Sophie's Rogues

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Sophie's Rogues Page 3

by Vivien Jackson

  A slight hum in the air warned her of the crop’s motion right as it landed on the left side of her bottom. Sebastian gave her no time to think about the bite of leather because this time, his hand, Sebastian’s hand, delved into her hair and fisted the strands. At first he pulled her away, but then the forceful grip directed her back to Edward’s straining length. Following Sebastian’s lead, she took the steely erection into her mouth, latched on, and increased the strength of her suction. The hot cock throbbed against her tongue, gagging her for a moment, and she shifted upward, retreating. Sebastian’s hand compelled her to descend.

  “Suck him again. Make him burn for you.”

  A yank on her hair directed her again to the base of Edward’s cock, but when Sebastian pulled her up, she released Edward from between her lips. Sophie stared at the throbbing shaft and took in the angry red flush staining his most intimate skin. She wanted to taste that volatile power again, but Sebastian’s tight grip prevented her from taking the length of her own volition. He made her wait until he was ready.

  “Now, my girl, suck that cock once more, and this time show him how hard you need him when he fucks you.”

  Sophie opened her mouth wider, and Edward brushed the smooth crown across her lips even as Sebastian bore her head forward, returning her to the task.

  “Show us how badly you want this,” Sebastian prompted. His fingers loosened, releasing his strong clasp on her. Sophie leaned to capture the bulging crest of Edward’s length inside her mouth. She prodded the underside with the tip of her tongue, swirled it on the sensitive strip of skin she knew brought him so much gratification. The leather end of the crop connected on her rear once more, and Sophie braced for the rush of wildfire igniting in her veins. Sensation slammed into her, radiating from her core straight to her womb and ricocheting up to her nipples. She pressed the tender flesh to the coverlet, needing to dim the throbbing ache pulsing there.

  “Bring her closer.” Sebastian’s boot heels hit the wood planks of the floor. The heat of his body behind her dissipated. Just as Sophie considered pleading for the return of his wicked spankings, a finger alighted upon the petals of her sex. Edward. The narrow fingertip prodded inside, tentatively, and withdrew. She arched into the seeking touch, trying to push him deeper. He stretched his hand, keeping his thumb snug against her tight bud and slipping his fingers back, dipping them into her passage.

  “Easy, just feel.” Edward retreated and cupped her quim with his hand, dragging his palm across and pressing down. Starbursts flickered before her closed eyes as shards of bliss rippled from the persistent contact. Once again, Edward’s other hand speared through her hair to clutch the base of her neck. He squeezed a warning, and Sophie wondered if he wanted her to suck him further into her mouth. The next squeeze at her nape seemed less certain, more frantic, and it combined with the rising desire now flooding her core. His persistent fingers guided her rhythm. Down deeper, the top of his length abutted the back of her throat, and on impulse she swallowed.

  “That’s it. Again.” Sebastian spoke now. His tone had turned gruff, though he still sounded commanding. A frisson of heat raced down Sophie’s legs to her toes and rebounded, ratcheting up her excitement. His gravely baritone held an unspoken promise of pleasure beyond her imagining. Suckling the broad ridge of Edward’s cock, Sophie drew in a breath and plunged downward.

  “Ah, so sweet, my Sophie.” Edward’s breath hissed out and the muscles cording his abdomen quivered.

  Sophie raised her head momentarily, leaning into his hand and attempting to catch his eyes. Edward withdrew from her mouth, and she swiped her tongue in a lazy pattern along the length of his cock. She nuzzled it with her chin. Her lips felt loose, and she did not trust herself to speak but asked with her gaze, Are you ready to fuck me, now?

  Edward smiled down at her, and his fingers at her neck eased, caressed with reassurance. He stroked her temple, smoothing the curls and palming her cheek tenderly. He did not press her back toward his cock, and Sophie wondered if that was her answer. He never had been direct, she thought sourly. There was something to be said for Sebastian’s overt command. At least Sophie always knew her role in his bed, exactly what he wanted and usually whether she was doing a satisfactory job in delivering it.

  Edward did not answer her unspoken question, but Sophie forgot about it because his hand between her thighs continued its patient work, its agonizing tease. Now locking her in that intense, enigmatic gaze, Edward nudged a knuckle against the hood of her sex, beneath it, prodding her closer to the precipice where elation hovered on the fringes, attainable but not close enough. Sophie panted, catching her lower lip between her teeth and arching her back. She ground against Edward’s hand, seeking the penetration of his fingers at the very least, since he would give her neither his cock nor his command.

  “Oh, excellent, Edward. I think she has earned it, now, don’t you? Make her come.”

  Sophie glanced over, spying Sebastian in her periphery. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and the silk of his shirt pulled against the width of his broad shoulders. His eyebrows were honey slashes, and the planes of his face had firmed. The stare he narrowed on her was like a heated caress. As he watched Edward bringing her closer to the edge, he licked his lips, pressing the tip of his tongue at last against his blunt, white teeth.

  Sophie appreciated Sebastian’s smoldering gaze and authoritative pose; it wound her need higher. Edward increased the pressure on her clitoris, and it bloomed into an incessant pulsing. She pushed her pelvis into him; urgency prodded her to angle her quim and match his persistent rubbing. Ducking her head, she put her mouth back to work on his cock, drawing him deep into her throat, denying her own breath and the need to choke. Her eyes swam with tears, and she slung her hips wildly, seeking. In her mind’s eye, she could imagine the scene she and Edward presented, with her desperate rocking against his hand, her head bobbing just as wildly. She wondered if he yet gazed down upon her, dark eyes fathomless, or if he had tilted his head back and closed his eyes as his own release approached.

  For herself, Sophie hovered right on the cliff, knowing that to jump now was to fly rather than fall. Sebastian resumed his position behind her, reared back with one broad palm, and struck with a stinging slap against the upper swell of her thighs, once, twice, and again. The onslaught of stimulation, attacking her senses—quim, mouth, mind, and bum—propelled Sophie over the magical line where shimmering bliss exploded in her core and reverberated to all her extremities. She hadn’t time to position her mouth but roared her pleasure around Edward’s cock as she came.

  “That’s it, my girl, very good.” Sophie couldn’t focus as shards of white-hot light raced through every part of her and detonated like lightning in her womb. She leaned her forehead into Edward’s pelvis, silently seeking his support. He pulled her away from his erection, giving her a respite, and she sank against him, needing tangible support and a physical connection. Edward’s hand slid from the cradle of her sex, drawing a warm wet line up her belly and chest. His thigh pillowed her cheek, and she licked her swollen, bee-stung lips. When Edward stroked her hair back and Sophie could focus, she found Sebastian out of the corner of her eye. He prowled the way a libertine, already sated, contemplates his next piece of skirt.

  Sebastian divested himself of his cravat, nimble fingers tugged at the elegant knot and unwound it. The long length of snowy white cotton slid off, revealing the column of his masculine throat. He tossed the slip of cloth onto the marred top
of her escritoire, beside the crop.

  The plunking sound of his cuff links followed, and he made short work of taking off his waistcoat and shirtsleeves. He had his back to her, and Sophie watched the play of muscles with his every move. The striated ridges and honed definition reminded her of coiled power, like a tiger ready to spring into action. On his right shoulder, vivid black ink decorated the space. Sophie found this hidden decoration, a deviation from the solid, aristocratic propriety he exhibited beyond the boudoir, unutterably erotic. He’d called it a tatau and had told her that he’d received it on an island in Oceania, where he’d been marked by the native tribal savages. A crown flanked by two regal lions complete with flashing canines was permanently etched there, encompassing his shoulder blade. Scandalous, but oh so tempting; Sophie wanted to trace those ebony swirls with her tongue. A low hum of pleasure echoed in her throat when she remembered the way Sebastian tasted.

  As if he could feel her inspection, he turned on his heel. With a few, long steps, he came to stand before Sophie and Edward. Still dressed in his breeches and Hessians, Sebastian loomed over her, full of expectation. An implacable resolve painted his features. Sophie trembled at the intensity of his stare. Promises lit up his gaze, giving her a glimpse of the golden flecks there.

  “Again, but this time together.” He spoke and she realized he was communicating with Edward, not her. Together. Anticipation wound her belly into knots, and her pulse pounded at her temples, drowning out all sound but the excited breaths wrenching from her chest.

  All thought dissipated when Edward tugged her over his lap, raising her torso from the mattress and presenting her bum again for Sebastian’s use. Sophie rested her forehead against the blessedly cool coverlet; her breasts were cushioned against Edward’s thighs and the heated, insistent shaft of his cock. Before she could register her lovers’ purpose, fingers speared into her and stole her clarity. Those fingers stretched and twisted very deep inside, coating themselves with her wetness, demanding her capitulation. One curled and found that secret spot high up in the depths, stroking her inner wall once, twice. The first touch made her tremble, the second incited a high-pitched cry.

  “Yes, Sophie. Feel us.” She knew the hand fondling her belonged to Sebastian, would have known it even had he said nothing. He touched her with a certainty that Edward had never approached, as if he knew inherently what would bring her pleasure, and she had no will but to acquiesce.

  When Sebastian caught the swollen folds shielding her sex, he gathered the silky moisture there and spread it backward, coasting to the tiny opening beyond. Her bum! Before she could stiffen, allowing the surprise to overset her, Edward’s hand slid under her hip and arrowed down through her curls until his thumb and finger plucked at her swollen little pearl. Each touch warred with the other, stroked different extremes of her soul as well as her body, pushing her to accept the wild sensations igniting within her.

  Edward’s free hand found hers along the quilt; he laced his fingers with hers, entwining them. He squeezed and she arched her back, dragging her breasts over his burgeoning cock, embedding him between her cleavage and writhing side-to-side.

  “So tight,” murmured Sebastian, still working his finger within her. He added another long digit and another, swirling and stretching the tense muscles.

  A wave of dizziness threatened and blackness rimmed her vision. Sebastian’s touch vanished, but Edward kept his thumb on her clitoris, slipping two fingers back, parting her and surging deep. At the same time, Sebastian circled the rim of her arse with unrelenting sweeps. He pushed a fingertip in bit by bit. It burned, thrilled, tortured, elated. Sophie could no longer support her weight but slumped against the bed, bracing against the dual onslaught.

  “And now a taste, my girl, of what is to come.”

  Sebastian’s digit slid through the taut ring of tissues and swirled in a slow course. He timed the explorations in converse arcs, pulling away when Edward worked inside her and returning as Edward retreated.

  “Together,” Sebastian ordered. Sophie could do nothing but feel. The fullness of both intimate parts of her body being massaged and pleasured pushed aside any other thought. She shouted into the quilt, knowing that the muffled keening echoing in the room likely came from her own raw throat.

  “Your surrender is beautiful, Sophie,” Edward told her, squeezing her fingers within his. “Do you want more?”

  He didn’t have to ask; she wanted so much. Everything they could offer her.


  Chapter Three

  Sophie held her breath as both men shifted, retreating. She throbbed where just moments ago she had been full. When Sebastian stepped away, Edward slid out from under her and turned her around. With his hands, he directed her to lie down, on her back this time. She obeyed and stretched along the length of the bed. The cool silk of the counterpane against her bottom soothed the stings left by Sebastian’s crop. Sophie flexed her tired muscles, rubbed her aching jaws.

  But Sebastian wasn’t aiming to give her respite, she learned soon enough. His hands caged her hips and hauled her toward the foot of the bed. He bent her knees and set each foot flat on the mattress, opening her wide. For the longest time, he just stood there and observed her.

  Even as Sophie watched Sebastian through the frame of her thighs, anticipating his next advance, she saw Edward in her periphery, shedding the last of his clothes. His hair, far too long for fashion, no longer approximated a style but dangled over his brow and stroked his shoulders. He took his time in disrobing, starting with shirt and stockings and ending with the pantaloons. But Sophie could see that such patience was not without cost; his chest rose with the effort of breathing and his gaze wandered frequently to the tableau on the bed.

  At the last, when he stood naked, Edward gave up the pretense of restraint. He took his straining length in a strong fist and shuttled it through the hold, down to the base and upward where he squeezed. Sophie’s mouth watered as she watched him. She could still taste him on her tongue, and she craved having him buried inside her. God, it had been so long. Memories assailed her and the desire for him slammed into her, burning anew.

  “Soon,” Edward said, as if he read her unspoken thoughts. He broke their visual contact and she followed the direction he looked.

  Sebastian nodded his agreement. He advanced to the foot of the bed and kneeled on the cushioned bench there. “She needs to reach climax once more.”

  Sophie reached out and grabbed a fistful of the bed covers, twisting the cloth in her fingers, anchoring herself in place. She knew the assault to her senses hovered but a moment away. Edward left off stroking his cock. Instead, he settled himself beside her on the end of the bed, leaning over her. Sophie inhaled his scent and felt calmed momentarily, until he flashed her a grin, dipped his head, and closed his mouth over her breast. He suckled a nipple with his lips and nudged the pebbled flesh with his tongue.

  Leaning close, Sebastian settled between Sophie’s spread legs. A hot breath warned her of his intention. It feathered over her clitoris right before he caught the bud with his teeth and rasped. Sophie lurched up, unable to process the surge of sensation.

  “Easy.” Edward cupped the weight of one breast in his palm and kneaded the underside. She watched him flick the berry-red tip, teasing it with his mouth. When he latched on, sucking with force, fiery currents ricocheted from his mouth straight to her womb. A flood of searing moisture slid out along her thighs. She had no time to feel discomfite
d or embarrassed by the reaction, for Sebastian took the advantage, spearing his index finger into her quivering center and stroking another across the virgin entrance beyond. Edward plucked her nipple while Sebastian stretched his little finger back and pressed it against the unyielding entrance there. It was too much, too bright, too everything. Sophie shuddered hard with the next sweep of Sebastian’s mouth, and when Edward took the nipple between his teeth and nipped her, she screamed. Overwhelmed, she thrashed sideways, dislodging both men from their adamant kisses.

  “Hold her still,” Sebastian instructed. “She must find release.” Edward loomed over her and skimmed his hands on her upper arms to her shoulders. He pressed down, anchoring her in place. Closing the space between them, he leaned his forehead to hers and simply watched her.

  “Let me see you come. It’s been too long since I last witnessed the joy of your pleasure.” He joined his mouth to hers, a gentle kiss that deepened incrementally. His murmur blended their breath. “Relax. Feel him bring you to the gates of heaven. Afterward, I promise, you shall have everything you crave.”

  Sebastian didn’t wait for her acquiescence. With his tongue he urged the coil to tighten, working her into a frenzy even while Edward held her steady. The questing plunges of Sebastian’s fingers inside her propelled her past deep-rooted inhibitions until the only thing she cared about was coming apart in his mouth.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. Her chest felt tight, constricted. Edward kissed her again and whispered, “Let go, Sophie.”


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