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Fatal Frenzy: Book 9 of the Fatal Series

Page 26

by Marie Force

  “Killing them ain’t the goal.”

  “Shut up,” the other one said. “Stop talking.”

  “Lieutenant, back here!” Cruz said. “There’re more women.”

  Sam, Gonzo, Conklin and Malone followed the sound of Freddie’s voice to another room where ten hysterical women were chained to the wall, all of them nude and battered. Sam recognized two of them from pictures of missing local women she’d seen earlier in the day.

  “We need to get CSU here to go through every inch of this place,” Sam said to Malone. “And let’s get SVU here to handle the victims.” SWAT produced a pair of bolt cutters and began cutting the women free from their chains.

  “Already made the call,” Freddie said.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Sam whirled around to face an extremely pissed off Avery Hill. Whoops. She knew she’d forgotten something. “We, ah, got a lead on Androzzi’s car and jumped on it.”

  “You had time to get SWAT here, but you didn’t have time to give me a heads-up?”


  “Sorry? That’s the best you’ve got?”

  “Yeah, it is. We moved fast because the lives of two young women were at stake. And we’ve found ten others who were in rather dire straits too. I’m sorry if you’re offended because you were left out.”

  Hill took a step closer to her and it took all of Sam’s resolve not to back off. The impulse to back off was new, and she had Stahl to thank for that. “I’m in charge of this investigation—not you. I know that galls you, but that’s not my problem.”

  “The only thing that galls me is that your ego is more important to you than the safety of twelve women who were kidnapped, drugged and sold into sexual slavery. But hey, if you’re more important than they are, someone should’ve told me that.”

  “Enough,” Conklin said. “Hill, I’m sorry we failed to notify you. It was an oversight not a slight. Get over it.”

  Sam wanted to send her deputy chief an engraved thank you note, but this was definitely not the time to say so.

  Hill stormed off, and Sam breathed a sigh of relief. Locking horns with him had not been on her to-do list for today.

  “He’s right, you know,” Conklin said. “We should’ve given him a heads-up.”

  “I honestly never thought of it,” Sam said. “My only thought was getting to those girls before they were shipped out and possibly lost forever.”

  “Thank God we found them.”

  “I just hope we weren’t too late.”

  * * *

  Sam spoke with the parents of both girls who were on their way to Washington to join their daughters at the hospital. Both sets of parents had been overjoyed to hear their daughters had been found, but gravely concerned in light of their condition. SVU detectives were working to identify the other women who’d been rescued, to get them medical attention and reunite them with their families. The statements that would be taken from them would help to cement the growing case against Androzzi.

  Crime Scene detectives spent hours scouring the warehouse, while Sam’s team took the two men they’d arrested back to HQ for questioning. By the end of the day, they were no closer to finding Androzzi than they’d been at the start, and the frustration was building with every hour that went by without the arrest of the man who’d killed Arnold and kidnapped so many women.

  Androzzi’s minions had clammed up, demanded attorneys and weren’t talking about Androzzi or his organization. Archie’s team had been working on dumping their cell phones, hoping for a number that might lead them to the phone that Androzzi was using.

  “Anything?” Sam asked when Archie appeared at her office door at ten o’clock that night.

  “Nope. We were able to identify all the numbers called in the last two weeks, and none of them leads to Androzzi. There’re a lot of unknown numbers, which leads me to believe he’s using burner phones.”

  “Fucking burner phones.” This wasn’t the first time an investigation had been stymied by untraceable burner phones.

  “He’s getting cocky sticking around here after he killed one of our officers,” Archie said. “He’ll fuck up and when he does, we’ll grab him. Gonzo can identify him as the shooter. And we’ve got ten women who can identify him, and hopefully the other two will recover to identify him as the one they were with at the bar. We’re building a case, even if it’s taking longer than we’d like.”

  “I know.” Sam released the clip that she’d used to contain her hair and ran her fingers through the mop that fell to below her shoulders, trying to bring some order. “Thanks for all you did today.”

  “Sorry we couldn’t do more. So did you hear you put Ramsey in the hospital?”

  “Oh, really? Gee, that’s too bad.”

  Archie laughed hard. “You’re all heart, Lieutenant.”

  “That’s what people say.”

  “Who says that?”


  Archie laughed even harder. “I’d love to meet these so-called people.”

  “So what’s wrong with him?”

  “Broken wrist and a concussion.”

  “That’s really a bummer. He probably shouldn’t have said what he did to me. Would’ve saved us all a bunch of paperwork.”

  “He definitely shouldn’t have said what he did, and for what it’s worth, I would’ve punched him too.”

  “It’s worth a lot. Thanks for the support.”

  “You ought to head home. There’s nothing more we can do tonight.”

  “I’m going soon.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  “No, you won’t. I’m playing second lady tomorrow.”

  “Oh, that’s right! Well, have fun.”

  Sam glowered at him, and he left laughing. She was packing up to leave when Freddie came to the door. “One of the girls is awake.”

  “Let’s get over there and see if we can get a statement from her.”

  “I’m with you, LT.”

  “Bring your own car so you can go home from there. I’ll meet you at the ER entrance.”

  “See you in a few.”

  As Sam drove to GW, she called Nick. “Hey, I’ll be home soon. Just one more thing I’ve got to do.”

  “I saw on the news that you found the missing girls.”

  “Yes, but no sign of Androzzi. He’s slippery as an eel.”

  “You guys will get him.”

  “I hope so. I can’t imagine letting Arnold’s killer get away with it.”

  “That won’t happen.”

  Sam appreciated his show of support. “One of the girls is awake, so Freddie and I are going over there now to try to talk to her, and then I’ll be home.”

  “I’ll be here. So, um, are you going to be able to go with me tomorrow?”

  She smiled at his adorableness. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Even if there’s somewhere else you’d rather be?”

  “There’s nowhere else in this universe I’d rather be than with you, no matter what we’re doing or whether the whole world is watching.”

  “Awww, baby, you know just what to say to me, don’t you?”

  “It’s true. You know that, right?”

  “I do. Now hurry and do what you’ve got to do so I can have you to myself tonight and show you off to the rest of the world tomorrow.”

  “I will. Love you. See you soon.”

  “Love you too.”

  Freddie was waiting for her inside the main doors to the ER. He’d already scored the room number for the girl who was awake.

  “Did you have to flirt with a nurse to get it?”

  “Don’t question my means. Celebrate my results.”

  The cheeky reply made her laugh. “I feel gu
ilty laughing at anything when Arnold is dead.”

  “I feel guilty making jokes, but I can’t believe he’d want us to feel like shit forever. He just wasn’t like that.”

  “No, he wasn’t. But still…”


  She appreciated that he got it. He usually did. That’s what made him the best partner she’d ever had. At the bank of elevators, he pushed the up button. “Hey so, I’m sorry if your big news has been overshadowed by everything this week. I’m really so happy for you and Elin.”

  “Thanks. I’m happy too. I still can’t believe a goddess like her picked me.”

  “She’s lucky to have you, and she knows it.”

  “We’re both lucky. Finding that one person in the sea of people is kind of a miracle, you know?”

  “I do. And how strange is it that we both have John O’Connor to thank for leading us to the person we were meant to be with?”

  “It’s bizarre, but sort of fitting in light of what we do for a living.”

  “Just don’t ask me to be a bridesmaid in the wedding and we’ll be good.”

  “How do you feel about best man?”

  “Haha, very funny.”

  “I’m totally serious.”

  Sam stopped walking and turned to him. “For real?”

  “Yes, for real,” he said with an indulgent smile.

  “You realize the best man is supposed to be like, you know, a man, right?”

  “It’s supposed to be the groom’s best friend, and you’re my best friend.”

  “Well, that’s sort of sad for you.”

  “Shut up, Sam,” he said laughing. “Just say you’ll do it. You’d get to throw the stag party and can have hookers and strippers and every other dirty thing you can think of.”

  “I accept,” she said with a big gleeful smile that had him groaning. “Lap dances for everyone!” The teasing helped to hide her emotional reaction to his request and hearing that he considered her his best friend. In truth, he was probably hers too. Not that she could ever admit that to him. After all, she was his supervisor. She had to maintain some decorum.

  So she punched him in the arm.

  “Um, ow?”

  “Thanks for asking me.”

  He rubbed his arm. “You’re welcome, I think. Thanks for accepting. I’m sure you’ll do all you can to make me regret it before the big day.”

  “You know me so well, Frederico. So very, very well.”

  “The second lady can’t hire lap dancers.”

  “Where does the rule book say that?”

  “I’ll find out and get back to you.”

  “You do that.” She had no doubt that Lilia, if asked, could produce some sort of federal law against second ladies hiring lap dancers, which is why Lilia would not be consulted.

  The banter and bickering helped, even if it felt inappropriate in light of their loss. But life went on. Like the chief had said, there was nothing they could do but carry on.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Outside Jennifer Torlino’s room, a group of people had gathered that included an MPD Patrol officer who’d been assigned to provide security for Jennifer while she was in the hospital.

  “Excuse me,” Sam said. “I’m Lieutenant Holland—”

  “Oh Lieutenant!” A woman launched herself into Sam’s arms, and only Freddie’s quick action behind her kept Sam from toppling over. “It’s so awful! Mindy is in a coma and Jennifer is so sick. Those monsters! What they did!”

  Sam patted her back awkwardly. She wanted to remind Jennifer’s mother that it could’ve been a whole lot worse, but thankfully that wouldn’t happen now.

  “Now, Monica,” a frazzled-looking man said as he collected the woman from Sam. “Let the poor Lieutenant say what she’s come to say.”

  Sam sent him a grateful smile. “I was hoping to get the chance to speak to Jennifer, if she’s up for it. We only need a couple of minutes.”

  “If it will help you get this guy, then sure,” the man said. “We’ll allow that.”

  “Thank you.” Sam and Freddie showed their badges to the Patrol officer who opened the door for them.

  Jennifer’s parents came with them.

  A nurse was tending to her, so Sam showed her badge again. “We just need a few minutes.”

  “Try not to upset her,” the nurse said on the way out.

  That was a tall order, Sam thought. This whole thing was upsetting. “Jennifer,” she said to the frail-looking blonde in the bed, who’d been the star of the dorm-room video Sam had seen. She tried not to think about gigantic dildos while she spoke to her. “I’m Lieutenant Holland, and this is my partner, Detective Cruz.”

  “You’re the vice president’s wife,” she said softly.

  “Yes, I am. I wanted to ask you about the men you met last night at McDuffy’s and whether you remember anything about the man named Sid that might help us to find him.”

  “I don’t remember one named Sid.”

  Freddie produced his phone and showed her the photo of Androzzi.

  “That’s Jack.”

  Yet another assumed name. “Do you recall if he gave you his last name?”

  She shook her head. “He only said he was Jack.”

  “And did you meet him that night or did you know him before you came here?”

  Jennifer glanced at her parents, who were hovering at the foot of the bed.

  Sam realized she would never speak freely with them in the room. “Would you mind giving us just a few minutes alone with Jennifer?”

  “Is that all right with you, honey?” her mom asked.

  “Yes, it’s fine.”

  Her parents left the room, and Jennifer looked up at Sam. “He contacted me a couple of weeks ago through my movie channel, and we exchanged some emails and texts. He seemed really nice, and offered to help us find some fun while we were here for the inauguration.” She wiped away tears. “I can’t believe he drugged us and kidnapped us. And Mindy. She’s in a coma.”

  “You don’t happen to have the number he texted you from, do you?”

  “No, it changed all the time.”

  Sam wanted to scream at her, to ask her how she could’ve been so stupid or taken such foolish risks. But she didn’t do that. “And you didn’t find that odd?”

  “No, he said he had a bunch of phones for his business.”

  “Did he happen to mention what business he was in?”

  “He owns a T-shirt shop here in the city.”

  “Has anyone told you what he really does?”


  “He is a human trafficker. Do you know what that is?”

  “No. Should I?”

  “He kidnaps women like you and Mindy and sells them into sexual slavery, often overseas.”

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, her already pale face leaching of all remaining color. She lunged for the puke bucket on the table next to her bed and was violently ill. Thankfully, Freddie stepped up to deal with that.

  Sam handed her a tissue while Freddie went into the bathroom to dump the bucket.

  Jennifer’s hands were shaking and tears streamed down her face.

  “You had a close call,” Sam said. “A very close call. Your friend Jack is really Sid Androzzi, who’s on the FBI’s ten most wanted list.”

  As Sam spoke, Jennifer sobbed and whimpered. “I didn’t know… I had no idea. I thought he was a nice guy. We just wanted to have fun on our trip.”

  “Is there anything at all you can tell us about where you think he might be hiding out?”

  “No, he never said anything about where he lived. Just about the store he owned.”

  And like a lightbulb had been illuminated in her mind, Sam suddenly
knew exactly where they’d find Androzzi. “This has been very helpful, Jennifer. We’ll hope for your speedy recovery and Mindy’s too.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And even though it’s none of my business, I’m going to say this anyway. Take down that Internet channel and stop letting strangers into your life. You never know who’s watching.”

  Still trembling and weeping, Jennifer nodded. “We will.”

  Sam handed her a business card. “If you think of anything that might help us find him, no matter how minor it might be, please call me. Day or night.”


  As she and Freddie retraced their steps back to the Emergency entrance, Sam said, “For the record, I just want to say I hate the fucking Internet.”

  “I’ll make a note for the record.”

  “I hate how it provides naïve kids with a place to be stupid with life-changing results. These two girls will never be the same again. Brooke will never be the same,” she said of her teenage niece who’d been victimized twice—once when she was gang raped in the Springers’ basement and again when video from the assault was posted online. “It gives the pervs a place to troll for unsuspecting victims. I hate it.”

  “I bet this job was a lot easier before the Internet existed.”

  “No doubt. It was never easy, but it was better than this shit.” Sam called Malone. “So guess what we’ve missed in this whole thing with Androzzi?”

  “What’s that?”

  “The fucking T-shirt store actually exists.” As she walked and talked, she flipped through the pages of her notebook to find the notes she’d taken from the reports on the interviews with Enright and Griffen. “It’s on freaking Constitution Avenue. How much you want to bet he’s been hiding out there since he shot Arnold?”

  “What’s the address?”

  Sam read it off to him.

  “Meet you there?”

  “Yes, you will.”

  “Let Hill know.”

  “Aww, Captain, do I gotta?”

  “Yeah, you gotta. He was ranting to the chief about you earlier.”

  “And here I thought we were such good friends these days.”

  “You’re making friends all over the place this week. The brass wants to talk to you about what happened with Ramsey, and he’s demanding charges be filed.”


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