Book Read Free

Professor next Door

Page 78

by Summer Cooper

  “Turn left for Spain or right for the Atlantic and eventually the USA,” Ben remarked. “Be a bit of a pedal across the Atlantic though.”

  “You want us to cross over this?” Mary asked as cars roared past them at high speeds. “It’s suicide.”

  “Don’t panic, we just sit and wait for a gap and go. Straight across and we’ll be fine,” Ben replied, pointing to the quiet lane on the other side.

  “Good grief, these people drive as crazy as people do in North Carolina,” Lillian added. “Not sure I want to take my chances.”

  “Okay we’ve a gap coming up. When I say go, we go. Straight across. Get ready! GO!” Ben yelled, pedalling madly as he crossed over the road.

  The three of them pedalled straight across the busy road and onto the quiet lane, the ladies faces twin looks of terror. As soon as they got to the other side, Lillian pulled over to the edge of the lane, breathing heavily.

  “You okay, Momma?” Mary asked, pulling alongside her mother.

  “I don’t think I could do that twice, Mary,” Lillian gasped.

  “Oh sure you can, Lillian. It’ll be a lot quieter coming back. Just a bit of work traffic was all. You did fantastic. Nice and easy, let’s get to town and have a drink. You’ll be ready for one I’m sure.” Ben gave her an understanding smile before pushing off once more.

  They cycled on into the little fishing town and as promised, Ben pulled them up at a little café in the central plaza. There they sat and drank coffee and nibbled on the local pastries.

  “Apart from crossing Hell’s highway, this really is paradise! I can see why you want to live here,” Mary said as she looked around the little square surrounded by bars, cafes and curiosity shops.

  “It takes a bit of getting used to. The slowing down and not expecting anything in a rush. But I guess it’s pretty peaceful up in those mountains, right?” Ben replied, trying not to stare down the top of Mary’s blouse that had drooped open as she read something on her phone, the top curve of a rather generous breast on display. He wanted to run a finger over the smooth flesh. He distracted himself by switching his gaze to her mother.

  This didn’t really help as it was like looking at perfect copy of Mary, just a few years older. He wouldn’t consider sex with Lillian, but she was a fine looking woman too.

  “There are lots of poor folk back home, Ben. No work, no money and no hope for most of them. But it has its moments. Nothing quite like this though,” Lillian said as she reached for another pastry.

  “I’m guessing it’s warm enough for the beach. I hope you can both swim,” Ben said, rising from the table, hoping to change the subject.

  He paid the bill and they made their way down to the beach. Ben wandered over to the lifeguard station and rented them all a lounger under one of the large thatched umbrellas.

  “If you’re going to do nothing all day, do it in style,” he said as he guided them to a set of empty sun loungers.

  “Now this. This is the life, Mary. We sure don’t get to do this back home,” Lillian announced as she stretched herself out on one of the loungers, her arm going over her head as she relaxed, her coverings gone.

  “No and we don’t get to see sights like that either, Mom!” Mary nodded towards a well-tanned man of about 70 in speedo trunks massaging sun oil onto a topless girl easily half his age.

  “Good grief. I don’t know where to put my eyes. If his trunks were any smaller he might as well not bother wearing them. And it looks like his lady friend made hers out of dental floss!”

  Mary snickered, glancing at Ben. He only had eyes for her, she noticed as she took in her outfit. Her bikini was acceptable, she guessed, as she saw his eyes drift slowly down her body.

  The older looking gentleman they were discussing looked up at them, smiling.

  Lillian and Mary both looked at each other and back at the man turning a deep colour of beetroot.

  “Oh heavens, I think he understood us, Mary!” Lillian hissed under her breath as she pulled her hat brim over her face.

  “It takes a while for it to sink in that people come from all over the world to be here, doesn’t it?” Ben said sitting on one of the loungers. “Most of them also speak English. You’ll need to learn to leave your inhibitions at the door a bit here and just relax and go with the flow.”

  “Well. Going with the flow might take me a bit of getting used to,” Lillian remarked as she gave another sidelong glance at the couple in front of them again. The man rubbing more oil onto the woman’s breasts as she rolled over didn’t help Lillian settle, Ben noted.

  Ben laughed as he stood up and strolled off. Looking back over his shoulder he called back. “Don’t go offending the locals while I’m gone, I won’t be a minute.”

  He returned five minutes later carrying three glasses and a bottle of wine.

  “Here you go. This should help calm your nerves, girls,” He said as he sat down and poured them all a glass of wine.

  “Oh, I’m sure it will,” Lillian giggled as she gladly accepted the glass.

  Lillian and Mary were slowly beginning to attune themselves to the relaxed and liberal lifestyle down on the beach. Both passed comment on surrounding beachgoers: some wearing far too much for the weather and some needing to cover more, according to the ladies. Ben took it all in his stride and quietly listened in amused silence as a fat German businessman was mocked for his posing pouch, while admiring comments were passed at some of the tanned and well-developed locals.

  “So, how about we test out the water? It should be pretty warm in there today,” Ben asked as he stripped down to a pair of colourful Bermuda shorts.

  “We won’t have any trouble finding you in a crowd wearing those, will we? I’m so glad you weren’t going to try and get away with a thong. I would have died,” Mary mocked, but he saw her gaze follow the muscles of his stomach down to the top of his shorts. He felt a rush of pride as she inspected him, and another rush of desire for the beautiful woman in her bathing suit. He needed to get in the water so he could hide what she was doing to him by merely existing.

  “Too young for a thong, apparently. And I’m too old to try and compete with the guys you’ve both been ogling all morning,” Ben replied with a teasing grin that they soon returned. “So? Anyone for a paddle and a swim?”

  Mary and Lillian soon stood and stretched for a moment before walking down to the water’s edge, following Ben down to the shore. Ben was in awe of Mary’s firm, toned body. She was beautiful of course, but in her black bikini, he was taken away by her stunning looks. Lillian too, though some twenty or so years older than Mary, had kept her figure well and certainly didn’t look out of place in her dazzling red two-piece. Ben felt quite flattered to be escorting two glamourous women. He’d noted more than one admiring glance from the men around the beach.

  Ben waded into the lagoon and turned to beckon them in. Lillian and Mary cautiously toed the water to test it.

  “Wow! This sure isn’t the swimming hole at the creek, Mary,” Lillian announced as she moved deeper into the water. “I’ve had baths colder than this,” she laughed.

  Mary went straight for the plunge, diving headfirst into the refreshing water. Her head soon bobbed above the surface some distance ahead of Ben. She was looking at him nervously.

  “You okay, Mary?” Ben asked.

  “Fish. There are fish in here. Thousands of them. Fish,” she said, flustered.

  “They won’t bite you. Just keep an eye out for those jelly fish.” Ben replied, swimming over.

  “And no sharks then I hope?” Lillian said as she swam over to join them.

  “No, no sharks in here, Lillian. They’re all on the beach trying to sell you stuff,” Ben replied, laughing.

  “Apart from a few turtles and the odd snake, we hardly ever saw a fish in the creek at home.” Lillian laughed. “This is fantastic!”

  They laughed and splashed and swam for a good while in the warm water, diving through the waves made by the passing water taxis. Exhaust
ed, they made their way back to the sun loungers and the cool of the thatched sun shades.

  They’d got themselves resettled and Ben stood up and put on his shirt.

  “Are we going? Not just yet, surely?” Mary asked.

  “Oh no, not at all. I’m off to get us an ice cream. Portuguese ice cream is delicious. I won’t be long,” Ben replied, turning to head up to the beach bar.

  “I think he’s taken a shine to you, young lady. I hope you’ve thought this through,” Lillian said to Mary. “Anyway, when in Rome. I reckon I’ll try a bit of that topless stuff. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Don’t tell your father, though.”

  Mary was looking to where Ben was heading, struggling to keep her eyes off him. She hadn’t really heard what her mother said as she watched the man with the roundest, most perfect ass she’d ever seen walk away.

  “I think he’s just adorable, Mom. Wait, what did you say? Mom? Are you sure? What if Dad finds out?” Mary sputtered as she turned back to see her mother laid beside her with her bare breasts glowing white in the sunshine. “Make sure you put some oil on them or something or they’ll explode in this heat. I can’t believe you’re doing this. Really, Mom!”

  Mary watched with indignation for a moment before she spotted Ben walking away amongst a sea of uncovered breasts. Maybe her mom was right.

  “Well then, if you can’t beat them join them, right?” Mary concluded as she removed her own top and laid face down on the lounger alongside her mother.

  Drying quickly from the midday sun, the pair lay drowsily under heavy sunglasses. Mary hadn’t been brave enough to turn over yet, but her mother was proudly resting on her lounger, her own generous breasts on display for anybody to see. Her Dad would soon figure out her mother had sunbathed without a top if she didn’t have any tan lines, Mary thought. But that was her mom’s business.

  Ben was strolling back with three large ice creams in his hands, enjoying the view of the two women as he approached. It had taken him by surprise when he’d first saw them, Lillian face up, Mary face down. He wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t notice just how lovely Mary’s breasts were if she ever turned over, but felt he should look away from Lillian. With a shrug he walked up to the lounging women and cleared his throat.

  “Here we go, ladies. Glad you decided to join in the party,” he said, laughing.

  “Oh my god! You’re back!” Mary yelped as she tried frantically to scoop her ample breasts into the top of her bikini, jolting Ben’s arm.

  In almost slow motion, one of the ice cream cones fell straight onto Lillian’s well exposed breasts. It sat for a moment, melting before it slid between her fiery cleavage and made its way downward.

  Lillian jumped in shock as the rapidly melting ice cream seeped down her large bosom. Ben moved towards her with a large beach towel.

  She glared up at him, stopping him, and looking down at the melting ice cream. A thick white line of had melted between her cleavage and somehow over one nipple.

  “Ben. As delightful as you are, if you come near these tits with that towel, my husband will be over that ocean and pounding on your head before you’ve dried a single nipple. Now be so kind as to pass me the cone and the towel please,” Lillian said with embarrassed laughter.

  Ben passed the two good cones to Mary. Still gazing at the spectacle in front of him, cautiously passed a cone and towel to Lillian.

  Lillian took the cone and scooped what was left of the ice cream back onto it. She then wiped down the remains with the towel and passed it back to Ben.

  “My god, Lillian, I am so sorry. It was a terrible accident,” Ben stammered as he lowered himself onto the lounger, unable to look at her for a moment.

  He looked at Mary, now with her top on and back at Lillian. Lillian looked back at him and then at Mary. Then the three of them erupted into howls of laughter that had the rest of the beach staring over at them.

  “I am so sorry, Ben. That was all my fault,” Mary said. “Sorry Mom. I bumped his arm when he got back and caused the ice cream to fall.”

  “It’s okay, honey, it was darn cold ice cream that’s for sure. I don’t know who got the biggest shock there. Me or Ben.” Lillian laughed and cradled her breasts as if the ice cream had plopped onto her once more, chilling her.

  “Weird, though. I was okay until Ben turned up. Maybe naked on a beach is just okay with strangers?” Mary said.

  “Well I can go for a walk around town if you’d like. I certainly don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable,” Ben replied as he stared off over the sea, the memory of how glorious her breasts was making the need for a walk almost a requirement. He’d caught a memorable glimpse when she’d sat up to cover herself and it was a sight he wouldn’t soon forget.

  “Oh good grief, no! It was all such a shock and I’m so sorry,” Mary said as she unclipped her top and let it fall beside her on the lounger. “See? I can be as continental as the next gal okay?”

  “Good for you, Mary. Never thought of you as a quitter. Now stop staring and eat that ice cream, Ben,” Lillian chuckled.

  Ben nodded and licked his ice cream. Yes, indeed he thought, this was a pair of very attractive ladies to be around. He’d do his best not to stare. He couldn’t stop wishing the ice cream had fallen on Mary’s nipples, or that they’d been alone so he could suck it away as she squirmed beneath him. He sighed deeply, wondering how he was going to get through the day.

  It was well into the afternoon when they decided that swimming and sunbathing was hungry work and Ben recommended a fish restaurant not too far away. They got dressed and cycled over to the restaurant, following the unmistakable aroma of grilling fish and chicken. As usual with Portuguese dining, it was fresh and delicious. They eventually cycled home under a warm starlit sky, the once busy main road now silent as they crossed it.

  They arrived home totally happy and exhausted and a brief goodnight had them all off to bed to collapse into a dreamless sleep. Except for Ben who dreamed of ice cream and just how long it would take to remove it from Mary’s breasts in neat orderly lines.

  Chapter 8

  Mary and Lillian were sat out on the patio in the morning sunshine eating breakfast when Ben made his appearance at the gate.

  “Good morning, Ben. Care for some breakfast?” Lillian asked cheerily.

  “I’ll take a coffee with you, thanks, but I’ve already eaten,” Ben replied as he joined them at the large wooden table.

  “You sure get up early, Ben,” Mary remarked.

  “Got a fair bit to do today. Had an email last night and I need to spend the day working. Need to have an article written by the weekend. No big deal but it needs to be done,” Ben said as he accepted the mug of hot coffee from Lillian.

  “That’s too bad, we were hoping you could join us on a trip today,” Mary said.

  “I’m really sorry girls but I have to earn my keep if I want to stay in paradise,” Ben said. “Anyway, what are you planning? Another day at the beach?”

  “Oh heavens no, not today. We realised we were short on clothes for this sort of weather so we thought we’d go to Faro and do some shopping,” Lillian replied.

  “You should find all you need in Faro. Great town. But sorry, I really can’t go with you this time. I have an idea though. How about an adventure for you both? You ever been on a train?” Ben asked.

  “A train? I’ve never been on a train in my life. That would be incredible!” Mary replied. “But we don’t speak Portuguese like you. I’m not sure we could manage it on our own.”

  “Say what, girl? We got all the way from West Virginia in an airplane. I’m pretty sure we can manage a little ole train trip,” Lillian exclaimed.

  And so through breakfast it was arranged. Ben would drive them to the local station and from there they would catch the train to Faro. Ben gave them his phone number and once they got back to the local station he would come and pick them up again. It was all so simple and so well planned. Nothing at all could go wrong. Nothing.

>   Good as his word, Ben dropped them off at the train station and returned home to attempt to work as he thought about Mary. Perhaps he should have gone with them, he pondered, pacing the courtyard with a watering can while taking a break. Somehow, those two alone in a big town just wasn’t a good idea. He could drive to Faro and find them from the station. Wouldn’t take him long and the work could wait. It was just work after all. He sighed and sat down at his laptop and began to type. They were grown women after all. He sounded like an old mother hen fretting like that. He got up to make a cup of tea. They had his phone number. All would be well.

  * * *

  Mary and Lillian had boarded the train that arrived on the dot with a flurry of horns and bells to announce itself. Mary had ordered them two tickets to Faro in her best Portuguese, reading from an app on her phone. The guard smiled, repeated the phrase back to her and then politely said, in perfect English, “Have a wonderful vacation, ladies.”

  Mary and Lillian looked at each other and the guard, laughed, and thanked him.

  The trip was short but both of them were excited to be on a real train for the first time in their lives. They were amazed at the coastal scenery just outside of the window and both were excited to see not only boats resting on sand at the low tide but horses in areas spotted with grass. The landscape changed so quickly here. The train slowed as it approached the stations and the women anxiously looked for any signs to tell them where they were stopping each time.

  People got on and off but the ladies stayed put, not seeing the word they were looking for. The train departed once more and they started to worry they’d somehow missed their stop when the train started to slow once more.

  “Maybe we’ve missed it?” Lillian said anxiously, feeling a moment of helplessness as she looked around at the train filled with people. She didn’t know if any of them spoke English and without Ben, she was feeling the language barrier. It was a little bit terrifying.


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