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Druid Animal Oracle Deck

Page 1

by Carr-Gomm, Philip


  This edition published In Great Bri1aln In 2005 by

  Connections Book Publishing Limited St Chad's House, 148 King's Cross Road London WC1X 9DH

  Text copyright (c) Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm 1994

  Card illustrations copyright (c) Bill Worthlngton 1994

  This edition copyright (c) Eddison Sadd Editions 2005

  Text and illustrations extracted from The Druid Animal Oracle published by Connections Book Publishing In 1996

  The right of Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm to be identified as the authors of the work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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  ISBN 978-1-85906-1725


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  Introduction ... 4

  The Cards ... 7

  How to Use the Cards ... 41




  THE ARTIST .** 48

  Goose and salmon on a Pictish stone from Morayshire, possibly sixth century

  TheAnimal Oracle, building on the accumulated wisdom of the past, is a new contribution to the ever-growing and changing tradition of Druidry. In particular, we see it as a contribution to the Ovate stream of Druid teaching, in which the art of divination is informed and deepened by an understanding of psychology as well as traditional lore.

  The inspiration for it arose when we were shown the Medicine Cards of Jamie Sams and David Carson during a workshop in America. Bringing a set back to England, we realized that Celtic and Druid animal lore could also be presented in the form of a card set. lt seemed the perfect way to convey the richness of a tradition which is now being rediscovered. The Medicine Cards present primarily Native American animal teachings, but the first card spread suggested is a Druidic one, and its mention seemed a beautiful symbol of the rainbow bridge that connects our respective traditions. They have much in common: sacred circles, the honouring of the directions, a deep reverence for the natural world, a belief in animal guides, and an abiding sense that the land itself is sacred. There is even evidence that the Druids worked in sweat lodges and we know that birds' feathers were used in ceremonial clothing and headdresses.

  When we were in America some Native American teachers expressed. the opinion that 'white people' were taking their traditions from them, just as they had taken their land. 'They should make connection with their own roots first,' they told us. 'Then they can come to us if they like, but first let them make peace with their own ancestors.'

  Once we can feel fully at home in our own indigenous tradition, then somehow it is easier for us to relate to other traditions. Coming from a secure, rooted base we no longer have the feel of an outsider or a predator, and we can transcend the divisions of race and culture to feel truly at home in all traditions, with all of humanity.

  In recognition of the deep bond that exists between the native traditions of all lands, we would like to offer this Animal Oracle as one means of helping people to connect to the richness of their spiritual heritage.

  The following pages present a summary of the Druid, Celtic and traditional teachings concerning twenty-nine animals and four dragons. Traditional lore can be found on additional real and mythological animals, but we feel we have included the most important of them in our choice of thirty-three.

  In addition to the thirty-three cards representing these

  animals, three blank cards are included for you to add your own favourite animals, should you find they are not among those in the deck. You might like to draw pictures of them on the blank cards.

  The cards have been drawn using the principles of sacred geometry, a science of great importance to the megalith-building, pre-Celtic Druids, who employed it extensively in the building of stone circles. Each image incorporates the same use of a pentagram, circle and square. The border of the animal cards conveys a message in Ogham - the tree language of the Druids.

  The names of the animals are given in English and

  Gaelic - mostly Scottish but with some Irish. Each animal has many different names in Gaelic, and we have tried to choose the most evocative. The keywords and interpretations for each animal have been derived from a reading of the traditional lore associated with that creature.

  The interpretations should not be read as predictions, but should be used to provide words of advice, and insights into the inner dynamics behind events.

  Far from encouraging a fatalism, the interpretations should be used to empower you - to give insights that can help you correct imbalances and create more positive outcomes.

  The animals are presented in a sequence starting with the Blackbird, who stands at the Gateway, the Place of Beginnings, calling us to adventure and change. Journeying to the four other Oldest Animals of Stag, Owl, Eagle and Salmon, we come to know animals that lead us deeper into the Otherworld, through a cycle of personal change that leads to turning to the outer world again, the empowerment of the four dragons and the concluding card of the Seal - the card of love and the necessity for choice in a world that is both joyous and challenging.

  The Cards

  Wisdom of serpent be thine, Wisdom of raven be thine, Wisdom of valiant eagle. Voice of swan be thine, Voice of honey be thine,

  Voice of the sun of the stars.


  Meaning Druid Dhubh calls to us from the Gateway between two worlds, urging us to follow a spiritual path or to become more self-aware. He calls to us in the twilight, showing us the path to Otherworldly secrets, pointing out the ways in which we can discover more about our hidden motivations and potential. There are times in life when it is important to concentrate on the outer world and your responsibilities in that world, but there are also times when you must attend to the haunting song of your soul which calls you to a study of spiritual truths, and to an exploration of the inner world through dreams and myths. In heeding Druid Dhubh's song, you will discover healing and new depths in your soul.

  Reverse meaning The blackbird is the smith's bird, and his song may be calling you to work in the forge of your own heart-to create a life of passion and purpose. All four elements are used in metal-working, and to create a healthy and balanced life we must work with the power of the four elements, integrating and developing our minds and hearts, our instinct and our intuition. Just standing at the Gateway between two worlds, without truly working in either, is a denial of our own power and responsibility.

  Meaning Eilid brings us the gentleness and grace of the feminine principle. Whether you are male or female, opening to the qualities of the hind will enable you to achieve a greater degree of sophistication, subtlety and elegance - in the best possible senses of these terms.

  Deer, and the white bind in particular, call to us from the Otherworld, from the realm of Faery, and Invite us to look beyond the material, beyond the
superficialities of life, towards the heart of things, towards the realm of causes rather than effects. Poised in moon - or sunlight, Eilid invites us to begin an exploration of the Otherworld, of the spiritual dimension of life.

  Reverse meaning This may be advising you to be less self-effacing. Rather than adapting, like a chameleon, to the perceived demands and expectations of those around you, you may need to be more assertive. You may also need to be wary of becoming preoccupied with the Otherworld. Our psychic life has its seasons, and at times it is good for us to explore the inner mysteries, but at other times we must focus on everyday life. Perhaps, at this time, you need to balance these two worlds. Do not worry about losing touch with the Otherworld, for the magical white hind will always be waiting for you at the edge of the woods, ready to guide you into the heart of the forest.

  Meaning Damh brings grace, majesty and integrity, and, if you ever feel vulnerable or under scrutiny, attuning to the stag and asking fur the protection of his spirit will bring you calmness, strength and dignity. He will also help you to gain and maintain independence. In Ogham, the Druid language of the sacred trees, the Stag is related to Beith - the birch tree and the number one - which is linked to the blessing of beginnings. It is auspicious to draw this card when considering new projects. The stag's connection with fertility and sexuality signifies that you will bring dignity, grace, power and integrity to your sexual life.

  Reverse meaning When pride helps you to give your best, it can be an asset to you; but if it merely protects feelings of vulnerability and inadequacy, it can prevent you from developing and enjoying life. If your pride isn't serving you well, ask yourself if the qualities of the Stag can help you find integrity and dignity. The Stag God, as Lord of the Hunt, is responsible for culling - seen as a process of purification or sacrifice - to maintain a proper ecological balance. The Stag reversed may signify a need for sacrifice or purification in your life - perhaps by letting go of possessions or emotional attachments - to help you gain independence and integrity.

  Meaning Art connects you with the very deepest of your ancestral roots. Here, at this level, you are in touch with the Primal Mother - the Bear Goddess Artio who will defend you fiercely from all danger. You are connected also with the Bear God Artaois, the mighty warrior Arthur, the guiding Pole Star of the Great Bear. Your intuition will never fail you, if you will listen to it in the still darkness of the night. Working with the Bear gives you the opportunity to become a spiritual warrior - like Arthur. You can find the way to come into your power by marrying your strength with your intuition. Integrating your primal power with your intuition means uniting your star power with your animal power - and both are symbolized by Art, the Bear.

  Reverse meaning This is a clear warning that you must take care not to be overwhelmed by the ferocious mother, by the berserk warrior - by forces of anger and primal ferocity that, untempered with the human qualities of compassion and reason, can damage not only your own life, but those of others around you. Art brings a strong presence and great reserves of power, and with perseverance you will be able to integrate your spiritual, intuitive qualities with your primal, instinctual qualities.

  Meaning Sionnach is a graceful creature who typifies the beauty and harmony of the natural world. Working with the power of the fox, you will know when to come out into the open and be counted, and when to remain silent. With others, you will be able to be diplomatic - one of the attributes of the fox is being 'strong in council'. However, take care, when working with 'fox power', not to let skill and diplomacy become dishonesty or slyness. Remaining silent, or becoming invisible so as to watch the unfolding drama, is an asset that can bring its own special culpability, if it is not tempered with wisdom.

  Reverse meaning Take care not to use your cleverness dishonestly. The kenning of the fox can easily become cunning, which turns into conning. You may feel as though you are a victim. In the past, the fox was hunted for its fur, but the hunt was considered sacred and was dedicated to the Goddess - a hunter would need her permission to take the life of any animal. More recently, the fox has become a symbol of the innocence and beauty of the natural world being destroyed by man. If you feel you are at the mercy of circumstances, or are being unfairly or cruelly treated, take a lesson from the fox and 'lie low' for a while. Develop your skills of mediation and diplomacy.

  Meaning Torc can open you to the warrior spirit, helping you to find your direction in life. A wild and powerful animal, he calls you into the forest to discover a secret about yourself and about the world. The ritual boar paths that exist in Wales, Cornwall, Ireland and Scotland exist in the Inner World too, and if you follow them you will come face to face with an animal embodying the wild and untamed power that lives within all of us. Stare closely at him and you will discover he is a representative of the Goddess - his skin can heal you, he can inspire you to write music and poetry, his primal power can make you leader or chief. See if you can use your wildness and your energy for genuine acts of heroism in a world that longs for insight and healing.

  Reverse meaning There is a close connection, in tradition, between madness and the boar or pig. This 'folly' is expressed by the morris dancer who beats the audience with a pig's bladder. But, at a more serious level, those who were mad were often made to act as swineherds. Merlin, in his period of madness, talks to pigs, and within this image is conveyed the concept that madness and insight are closely allied. Sometimes we have to go through a period of 'break-down' to allow something deeper to enter our lives. The Boar is the emissary of the Terrible Mother - also the Initiator.

  Meaning Seabhac brings the ability to see your life in perspective, to free you of unnecessary 'baggage' and to connect you to your ancestral roots. See if you can take some time out of your daily routine to survey your life calmly and to see events in context. The Hawk can help you to recollect the missing pieces of the jigsaw you will be trying to assemble and he will help, too, to spot the details which are significant. When you have a sense of your roots and of the breadth of your life, you will start to feel pride and a growing sense of nobility and stature. Once you know where you have come from and where you are going, your life will be filled with inspiration and enthusiasm, you will sense a new day dawning, and you will be able to make decisions with confidence.

  Reverse meaning You could be paying too much attention to detail. Being precise and 'hawk eyed' can be valuable, but taken to its extreme and without a wider overview, it can lead to cruelty. High ideals if not balanced with a sense of humility lead to arrogance and ultimately a denial of the heart. Be careful not to get carried away by the justness of your cause, while forgetting to take into consideration the feelings of others.

  Meaning Cu brings guidance and protection, acting as a loyal companion and friend on your journey in both this life and the next. In the Druid tradition the dog is seen as the Guardian of the Mysteries. As such, be can be fierce but, if our intentions are Cu will lead us over the threshold, through the darkness and the waters of the Unconscious, towards the shimmering realm of the Goddess.

  The time may come when you need to act with the spirit of Cu - to defend your values or protect that which you hold sacred. Faithfulness, trust and loyalty are vital in close relationships, and the time may have come for you to focus on these qualities - to develop them gradually in yourself and to appreciate them in others.

  Reverse meaning You are being urged to examine the degree to which you or those around you may be lacking in faithfulness 01' loyalty. Ask yourself to what extent you value these qualities in your friends and lovers, and to what extent you and they express these values. If you find it difficult to keep friendships, Cu, as your ally, will help you to develop the qualities of selflessness and trust that will nurture close relationships. But remember that sometimes loyalty and faithfulness can be inappropriate - a dog is often submissive and anxious to please even a cruel owner.

  Meaning Cailleach-oidhche teaches us the wisdom of turning a disadvantage into an advantage
. For most birds, the coming of darkness renders it impossible for them to feed, but the owl's exceptional hearing enables it to pick out and swoop on unsuspecting prey during the night. Twilight has been described as owl light, and going for a

  quiet walk in the woods at this shimmering time of twilight is an excellent way to develop a sensibility to the Otherworld and the inner soul of Nature. You may feel drawn to a study of esoteric lore or clairvoyancy. Working with the owl as your ally will help you to do this.

  Reverse meaning You may need to be wary of withdrawing too much from the world. An ability to be detached and discerning is an asset, unless it becomes a defence against being fully alive with all the vulnerability this entails. Perhaps there is not such a need for secrecy or holding back. The owl can signal a time of change, of initiation, of new beginnings. It can portend the death of one thing, but also the birth of another. An old Sussex saying is: 'When owls whoop at night, expect a fair morrow.' Expect a bright dawn and it will surely come.

  Meaning Cat brings us the ability to observe situations quietly, without judgement, before making decisions. Apparently asleep, but really listening, a cat can sit for hours before it acts with decisiveness. Remember the saying: 'A cat may look at a king.' You have a right to know and to judge important issues for yourself in your own time.


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