brow softening and how he appeared to have control of himself again. "I have been communicating with your ghost."

  The hard pressure of his lean form lying so close to hers had her body tingling in intimate places. She shifted. The emotions she had experienced earlier while being on his bed returned. Only this time, it wasn’t being transmitted to her from a ghost. No, Konnor was the one responsible for lighting up her senses now.

  "And she told you to leave?" He ran his finger across the front of her bodice and toyed with the buttons.

  She lifted her elbows, hoping to get him to release her. Instead, he merely applied more pressure to keep them in place. "No, but she did tell me why she scared off Wilhelmina."

  Uncertain how to continued, she glanced into his dark brown eyes and fought the overwhelming desire to melt. The man had a way of awakening every carnal urge inside her body. Last night she’d lived a few in her dreams. Today, however, she’d done her best to squelch her yearnings and be a lady.

  Konnor trailed a finger along her skin from the base of her neck to the first button of her shirt.

  "I...." What had she been saying?

  "If you just need to do something in town, we can ride into Shelton tomorrow." His words reminded her of what she’d wanted to say.

  "Great. I have to send a message to my boss in St. Louis and have him notify the authorities to apprehend Wilhelmina in Omaha." She studied his face, hoping to read his reaction to her news. "I hate to tell you this, Konnor, but your father was right. She stole several pieces of your family’s silver."

  He blinked and a slow smile formed on his lips. "I don’t care. She can keep them."

  Suddenly enraged that he’d let this woman get by with stealing from him, she shifted away. "What? She’s a thief."

  He unhooked the button. "So are you."

  "I am not. I’m part of the P.S.I. Agency. A respected company that prides themselves on only hiring the best," she proclaimed, annoyed he’d make such a claim.

  "I don’t know. You stole my heart." He guided his hand under her bodice.

  "Konnor!" She exclaimed and bit back the plea for him to help her out of her clothes. Damn, but she couldn’t resist him, wanted him in a way that she’d never wanted another man. "You have to stop?"

  He leaned closer and paused with his lips inches from hers. "No, what I need to do is show you how good we can be together."

  She opened her mouth to deny his claim, but his covered hers. The kiss she expected to be demanding and hard was soft and gentle. Each brush of his lips excited her senses and built a hunger.

  Still, he didn’t settle and lifted his head after a few moments. "Admit you want me as much as I want you."

  The glint in his gaze told her, she’d already lost this battle. Nevertheless, she didn’t believe he’d want a woman with her skill set as his wife. "I wish I could, but I’m not exactly what most people would call normal."

  "Good, because most don’t see me as walking down the standard path of life either." He finished unbuttoning her top and tugged her chemise from her waistband.

  Ruth reviewed everything she’d learned concerning him since arriving at his home. He appeared to be like most men she knew. Yes, he wasn’t married and lived alone. Nonetheless, what choice did he have? There weren’t very many available women within miles of here. "Why would you say that?"

  "I enjoy my horses more than people. Always have and probably would have continued to do so if I hadn’t met you." He guided his hand over the soft skin of her stomach.

  She groaned at his sensuous touch. Everything about him excited her. His hard, hot, muscular body not only made her feel safe and secure but hungry for so much more. "How can you be so sure I’m the woman for you?"

  A slow grin spread across his lips, and he leaned in closer. "Would you believe if I said because we were married in a prior life?"

  Shocked by his comment, she blinked. "But...huh?" Damn, what could she say? "Are you telling me you're psychic?"

  "No. It’s just that there’s such a connection between us." He slid his hand up under her chemise. Something stirred inside her, an overwhelming certainty of coming home, of being where she belonged.

  She stared into his eyes. Impressions from another time assaulted her senses. These, however, weren’t from her earlier encounter with the ghost. No, these were personal. Feelings buried deep within her soul of being accepted for her true self.

  Konnor’s black gaze hypnotized her. Emotions washed through her, forcing her to experience things that she’d never lived through before. Stripped bare by the overwhelming sensations,
she muttered, "Are you a witch? Have you cast a spell over me?"

  "No, love, you’re the one who’s used dark magic on me," he whispered and leaned closer, pausing a hairsbreadth from her mouth. "Admit it. We need each other."

  Something inside her compelled her to answer, "You are a part of me."

  "Exactly." The word spoken against her lips didn’t act as a barrier between them. Instead, it unleashed the passion between them. His mouth settled over hers, kissing her until she was breathless.

  The mere obstruction of their clothes didn’t stand a chance of keeping them apart. He tugged on her dress while she fought to free him from his coat. Each item fell to the floor in a forgotten heap.

  She overlooked the fact that she’d known him for less than a week. The rough texture of his callused hands on her skin awoke long-neglected passion that only he seemed to be able to satisfy.

  Konnor tugged at his suspenders and cursed at the distance he had to move to shuck off his boots. Each sexy sound of frustration excited Ruth more. Until at last, he rested over her. Every spot where their skin met felt like a brand, a searing heat that proclaimed she belonged to him.

  He covered her mouth with his and a wild yearning swept through her body. The seductive images, which had flashed through her head moments ago, became a reality. Passion ignited. She cupped her hands over his shoulders. Her nails bit into his hard and unyielding muscles.

  Air backed up in her lungs. She broke free and gasped, "Konnor, please."

  He shifted, using his body to narrow in on the one spot where she needed him most. A single thrust and he filled her to the brim, reminding her that she could very easily let him become the center of her world.

  Before that thought could completely take root, he started a rhythm that silenced every brain cell in her head. Her heart racing, he quickly built a fire inside her, until the consuming flame threatened to mark her soul.

  "Konnor," she screamed.

  He didn’t slow. Instead, his pace increased, sprinting for the same blissful pinnacle she longed to reach.

  Stars exploded behind her tightly squeezed eyelids, and pleasure filled her with one final thrust. A low grunt whispered against her ear.

  He brushed a kiss over her brow and rolled onto his back, drawing her up over his chest. The steady beat of his heart told her that he’d enjoyed himself as much as she had.

  Relaxing, she drifted to sleep, unencumbered by the nightmares she struggled with since childhood.

  * * *

  Hours later, the sudden rebound of the bed rocking back into place woke Ruth. She turned her head and noted the small beam of light that framed the curtains hanging over the window. Dawn was breaking on a new day.

  A movement to her right caught her attention. Her gaze landed on the large, muscular man standing across the room. "What time is it?"

  "It’s too early for you to worry about getting up. I’m just running out to the barn to make sure all is well. Then I’ll head back inside and start breakfast." Konnor slipped his shirt on over his long johns and worked on fastening the buttons.

  She eased into a sitting position and held the covers up over her breasts. "Then I should get moving too if we are still planning to go into town today."

  Frowning, he stepped to the side of the bed and sat on the edge. His hand captured one of hers, and he lifted it to his lips. "Believe me, sweetheart. I want to get to town as much as you do. But I’m hoping to do a few chores before we leave."

  Not seeing any reason for him to accompany her, she smiled. "Look, if you just let me borrow a horse and wagon I could go alone. I’ll head to the telegraph office and send my message to my agency in St. Louis. Unfortunately, I’ll need to stick around a while to see what they want me to do. Then once I have their answer, I’ll come back here and finish the job of eradicating the ghost from your house."

  He shook his head and set her hand on his chest before pulling her into his arms. "No. We’ll go together. Then while we’re there, we’ll make a stop at the church and get married. I refuse to let you out of my sight until I have a ring on your finger, and a priest has confirmed that your mine until death do us part."

  Surprised that he still wanted to marry her, she shifted deeper into his embrace. "Are you sure that’s wise? After all, don’t you think we should take a few days and learn more about each other? I could just—"

  He dropped a kiss on her lips and sent her words back down her throat. Once he had her melting against him like a rag doll he lifted his head. A wide grin lit up his face, and a mischievous glimmer sparked in the depths of his eyes. "No. We both know this is what we want. It’ll make it easier if you send your note to your boss, telling him about Wilhelmina’s crime and that you’re resigning from your post at the same time."

  "What?" She jerked back and suddenly realized that marrying Konnor would entail giving up her job. Yes, she cared for him and liked the idea of living on his farm, but....

  Her mind rebelled at forfeiting her livelihood and becoming completely dependent on someone else. Could she just walk away from her job? Him? What if he learned to hate her the way her family had?

  "Easy, sweetheart, it’s not like you don’t have the ghost here to talk to. I’m sure my ancestral spirit will be more than happy to have you around to communicate with on a daily basis." He rubbed a hand along her back and worked to soothe her fears. "And I’ll be right outside the front door if you happen to want human company."

  She stared at him, seeing someone she had come to care about a great deal in a short amount of time. He represented everything she ever wanted, a stable, hardworking man that loved her. What more could she ask for?

  "I just feel we might want to take this a little slower. Let me go into town and send a note to my boss. Once they work out what they want to do about Wilhelmina, then we can decide when we want to get married." She noticed his frown, and his grip tightened.

  "No. I’m not letting you go alone. In fact, now that I’ve had a chance to think on it, why don’t you write up your message? I’ll send Henry into town and have him telegraph it to your boss." He released her and stood with a tight nod. "That’s the best solution. Then neither one of us has to waste the day on a trip to town."

  Walking to the end of the bed, he retrieved his jeans and slipped them on. "He can even stay in town and wait for the answer."

  Miffed by his highhanded manner, she glared at him as he finished dressing. "Are you planning to keep me here as a prisoner?"

  The unnerving glare, he sent in her direction, clearly stated he thought she’d lost her mind. "No, I just don’t see any reason for us to travel all that way unless we plan to get married."

  Too angry to sit still, she drew back the covers and stomped forward. "Look, Mr. McKee, I am a P.S.I Agent. My job is to keep my superiors informed as to the development of my case. I am free to come and go at will."

  Having taken the two steps required to face him, she poked her finger into the middle of his chest. "You as the client can make suggestions. But, and I stress but, it is entirely up to me the course of action I choose to take."

  He wrapped his arms around her and yanked her body into his. "God, woman, do you have any idea what you’re doing to me standing here naked?"

  With her arms glued to her side, she growled, "I know what I want to do with you if you don’t stop being so pig-headed."

  Loosening his grip, he allowed her enough room to work her hands between them. The indulgent look on his face should have infuriated her, but being so close to him wore down her anger. "You’re right, sugar. I’m acting like a bull charging forward without giving a thought as to where I’m going. So let’s take a minute and think this through."

  Konnor retreated a step, his steely-eyed gaze lingering on her until they no longer had any physical contact. "For now, I’ll head out to the barn while you get dressed. That’ll give us both time to figure out what we should do."

  His back stiff, his face set in a stubborn frown. She noted how he struggled t
o maintain his self-control before he bent and retrieved his shoes.

  "Why don’t we meet in the kitchen and work it out over breakfast?" He looked as if the mere mention of shelving their argument was costing him a great deal of pain. Still, instead of forcing the issue, he waited for her to answer.

  The chill in the cold room seeped into her bones. She tugged the quilt off the bed. "Agreed, but don’t expect me to change my mind."

  With a stiff nod, he walked out the bedroom door.

  Each thump of his footsteps on the wood floor had her wondering if she’d erected a wall between them that she wouldn’t be able to break.

  Chapter Seven

  Give it a day before you go to town.

  The female voice stopped Ruth in her tracks. She looked around Konnor’s living room. The ghost had given her several reasons for running off Wilhelmina but not any other details concerning the spirit’s former life. Determined to get some answers, she muttered, "It so hard to take good advice when you don’t know who is giving it."

  Not getting an immediate response, she continued to the kitchen. "It’s nice knowing a person’s name. Mine is Ruth Olivia Wilson." Suddenly, she realized why people didn’t enjoy being around mediums. They talked to themselves, and even when they weren’t, everyone else couldn’t hear the spirit’s replies.

  Everyone called me Grandma Nettie. Now, wait until tomorrow before you head off to town.

  Ruth paused in the doorway of the kitchen, uncertain if she wanted to know the exact reason for the ghost’s opposition to her leaving for a few hours. "Why?"


  After waiting several long moments, Ruth offered a nonchalant shrug and walked into the room. "I’m hungry and need to start breakfast."

  "What?" Konnor turned with a pencil in his hand. A piece of paper sat on the counter in front of him. "I was trying to decide if we should pick up some other supplies while we’re in town."


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