Sophie's Rogues

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Sophie's Rogues Page 4

by Vivien Jackson

  Sophie writhed on the bed. The muscles in her thighs spasmed and she pushed up on her heels, seeking more of Sebastian’s tongue. And then she had it; it came. She came. The tether within her snapped free and flung her high, high, until she was weightless and wild and enraptured. Her bliss lasted an aeon, flooding her with warmth and light, but the moment she came down, as soon as she could think and loose the crushed coverlet in her fist, she saw Sebastian’s haughty, autocratic face staring wickedly at her from the foot of the bed.

  “The next time you come,” he pronounced, “it will be with both of us buried deep inside you.”

  Swallowing down the lump growing in her throat, Sophie tried to picture how this would happen. A gentle touch of Edward’s fingers trailing her collarbone calmed the threatening tempest rushing in her thoughts.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll go slow.” Edward stretched out beside her, his long legs bent at the knees. One of his hands slid along her belly and tugged. The motion made her momentarily disoriented. “Come here. Rest for a moment, Sophie.”

  His hands settled on her hipbones and turned her to face away from him. He pulled her into the cradle of his hips, until her bottom was flush to his pelvis and her back to his chest. She could feel the rise and fall of each, rough breath. Patiently Edward held her close, and they were flesh to flesh. Even her calves hit his shins.

  “Easy, let me hold you.” The muscles in Edward’s chest firmed and she snuggled further into his embrace, trying to catch her wits. Sophie became aware of his erection nudging at the base of her spine. One of his arms was wrapped around her, enfolding her. The other slid beneath her, and he cushioned her head on his shoulder. Both of his palms rested below her breasts. Slow thumbs swept over her nipples, beginning again the budding churn of desire in her core.

  Sebastian watched this rearrangement of bodies with a stern look on his face. Sophie could not read him, though she had long tried. She could clearly discern the firmness of his erection. However, she knew he had much more planned for her. He inhaled and his nostrils flared.

  “You still want this?”

  God, please, yes, her body screamed. “Do it,” she managed. “Fuck me, my lord.”

  One eyebrow arched and Sebastian shot Edward a speaking glance. “Ready?”

  A hot rush of air feathered across Sophie’s cheek.

  “Sit up on your knees,” Edward instructed. The gentle brush of his palms shaping her ribs, tracing the delicate ridges, grounded her. Their moment of intimacy was over. She had needed the respite for the act to come. Focusing on the gentle explorations of Edward’s fingers, she shifted her weight to brace on her knees. A dip in the mattress forewarned her of Edward’s movement. He copied her position and came up on his knees as well. Heat emanated from his naked form. The tip of his finger trailed down the length of her spine and shivers of sensation ebbed outward from that simple touch. His hand curled around her hip and tugged, erasing the space between them. The blunt ridge of his cock nudged between her arsecheeks. In response, the opening there clenched against invasion.

  “Relax.” The command from Sebastian had a heady effect; Sophie was conditioned to obey that voice and could not have stopped this even if she wanted to. She did not. She forced herself to calm, to unfurl and open.

  Sebastian nodded encouragement and stepped forward, advancing to her side. He splayed his hand on her belly, massaging her. Prowling his fingers lower, he dragged them to the pulsating entrance of her sex. With two fingers, he speared inside her and removed them. His wet fingers traveled further and spread the silky essence of her where Edward’s cock sought entry. The moisture covered her delicate skin, slicking the tiny entrance.

  Edward took the advantage and nudged in. A fraction of his solid length pushed inside her. Sophie didn’t know how to respond. Her body shook, and the twinge only heightened her awareness, but still she bucked back, needed him deeper. When he sucked air over his teeth and cursed, she did it again. She reached her hands up and grabbed Sebastian’s shoulders, needing some form of support. He stepped close to the bed and tweaked her rigid nipples. She shuddered and rocked her hips again.

  “Easy, Sophie. Don’t make me hurt you.” Edward’s voice sounded gritty, pained. She knew he fought the wild urge to thrust all the way in.

  Shaking her head, she dug her nails into Sebastian’s skin, needing the fullness to stretch her. To complete her.

  “Don’t make me wait,” she hissed, desperate for the burn of his cock to fill her. Edward, buried deep in her body; oh, yes.

  Sebastian moved one knee atop the bed, bracing himself in front of Sophie. It was the closest they’d come, face-to-face, thus far tonight, and Sophie sighed a little at his familiar nearness. His eyes crinkled somewhat at the corners, and he tilted his head, slanting his mouth over hers. Powerful fingers bracketed the sides of her face, holding her in place. He kissed her, hard, and his tongue speared through her parted lips, taking the kiss almost by force. Her attention redirected, centered on his provoking mouth, and she almost, for a moment, forgot about Edward. Almost.

  Then, a burning sting rebounded in her untried flesh and something gave as Edward surged through the tight ring of muscles, working himself in to the hilt. Sophie’s head swam with the new assault on her senses, but before she could come to grips with the pain of his width, lodged there, Sebastian moved away.

  “Make her straddle you.” Sebastian’s gruff order was followed by Edward’s lithe motion. He laced an arm around her middle, lifted her easily and settled her on his lap. Sophie held her breath at the shift, but it didn’t hurt. Edward moved her as if she were Sevres china. At the edge of the bed, he propped his feet on the floor and relaxed, incrementally, his hold on her hips. Atop his lap like this and with her feet dangling, Sophie had no purchase, no way to lift her body away from him, even had she wanted to. This position had him impaled within her, as far as he could go, and God, she loved it. Icy-hot tingles radiated from his intrusion there. She moved a little upon his lap, experimenting with the depth and angle. Wonderful arcs of pleasure coupled with the bite of his invasion whipped through every part of her body, from the tips of her fingers to the flexed toes in her slippers. Elation bubbled low in her belly until she looked up at Sebastian. He stared at her, one eyebrow quirked. Her heart thudded with anticipation. He would fuck her hard. She saw the warning in the possessive gleam glinting in his eyes.

  “Lean against me, Sophie,” Edward directed. He urged her back against his chest, and Sophie relaxed at his gentle touch. He hooked her knees over his thighs, spreading her slightly. Her weight remained centered upon their connection; she felt like she was floating, tethered to her body only by his touch. If he so much as breathed, she felt it like a quake in her own core.

  She watched Sebastian cross the room and retrieve his neck cloth from the escritoire and Edward’s from the chair beside her bed. When Sebastian returned, he stared at where her body joined with Edward’s. He pinned her with a wicked smolder and pursed his lips. That look made her heart beat a rapid tattoo as anticipation joined with the arousal flooding her core.

  Sebastian bent before Sophie, and she watched his finger circle the dimple of her knee. He remained silent as he laced one cravat around Sophie’s upper thigh and secured it to Edward’s leg, below hers. The silken cloth felt whisper soft on her skin. The knot was tight, but not constricting. Repeating the same with the other side, he tied her to Edward there, as well. The urge to ask the marquess what the restraints were about danced on the t
ip of her tongue. She bit down into the flesh of her cheek and remained silent. Oh, he’d bound her wrists on a few occasions, but he’d never done anything like this before. It aroused her in ways she did not expect.

  Once he was done with that task, Sophie glanced at him. Sebastian surveyed her from the top of her head to her sex and lower still to her feet. She watched as his stare lingered on where she was tethered to Edward. One corner of his mouth curved up with approval. Finally, his features sharpened into a sexual intensity she’d witnessed during only a few of their romps. Sinful, delicious and full of sexual energy, Sebastian’s countenance excited her. The way he stood there, powerful and in control, had her stomach fluttering with a mixture of apprehension and desire, but desire won out. She clenched her muscles, eliciting a surge from Edward’s cock in response.

  “Spread her open. Wide.”

  Edward pushed his legs apart, skidding his heels along the floorboards and presenting Sophie’s wet, swollen quim to Sebastian’s hungry gaze. His breath fanned out and a tendril of her hair tickled her throat. He pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder, and the kiss made Sophie quiver, ratcheting her desire until it flooded her body.

  “Tell me what you see, Sebastian.” Edward’s voice had grown husky, and the brush of it warmed along Sophie’s ear.

  “Amor Veneris, vel dulcedo.” The words meant nothing to Sophie, but the deep resonance of Sebastian’s voice spoke to her, caressed her.

  “Like the sweetness of Venus,” Edward translated against her ear. His proximity induced a shiver that worked its way to her toes and rebounded straight to the heart of her femininity. The heat of his chest scorched her back. He took both breasts into his hands, lifted them high and squeezed. Her gasp was raw, a throaty whimper of elation.

  “Are you ready, my girl, to take us both?” Sebastian stood but inches away now.

  Sophie nodded her head, unable to say anything aloud. She watched his hands move to the placket of his breeches and tug. The tie came loose and he pushed them down to his hips. His cock jutted forward, thick and a long.

  “Very well.”

  Sebastian came before her again, the shape of him blocked the thin light of her room. Though his face was encased in shadow, Sophie realized that she knew it well enough to imagine the part of his lips, the fierceness of his brow. She would have spread her legs further for him, if they weren’t already restricted.

  And that reminded her of how she was bound, body to body against Edward, and he encased securely in her body as well.

  “Edward.” Sebastian said nothing more, but his command was understood. Edward moved toward the center and reclined on the bed, drawing Sophie backward until she rested upon his torso. He bent his knees and parted his legs, pushing his feet upon the mattress. She watched Sebastian advance to the edge of the bed. He climbed up and walked on his knees toward her. His huge cock shuttled in his hand as he prepared to take her. Sophie swallowed back the lump in her throat, wondering how they’d feel seated fully within her.

  “Now, we will fuck you.” Sebastian leaned close and guided his length to her entrance. His thighs were pressed together, situated between hers and Edward’s. He lifted up a bit and notched the head of his cock to her delicate opening. The slide of Sebastian, parting her walls and prodding past resisting muscles, elicited a keening cry from Sophie. He surged within her, stretching her before withdrawing. Again he penetrated her but only half-way. Shallow thrusts teased her. Tiny sparks of pain ignited a slow burn. Mercy, she needed him to barrel straight to her womb, fully uniting them. All three of them. Attempting to convey her growing desire, she rocked her hips. The action drove Edward further into her. A gravelly curse followed, and his hands caught her hips.

  Sebastian grasped her just below Edward, nearer her waist. Together and in rhythm, they drew her upward until she paused, suspended right on the tip of each cock.

  “Take us, both.” Fingers tightened—Sebastian’s? Edward’s? Sophie could no longer discern between them—and her lovers directed her all the way down until both gentlemen were buried to the hilt within her, Sebastian before her and Edward behind. Nothing parted them anymore. Sophie closed her eyes, reveling in the exquisite fullness.

  Edward pressed upward into her and Sebastian exhaled sharply. She wondered if they could feel each other through the thin barrier separating them. Did they watch each other over her shoulder? Their intimate flesh touched, and when the flex of Sebastian’s thigh brushed hers, she knew Edward felt it as well. The notion that they were not only making love to her, but in an odd way, to each other, caught hold of Sophie’s imagination. Remaining still and keeping them in her body overset her. Those sore muscles quivered. Both men groaned, a harmony all around her head.

  Certainly she had never experienced such an onslaught of joy. In this moment, she held two men she loved within her body. She was able to, with the slightest of movements, bring them both extreme pleasure. Experimentally, Sophie moved, rising against Sebastian and shallowing Edward’s penetration of her. Carefully she rocked until they were settled entirely inside her.

  It didn’t hurt so much anymore. It was as if her body had grown accustomed to this twin invasion. Her passion simmered once again, and she tried moving, a little quicker this time. Ah, there was the spear of pain, but it felt delicious, carnal, intense rather than an aching hurt. She wrapped her fingers around Edward’s right wrist. With the other hand, she found Sebastian’s forearm and she latched on to him there, as well. She needed to touch them, to hold them as they took her body.

  The space between her lovers was narrow, and Sophie knew she could not keep up the rhythm for long; already the muscles in her thighs and around her belly were screaming, begging for a rest she was determined to deny them. But, as if he knew her thoughts, Edward met her on the downswing and lifted her back up, bunching his thighs and pushing his heels hard against the mattress. He speared up inside her—Sebastian bore down upon her—and Sophie whimpered at the pain and pleasure as both men slammed within her.

  Feeding off her cries, they set a rhythm, Edward and Sebastian, moving as an ocean, one sucking her down and the other overwhelming her atop. Sophie, caught between, closed her eyes and gave herself over to the undulation, the unavoidable torrent. Overwhelmed, she released her hold on the men and let her hands fall slack against the bedclothes. When larger, warmer hands clasped hers, she no longer bothered to discern who they belonged to.

  Because, during that storm of fucking, Sophie knew that identity dissolved. They were no longer three distinct persons but a single beast, climbing inexorably toward bliss.

  And more than that, as part of this beast, Sophie felt, perhaps for the first time in her life, utterly safe. Cherished. Worshipped. Complete.

  Edward’s breathing turned shallow. He stiffened, his muscles contracting in a harsh wave, and he came first. Positioned as they were, he hadn’t a chance to remove himself before his climax overcame him. The pressure of his release and the surge of it escaping along the sides of his shaft spilled thick and hot inside her.

  Sebastian ground his hips into her. He wound her tighter with each pass and suddenly it broke free as she reached her peak only moments later. Hard spasms rained in her core like a volatile storm. She milked both of their lengths. A tight fist of ecstasy grasped them in the clutches of her sex with wave after wave of gratitude and love and passion.

  During one of those waves, she heard Sebastian groan and recognized the sound, exulted in it. She lifted he
r free hand and clutched his biceps, nails raking in deep. The scorching heat of his climax splashed against her womb, far inside her depths. He sagged forward, braced on his palms and rested his forehead against hers. Sophie craned her neck and kissed him, tasting her own musk on his mouth.

  They were wont to curl themselves together and maintain the connection until Sebastian firmed again for another go, but this time, of course, Edward lay beneath them and would be crushed. As if he thought about the same thing, Sebastian moved off and climbed onto the bed, lying flat on his back beside them. Sophie longed to follow but felt a moment’s apprehension as she tried to ease herself off of Edward and could not. With a chuckle, he reached up and unfastened Sebastian’s knots, removing the tied cravats.

  Sophie felt a twinge on her thighs as she was released from the restraints; Sebastian had bound her tighter than she had realized at the time. But she was free now, and she gingerly disengaged herself from Edward. He had diminished somewhat but was still encased deeply within her. Detaching took some moments, and at the end it left Sophie feeling disturbingly empty.

  Sebastian hooked an arm about her waist and hauled her back onto the bed, so that her cheek rested against his sweat-slicked chest. She stretched out a hand and found Edward amid the rumpled, damp bedclothes. He grasped her fingers, moved them over to his hip and held them against his body.

  Chapter Four

  There must be words for such a moment, Sophie thought, but she could not produce a single one. She longed to tell both these men what a wonderful gift they had given her, how deeply this night had affected her spirit, but she wondered that they would think her daft. In action, they had used her most roughly, but in sentiment they had worshipped her, and she felt their combined regard keenly. She wanted to thank them for it but could not think of a way to word her gratitude.


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