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Professor next Door

Page 28

by Summer Cooper

  Cora’s head was resting on Knox’s back, her eyes closed but a change in the sound of the engines around her had her opening her eyes. She saw Hale turning off in another direction, Tessa snuggled up behind him. Her friend looked happy and Cora was happy for her. Tessa needed a little fun in her life for once. She controlled herself far too much.

  As they turned the other way Cora saw Rhys coming out on his own ATV and Knox stopped his ATV to talk to his friend. Cora was still clinging to Knox’s back and she watched Rhys from her spot. Rhys responded to Knox with a shake of his head, his eyes glued to Cora’s hands resting flat on Knox’s stomach. She saw a hunger in his eyes, a want that only one thing would quench. Deep inside she felt an answering desire, a hunger of her own. But her hunger was for both men, not just one over the other. Greedy little Cora wanted them both. At the same time.

  The men talked for a moment more but then started moving again. They soon pulled into the resort and into a garage that went underground. Knox, Rhys and Zed led Cora and Kaia to an elevator then dropped them off at their rooms. Cora saw Kaia talking with Zed and looked up at Knox then over at Rhys. She wanted to ask them in to her room, to drag them in and tear their clothes off as she stared into their deep brown eyes but she didn’t. She just stood there in the dimly lit hallway and wished one of them would pull her to him, making the choice for her.

  Every time she was near one of them, her tongue went numb. With both of them so near her entire brain shut down and all she could think about was sex. Even now her body was responding and though she couldn’t see it the signs were obvious. Her face flushed and her eyes darkened as her body kept leaning towards them. She could feel some of the changes though, the way her chest tightened and her lower body started to heat up.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Rhys asked, his eyes drilling into hers for a moment before they trailed over to Knox. Knox gave a subtle shake of his head that Cora caught but didn’t comment on.

  “It would seem Tessa is busy and Kaia looks like she has plans of her own.” Cora nodded over to Kaia’s door where Zed leaned into Kaia’s doorway, his arm propped on the doorframe.

  Both men looked and grinned but the grins disappeared as they looked back at Cora.

  “We’re going to a party later, if you’d like to come with us?” Cora wasn’t sure but she thought Rhys placed an emphasis on the word “us”.

  “I’d love to.” The words were out before she could even think about it. Blinking up at the men in astonishment Cora realized that was exactly what she wanted. Anything they gave her.

  “Wear your usual clothes; it’s nothing fancy, some bonfires and beer. Normal life around here. It’s not your usual party, really, but it is. You’ll see when you get there.” Knox told her. “We’ll come back in an hour shall we?”

  Cora’s head was still spinning and she just nodded her head before disappearing behind her own door. Was she really going to do this, she wondered as she ran for the bath tub? That little voice in her head asked why she still had her clothes on when she should be in the hot water getting ready. She had her answer.

  Chapter 3

  Cora opted for a shower instead of a bath and dried her hair quickly. Slapping on some makeup she went through her clothes looking for something that would protect her from mosquitos but wouldn’t have her sweating to death in ten minutes. She found a flowy black lace top and a long thin cotton skirt in multicolored pattern. Looking in the mirror she approved of what she saw. The top was sheer but would keep the bugs off and the outfit hid her stomach.

  Sexy but classy. Cora didn’t want to look cheap but she did like to look good. The skirt had been hemmed to suit her short stature as has the top. Her hair covered her in the back, falling down to her waist in soft golden red curls. With her green eyes lined in dark makeup she looked cool and mysterious. She liked that.

  Taking the elevator down after waiting for ten minutes for a text back from Kaia she wondered what her friend was up to. Kaia usually didn’t ignore her texts but maybe she was making an exception tonight. Cora grinned as she put her own phone in her handbag before stepping off of the elevator. If Kaia was with Zed Cora didn’t blame her a bit.

  Looking around Cora spotted Knox and Rhys and waved at them as she walked over to them. They’d both cleaned up and were in solid black shirts and pants. Two young bears on the prowl, Cora thought, then wondered if they really were. They could be if they were shifters. The thought kept popping into her head and Cora was starting to suspect she could be right. There still hadn’t been an explanation of how the men knew the women were lost, after all.

  “Ready?” Rhys asked and Cora shook her head. Leaving the well-lit room behind the men walked Cora out to a shiny new SUV and settled her in the passenger seat.

  Cora was trying not to ogle the opulent vehicle when Rhys got into the driver’s seat. Knox jumped in the back and buckled in. Rhys started the engine and Cora was surprised she couldn’t hear the engine running. She’d expected loud pipes that would lead to a headache. These guys continued to surprise her.

  Rhys was the quiet broody type and kept his eyes on the road as he drove, getting on the interstate for a few minutes before getting back off. They drove for a few miles, Knox asking Cora a string of questions.

  “What’s it like to be a teacher, Cora? I always wondered what it was like from the other side of the room.”

  “It can be very stressful, what with tests and maintaining standards. We also have to be a nurse and surrogate mother. I teach elementary school, first graders, and I end up covered in snot, and sometimes barf, but when you see those little smiling faces and they start to learn, it’s really rewarding.” Cora could feel a glowing smile on her face.

  “I bet it’s a hard job too. Do you get attached to them?” He probed.

  “Sometimes, most of the time really. It’s hardest when a child has been abused or neglected. I’ve run into that a few times. We are required to report it to the state, you know? Those are the ones that stick with me the most. They’re little faces haunt me.” Her words were quiet as she stared out into the black night.

  They were passing by a forest and a sign for a private camp ground. Cora didn’t see them because she was thinking of those tiny children.

  “Hey, you’re with us, Cora. I’ll punch Knox if he makes you sad again.” Rhys told her as he put his hand on hers before pulling into a side road she’d missed.

  “Oh it’s fine. It’s a part of my life now and I have to take the good with the bad. Those kids have it far worse than I do anyway. But at least I could be there for them.” Cora gave a brave smile and looked out of the windshield.

  Hills stretched out before them and bonfires dotted the range for at least a mile. This was a huge party! As she saw revelers of every shape and size, from a variety of backgrounds roaming together between the fires. There must have been two hundred people here all dancing, laughing, talking, and mingling together.

  Cora watched them as Rhys parked the vehicle and laughed happily.

  “Life is certainly meant for living in these parts, isn’t it?” She said to them as she got out of the vehicle.

  “It is.” Rhys answered, taking one arm while Knox took the other. “This is more or less a clan meeting. We do this about once a month or so and then we go back to our lives, all joined in some way, carrying on our friendships and understandings from this meeting.”

  “Yes, it’s here we form our bonds with the community. This is where we all come together as one people.” Knox added, waving at a couple in buckskin by one of the fires and kissing a woman that ran away after another man after she said hello.

  Cora watched as people came up to each of the men, saying hello as the men introduced her. Everyone was happy, smiling, with not a care in the world. Cora decided tonight was her night not to care and happily followed along, letting the men lead her further along the hill.

  They guided her to an empty bonfire and Knox dropped a blanket on the ground. Rhys was called away
by a group of people cooking on a grill and went over to say hello. Knox sat down beside Cora and stretched out, his right arm behind his head. She stretched out beside him but didn’t touch him.

  “What do you think?” He asked her, staring over at her in the firelight.

  “It’s wonderful, so many people happy and getting along. Is this the whole town?”

  “No, just a few. The kids are all with sitters or family. Some of the townsfolk don’t want to fit in so they stay away but we don’t really miss them.”

  “Doesn’t that contradict the whole 'community' spiel?” Cora shot back, looking at him with an arched brow, her own arm going behind her head.

  “I suppose it does but they’re the bad elements, the criminals that wait for this night to break into homes or those so high on drugs they can’t function. We don’t purposefully exclude anyone they do it themselves. We do what we can though, to get them to clean up their acts and join in.” Knox was actually serious for a change. Cora liked this side of him too.

  “So what happens here exactly?” Cora wondered sitting up as Rhys came back with several plates of food. She and Knox helped him set it on the blanket and then shared from the plates filled with grilled smoked sausage, potato salad and coleslaw, and barbecued chicken.

  “Anything you want to happen.” Rhys laughed after he swallowed some slaw. “Anything you can dream of.”

  “Oh?” She challenged. “Anything huh, even strange things other people might find deviant?”

  “Oh yes, lots of that.” Knox said, running a finger up her leg. “Especially those things. Keep an eye out in the shadows later.”

  “Really?” Cora was shocked but somehow not.

  “Mmm.” Rhys spoke this time. “Lots of things. You smell that on the air? People will start dropping their clothes later. Not everyone, this isn’t about an orgy, but it can happen.”

  Cora was intrigued, rather than disgusted or afraid. She sniffed at the air as Rhys instructed and sure enough, she could smell smoke that wasn’t wood fire or tobacco. It was a scent that took her back to her college days and she laughed.

  “Oh this is awesome!” She cried out. “I’ve always wanted to go to something like this!”

  “Have you indeed?” Rhys asked, his tone amused.

  “Well no, I didn’t know they actually existed but if I had known I might have snuck in to get some voyeurism in.” She joked, laughing at herself.

  “You wouldn’t have joined in?” Rhys’s husky voice made her want to shiver.

  “Oh no, I’m much too responsible and shy besides that.” She looked hurt as both men began to laugh.

  “Shy? You? You don’t have a shy bone in your body!” Knox protested.

  “I do. I can barely talk around you two and my brain goes dead often. But you put me at ease too, so then I’m okay. Stop laughing, I can be very shy!”

  “Hm. I don’t know about that but you’re certainly too beautiful to be hiding behind cars. You need to let that beauty of yours shine.” Rhys joined in again.

  “What do you mean?” Cora asked, taking a sip of the bottle of water Rhys had brought her.

  “Live a little darlin’, don’t hide away. That’s what you’re here for isn’t it?” His eyes challenged hers.

  Cora gulped down more water before she answered. “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  “Then we’ll make sure that happens for you.” He answered moving to settle beside her.

  Cora began to hear music being played, bluegrass from the sound of it, and Knox and Rhys began to sing along in deep, stirring voices. The song was about a man calling for his love, the love of a woman that left him for another only to die before he could convince her of his true love. The song pricked tears from Cora’s eyes and the voices of the men singing along with it gave her cold chills it was so mournful and sad.

  She felt their warm hands take hers and Cora rested her eyes, letting herself be wrapped in the warmth and presence of the two men with her. The warmth spread and her brain started to work as images began to fill her head. An image of Knox between her bare thighs from above, as though she were Rhys looking down on the pair. Then an image of Rhys with her full breasts in his mouth blew into her brain, forcing out the image of Knox. She gasped when an image of her body cradled between theirs, her hair spread out above her head, obliterated both images. It was so real, so erotic, this image of their naked bodies in the firelight.

  Cora opened her eyes, overwhelmed by the emotions the image provoked. In the shadows she saw bodies merging, shifting into other forms, and then disappearing. She sat up, afraid all of a sudden, certain she’d seen a bear, but Rhys and Knox took her hand, pulling the blanket with them as they led her to a fire further away, in the woods on top of the hill. There they spread the blanket out and pulled her down with them.

  “Did those people…” She began but Knox hushed her before his lips came down on hers. She felt hyper-aware of him as his lips pressed gently into hers; a tiny moan escaping her lips as she finally felt an intimate touch from the man.

  “Yes, they did.” Rhys responded as he moved up behind her, Cora’s body cradled between theirs as it had been in the fantasy only they were all clothed. “Does it frighten you?”

  “No, I was just curious.” Cora said as she eased over to kiss Rhys’s lips. His were just as soft, just as smooth as Knox’s. Knox’s hands roamed her body, soothing her, making her forget that she was breaking a billion taboos.

  There were no more questions, no more worries, as Cora let nature and desire rule her body for once. There on a bed of leaves made softer by a blanket Cora gave up her inhibitions and for once took what she really wanted. Knox and Rhys’s offer of pleasure.

  Cora’s body moved of its own accord, her hips pushing back into Rhys as her breasts and lips pressed into Knox. Her hands touched Knox’s skin finally, sliding under the tight shirt to feel his rigid abs and the hard muscles of his chest. He gasped as her fingers brushed his nipples and his tongue darted out to tease her lips.

  Cora felt a pleased bolt of electricity go through her at Knox’s reaction. She felt another as Rhys moved her hair from her neck and nipped at her tender flesh there. His left arm came around to her sensitive breasts, no longer sore but very tender to touch. His fingertips brushed her nipples and the pleasure that coursed through her was unlike any she’d felt before. This was going to be one hell of a night!

  Knox’s hand skimmed up Cora’s thigh, pulling the skirt up with it, revealing the edges of her panties as he cupped her ass in his large hand. Cora moved between them, back and forth, her body singing with the touches of each man. Her senses became overwhelmed as the touches continued, as the kisses moved lower and her clothes disappeared.

  Naked, she rested between them, their breath soft against her skin as Knox moved down her body. He paused at her stomach but he only kissed it before moving back up to her right nipple. Cora thought there could be nothing better but then Rhys did the same to the left one and their hands drifted down between her legs.

  Knox’s dove deep, finding her center, sliding two fingers inside of her slick depths as Rhys found the source of her pleasure and pressed two fingers into it, sliding the nub between the digits. Cora’s back arched as she cried out, the world gone now, the only reality two hot wet mouths and the two hands buried in her silken depths.

  The men sucked at her nipples, bit them gently, and licked them with strong laving strokes as they worked her body, higher and higher, deeper into pleasure. Cora’s head thrashed as the pleasure grew into something almost unbearable before it exploded out of her. With eyes wide open Cora’s body convulsed in something far more intense than she’d ever experienced before. She saw stars, bursts of light, and for a moment she was certain her body was going to turn inside out. The intense spasms just kept going and Cora finally had to push at them, moving their hands away as the feeling became far too intense.

  As her body calmed, her breath and her heart rate slowed, and Cora looked at the two men sta
ring down at her intently. They were hers. She knew that now. From the moment she’d seen them she was theirs and they were hers. Forever. They settled beside of her and her hands moved low, seeking out their erections.

  She moved to her knees and they came together, resting side by side. They were of a similar size, both long and thick, and Cora tongued each in turn, licking them long and slow then sucking them gently. Knox groaned first and moved, nudging Cora to straddle Rhys. She hesitated for a moment and Rhys spoke.

  “We’re shifters darlin’, I think you know that now. We don’t get the human diseases. It’s safe.” He swore.

  Pleased, Cora moved over him, easing slowly onto his hard cock, her slick walls parting to take him in. Knox moved in behind her and took her in his arms, helping her to move on Rhys as her hands found his cock, stroking him in time with her thrusts up and down. She wanted more though and pulled at Knox urging him to stand in front of her.

  They all groaned together as Knox’s cock disappeared into Cora’s eager mouth and she began to ride Rhys’s with her pussy. Cora’s mouth and hands worked on Knox as she moved on Rhys and she was soon moaning in pleasure as their gasps and groans filled the air. Rhys grasped Cora’s hips, stilling her movements as he began to fuck up into her, his cock pulsing as he emptied himself inside of her. His shout of pleasure must have set Knox off because he soon followed Rhys, the first hot jet of his come in her throat sending Cora off once more.

  The world became nothing but pleasure for them in the following hours, as they took their time exploring, learning, and loving each other. Cora fell asleep between them, more content than she’d ever been before with only one doubt remaining. How to tell them about her baby.

  Chapter 4

  Life went from a slow and steady pace for Cora to a full-on race after that night. Knox and Rhys simply did not want Cora to leave and, unlike Tessa, she had nothing holding her back home. As an orphan, she had no family and her friends up there could always come visit her. They installed her in their home and spent a week with her making love and talking. They learned about each other, they came to love each other even more, and the two best friends, inseparable in life, now shared the woman that they loved the most.


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