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On the Ropes (Windy City Nights)

Page 12

by Dania Voss

  Abbey shook her head at him. “No, that’s not necessary. It was ten years ago. We’ve both moved on, right? Let’s enjoy our dinner and have some fun tonight, okay?”

  No. That was not okay with Luke. The prospect of getting between Abbey’s legs again had his cock getting hard, but he was determined to clear the air first before fucking her later. And he would fuck her later, over and over until he had his fill. He had ten long years to make up for.

  Luke looked out at the guests as he enjoyed his chicken marsala, made with Antonetti Vineyard’s own blend of sweet Marsala wine. He’d been looking forward to dinner all day. The chicken was moist and a perfect companion to the sweet flavor of the Marsala wine, and the sliced mushrooms were an excellent finish to the dish. He glanced at his Uncle Darren’s table and his uncle seemingly sensing him looking, turned to him and nodded. Luke smiled and nodded back, trying to keep his feelings about Darren’s recent diagnosis pushed aside. There’s nothing that can be done about it right now anyway.

  “All right folks, as you can see, the sweet table is just about ready for everyone. Enjoy,” the DJ announced.

  Luke felt Abbey perk up next to him as the servers finished setting up Antonetti’s Signature Sweet Table. He couldn’t blame her. Antonetti’s served up some delectable desserts. Not as delectable as his sweet princess’s pussy though, he thought to himself. He’d be eating that later. Luke would make sure of it.

  “I’m so ready for dessert,” Cassie announced beside Luke.

  “Me too, babe,” Jake agreed.

  Luke turned to the happy couple, love and joy radiating from both of them. “Jake, you making sure your baby mamma’s well fed?” Luke whispered.

  “Damn straight.” Jake laughed and kissed his bride on the cheek.

  Abbey made to get up and get dessert, but Luke guided her back down to her chair. “How about I get us something and we can share?”

  Luke held his breath, not sure what she would say.

  “Thanks, that sounds … nice.”

  Jake had shared the evening’s menu with him, so Luke knew which items were on the sweet table. “There’s cheesecake, taffy apple pie, brownies, those mini dreams with chocolate dipping sauce, lemon pound cake, tiramisu, and assorted cookies.”

  Abbey smiled her angelic smile and Luke’s heart swelled. God, he loved her. “Yes.”

  “Me too—all that sounds perfect,” Cassie agreed beside him.

  Jake stood with Luke. “I’ll go with Luke and get some of everything for us too,” Jake said to Cassie.

  “Get extra.” Cassie grinned and discreetly patted her tummy.

  Luke leaned over and called over to Heath. “We’re getting desserts to share with the ladies. You want to come along and get some for you and Leah?”

  It hadn’t escaped Luke’s attention that Heath and Leah had cozied up during dinner. He hoped Heath took Jake’s suggestion about pursuing a relationship with Leah to heart. Luke’s oldest brother deserved some happiness in life too. What was the point of making out of Afghanistan alive to then end up alone?

  Leah looked at Heath expectantly, waiting for him to answer. Heath offered a small smile and nodded. “Yeah, sounds like a good idea.” Leah’s smile warmed Luke’s heart. Maybe there was a chance for her and Heath after all.

  As the three of them approached the dessert table, Rocco rose from his seat next to Hannah and joined them in line. Luke was relieved someone had the forethought to stack larger dinner-sized plates in addition to smaller dessert plates.

  Luke’s phone chimed in his pants with a text message. Not even trying to be subtle, Heath, Jake, and Rocco looked over Luke’s shoulder at his phone.

  Brenna: How is Mission Abbey coming along

  Luke: Been difficult so far, but working on it

  Brenna: Don’t strike out

  Luke: Trying my best not to

  Brenna: Good, don’t give up, keep me posted J

  Luke: Will do

  Luke felt the three of them staring at him. He wished he could come clean about everything, but he couldn’t. Not right now.

  Jake shook his head and spoke to the group. “Don’t bother asking him, guys, he’s not going to tell us anything.”

  Not wanting to start an argument, he turned to Rocco. “So, how are things going with Hannah?”

  Rocco looked down at his shoes and shrugged. Was he blushing? Luke hadn’t expected that from the big Italian Marine.

  Rocco looked up and glared at Jake. “Interesting seating arrangement.”

  Jake held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me. Cassie did the seating arrangements before you and Hannah even met. It worked out though. Admit it.”

  Rocco just shrugged, looking unsure.

  Rocco and Heath needed a pep talk. “Just get some desserts and share with her. You too, Heath,” Luke suggested.

  “Luke’s right,” Jake said.

  Neither Rocco nor Heath appeared convinced. Luke sighed and tried again. “How about you guys consider this a part of your own reboot weekend, like Abbey said in her speech? She’s agreed to let me reboot with her this weekend.”

  Three sets of surprised eyes looked back at him. “But you’re looking for more than a weekend though,” Heath said.

  Luke nodded. He sure as hell was. He was looking for every weekend from now on. “I know that, but Abbey’s been running hot and cold on me all day. I got her to agree to the weekend at least. She doesn’t understand that I intend on getting all of them. Yet.”

  The four of them moved up in the line. “But first I want to explain to Abbey what she actually walked in on ten years ago. She says she doesn’t care. Says she doesn’t want to hear it. But I don’t want to start anything until we clear the air, you know?”

  “Like Brenna said, don’t strike out,” Jake teased.

  “Seriously, though, don’t give up,” Heath said.

  Luke nodded. He wasn’t going to give up. He never would. He and Abbey belonged together, and that was that. Once he had his chance to clear up the misunderstandings of that night, Abbey would finally let go of all the hurt and anger she’d been holding onto and they could move forward. Happily and together. Like they always would be.

  They moved up in the line once more. Luke grabbed a large plate from the stack. “Jake, maybe you better get two plates. Cassie didn’t seem very sharey.” He chuckled and filled his plate with everything the sweet table offered. Maybe some tasty sweets would sweeten Abbey’s attitude toward him.

  Luke sat down with his plate overflowing and nearly drooling, not only for dessert but for Abbey. She was about to find out exactly what Luke meant about sharing.

  She worried her lush lower lip. Luke’s mind immediately went back to the many times he’d had her luscious lips wrapped around his hard dick. He’d taught his princess exactly how he like it sucked and she’d become exceptional at blowing him. He felt his cock harden in his tuxedo pants. He could hardly wait until he had her in his bed later on. He intended to spend the entire weekend in bed with her. Maybe they could beg off of meeting everyone for brunch tomorrow morning.

  “There’s only one fork,” Abbey observed.

  Luke nodded. “I know. That’s because I’m going to feed you.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  Chapter Eight

  Luke was going to feed her? He couldn’t be serious. Everyone would see them. She must have misunderstood him. No, that couldn’t be right.

  He had a wicked gleam in his eyes and a grin on his face. She felt herself blush. “Did you say you’re going to feed me dessert?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I said.”

  She didn’t think that was a good idea. It was much too obvious. Too intimate in a way. In a room full of people, many of whom were family members?

  “Luke, that’s really not necessary. Plus everyone will see us. I can feed myself.” Surely he could be reasoned with. They’d agreed on rebooting their weekend together, but him feeding her in front of an audience seeme
d like too much.

  Luke shook his head and looked out at the guests. “Princess, no one’s paying attention to us. They’re busy getting their own desserts and stuffing their faces. Look for yourself.”

  Abbey glanced around the banquet room. There were guests chatting in line at the sweet table, some were leaving the room to use the restroom or have a cigarette outside, and many were at their tables enjoying the sweet treats they’d filled their plates with. No one was paying much attention to the head table at the moment. Still, she wasn’t sure.

  He held out a forkful of chocolate brownie with walnuts to her lips and raised a brow in challenge. Abbey’s heart galloped in her chest. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth. So this is a part of my reboot weekend? All right then, here we go.

  It was one of the best brownies Abbey’d ever eaten. She moaned when the rich flavor of chocolate fudge hit her tongue. It was the perfect combination of cake and fudge with crunchy walnuts mixed in.

  She watched, transfixed, as Luke took a bite himself and swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. She couldn’t help but stare as his tongue licked chocolate frosting off his kissable lips.

  Abbey remembered Luke’s talented tongue. He’d spent hours using it all over her. Kissing her senseless with just the right amount of firmness. Licking her nipples relentlessly until they ached so good. And when he used his tongue between her legs, it hadn’t taken many swipes against her throbbing clit to set her off like a rocket ship.

  For the next few minutes, he continued to feed them from their dessert plate. Although Abbey enjoyed the delicious treats she was being fed, she enjoyed watching Luke’s mouth as he ate even more. She imagined his mouth, lips, and tongue on her, and by the time they’d had their fill of dessert, she was hot and aching. Her panties were damp and she desperately needed relief. The kind only Luke could provide.

  She was practically vibrating in her chair, her breaths reduced to quick pants. Luke licked his lips and she couldn’t wait another minute to get a taste of him. She leaned in and he met her halfway.

  Abbey startled and quickly pulled away at the amplified sound of the DJ’s voice. “All right, everyone, we’re going to get the evening’s festivities underway. The photographers have set up in the corner next to the gift table for anyone who would like to have pictures taken. Jake and Cassie, come on up for your first dance as man and wife.”

  Abbey shivered and tried to calm down. She looked over to Luke and saw him frowning. “Bad timing, DJ dude,” he mumbled.

  She giggled at him as she joined the guests and applauded while Cassie and Jake went to the dance floor for their first dance. Luke reached over and held her hand, and they both watched, hand in hand, as the newlyweds danced to “The Way You Look Tonight” by Tony Bennett. From the way Jake was looking at Cassie—with love, lust, and contentment—it was the perfect song. Abbey teared up. Once upon a time, Luke had looked at her the same way.

  She felt his warm fingers brush away a stray tear on her cheek. His simple touch made her insides sizzle. This is so unfair. He turned her head, so she faced him. “No tears, princess.”

  Luke leaned in and her eyes drifted shut. She should have pulled away but didn’t have the will left in her to do that. The soft, warm brush of Luke’s lips on hers left her reeling. The world around them fell away. She’d missed Luke so much. Missed everything Luke. Abbey’s head was swimming. She wanted him, needed him so badly.

  Luke licked the seam of her lips, seeking entry, and Abbey opened her mouth, happy to let him inside. The first taste of him was a sweet mix of the delicious desserts they’d just shared—chocolate, tart apples, cheesecake, and more. His big warm hands cradled her face as their tongues tangled and danced. More decadent than any dessert.

  Abbey lost herself in him. Her heart raced and her skin felt hot and tight. Her breasts were swollen and heavy and her panties were soaked. Luke moaned sexily and she was ready to toss him under the table and—

  “If the bridal party and parents of the bride and groom would like to come to the dance floor now, please.”

  Abbey quickly pulled away from Luke as if she were burned. She took a deep breath, then another, trying to center herself.

  The heat in Luke’s gorgeous blue gaze nearly scorched her. She felt a sense of female pride knowing she had affected him like he had her.

  “That fucker has shitty timing,” Luke mumbled. He frowned, stood up, and offered her his hand.

  Abbey looked up at Luke and giggled. She couldn’t help it. He looked like an aggravated little boy who’d just been told he couldn’t have cookies before dinner. “Strike ’em Out” Stryker had gotten too used to getting his way over the years.

  She stood and took Luke’s hand. So big and strong wrapped around hers. Leah was already leading Heath to the dance floor. He wasn’t putting up much of a fight. Good for them. Abbey was rooting for them well beyond the weekend.

  “So you think DJ cock blocker over there is funny, huh?”

  Abbey shrugged, giggling as Luke led them to the dance floor. They were the last to arrive. She reached for Luke’s hands but he placed her hands around his neck and placed his around her waist.

  For a moment, Abbey stiffened, unsure if she was comfortable with their intimate display in front of everyone. Luke pulled her in close against his muscled body as “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole began to play.

  Luke was exactly that to her. Unforgettable, even though she’d tried hard to forget him over the years. Abbey was aware she and Luke were getting knowing looks and smiles from the dance floor and from wedding guests.

  The feel of Luke in her arms after so many years apart, so strong and warm and perfect, had her not concerning herself with what anyone else thought. She’d announced her reboot weekend, so everyone most likely assumed Luke was a part of it.

  Abbey placed her cheek against Luke’s chest and inhaled. Luke’s own musk mixed with the exotic scents of sandalwood, rosewood, and oud wood from Tom Ford’s Oud Wood which he wore had her happily drifting off to a sensual place as they slowly swayed to the music. Like an addict, she’d pined over Luke when she’d seem him in many Tom Ford Oud Wood commercials over the years. Tom Ford was one of Luke’s many and lucrative endorsement deals.

  She couldn’t miss the feel of Luke’s erection pressing against her belly. Was he bigger than she remembered? Her body simmered with anticipation, knowing later she’d have Luke’s long, thick dick inside her once again. No one had elicited the kind of mind-blowing pleasure that Luke had. Not that she had had many lovers since she and Luke had broken up. But every sexual encounter after Luke had left her unsatisfied and wanting.

  “You’ve been unforgettable to me, princess,” Luke whispered.

  Abbey looked up at Luke, surprised. He gazed at her with such tenderness she wanted to believe him, but how could she? He’d cheated on her just as his baseball career had taken off. Abbey stayed silent, not trusting herself to speak. Luke didn’t really mean it, she reasoned. It was a wedding. Everyone was emotional. That was what happened at weddings. Everyone became sentimental. Single guests wanted to hook up. He was just caught up in the moment.

  The song ended and she extricated herself from Luke, feeling a little off kilter, but missing his touch immediately. Damn him. After the applause died down, the DJ announced the dance floor was open to everyone.

  Abbey needed a drink. That would take the edge off. Calm her down so she could enjoy the reception and go with the flow of whatever the evening held in store. A quick dance number began playing and Abbey made to head to the bar, but Luke took a hold of her arm.

  “Look, Abbey, can we go somewhere quiet to talk for a few minutes? Just to clear the air about that night? Please?”

  Not this again. Luke was like a dog with a bone. Why couldn’t he let it go? What difference did it make now, anyway? After all this time? There were supposed to have a good time this weekend, not dredge up the past. After the weekend was over, who knew how long
it would be before she even saw Luke again.

  “Luke, it’s not necessary, so drop it. We’re supposed to be having a fun reboot this weekend right? So let’s do that.”

  Luke pulled a face and just as he seemed ready to argue the point, little Amy came up to them and tugged on Luke’s jacket sleeve. “Wanna dance with me, Luke?” Amy looked up at Luke expectantly.

  His face softened. “Of course. It would be my pleasure.” Amy dragged a reluctant Luke deep onto the dance floor and Abbey made her escape to get some dollar bills from her evening bag.

  Thank you, Amy.

  At the bar, the bartender gave Abbey the champagne that had been served to the guests. Why not? Today was a celebration, right? Jake and Cassie’s wedding day. Her reboot weekend.

  Abbey took a small sip, the bubbles hitting her tongue and tickling her nose. It was dryer than the head table champagne. Very good, but she preferred the Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold they’d drank at the head table.

  Abbey giggled and took a long sip. Now I’m a champagne snob. She watched Amy keep Luke on the dance floor longer than he’d probably expected. Amy was dancing, or rather bouncing around like little girls did, with Luke showing off his best moves. He could move all right. Abbey could attest to that.

  Lost in memories of past sexual exploits with Luke, she hadn’t noticed she was no longer alone until a man spoke to her.

  “Jake really did things up right today, didn’t he?” The man on her right, whom Abbey didn’t recognize, was about six feet tall, and had dark-blond hair styled with a little too much product and calculating, deep-brown eyes. His nose was slightly crooked, possibly from being broken. He was a decent-looking man in his tailored gray suit and a deep-red tie, holding a tumbler with a finger of scotch. He’s no Luke though.

  He extended his hand and she shook it. Firm enough grip, but his hands weren’t as large or powerful as Luke’s. Touching him left Abbey feeling cold. “I’m Mel Johnson. I’m a corporate attorney with the Cobras. I work with Jake.”


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