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Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2)

Page 8

by Maya Nicole

  “Like bigger good or bigger bad?”

  I let him pull me to my feet and then took my clothes and put them on as he handed them to me.

  “Not sure. It will probably be bad for some and good for others.” He slid on his pants but his shirt was nowhere to be found. I wasn’t complaining.

  “I thought for a second I was turning into a succubus demon.” I shoved my hands in my pockets. “What other explanation is there for desiring so many of you?”

  He pulled me toward him and wrapped his arms around me. He searched my eyes, for what I wasn’t sure. “I think we have a purpose. There’s five of us. I’m assuming Kage is a part of it.” I nodded. “Five is a powerful number.”

  “Here, six is powerful. Including me that's six.”

  “There’s really only one entity that would know the answer to this question. I’m not sure I want to go ask them though.” He looked up at the moon and his brows furrowed. “My intention wasn’t to fly into the storm. I was going to land on the ground, but then all of a sudden I felt this pull, like I was being summoned toward it. There’s only one being that can summon angels.”

  “And who’s that?”

  “The creator.”

  We landed back at Val’s and silently made our way into the house. Luckily, there were no guards to stop us. Raphael took my hand in his. The second our skin made contact, we both started to glow.

  “Let me do the talking.” I pulled him toward the voices that were coming from the dining room. My stomach knotted at the thought of how worried they all must have been.

  I stopped in the doorway to find the four men sitting around the table, laughing their asses off. They were laughing at something so hard, they didn’t even notice us standing there for several seconds.

  I cleared my throat and four heads snapped in my direction. Chairs scraped across the wood floor as they jumped up.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you.” Nico made a beeline straight toward Raphael. I let go of his hand and stepped in front of him.

  My hands landed on Nico’s chest and I fisted his shirt. “No one’s killing anybody. I’m fine. Better than fine, actually.”

  “You’re light.” Kage stood closer than usual, but was still a little outside the group.

  Raphael grabbed Kage and pushed him against the wall. “What do you know?”

  Kage trembled under Raphael’s touch but then he relaxed and let his body turn into dead weight. He went visible and Raphael took a step back. I heard a smack and then Raphael started rubbing his head.

  “Jesus Christ, man. You didn't have to hit me.”

  Kage reappeared on the other side of the table, laughing. “You deserved it.”

  My eyes widened at his out of character behavior. Or maybe this was actually how he was when he wasn't freaking out.

  Raphael took my hand again and the glow returned. He held up our joined hands. “Tell us what you know.”

  “I wasn’t sure. I mean, I had a clue when you showed up.” Kage was being vague and I put my free hand on my hip and glared at him. “My ancestors, who were around at the beginning, said that for the first several years of Inferna's existence, there was infinite light energy. Everything was green and growing. It was perfect.”

  I was going to puke. I walked forward to the table and steadied myself on the back of the chair. “What happened to the light energy?”

  “There was no balance, and there was too much light. The creator made dark energy to rebalance things, except he messed up and the dark swirled out of control. It consumed a large amount of the light here.”

  Raphael started to pace. “Last night, we were pulled into the center of the storm.” He scratched his cheek and looked at Val. “Then we grew grass.”

  Amari and Nico looked confused, but Val knew exactly what he was talking about.

  “Hold on, Sammy can grow shit now?” Nico seemed annoyed at the path this conversation had gone down.

  I was feeling rather uncomfortable myself. I was the one being chased by lightning and being given light energy I didn’t even want. The question was why?

  “There’s too much dark now. Lilith threw things off. Maybe Inferna is trying to rebalance itself." Kage sat down in his chair. “The lightning wants her to have the light for some reason. If you two can grow grass together... wait, how did that happen?"

  "You aren't stuttering anymore." Raphael was trying to change the subject. He shifted from one foot to another. "Good for you."

  Kage blushed. "I'm safe here."

  "Let's back up here a second." Val tapped a finger on his lips. "Did you two grow grass by having sex?"

  I snorted a laugh because hearing it made it sound even more outlandish than it already was. "We were caught up in the moment. The grass just kind of happened."

  Raphael grabbed my hand again. I couldn't blame him because I wanted to touch him too.

  "Does that mean you two are mates?" Nico sounded hurt. He crossed his arms and his eyes dropped to our clasped hands.

  "Archangels don't have mates." Raphael frowned and then his mouth twisted to the side. "I don't think we do."

  “Am I like some kind of savior and you five are my trusty sidekicks?” I laughed uncomfortably.

  Kage shook his head. “No. I think you are turning into something akin to an angel.”

  My breath left me and I dropped Raphael's hand and started backing up, shaking my head. A fucking angel?

  I looked at Raphael, whose face had taken on a thoughtful expression. "It's possible. Lucifer's daughter didn't become an archangel until just recently."

  "She just woke up one day and was a full-fledged angel?" Nico rubbed his beard and then put his arm around me, stopping my slow, backward retreat from the room.

  "It's a little more complicated than that." Raphael brushed something imaginary from his chest. "Whatever is happening, now is not the time for us to be making any decisions alone, or to act like idiots."

  "And flying off to find a storm and flying directly into it is your idea of not acting like an idiot?" Amari laughed. "I guess our definitions of idiot differ."

  "I have a request." I leaned against Nico as he rubbed my arm. It was soothing to my nerves which threatened to melt down. "Get along. Stop being dicks toward each other. I have feelings for each and every one of you. Maybe I can't understand why, but if someone leaves or gets hurt in all this, it will break my heart."

  "Is this the part where we do a group hug?" Raphael stepped forward and slung his arm around the other side of me. I wasn't even surprised when we started to glow.

  Val and Amari joined with grumbles. Kage stood back and frowned. I pulled away from them and stepped in front of Kage.

  He hid a smile and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck.

  I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but having five men who wanted to protect me and love me was more than enough motivation to push through the obstacles ahead.

  Chapter 8


  It made sense Sammy would be turning into some kind of being linked to Earth. Hell, her brother was mates with a woman that was an archangel.

  Why then, did it bother me so much?

  Most of the day was spent strategizing over how to deal with Taylor and the Infernal Council. We decided the council was the bigger threat since they had the man power and the resources behind them to assist in dealing with Taylor. We needed those resources.

  Plus, it would be nice not to look over our shoulders all the time.

  Three owl shifters had already made attempts at getting into the estate. Since it was always dark and they were virtually silent, even to my heightened hearing, they were especially dangerous.

  I just couldn't believe their wise asses would stoop to such a low as to work for the council and try to get to Sammy. We needed to do something, and soon.

  We would leave in the morning and travel to the dream demon village, taking a few dozen of Val's guards with us. The dream demons would be on Sammy's side si
nce she was one of them. At least, that's what we hoped.

  Still, it might not be enough to strong-arm the council, but we also planned on picking up the help of the shifters in the main shifter village. Shifters had never been too fond of the council, and I could lay on the charm when I needed to.

  The day had been long and Sammy had been the first to call it a night. We had all stared after her. I didn't know how it was going to work with five of us, but Sammy didn't seem to have any worries. Throughout the day and evening she had paid us equal attention.

  A touch here. A kiss there. So many hugs. Between Val and her, my panther was beside himself with happiness. It had been a long time since I'd felt so happy.

  When everything was done and over with, I'd probably explode with happiness. That's what that woman did to me; turned me mushy.

  "I think I'm going to head upstairs to check on Sammy."

  I was met with a few nods, a shrug, and a narrowing of eyes. Nico would be the toughest nut to crack.

  Pun intended.

  I ignored his glare, he didn't scare me, and headed to Sammy's room on the second floor. She had been fairly quiet throughout dinner and when we had all gathered in the sitting room. I couldn't blame her. Her world had pretty much been turned upside down.

  I rapped my knuckles on her door, and when I didn't get a response, I opened it.

  She was lying on the bed, her back to the door. Her hair was still wet from her shower and she was curled up under the covers. I shut the door gently behind me, and that's when I heard the worse sound possible.

  Her quiet cries.

  "Sammy." I crawled onto the bed behind her. I put my arm under the pillow and then pulled her toward me. "Sweets, why are you crying?"

  She wiped at her face and then put her hands on my arm that I had wrapped around her waist. Her body was warm against mine and I relaxed into it.

  There was something about the soft curves of a woman that made me want to curl up and purr. I buried my face in her hair and breathed in.

  Damn, she smelled good.

  It was the same shampoo as Val and I used, but somehow, wafting off her, it was delicate and one-hundred percent woman.

  And to think there was a brief moment where I had wanted to claw her eyes out and piss on her shoes.

  "Is it about your brother?" I was nuzzling the back of her head. I hoped she didn't stop me because it was the best sensation on my skin since I had just shaved.

  "Everything." She stroked my arm and my chest rumbled. She couldn't help herself, she giggled. "Are you purring?"

  "Mmm." I moved her hair with my nose and began nuzzling her neck. "Maybe. Does that bother you?"

  "No. It's kind of hot." She moved her neck so I could get in even closer. "Do you do this to Val?"

  "He isn't the nuzzling type unless sex and blood is involved." While Val was affectionate, he didn't like me doing anything to his neck unless we were in the bedroom, or wherever we decided to have sex.

  "You can nuzzle me anytime you want." She was quiet for a moment and I pulled away to look down at her. She shook her head slightly. "I don't understand what's happened to my brother or what's happening to me. What if it's connected? If he's making vacants and I can fix Nico, maybe that means I can fix them. That means all of those vacants... those demons died for nothing."

  As soon as she had done whatever she had to Nico, I had wondered the same thing. It seemed too coincidental that two siblings would have such opposing powers. We weren't even sure how Sammy's worked yet. We just knew they worked when she was sleeping.

  Or having sex with Raphael.

  "Let's just worry about one thing at a time." I kissed her temple and went to move from behind her, but she gripped my arm. "What?"

  "You aren't going to stay?" She rolled over and brought her hand to my cheek, rubbing it across the smooth skin. "I like this."

  "Nico will be up to bed soon," I mumbled as she slid her thumb over my bottom lip.

  She wedged one of her bare legs between mine, and I wished I didn't have pants on so I could feel her skin. "I can't help that when I'm around you, I want you inside me."

  I loved that she wasn't shy about her sexuality or how much she enjoyed sex. There was no shame in her voice or her movements as she slid her hands down to my quickly hardening cock.

  "Tell me, Amari... can you make your dick as hard as granite, and only your dick?" She rubbed her palm up and down my shaft, the friction of my clothing making my breath deepen. I shook my head. "That's a shame. I've been wondering what a gargoyle cock would feel like."

  I growled and pushed her back onto the bed, her legs falling open to let me lie on top of her. I moved against her, kissing her with the heat that swirled inside me.

  Grabbing the hem of her small tank top, I pulled it up until my hands brushed against her nipples. I took them in the palms of my hands and kneaded them as we moved our bodies against each other.

  I pulled away so I could take off my pants and shirt while she took her own clothes off. She looked like the most delicious bowl of cream, waiting for me to lap her up.

  Pushing her back against the bed, I spread her legs and ran a finger along her wet folds. She was ready for me, but I wanted her begging.

  "Tell me, princess." I moved my finger around her clit but didn't touch it, not yet. "How does it feel knowing you have five tongues and cocks to meet your every need?"

  She whimpered and I smiled down at her. She was panting and trying to get my finger against her clit. I lightly ran it down her slit again and brought it to my lips.

  "If you don't stop the teasing, I'm going to go get one of the other four cocks." She moved her hands down her body as I licked my fingers and I grabbed her wrists.

  "Shouldn't have said that." I held her arms against her sides as I kissed my way down her body, starting at her neck.

  She writhed against the mattress, sighing and moaning as my tongue stopped to flick her nipples and then traced a line straight down to her sweet spot.

  My taste buds were filled with her as I ran my tongue up and down her slit. She pushed her hips closer and the room filled with the rumble of my pleasure.

  "Oh, shit. Do that again." Her hips bucked and I let her hands fall to the sheets next to her. She gripped them tightly.

  I nuzzled into her pussy and began working my tongue inside her. She arched off the bed as if she was fucking me and I moved against the sheets, enjoying the friction on my dick.

  She gasped as I replaced my tongue with two fingers and moved my tongue to her clit. She was so fucking wet and ready for me, I moved a third finger inside her.

  "I'm going to come," she panted, her hands going to the back of my head as she fucked my face and my fingers.

  I put my tongue flat against her clit and purred from deep in my throat.

  "Yes! Oh, fuck, yes!" Her body seized up under my tongue and her pussy clenched around my fingers, the wetness increasing until I felt like I could get my whole fist in there if I tried.

  Her body spasmed as she rode out her orgasm and I tested a fourth finger inside her. Great ball of yarn, she was so ready for my cock that I had to stop myself from flipping her over and driving into her.

  I looked up at her, a grin spreading across my face. Her cheeks and chest were flushed, and a thin sheen of sweat covered her.

  "Was that to your liking?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed.

  I wiped my mouth on my forearm and moved up to kiss her. She didn't pull away as our lips collided, her tongue darting into my mouth.

  I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to share this with anyone. I wanted it every night. The taste of her. The smell of her. The feel of her hands roaming across my muscles.

  She pushed at my chest and I wrapped my arms around her so she was on top. She sat up and looked down at me. "Tell me what you want."

  I bucked my hips and slid my hands up her thighs until they were gripping her hips. "Ride me, princess."

  She raised up and took my cock in
her hand, positioning it at her opening before lowering onto it. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as her heat engulfed me.

  Her hips rocked forward and she placed her hands on my chest. "You feel so good." She moved teasingly slow on top of me and I groaned. "You want more?"

  "Fuck. Yes." I rotated my hips as I was fully sheathed and she gasped. "Fuck me, you feel amazing."

  The bedroom door clicked open and then shut gently. Sammy didn't look as Nico slipped almost silently into the room. I was about to tell him to get the fuck out when her finger found my lips to stop me from speaking.

  She moved against me in wave after sensual wave, her hair falling over her shoulders and obscuring her breasts. She was so beautiful with her head tilted slightly back, her eyes closed, her mouth panting, that I forgot for a brief moment that Nico was in the room.

  That was until the bed dipped at my feet and he crawled up behind Sammy.

  "What are-" I started to protest his involvement, but she leaned forward and silenced me with a kiss. I groaned and then felt fingertips brush against my balls.

  "Oops." Nico mumbled.

  I didn't like not seeing what he was doing, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get off on the idea of him watching Sammy ride me.

  "I want both of you inside of me." Sammy panted as she slowed down on top of me. She gasped. "Not there... both inside my pussy."

  "Fuck, Peanut, I don't know." His hands came around to cup her breasts. "I don't want to hurt you."

  I wasn't sure how I felt about another dick that wasn't Val's sliding against mine. Val and I had already discussed the possibilities of what sharing a woman with other men brought with it. We both agreed not to fuck another man's ass or let them fuck ours without talking about it first.

  "I'm so wet and ready right now." Sammy turned her head to look behind her and Nico kissed her, his tongue sliding into her mouth.

  I groaned. It was fucking hot, even though I didn't want anything involving Nico to be hot.

  "She was so wet and pliant while I was fingering her, I could have fit more than four fingers."


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